Deus Ex and Metal Gear Solid 2 are maybe on par for the most red pilled fucking games of all time. Is this it though?

So much vidya has no message or no real talk. are there any other games that are fucking based and know what's fucking up or is it just replying these two forever?

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Other urls found in this thread:





Define redpilled

>putting MGS on the same level as DX

You've got ten seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of NSF casualties.


Appealing to /pol/tards.

The NSF?

>it's so red pilled guise!
Deus Ex doesn't deserve these kinds of retards who unironically voted in a party who hides statistics like civilian casualties via drones

KOJIMA wasn’t the master mind of mgs2 it was Fukushima you retards

No, Savage

DX actually knew the dangers of some shit aorund us. People say it predicted a lot or they criticise it and say its predictions are coincidence, but even if they are, to include dialogue about FEMA being too powerful, or that 90% of people are now employed by a corporation was pretty visionary of the devs. They knew, or suspected, that the world around us was going to rat shit, the UN is useless, government agencies are either self interested or are having their strings pulled etc.

why is that?

You're right, the libs really do that shit all the time.


Now maybe you could calm down for a second and tell me how to get to the mole people

b-but NSF are based. People put MGS2 on the smae level in terms of conspiracy and visionary thinking, largely thanks to the Context Creation speech. And they are right.

proof seething hillbot

no one said otherwise

or the fucking truth. you think DX didn't get a chunk of stuff right?

>Is this it though?
Yes, because the 2000s are over, X Files isn't popular anymore, and putting conspiracy theories in fiction isn't either.
Nowadays the hot thought provoking thing to do in vidya and other media is to question free will and deconstruct the audience's mentality, which (((really makes you think))).


kek this

he picks drone strikes, Obama's favourite pass time.

redpilled = confirms my 20th century nationalist/fascist ideological wet dreams

Deus Ex 1 and MGS1 are awesome.

I didn't enjoy their sequels though.

bluepilled = being an angry tranny

Narrative explores political conspiracy and child indoctrination in a very succint way

Like what exactly? Go all Freudian on the player and get them pick from a couple of """choices""" to feel super deep but are shallow as a puddle.... rather than having a well constructed game with a narrative that is timeless and kino? I get that sense a lot myself.

>you think DX didn't get a chunk of stuff right?
About what, the EU? The UN? People were skeptic about unions like that decades before Deus Ex.
Or are you talking about shit like the US staging terrorist attacks and the NWO? Like those aren't just ridiculous conspiracy theories?

>synonyms of one another
>thinks distrusting FEMA or the UN is fashy
fucking hell the absolute 2D critcisms from tranny libs is so cringeworthy I feel my face wrinkling prematurely.

I meant more the conspiracy/social analysis of MGS2, which is pretty spot on.

wow, I really just overlooked that game as it looked cool but more like an action game than anything to dwell on for too long. Didn't realise it was this deep. I might look at emulating it.

What about this? is this being redpilled?


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Dont shoot, i surrender!

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what a beautifully shiny head





You think you know better than FEMA about what to do with this month's Ambrosia shipment?

Can someone explain why so many people have this deus ex dude as their display picture? Started fairly recently

>Deus ex
>Worthwhile message or talk
Fuck off Incel
Human revolutions will always be the best Deus ex game since it actually tackles issues unlike the boomer garbage that is Deus Ex.

Fortnite youtuber.

Best post in this thread.

yeah that is unironically decent
>discussion about human nature
>analysis of tanshumanism
>antidepressants are btfo'd
>is techno democracy the way forward?
>is AI the panacea we need?
>what about privacy issues in all this?
>de Toqueville
Too bad the game is forever radioactive

Are you that fag in the dragons dogma thread giving no arguments except "racist incel"?

it is average users (some shitposters, others are people who are normal and hate social just shit, others are right wing) who like to comment in videos about how the elite are getting exposed now and we are waking up to Big Pharma, and the Military Industrial Complex and (((Them))). The tone of the comments is usually something liek that.

