We want the "I don't care about politics and I just want old fashioned fun games" audience

>we want the "I don't care about politics and I just want old fashioned fun games" audience

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Not caring about politics is a political statement

whats wrong with this?

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oh look it's the cuck that keep getting baseded by snoy.

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Why is Nintendo so cisnormative? It makes xe sick.


Politics in video games means the more women and minorities in it, the more politics a game is.

>we want the "I can only afford 3 games audience"

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and that's a good thing

>braindead fiction game
>braindead fiction game
>braindead science fiction game
>braindead historical fiction game
If you think any of those games have anything meaningful to say you're a dorkwad to the extreme.

Fuck, that's literally me

Imagine thinking there is something wrong with playing games for fun.

Time to get off Yea Forums and go back and develop your shitty lesbian tps, Cuckmann

Imagine following one side or the other just because. Imagine not having your own free thought about all subjects.

Just fucking IMAGINE being so fucking stupid. Imagine.

I have no idea what you just fucking said. Could you try English please?

how do you people play so many games? like even as a neet how do you play a new game every week or even every month?

Imagine being this fucking stupid.

>stop putting politics in games!
>those don't count because I say so!

it's easy if you try.

>Nintendo: playing a couple of good games forever because they are worthwhile
>sony: w̶a̶t̶c̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ playing a new game every other week because shit is so padded with 4 hour long story trash with zero replayability
Yeah, ninty the dumb ones


GENDER POLITICS is not politics. What a joke that so much intellectual horse power is being spent spinning wheels over something so superficial. And people like OP laugh about it because they think they're some sort of agent of chaos perpetuating the discussion, but in reality are handing over more relevance and power to those who want to silence you.

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You just don't ever finish them
Considering for most triple A titles you'll get fully indicative experience within the first hour, you don't really lose much of each game

>everything is politics!
You people are ruining everything.

I think that post is referring to the fact Nintendo never, ever discounts their games, and when they do its only like 20% off or some horseshit.

seems like a huge waste of time and money to me and not enjoyable at all.

>black guy and white chick


everything is political dipshit, you only didnt notice cause you're a brainlet neet

they are worth it though because they are usually good and designed to actually have replayability.

Is the sandwich I ate a political statement?

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Was it kosher?

Oh cool, another thread where we pretend to be from Resetera. These are great!

nice try, but i have a 98th percentile iq and master's degree and a 13 inch color tv.

>we want the "I don't care about politics and I just want old fashioned fun games" audience
>Have Mario wear mexican stereotypical outfit in Odyssey and remove the image of it from the game cover
>Both Mario and Link have some sort of "very" feminine clothing in their new game

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NOthing. Just, retards are now finally slowly understand why Nintendo was always the real winner.

>Both Mario and Link have some sort of "very" feminine clothing in their new game
Who knew Nintendo got infiltrated by discord trannies.

Nice RetardEra thread we got here. "Everything is political" correct, but the argument is that your personal politics aren't political, they're topical and hamfisted to virtue signal people who don't play video games or think they're problematic. It's no different than when companies celebrate Pride or whatever for 1 day, they only care about your money and fool you into thinking they give a fuck about who or what you stand for.

Its called bait or in a broader sense shitposting my friend.

>It's no different than when companies celebrate Pride or whatever for 1 day, they only care about your money and fool you into thinking they give a fuck about who or what you stand for.
you're more woke than libs

But nintendo hasnt been fun since fzero gx prime or windwaker whichever happened last.

Their games are dumbed down. Badly designed or destroyed the freedom of gameplay from past titles. They are a chore to play. It's not challenging like wow that was amazing. Its like fuck it i got it and i need to beat it now even though a neo nintendo game takes a few days to beat where oldschool games.

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Based boomer who hasn't played any Nintendo game in the last 15 years

you should try botw, odessey, splatoon, arms, etc. the dumbed down hand holding days are over.

Reggie makes one comment about games being "fun" and nindrones take it as gospel. Now they won't shut up about how "fun" their games are. Yet these games aren't doing anything remotely impressive, they are just low-brow fun that targets the lowest form of casual gamer. You got pseudo 3D platformers like kirby, yoshi, and donkey kong. I could argue that nintendo games have become less fun since the switch came out.

I know. Maybe these nintentoddlers will grow up someday and realize that true fun comes from challenging social norms and political activism.

Agreed, I want games that make me think like Spiderman, God of War, Horizon and The last of us.

The only fun thing about the competition is the laughter as they fall into obscurity.

>One of them is plot-related
>The other is a joke

>and remove the image of it from the game cover
It wasn't there to begin with what you thoughy was the original cover was an edit.

So? You make one political statement to avoid having to deal with a 100 others.

It's another episode of sjw white people thinking they can speak in outrage for other cultures. Mexicans love Mario as much as they love Goku.

People spend money in different ways

Some buy art of characters they like
Some waste it on PNGs in gacha
Some drop 60$ every few weeks on the most advertised AAA title for their console

>Yet these games aren't doing anything remotely impressive
BOTW is running on a handheld, that's impressive.

And they are all dopes.

It's allowing women to get virtually raped and afraid to even log onto their Switch to take a #gamergirl selfie

>nothing impressive
Stay mad sonyponi

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>challenging social norms and political activism

Yet apex legends is funner than any nintendo game released in the last 10 years, and it's free. Really makes me think.

They wear that clothing as a joke for the most part

Look they travel in packs

Theres no deeper message to any of these games. Youre way overthinking it. Theyre just shooting galleries with a theme.

another snoy seethe thread

What's wrong with old fashioned?

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So why get so pissed when they include playable women characters?

Overthinking Cod and Ass. Just kill yourself


Political statement aren't bad if moderate in my opinion, either conservative or progressive. Extremist opinions are the annoying ones.

Politics are okay in games so long as they are not trying to indoctrinate you into their way of thinking. It is why everyone hates feminism in all these movies and games and comics and everything else.

I play Switch but i don't have happy good looking friends like these. What's wrong with me?

Sorry user, I play games for fun.

They do. And there's not a damn thing you can do about it, faggot.

Of course they don't care about politics, nincels don't even leave their own homes

Do you have depressed ugly friends? If you can enjoy playing with them, does it really matter? Or do you just wish you could help them improve themselves?

Nobody actually does that it's fake outrage marketing to trick soilents and r*dditors.

I don't have friends.