Is a there controller that even compare?
Is a there controller that even compare?
Been a Sony guy all my life and while I don't mind asymmetrical on the left like Xbone I absolutely despise it on the right. It would be perfect if not for that.
>Can't get behind PStriple ergonomics anymore
>X360 dpad is ultimately fucked
>Switch pro controller has fucked dpad for all the different reasons
Yeah, I'm thinking it's Wii U for me.
The gloss finish is really shit and a smudge/fingerprint magnet
I wish you could use this on a switch...
Can you use it on Steam?
DMC5 made me fucking hate the X360 controller.
Yeah actually
Miss me with that shit
Would be perfect if the dpad wasn't so messy.
Try playing tetris with it and not have a single unwanted input.
There are third party USB adapters.
I have an adapter for PC, the controller itself is great but the adapters are wireless only so there's a ton of input lag.
I hear on the PowerA wired controllers the Dpad is top notch
modding the d-pad is pretty easy.
Leave gamepad gaming to me.
Are PowerA Switch controllers any good thou?
I have a Xbone PowerA ctrl. and works pretty ok for the price.
Does this have analog triggers? Didn't the wii u lack those?
I'm looking for a new controller myself. Because of DMC5 reminding me too. I want something general purpose, meaning racing, third person shooters, rpgs, old platformers with the need of a tolerable d-pad... basically a gamepad that's overall good. I have a 360 gamepad and a dualshock 3 but both have their issues.
Best controller here. All other controllers are shit in comparison.
I'd agree on this but the fucking D-Pad
They're £25 at CEX, should I buy one next time I'm in town? I've got an adapter so I should be able to use it both on my Wii U and my Switch. Is the thing about it having a super long battery life true?
Whats wrong with the dpad?
Digital triggers.
You can with the PS Classic dongle by 8bitdo.
It works on Switch, PC and the PS Classic. It's pretty rad.
Ah shit. I wish I didn't play racing games. Any other recommendations?
yes, black ops 2 as well
there are still dedicated lobbies. Hell its easier to find a lobby than pc
Do you know what asymmetrical means?
Wii U online still works? Dang.
wiiu pro is the best there is
still not perfect due to lack of analog triggers and gyro sensors, but nothing can rival it for the time being
>Dpad is shit
>Battery is halved
>Price is increased by 20-30
>Menu buttons are shit
Definitely not
>black ops 2 still has lobbies
>on wii u
What the heck? Really? I remember playing BO1 on the Wii way back in the day and having a blast despite it looking like absolute shit. Hell, a physical copy of it is only £4, that's kinda tempting.
How does the d-pad feel? Any comparisons? Is it like the one on the Wii U gamepad? Cause that one was uncomfortable as all fuck
Yes it has like 80 hours of battery
some fucking tape doesn't properly fix anything in switch pro because it's a fundamental design flaw in the dpad construct
slightly less shit, yeah, but still no where near wiiu pro
>WiiU dpad
Hello pleb
For 4 quid if you already have the console I'd fucking do it in a heartbeat
I prefer the DS4 but I know a lot of people use the Xbone controller on PC.
Dude that shit hurts more than a dualshock d-pad. It's disgusting.
my Switch Pro's battery is fine?
weak-skinned sissy faggot detected
>middle stick to use your mouth on
user, I...
he's right though. it's probably my favorite controller but the dpad is pretty awful for fighting games.
I think you're going the wrong way about it if you play fighting games with gamepads...
Put the U Pro Dpad and battery life on the Switch Pro and you would have a perfect controller.
There are good gamepads for fighting games. Fight sticks are no more than a different input method that some people who are really fucking decent at fighting games don't actually use. The d-pad on the wii u controller being bad is not because d-pads on controllers are generally bad, it's because it's badly designed on that specific gamepad.
>more expensive than fucking xbox elite
Recently bought an Xbox One controller for PC. It's incredible that Microsoft makes a better d-pad than Nintendo now. "Mushy" d-pads are actually my preference, when it feels like there's rubber underneath it like the SNES controller. That's what the Switch Pro is attempting but completely fails. When you have a bad mushy d-pad, I'd rather just have a clicky one like Xbox One.
