Other urls found in this thread:
Me, my little sister is the only female that likes being around me
Kinda sounds like youre living the dream
All those reviews saying they want to hug the dev
What do you have to complain about, you have someone who likes being around you.
My family disowned me and my sister hasn't talked to me for 5 years
>falling for an obvious sob story
It's a chink game for god sake. You gotta be stupid to actually fall for this.
That's more than most people on here
So the dev is like 99% of Yea Forums. Got it
What the hell did you do
Literally me, except I have never tried to hit on a woman
/ourguy/ than.
Or a white knight incel who thinks women shouldn't be responsible for their own actions and defends them online for the merest whiff of puss.
nice repost from r/Braincels
That reply was so japanese that I am going to have ramen for lunch
I existed
i tried and failed. she fucked someone else the same night.
Be born male
My mother is a hardcore feminist and never forgave it
Not even joking, they literally said they can't relate to a man in this world
that's chinese
hating women != thinking women owe you sex
wow that was hard
>all these fags saying "literally me"
Am I the one here who's experienced love?
unrequited of course
>I will try harder next time
This indie developer has my respect.
There's something funny about a girl criticizing a romantic plot by a guy who was mostly rejected and dumped in his relationships.
And people wonder why others hate feminists.
>hurr you're just an incel that think women owe you sex
Get fucked retardera.
found the incel
believing that post to be real yikes
I have been obsessed with a girl for more than 10 years
Oh I totally believe it, when you start digging you will realize why feminism is shit.
That sucks. Some people fall in love easily. It took me years with my gf before it hit me. We had to actually go through things together.
I haven't been physically touched by another human in several years now, apart from the occasional handshake or very rare hug
I'd forgotten what it feels like to have someone lovingly caress you, last person who did it was my mom when I was a kid
h-haha yeah bro there are no feminist moms that hate their sons
amazing even in the face of evidence that most incels are impoverished east asians you can only parrot what you were told to believe
you believe it because you have a one track mind
That is what incels think though.
Me irl
isn't it abuse for them to do that
The chink gamer doesn't know what love is, China has a unmarried roastie group called "Left over women" these are basically feminist who have high standards and became old bitter cat women.
the vast majority of /pol/ is gutter asians and mexicans rping as whites
>ywn have childhood friend tomboy gf
>ywn be the childhood freind tomboy gf
I'm in love with a lesbian. Love fucking sucks
There's tons of stories of hardcore feminist moms abusing their sons. I remember reading one about a woman who break his son's computer because he found porn on it and didn't want him to become a rapist.
Most incels don't hate women, they hate society for lying to them
no one gives a fuck if boys are abused by the mother
then get the police involved idiot
Just think that even if she was covered in cocks only once a month, by ten tears she experienced over a hundred smelly, smegma ridden cocks all over her body and inside anything resembling a hole
i disowned my family master race
get on my level pleb, i have hundreds of messages begging me to come back
>even working up the courage to get rejected or dumped at all
more chad than me
rent free
i had a tomboy childhood friend gf
and then her parents moved somewhere else.
Absolutely based
Are you dating?
Same here. I'm not looking forward to her becoming a teenager and gradually realizing what a fucking loser I am.
Damn what a loser
>because police gives a fuck
>because i didnt grow up being told that if i ever told anyone they would kick me out and i would have to live on the streets
your logic is not sound more dads abuse their sons than mums I can guarentee it all abuse is unforgivable and should be reported to the authoritys
all chinese bois are incles
Actually women are the ones who think men owe them sex. When you see a man complaining, it's always like "maybe I'm too nice? Is it because I'm ugly?", there's always a reason, and it means they're putting an effort, all of them have been rejected at least once.
Women on the other hand just sit there and expect men to approach them and do all the work, femcels are the worst kind.
So read romance stories, watch romance movies, study other romance works from other authors and identify what they did well. You don't need to have personally experienced everything in order to be able to write it well.
There is legal abuse too, such as cutting off your sons dick and pretending he is a girl
Statistics say that most people who killed their own sons are women.
well if the son wants that its not abuse just your social stigma
Fuck man...