I will never understand why libertarians think a game that advocates surrendering all your rights to the ultimate ur-state collective is 'redpilled'

I assume they all creamed their jeans during the talk with the NSF leader and blanked out everything else that happens in the entire game.

how are we surrendering our rights in DX?

Oh that makes sense.

Story wise MGS2 is super fun, I'll give you that.

So what's your argument at this point, dipshit?

My argument is this: Fuck off

>emulating it
Play the PC port of Killer7 instead.

You sound stupid as hell.


And you're just plain stupid, which is even worse. So fuck off.

by realising soem peopel the media label terrorists are actually freedom fighters makes surrender your liberties. Explain user.

shit, it's on PC, nice one user.

>The problems of AI that are only just now being taken seriously in academia
>Ever eroding civil liberties
>The argument with the NSF terrorist about 350 million fortresses being more or less free than one antional fortress controlled and overseen by a potentially meniacal government
>And yes, teh UN and EU, as in 2000 it was a conspiracy to say the EU was moving us to European United States, now Macron wants an army and Merkel wants an aircraft carrier.


I think the game is strongly in favor of the Helios ending. Really what I meant to say though is surrendering your political rights.

I think the game concludes that any human system of government no matter how free or structured is ultimately going to compromise human rights, and giving up political rights for the guarateed mantainence of your human rights is the best outcome you can hope for.

fuck off your exactly the libertarians I'm talking about

incelic cringe moment yiiikes

Sticks and stones


>says the retard that can't even support his own argument

shit meant to reply to

>I think the game concludes that any human system of government no matter how free or structured is ultimately going to compromise human rights, and giving up political rights for the guarateed mantainence of your human rights is the best outcome you can hope for.
wasn't the endgame of JC/Helios to give everyone input on the matters? I don't remember how it was in the original, but in IW JC's idea was basically a hivemind, something unlike existing power structures

#1: That's Terror

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Fallout New Vegas can be pretty red-pilled when you talk to Caesar and House, and look at the overall themes of the game.

>wasn't the endgame of JC/Helios to give everyone input on the matters?

Yes, in IW they call it "microsecond democracy"

Bioshock 1 & 2 tackle different political and ideological issues but end up being redpilled.

1 is about how a free state strays towards evil and corruption, and some order is nice.

2 is about how too MUCH order is bad, even with good intentions.

Right, the JC/Helios fusion is the system that surrenders your political right to preserve your human rights.

In Deus Ex the fusion is isn't portrayed as giving everyone input though, it's portrayed as being so infinitely knowledgeable that it knows what people actually want regardless of what they claim to want.

I would argue and I think the game agrees that that is a system with no political rights.

OP is 15 years old

no, you are wrong

it might be a compromise but we do that anyway. We pay taxes for a police force. The Helios ending simply means we get to use technology to instantly dip into a voting lobby and choose your future.

Are you the user with the lolbertarian post? If so, I still don't see how you believe the game is saying the paradise of the future is a hivemind. I think it is saying we are headed this way but that we ought to be very careful and insist on our rights being kept intact along the way.

this, how did I fucking miss this?

Those JC avatars are all apolitical zoomers who have never played DX

yeah that's a decent answer user, thanks

maybe, but is it protraying this as good or bad? the user above originally said it is a game that has duped the lolbertarians into spending their shekels on a game that encourages a hivemind. This would suggest it is doing just that. I think it is a cautionary tale.

Yeah, now I remember that in Area 51 Paul tells about Helios overtaking Hong Kong and people just accepting it so I guess you're right

This, 2 is hugely underrated.

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OP is here and he is 27 and is opining the loss of real political conversation in and moral quandries in vidya in exchange for "muh real choices that matter" meme.

The ((( ))) marks are posted often very seriously.


It’s a fortnite e-celeb meme that’s completely removed from Deus Ex. That’s just the fact of the matter.

and yet so many of them appear on conspiracy or Qanon videos or Trump related stuff, or globalism/The Elite stuff. Maybe that's where it started but it seems to be morphing into something for Info Wars fans.

