Please, please, PLEASE be excited for Days Gone. I'm begging you. I don't want to be alone. It looks good. The press don't know what they are talking about. You can trust Sony. They had GOTY last year and in 2016. Please. Just talk about how good this is going to be.
Days Gone
honestly what do you gain by spamming this?
Even the racist meme reviewer thought it was fun to play.
that's a bad spot to pose for a picture
I am sorry, but I am THIS fed up with zombie shit.
I like movie games but this doesn't even seem to have a mildly interesting story. It's about bikers, for fucks sake, the least interesting story material there is.
I'm trying to think of a good zombie game, and nothing is coming to mind atm.
Zombies are still good. Sony made The Last of Us. They can make good Zombie games. It's not broken like State Of Decay and Nintendo is so childish it can't even make mature zombie games.
This will be a good Zombie game and so is The Last Of Us.
What spam? No one is talking about it. People need to talk about it more. Sony makes another GOTY and Yea Forums is still talking about immature Gay Anime Cowboys with swords games and not another Sony masterpiece.
This shit looks so fucking generic. I can't understand how anyone could be excited for it.
State of Decay 2 is genuinely a better zombie game than TLoU if only because of how it handles the concept.
Nice falseflag faggot