Y-You show them.
Its cos he made a gay VN instead of grand battle
no I don't believe that men cause more crimes than women overall by a large amount
>hello police my mom is being mean to me because im a boy
she could just tell he tried to molest his sister or something and he would end up in some mental institution right there
>anons and the dev talking about love
Hahahaha, pathetic, there's no such thing as love, never has been, never will be, all people who claim to experience love are clueless deluded bastards, you're a fucking idiot kid, love doesn't exist, yet you want to chase it, pathetic.
Just a lame excuse. It's a VN, it was never suppose to be realistic in the first place. But you should at least put in the effort to ensure it isn't just a series of disjointed cliches you've seen in other media.
>local feminist movement
>they organize riots and protests and shit
>every other woman carries a sticker or something
>go to their website out of curiosity
>they have two different organizations, organization a is the public one everyone knows thats only a font for b
>organization b is 10 out of 1 women are raped, the goverment doesnt provide stadistics about it so they either support ours or pay us to conduct our own official studies
>incredibly retarded
>try to tell this to any woman i meet who supports the movement
>they dont believe me
>they dont even know hat they are protesting for
>the website is up there you can look it up
wrong. post some proof for your bullshit or fuck off.
>An 8 year old boy knows he wants to cut off his dick and ruin his reproductive ability forever
I somehow doubt it, usually it's a single mom as well
>children can make important life changing decisions on their own
You sound exactly like a pedo or shit parent that gives a kid a tattoo.
dude you can get chucked in prison for abusing your son with mean words
if my son wants to be a dinosaur can I cover his whole body with green tattoos and take some of his skin to make a tail and shit?
You and me, we are brothers now.
fact all women are responsible for their own children losing their virginities and if they cant find someone to take them they should do it themselves
Serious question, why would you center your plot around romance if you don't know what romance is? Write what you know, dammit.
I've never let someone get that close to me
>I don't believe the truth
go back to retardera faggot, that's where you belong
>A 1999 U.S. Department of Justice study concluded that mothers were responsible for a higher share of children killed during infancy between 1976 and 1997 in the United States, while fathers were more likely to have been responsible for the murders of children aged eight or older.[1] Furthermore, 58-percent of the children who were killed by their mothers (maternal filicide) were female, while 52-percent of the children who were killed by their fathers (paternal filicide) were male. Parents were responsible for 61-percent of child murders under the age of five.[2] Sometimes, there is a combination of murder and suicide in filicide cases. On average, according to FBI statistics, 450 children are murdered by their parents each year in the United States.[3]
nigga, the source, now
don't be a retard gender dysphoria doesn't magically disappear if its does they weren't trans in the first place
Being drunk and rambling about random shit is not flirting
Fucking this, a boy has absolutely no power over his mom, even the police will protect her first. But moms are supposed to be good to their children.
>Mfw my first gf and I'm already on the 4th year and she loves me more every day.
1999 kill yourself cuck stop posting old statistics
This, i got raped by a thicc femcel. She tried to act shy and virgin, then started buying with drinks and grinding as she was dancing, she saw her friends leave with other guys so she rushed me back to her house and got me even more drunk so she could rape me.
She did everything to my cock and i didn't have to ask, i was pretty fucking drunk to even be aware and have control over the situation, i went to have a shower because she literally pissed on me, after bouncing on top and choking me and she came in as well to suck me off, she sucked it till it was purple but nothing was coming out, have you guys ever been in a situation where you just didn't want to fuck the person because they disgusted physically, mentally and spiritually you?
I tried and became friends with her. Then nothing happened. Me sad.
>get feelings for girl who is constantly insulting me, ignoring me and acting like im utter trash yet somehow she has been incredibly nice to me on ocations for no fucking reason at all
what does this mean?
>Implying she ever got close to me.
Love isn't real, right?
Women have less empathy, so many have no problem killing kids, even their own
>why would anyone use fantasy as a way out of their uninspiring and disappointing reality
huh i dont know
Plenty of times but holy shit user that's gotta hurt having it go purple.
>she loves me more every day.
even if you were speaking the truth
she's definitely fucking the mail man
This is a classic example of why you sholdn't write what you don't know.