I don’t watch those videos because I’m not a faggot. They never played DX, though. I can assure you of that.

>I can assure you
how tho. And who doesn't watch the occasional alex jones compilation? what are you.... a globalist?


Alex Jones is boring once you know he’s acting. Also I’m pretty sure he’s a CIA asset meant to make people who are aware of the elites running the world out to be lunatic flat earthers.

>once you know he’s acting
>he doesn't realise the act is an act to through people off from how serious he is

You didn’t address the second point. He says some things that are true, but the true things get associated with the batshit crazy things, so anyone who tries to point out that oligarchs have undue influence over politics gets lumped in with people with believe in fishmen created in labs and transdimensional vampires.

Yeah I'm that user. I am of the opinion the game is portraying this as good.

But again I think hivemind is the wrong definition for what they are trying to convey. I think Deus Ex treats the religious symbolism a lot more literally in the first game. What is created with the JC/Helios fusion isn't just a vast apparatus to manage society but a literal god, a being of perfect virtue and perfect power, who is given complete authority to oversee human affairs by merit of it being literally ideally suited for the job. I think the game concludes with the position that this outcome is somewhat paradoxical but also that it is one unambiguous solution for solving the problem of human power relationships

Invisible War rolls back this idea somewhat and ends up being deliberately the more human-centric game and less attached to the idea of transcendence. Like, in Deus Ex all the reference to mythological or religious symbols Helios/Daedalus or Aquinas are all associated with the technological singularity. In Invisible War, you have the Knights Templar and explicitly religious organization as being opposed to technology.

So in Invisible War what the JC/Helios fusion proposes is now techno-democracy and emphasizes a lot more that end resulting in human freedom rather than how it is portrayed in Deus Ex.

>believe in fishmen created in labs and transdimensional vampires.
imagine not believing in this.

And this is how I know Alex Jones is a false flag operation

and this is how i know you're bluepilled af.

What's the most class conscious video game?

I heard Final Fantasy XIV has some redpilled segments, at least one on immigration

See what I mean? We can have a conversation about the very real problem of billionaires using their massive amounts of wealth and power to control the governments of the world, but you want to turn it into a sci-if fairytale about underground labs and genetic experiments. You’re an embarrassment, and you do far more harm than good.

I didn't address as it is pretty much impossible to prove so I don't know. But maybe he is trying to chain a canonball to our ankles as we are swimming to the shore (so to speak). But he doesn't seem to be pulling us away from teh elite redpill these days, and more and more people are talking about elites these days. He seems to be riding this wave with us, so maybe he is just an eccentric that is genuine in his motives.


What are some post-modern games that drop redpills? I really want to get depressed today.

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the real embarrassment is someone who would really try to deny this wacky, stranger-than-fiction bullshit in light of equally wacky, stranger-than-fiction shit being outright confirmed through sources such as declassified CIA documents, Killary's e-mails, etc. etc.

just because something lies outside of your comfort zone or realm of comprehension doesn't make it outright fictitious, user. you'd do well to remember that.

Bioshock 1 is about how objectivism is the perfect ideology as long as magic sea slugs don't exist.

t. Flat Earther
I bet you’re one of those retards who thinks there’s any kind of meaningful distinction between Republicans and Democrats

That is interesting user, you are right, it is DX:IW that recontextualises it. The question is whether they had a recontextualisation in mind for a later project whilst making the first game.

It is a while since I saw the ending of DX1 though, so maybe I am wrong here, but it felt to me like the Techno God is a mechanism in the game to show us that technology might get to a point where we cannot avoid the future, but we can choose between privacy invasions and elites manipulating us, or we can choose a benevolent version of it. It's between an impatrial AI that thinks for itself and a mustache twirling Illuminati version. I think it depends how the ending is done and what taste it leaves in your mouth.