Honest opinion: i didnt like the place where the ABXY was, it feelt something far from my thumb. BUT OMFG that battery! 2 months for Every Charger!
The switchpro is better, but have worst battery
Spongy and imprecise. The latter can be somewhat fixed with a piece of tape, but it's not a perfect solution.
when i use it i usually have to click it 2 or 3 times before i get a response.
I want to buy an xbone controller and you seem to know a thing or two about good d-pads. Though that one is clicky, would you still recommend it for normal shit like platformers where there's not a lot of usage of weird motions or diagonals?
I play some shit frequently where it's nice to be able to quickly (and comfortably) press certain directions without missing inputs or just doing crazy shit. I have a 360 gamepad where the dpad is constantly hitting up if I do left right left right quickly. That shit gets on my fucking nerves and almost makes me want to switch to my keyboard instead.
What the fuck is that D-pad?
what the fuck is the point? just buy a hori fight pad for the ps4 and call it done if you give that much of a shit about d-pads who the fuck even uses a d-pad for anything aside from menus and shit anyways?
That's a good list only for 3D games. Terrible for classic/2D.
There's thousands of old and current games where the d-pad proves better for movement. Not everyone is fucking playing DMC, apex legends or gears of war all fucking day.
what is bad about the switch pro's battery life? it's like 40 hours as it is.
how many of those games are on the switch/ps4? why not use a sega saturn gamepad? they even make usb ones if you're that autistic
that's not even nintendo's best controller, though.
>make a console with a non-existant d-pad
>sell a "pro" controller for that console
>the d-pad is still shit
Holy shit nintendo wtf are you doing?
aside from wireless what is the effective difference between this and any first party wired gamecube controller?
On the switch, quite a few. It gets a lot of 2D indie games, plenty of the better ones.
There's the 8bitdo M30 for instance, but would you not rather have one gamepad that's good at everything and not two?
no rumble
I don't think you know what asymmetrical means
Wii U's was even better, although that's probably because it didn't have all kinds of extra shit put in it like the Switch controller does.
This one is actually pretty nice
The dpad is the only thing you are right about. Everything else you listed is either fully justified or incorrect
>There's the 8bitdo M30 for instance, but would you not rather have one gamepad that's good at everything and not two?
no because I understand you're never going to have the best of both worlds. I'd rather have a good controller for each. switch pro controller would be my top pick out of modern gamepads if only it had analog triggers so I could use it for racing games on my pc
honestly, they're both great. i just like the wavebird better because it's wireless.
It used to bug the hell outta me too, but just take some scotchbrite and scratch the shit out of it to take the gloss off. Makes it way better. Just make sure to do all the scratching in the same direction so it at least looks uniform
>360 controller
FPS's are only played with K+M
>GCN controller
>good for anything but smash
Even that is more nostalgia. Goddamn this is some shit tier "i grew up with halo" faggotry
I wish I could buy one but every single fucking one i've tried has been chink shit.
even the local GAMESTOP has chink controllers
the gamecube controller was kino. peak ergonomics, analog triggers, and the button layout was genius. i'm convinced people only hate it because of meleefags' autism, but then you might as well hate crt screens too for the same reason.
But think about it then, would you buy the switch pro -and- another gamepad that had good analog triggers? Just saying.
I mean the one I pointed out is not expensive. You could grab a 360 controller for cheap and that one, and it would cost almost the same (in europe, that is) as a dualshock 4, most likely. But it's still more cumbersome.
yup. Even hardcore and free for all lobbies
thats the weirdest part
its like Cod WW2 having lobbies on xbone if you have all the dlc. Most of the time if you have the season pass and all dlc, online is dead after a month. Its still kicking hardcore
Only problems I have with it is the c-stick and the d-pad. It works fine for games designed with the controller in mind, but for general use not so much.
DS4, only it's better in every way.