I thought women were objectively weaker than men, surely you could just push her off you.
Moms are tough
I don't know if you're joking but the exact same thing happened to me, I don't count it as rape but I definitely didn't want it and she was extremely pushy until we did it, I was drunk as fuck too. But I know that if I was a woman that would be considered rape.
still doesn't refute my point fag you should report everything to the authority's
>I can guarantee it
Where's the proof then? From what I know more moms abuse their childs than dads.
Just use Yandex or some image search
I had more problems with my dad than my mother
>the responses to this
I don't believe you, incel. Give me evidence.
Cute dev! Cute!
I want to believe since I've spent my whole life watching my parents truly enjoy each other's company. Maybe "love" as we know it is a lie, and it's only a matter of compatibility.
I hear that having some one that loves you feels amazing.
9 Months here dude.
I'm a fat retard, anyone can get a gf. Just express and be yourself, even if you think you're unlikable there's always people out there that can see the good in you.
That applies to all of you degenerates.
social/child services are filled with bigger retards than every board here combined
its completely random, you can get in trouble for letting your kid play outside or you can get in jail because the people im charge are complicit with rape and all sorts of abuse happening to them and refuse to act on it, just look at Rotherham thestar.co.uk
>man must make money or else I won't love him
So it's the same everywhere on this planet.
love doesn't exist in the 3D form
literelly a virgin nearing 20 don't really care and don't mind women
but i did get raped why don't you believe me
Christ I need to buy this game to show my support.
Reject the false third dimension. Only 2D is love.
so i guess anyone on Yea Forums can make a vn too
>That sad of a man that can't keep a woman or goes out with a thot
What a sad human being
fucking women
>Ramen (/ˈrɑːmən/) (拉麺, ラーメン rāmen, IPA: [ɾaꜜːmeɴ]) is a Japanese dish.
>Posting screenshot of article from 9gag
Also, are you trying to imply that you have a girlfriend?
Hmm. So I guess Yea Forums supports listen and believe now.
female rape would get taken seriously if people didnt sexualise it which most men do
21 here
Women have always lead the infanticide race, even with cheating and not counting "abortions".
Love is real, it's just difficult and time consuming to achieve, requiring both parties to but effort into building up to it. Most people lack a sufficient understand of themselves, a willingness to understand others, or simply build their relationship off of ephemeral or superficial things.
If you want love, build and plan around financial security. Stability makes getting to know people and building trust much easier.
You're gay.
Japan is just China light, they're an island that rips off of everything the Chinese did first and did right. Like britbongs ripping of Americans, and how brits are an island that do it worse too.
Kill yourself phoneposter
31 and hate women. not because of sex but because of their entitlement and toxic femininity.
just don't really care really relationships just sound like a time and money consumer
Bi, actually.
>Love is real
>financial security
Okay so they love your money instead.
Yeah I find it weird how I'm supposed to lose all self respect and become obsessed with women.
I hate how incels are portrayed in the media as angry women haters who could become mass killers. No I have found peace with myself and my place in this world. The vagina holds no power over me.
27 here. I honestly don't see the point in relationships. Just seems like a hassle to me. I don't crave the emotional support and sex is just one of many fun activities to be enjoyed in life.
I guess as I get older it might be a bit sad if I don't procreate, but as things are shaping up, I guess my brother will keep the family name alive anyway so whatever.
is yikes the new resetera exposer?
I never denied that nigga.
Still doesn't make Ramen Chinese.
He could be counter-trolling. I've seen this IRL.
Person #1:
>That sucks.
>Yeah? Well at least they don't wear shitty necklaces from 1976.
Person 1
>My mom gave me this necklace just before she died.
No, enjoying video games is.
*Porn addict, actually.
Yes, that's how women work.
that shit briefly predated the "cope" "incel" shit we have now
Innocent until proven guilty, user. I mean, unless you think it would be a good thing if women could just scream "HE RAPED ME!" and then you'd instantly be guilty, just because she said so.
27 and to make it worse I am a third worlder living im the third world.