Red Faction?

point taken user, but I think the user was teasing you

based, I knew all along it wasn't a cautionary tale made by commies.

wrong on both counts, user. you do know what they say about assumptions, yes?

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You’re a dork who took too much acid. Possibly bipolar.

you better take this thread down, goyim

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why didn't Deus Ex ever mention the (((Rothschilds)))?
iirc they mentioned the Rockerfellers though.

never taken acid in my life. possibly bi-polar. why is it that people like yourself always resort to insults and namecalling when confronted with something you can't believe or disagree with? fix yourself before pointing fingers.

They do talk about the Rothschilds though.

>declassified CIA documents

CIA library are not CIA documents. They are materials collected by CIA as "due dilligence" meaning all the fantastic shit you care about amounts to a big fat nothing.

You will never see any important CIA document in your life.

they mention both

get out of here CIA shill.


Because we are ostensibly part of the same movement, but I look like a fucking retard for being associated with people like you.

really? I can't fucking remember at all m8.
Why was this allowed?
Maybe it is what was saying.
If the Rothschilds let a game like this get released, even though it is true, it is wrapped in sci-fi sparkle.
In the end, no one believes it thanks to Area 51 and dinosaurs in the game.

Bioshock 2 feels like it has alot more heart than Bioshock 1 and infinite. Eleanor is cuter than Elizabeth as well.

>but I look like a fucking retard
that sounds like a personal problem, user.

Hmm. That analogy actually makes me like Alex Jones more. Maybe this is the only way he can get away with it.

It's the only way a game like this was ever released. (((they))) would never let a game like this get made if it wasn't framed around aliens and dinosaurs and science fiction tropes, so they weaseled in a few footnotes about how the plutocracy undermines ordinary people.

Also it's generally a more effective way to de-program people if you sweeten the reality of it with fiction that people already love.

Except send you back to the people.

In a bodybag.

What issues? It's a fucking console war blown out of proportion.

I don't know if they had the intent to re-contextualize it in the sequel, but I kind of doubt it. Invisible War deciding all of the endings were canon doesn't seem to me like the kind of narrative choice you would make if you had a sequel in mind.

I also think there is a tendency to over-emphasize the role of technology in Deus Ex. How the use of technology is Deus Ex relates to how technology might be used is only an ancillary concern of the theme.The questions Deus Ex is interested in asking are really ones of political philosophy about the role of power, and technology is just a vehicle to get there. One of the main purposes of the religious symbolism is to emphasize this. Like, the most important uses of technology in the game are to create a plague, cure the sick, create new life, etc. Which are all biblical allegory to the power we know that god has. I think by saying "these characters have power that is like gods power" the game is really trying to communicate that the nature of power itself is what is important rather than the power being technological.

there is that, but the other user is cynical and thinks he is there to expose the Rothschilds a little and then make himself look crazy withh the interdimensional lizards. Like a poison pill. Maybe he is the opposite, making himself into a clown in order to make his Soros talk look a little crazy but people start their own research and wham, the EU is now exposed etc.

TTTHHHHIIIIISSSS. If it were an info dump set in the same game, no one would care. This is why I started the thread, but so many anons here underestimating its seriousness.

>How the use of technology is Deus Ex relates to how technology might be used is only an ancillary concern of the theme

"How the use of technology *in* Deus Ex relates to how technology might be used *in the real world*..." is what I meant to say. That sentence didn't come out right.

Started up Baten Kaitos for the first time last night. First town you start in one of the houses when you read a prompt on a book shelf it says "How to be the perfect wife: obey your husband's every word and keep quiet".

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Incel tier politics.

OP asked for redpills, not incelpills.

Ok /pol/cel

>muh right wing incelz
I don't get it. Did you people actually play these games to understand they weren't specifically right wing?