>the gamecube controller was kino. peak ergonomics
The d-pad is complete ass, having such a tiny second stick is stupid as well. There is nothing genius about the button layout, having them all a similar size and in a sensible layout works way better. Which is why that is what every controller after did.
>meleefags' autism
Melee autism is half the reason people still jerk it off, despite pro players needing broken ones
the d-pad was admittedly the one major flaw. i never had a problem with the c-stick, though.
I'd rather not buy such an expensive controller. I own probably 100+ controllers at this point I don't give a shit if it's a jack of all trades because that means it's expensive and I'll inevitably have to rebuild it and replace it over time. I'd never touch a xbone elite controller unless I got it with a 3 year warranty from best buy. 360 controllers are garbage at this point I would use an xbone controller or if it's a bumper heavy game I'd use switch pro or ps4. For a gamepad game I wouldn't use anything modern at all.
It is a pretty stellar controller. Put a silicone wrap on it, and it is awesome. But one Ninty got the Switch's Pro Controller tighten up, that is a great controller. So yeah, the two are very nice. I use an Xbone controller for PC, I really like it too. Hate PS controllers though.
The c-stick feels great to use in Melee. I can't imagine it'd feel that good to use for precision aiming or camera control in other games.
WiiU's was 80
>Fighting games
oh no no no no no ahahahahaha
I use a PowerA Xbone pad myself. It took some driver fuckery to get it to work since I don't use Win10 but it works great now. Only issue is I can't use the rumble, far as I can tell.
Bad bait.
You're right, why would I ever believe anyone actually doesn't use a dedicated fightan controller?
I know it was but people saying that the switch's 40 hr battery life is a negative whereas it's still better than the next best thing, 80 is just being greedy
Switch pro controller is superior to use and takes less effort to get working on PC
This, for any 2d emu on wii/U
>The absolute state of switcheaters
Some of the best players in the world play fighting games on pad
Here is your switch pro controller with motion and WiiU button layout.
L&U Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
>that dpad cross shape
Wow, downloading it now. Is it filled with hackers? because I know how easy it would be.
and how do you claw with this?
>claw grip not possible
Not for serious gamers. Overall quality is far far below Xbone controller also.
Meant for
Every DualShock, the Xbox 360 and Xbox One controller, the GameCube, controller, Joy Cons and Pro Controller are all better.
>why not use a sega saturn gamepad? they even make usb ones if you're that autistic
those aren't rela, they're garbage, they don't feel anything like the saturn pad did.
its too flat, light, and feels really chintzy. the switch pro is a massive improvement.
wow we posted that almost at the same time
are you talking about the retrobit one right? I thought they were supposed to be decent. they make saturn usb adapters so you can use the real deal on your pc/switch if you want to
>t. I have no idea what words that I use mean
Chadtroller coming through.
>Xbox 360 controller above Xbox One controller
nope. at least I never see them
There are times when certain playlists have more players. FFA gets players 3PM CST, TDM has players all day, Party Modes are hit and miss but have lobbys
>360 above xbone
>gamecube not bottom tier
Also what is wrong with the duke?
steam controller is surprisingly good
I typed this comment with it.
>Xbox 360 controller better than Xbox One controller
>N64, GameCube controller and Wii U controllers better than DualShocks
Only accurate part is everything in D tier.
360 controller with rotating dpad
Always buy in white for glossy stuff.
>above dual stick playstation
You may have an arguement for OG PS1 due to no sticks but whoever made this isnt human. Maybe vortiguant
I like xb360 better than xb1 controller. Xb1 has some weird edges to me
Embrace the perfection.
Didnt the Ouya rubber literally rot
looks like the DS prototype
blocks you are path
Is this gonna be the last proper dpad Nintendo ever makes? They seem perfectly content with the flawed pro controller's given they keep shipping new varients without any fixes to the fundamental issue (small pivot point) and haven't offered a first party dpad equipped joycon either.
I heard the same story.
Worst dpad ever designed.
The Wii u controllers and Gamepad were so much comfier than the joycons
>>GCN controller
>>good for anything but smash
t.didn't play metroid prime 2