By this time, my father was about to get married
thanks for proving my point, yikes resetera poster
Yes, along with using the word incel.
absolutely seething over bi people you sound like /lgbt/ who hates bi men because they can pick who they want
>lifting for girls
I'm pretty sure most of /fit/ lifts so they can show off to their bros.
Good for you user, hope the first time is special.
21 here
isn't /fit/ gay
She's agiing fiercely.
you both getting dumped, or youll end up cuckbois just so you dont lose "the love of your life"
27 here. I honestly don't see the point in relationships. Just seems like a hassle to me. I don't crave the emotional support and sex is just one of many fun activities to be enjoyed in life.
I guess as I get older it might be a bit sad if I don't procreate, but as things are shaping up, I guess my brother will keep the family name alive anyway so whatever.
I keep thinking my porn addiction might have something to do with this weird mindset, but honestly, if the only thing driving me into a relationship is animalistic lust, it doesn't seem worth pursuing either.
There's nothing gay about wanting to look at huge jacked men in just their underwear.
Sweet summer child and Who Hurt You are nuchan and youtube.
go for it. you. never know user.
Because posts are works of fiction. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
>only hung out with dudes in school, never did anything outside of school with them
>stopped talking to them after finishing
>didn't hang out with anyone in uni because I lived five minutes from where my classes were so always went right home
>work office jobs and don't socialise outside of them
>only thing I go out for otherwise is conventions and the arcade, which I go to alone
The only way for me to even meet a female to develop a connection to would be online, and I don't talk to any to do so. I don't even know how shit would develop IRL, never mind actually getting to the point of attraction.
>just bee urself
C'mon you're not fooling anyone here
Just watch this and go masturbate
Some men aren't meant for love
You really think that women have less empathy when men commit the vast majority of violent crimes worldwide?
Ended up buying it on Steam.
Say "cringe" and "Yikes" all you want, but if you're that terrified of honesty and don't think this shit is honestly heart shattering, you shouldn't be here.
Troll all you want, but if this doesn't personally touch you, you're inhuman.
I am extremely shy near women don't really have much interaction I can only remember them calling me cute
I hope my brother gets there some day
Similar situation here, my 4 years old niece is the only female who enjoys and actively seeks my company.
enjoy it while it last, once you both get bored you're gonna start over from the start.
>inb4 I...is not gonna happen to me!
we only believe women in Yea Forums
>Be financial stable.
>Find someone else who is financial stable.
>Spend time with them to figure out if the two of you can cooperate.
>If you can, move ahead to basing a marriage around practical terms.
>Insure both parties are equally invested in the arrangement.
>Equal investment means that the failure of the arrangement grantees major loses for both parties.
>You now how the next 50 to 60 years of your life to build a 'loving' relationship with your partner.
All I'm saying is building a long term relationship off of 'love' is a bad idea, since what most people feel early in their relationship is infatuation and the basic biological drive to breed. Long term relationships should be built off of mutually head trust, respect, and economic interest.
Nah I was in a relationship for seven years, I'm sure I loved her at some point.
That's pain, regards, painfrog
there was this lets just call him chad at school he had a gf and she cucked him the end
I'm sorry you were hurt, but not everyone chooses as fucking bad as you.
Sounds boring and like a waste of effort
>be trans queer non binary fag from retardera
>have your own echo chamber forum
>hate to be triggered
>come to post on Yea Forums
>people disagree with you
>call them incels
>they call you a discord tranny
>you have been exposed, start to get angry
>shitpost all day about how you hate incels
>you could have avoided all this if you stayed in your safe place instead of coming to a place where literally everyone hates you
I mean yeah there's a reason it's called retardera I guess.
The three girls I've loved are dead, don't know about me, or is a complete bitch that still insists on being around me.
this was a comfy thread till you came along
discord tranny exposed
>/r9k/ is leaking again
Fuck off
So what's the point then? Seems like the only thing achieved here is both people are now less free.
You can have that and still be crazy in love with the other person.
After reading this thread I'm so glad I forced myself to move to a different country away from my home and found a random house share on the internet with a christfag who didn't give a shit about my complete inability to socialise.