Nothing is redpilled if it doesn't address the reality of God. You just trade one bluepill for another

That makes much more sense to me when you phrase it liek that. So do you think the devs want us to believe that the NSF lolbertarians (and the equivalent players that cream their pants over them) are foolish and the only good future we can hope for is one where we move towards the all powerful AI and just hope it governs itself, rather than MJ12 pulling its string? It just feels throughout playing that smashing the evil Bob Page et al and breaking free and waking up to the lies around us are the real goals of the narrative.

Because modern right is just a bunch of tinfoil losers.

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no one said video games were realistic!

>involuntarily celibate after marriage
sounds pretty realistic to me incel

what about the modern left?

I don’t think recognizing cynicism is the same as being cynical.



but /pol/ talks about marriage all the time, wouldn't he be a libtard or some such?

but Deus Ex does this.

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>but /pol/ talks about marriage all the time, wouldn't he be a libtard or some such?
It's a thing where I like to tell obvious SJWs to go back to /pol/

no he (or was it you) was cynical about Alex Jones, saying he is CIA cos he drops pills put then makes himself into a clown so you then think Elites are Space Lizard-tier foolishness.


imagine thinking the perfect woman is one who never questions you lol

i hate SJWs as well user, i'm just not intimidated by non-submissive women unlike you guys, apparently

>i hate SJWs as well user, i'm just not intimidated by non-submissive women unlike you guys, apparently
You're intimidated by "problematic" words. I like aggressive women and am not attracted to "nice" girls.

not being submissive in the manner Baiten Kaitos poster mentioned doesn't automatically make a woman aggressive, brainlet.

Uncomfortable truths.

I think Deus Ex is a lot more interested in exploring the flaws and merits of various systems of rule rather than trying to warn us about any specific attempt.

Alex Jones would be the cynical one in that scenario. I’m an idealist for decrying it.

Nor did I say it did, braincel.

A game about how politics work, rather than a game that has a message of propaganda to push a side of politics that exists in real life.

The Left is Good and the Right is bad, because the Right is racist, sexist, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic and the Left isn't the Right, so the Left isn't racist, sexist, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, so the Left is Good, because being racist, sexist, misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic is Bad, and being Bad is being Right.
Now be bombarded by this 24/7 by the media and you'll get it.

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What reality is that?

jesus you're an absolute retard, aren't you?

That’s all a distraction. In reality, the bad guys are the billionaires/corporations/institutions and their lackeys/bootlickers, and the good guys are everyone else.

What’s more cynical: being a disingenuous pawn of the deep state because it’s your job, or thinking that doing so is a bad thing.

>imagine thinking the perfect woman is one who never questions you lol
false equivalency. the perfect wife is not a toy soldier you wind up at the back, nor is that the claim. She recognises that an equal negotiation of everything in the household is non sense, just like people who start businesses with friends and fall out because they think equal partners can just figure it out. There is always someone in charge. In an ideal relationship, one of the two partners should be the one to make final decisions about whether a home loan is feasible, whether a school is a good one for their kids, or how they should be planning best for the future. Usually, with a man taking the role of breadwinner, that falls to him. To make him breadwinner and not give him the decisions usually breeds resentment. Anyone who has had a relationship falls apart sees the above as uncontroverisal and 100% truthful.


I meant originally that it was user who was cycnical when he watches Jones, as he is sure Jones is a ball and chain that is dragging us to teh bottom of the ocean. I think he might be acting whacky so he can continue dosing us with redpills just enough so he doesn't get suicided.

sorry user, quoted the wrong person. meant to quote

Think you quoted wrong again?

The concept of a breadwinner is entirely an urban 20th concept. Agrarian marriages were always equal partnerships.

THIS on both counts, particularly the bootlicker ones. That's what I think Deus Ex was all about, it transcended right and left to show us that it's anyone who has a strong grip on ordinary citizens that is evil, hence MJ12 has a big hand as its logo.

btw, the comment you are rplying to here is not me, the one who you were debating cynicism over. Just to avoid confusion. I replied a moment ago below.

