Flaw list

Since there are many shills at full force and DMCV is obviously a very flawed game in a very flawed series, what would you like to see fixed in 6? So far we have:

>still the for 20 years outdated Dante gameplay without any overhaul
>still the incongruous, unintuitive digi-pad style mechanic (which even sticks out like a sore thumb from the rest of the HUD) and weapon switching to do anything cool
>still absolutely no use of rotational stick inputs, new shifts or other attempts to flatten out and universalize the shitty combat controls
>STILL no option to disable the camera-sensitive dodging (even though Monster Hunter allows you to do it for a decade), which means you always have to quickly assess exactly where your character is facing if you want to dodge right/left/forward/backward, which is horrible
>so fucking repetitive that it's even reptitive for DMC standards
>clobbering the same three enemy types througout the whole game
>most generic locations ever and that tree literally makes up 70% of the game
>first playthrough is completely braindead and piss easy
>V's gameplay is boring and unrewarding as fuck and the game forces him on you
>Nero's arms mecanic feels clunky and unfinished, from having to buy and equip them manually for every mission to not even being able to switch without letting them explode
>cringe westaboo dialogues, story, characters and cutscenes
>Vergil not playable because Capcom Jews know that retards will gladly pay for it and that their shills will take care of it
>level design even shittier and more tertiary than before

What would you add? Someone with more experience probably has some good caveats.

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How long did it take you to write this Phil?

5 hours

Shut the fuck up faggot

>wait ten years for a sequel
>Dante leaves for good
Should I cry or just be happy we met?

Only valid point. The rest is just opiniated drivel, which I mostly disagree with to boot.
Try again user

>can't change Nero's arm without breaking it

>still the for 20 years outdated Dante gameplay without any overhaul

That's not a flaw, and how the fuck is it outdated if his playstyle is completely unique to action games? You WANT homogenization? How about you fuck off?

You're a fucking retard and I'm not giving a serious reply to any of that but
What the fuck is wrong with you

>no a little nero shadow in the logo after beating the game

I want to sniff Trish's dirty panties and nuzzle and cuddle her pussy

That's a good thing, it forces you to strategize when you plan for an already known mission trying for that S rank

Being unintuitive and clunky is a flaw, user.

>reaching page 10
>barely any replies
told ya its flawless. what are you gonna do about it?

>unintuitive and clunky
>shift styles on the fly, even mid-combo, with a few button presses get a whole set of new cool moves to style with

yeah no

The only issue I have with the game desu

>Kyrie is a ghost
>Trish and Lady are useless
>V is Vergil
>Urizen is Vergil
>Dante is literally a gay cowboy
>Dante stabs himself to enter Majin Form
>Vergil killed trillions and no one gives a fuck

>DmC tier character designs
>boring levels
>new weapons look like a mess
>the most of the soundtrack is boring and forgettable
>boring story music is often played instead of battle themes

>Nero is still boring
>Nero gets completely redundant new moves and they stack which only makes him a chore to play optimally
>DSD's moveset
>Majin Form is absolutely ridiculous and not fun to play at all (unless you enjoy Musou games)
>control scheme more convoluted than ever

a DMC 1 remake to show all these secondaries that started with 4 what a good DMC game looks like, that way they won't have to complain about "clunky" gameplay

>DMC2 is cannon
>This is now the SECOND time Dante has gone to hell “””forever”””

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I'm mad about this!

>still absolutely no use of rotational stick inputs, new shifts or other attempts to flatten out and universalize the shitty combat controls
Um sweetie thats not true, look at V and Nero's control list..........