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>Anyone who has had a relationship falls apart sees the above as uncontroverisal and 100% truthful.
that reads like someone who's never actually been in a serious relationship. no surprise since we're on Yea Forums after all, but it is surprising that you can say that with such conviction despite being so horribly wrong.

sure didn't, user.

That's what I get from MGS2: context will be made so you just keep playing in the make belief that this "Left" and "Right" this is NOW anything more that Wrestling; in truth, the Patriots just get more powerful and more deep in the shadows.

>What Issues
Found the pleb.
If you couldn't understand Human revolution's plot then you're honestly no better than a monkey.

Then the disingenuous one is you faggot

>The concept of a breadwinner is entirely an urban 20th concept. Agrarian marriages were always equal partnerships.
pure historical lies. Agrarian marriages is a broad term of course, but if you meant pre-industrial western world, they were as traditional as can be. Church life was centred around teh Father as head of the household and much of the pastoral duties of the clergy was maintaining this village life. Any cursory glance at novels (not even hard data) from the time shows Austen and Eliot and Hardy portraying them as such.

As for breadwinners being an "urban concept" I am very skeptical of this "social construct" nonsense that is permeating everything at the moment. Men have always been in the role of breadwinners, even when there was no bread and we hunted for food.

Also, the psychological data shows that men are naturally more forthright, aggressive, goal orientated and that women are attracted to men who provide, who are assertive and confident, and who are older than them by an average off five years which means they are usually stable in their work.

If any person is to fullfill the role of a decision maker in the household for the choices I mentioned like what school to send the kids or what home loan to take out, it would be the man and the woman would be attracted tot he man that can do this well.

i don't know what this redpill shit is anymore, im assuming its the matrix thing, but stupid now because its post 2010 and you fucks ruined its original meaning.

anyway, fucking MGS2 was right, information flow is shit now. its not that i want it restricted hard or some shit, its just that for gaming at least, it ruins EVERYTHING.

now, we know so fucking much about games that when the game comes out, its boring to play most times. like, shit i don't want to play Division 2 now because i seen so much gameplay.

you have an actual argument or have you abandoned that in lieu of elementary name calling?

Homesteaders in the American West divided all the work on the farm evenly. Same was true in medieval serfdoms. They couldn’t afford not to.

>nuts conspiracy theories are redpilled
whoa based

>that reads like someone who's never actually been in a serious relationship
there is no way of proving this to you of course but you are simply wrong here. I have been in very long term relationships and when I tried to compromise and make the decision an equal one, it was disasterous. I also started a business with a family member and the need to establish who was the boss and who was the employee was vital and caused conflict early on. This is hwo men and women work, and anyone here who thinks otherwise is either following a string of bad relationships or never had one.

Is this Deus Ex's message also, do you think?

>t. chud who is going on a series of meltdown posts over a simple throwaway text in the beginning of a game and now trying to act like a "redpilled" ass nigga
ok /pol/cel

okay Chapofag

>knowing chapo terminology
I'm emulating you cucklet lel

I only know it because they’ve infested my gay incest podcast community.

What does chud mean anyway

Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller, from the old B movie.

this, but ironically what you said about information flow is a redpill. but yeah, it is overused.

dividing the work is not the same as having a defined role in the household. Also, once you got past the subsistance level, and you have 12 kids on the farm to help you whilst you throw your back out at aged 35, you are teh head of the household if youa re a man. Whatever "retirement" you enjoyed was one where your wife was subservient to you. Here in the UK, we have laws that still existed until just a few decades ago where a woman cannot withdraw money form her own bank account unless she has the signature of her husband on a letter to the bank manager.

Jesus user, did you not know that sufferage was a thing? You think they would restrict society to male orientated dicision making system but the minute they got home, they let everyone just inhabit any role they felt like? Now if anything is a construct, that is a 21st century construct of history from the modern man's sensibilities about gender roles and the need to tidy up history to make it seem like it has just ever so slightly gone astray recently, therefore a few new government grant for Gender Studies students will get us back on track.

You are completely fucking deluded my man. In normal (and especially rather poor) households the partners usually draw circles around their points of authority and both partners develop quite large circles. You are such a brainlet that you do not even realize that the man being the primary breadwinner directly clashes with him being the main decision maker in the family if it comes to kids or the household. If he is never at home, he usually has neither any fucking idea nor any energy left to concern himself with fine financial details or the kids education. Of course it is the mans duty to step in if things run out of control, but so it is also the wifes duty to hold her mans back when he fucks up. Generally familly life automatically ends up with the partners acknowledging some authorities of the other, it is simply the utillitarian approach. The man is only formally the head of the familly and the final decision maker.
Your picture of a marriage is nothing but the portrayal of long obsolete structures in upper class families of old times, who did not get confronted with the harsh reallity of life and could partake in this whole hierarchy wankery to maintain a straight face in public.

>gay incest
Are you talking about masturbation?

I literally do not care about a single thing you have to say. Non-Americans are non-people.

>nuts conspiracy theories
With each passing year they become less and less ridiculous. That fact in itself is actually nuts.

You're an NPC that blends in in a crowd. Why do you think you have the world figured out?

I'm the Captain here!

>Ayn Rand
No way fag. But yeah, that is one of the game's biggest themes. It's a cool potrayal too.

It's a reference to The Matrix. The original meaning is that it's something that makes you see things as they actually are.
The noisemaking drones work very hard to drown out any such things, as you may be able to tell.

Deus Ex just had a good vidya game story.
Any similarity to current events is purely coincidental and in your head.
Fucking conspiracy tards

>usually draw circles around their points of authority
If you think I'm unaware raising kids is the domain of the mother traditionally, you are the brainlet here. Of course people had their own circles. That's my point. The man was the head fo the household. It is fucking biblical for chirst sake.

>concern himself with fine financial details
Women may have budgeted the household in the frontier areas whilst the husband was out getting scalped by Injuns, but that doesn't mean that she was a stronk independant wamen.

>but so it is also the wifes duty to hold her mans back when he fucks up
I never suggested they aren't a team, of course man and woman are a team. But liek my example of starting a company with family, you must have soemone who is ultimately the managing director. My family member is the MD of our company, I am the general manager of the employees but not a director. We consider ourselves a team, but when something requires a signature or a tie breaking vote, it is down to him. I used to do martial arts, and our competition squad was a team, but our trainer was the boss. We all held up the trophy, but if coach wanted more cardio, less strength, we would do that. If you think some puritan guy in 1650 turned to his woman and said "what do you think honey? I don't want to commit us to buying another goat if you are hesitant over its yield, its your farm too ya know?" then I cannot help you.

>The man is only formally the head of the familly and the final decision maker.
Precisely what I mean, but that counts for much when you have to sign for a mortgage and buy a patch of land, or chose who your daughter was going to marry. If you think it was a fucking womans decision to make sure lil Suzy got a good marriage with a town clerk who could read and write then you really are subhuman in the IQ department. If anything, it's more important here.

>obsolete structures
Get this Frankfurt school muthafucka with a $50K degree that aint worth shit.

begone Soros shill.
Btw, how much you get for shilling on this board?
Sound slike easy shekels to me.

Oh I understood the plot. It was just contrived and removed any sense of seriousness from it.

Definitely has more heart. 1 is has you as a stranger to this city, but 2 has you looking at it as your home. Hell, your character more-or-less founded the place, and now it's a shithole. Infinite is like 1 but potrays Columbia as this ebil waysis city.

And yeah, Eleanor is definitely cuter not in a lewd way though, I will not tolerate lewding of her. The opening cutscene is expertly-done, establishing a bond between her and the player, which leads to the player being angry at Lamb for taking her away (and, y'know, making you an hero). Then, her psychic messages to you remind you of your goal and the stakes while also showing how she's grown up.
Elizabeth is cool too, how the bond to her builds over the course of the game, and she assists more directly.