It forced me to leave my house to find food on whatever pittance I had and the christfag was super chatty with women who seemed to gravitate towards me due to the whole mysterious thing I had going on because I rarely spoke and when I did all I had to talk about was my accent.
Worked out eventually since I found a wife
People should try caring less about sex as if it was the end all be all of life.
people staying in there homes jobless is becoming a increasing problem I cant say I hate them for it life seems pointless nowadays
>im a fat normalfag and if i can then anyone can get a gf/bf
People have more problems than just being fat you dumb retard.
Is that the year you were born in or why do you think a twenty year old statistic about people isn't useful?
Jack shit has changed that could prevent abuse since then.
If it was rape, why did you willingly go to her house?
Oh fucker, I know it might not last forever.
Thing is, when you don't date a retard you can't talk about what could happend in the future. I don't want it to end, and I hope it doesn't, but I'm not a fool.
I just hope I get to have kids with her first.
>Inb4 child support
She has more money than I do, she would pay me
Triangle guy would fit, tho
You're the one caring about sex
Most incels just crave human relations
Did it not occur to you there's more to him than you can see through the hole in the brick fucking wall?
not video games
also vns are not video games
I experienced true love with anime. I could never feel love for a 3DPD.
Who said love was fun? That's a Hollywood meme. Love is like life, long, grinding, with its shares of highs and lows.
Stability for both the present and future, children, and companionship. I'd argue that most people don't want to be single (or a swinger) well into the later stages of their life, so the arrangement is amiable towards avoiding that fate.
Sure, that's still a possibility. I'd call those people incredibly lucky though. However, for most people, it's simply not a practical reality.
t. Someone who's marrying their longtime housemate in a practical arrangement and not a romantic one.
If somebody loves me I lose all interest in that person and treat them like shit. And so does everyone, that's the norm. Imagine looking at a person and being deeply disappointed in them, that's what having someone who loves you feels like.
Real women are so overrated lmao. They just argue half the time and create problems out of thin air.
>A complete bitch that insists on being around me
>Being in love with with some whore draining you of money
Are you Scandinavian?
>Stability for both the present and future
Being codependent with another person makes you less stable if anything. What if that person fucking dies? You die next because your entire world was built for two.
Get a friend, nerd
Fair enough but do we need em
VNfags convince me on Japanese VNs. Don't you even feel lonelier with the realization that the 2D girl ingame actually loves the MC and is literally not you? Is it sad knowing that these "feelings" are artificial and is literally scripted based on your selected response?
My favorite part is the random tantrum on an otherwise good day, because I couldn't read her mind.
Anime could never love you back, so either way it's fucked.
>you can be crazy in love long term
That literally would be a mental illness. When I'm in love I can barely think about anything other than that person. Why would I want a lifetime of that? That's fucking stupid
Give one reason you haven't taken the 2Dpill
Fuck she's living the dream.
I wish my life could be like that.
The same routine every day; nothing unexpected ever happening.
It's heaven.
You're reading a story bro. I do like self inserty shit in them, I do sometimes go "Wow that scene where I almost got fucking owned was pretty cool"
Self insertion is bad when you start wallowing and lamenting now experiencing the other guy's life though, you need to learn where to detach.
People who use incel unironically are your basic facebook bitches, its the new loser/virgin but now more loaded
they don't know what it means or what it stands for, but its popular so they just label it everywhere
onionposting was passable due to its shitposting nature, if you see incel around its by people new to the internet
No not really :)
my girlfriend is really pretty and nice to me
>Who said love was fun?
Most people who have been in actual love before, not a mutually-beneficial arranged marriage, you blithering retard.
His girlfriend (2D) will be really pretty and nice to him forever. Checkmate
fuck, it hits too close.
If I was just rated by looks, I'd probably get an 8/10.
but sadly I'm a skinny manlet, usually that alone pushes men off the dating scene,
and even if it's not the height, it's gonna be my poverty and 'nerdy' hobbies that turn off any potential relationships
Tnx for reading my bloge, pls subscirb
Why do you even go so deep into it like that? That's not how you do it. And I can say that NO ONE except maybe retarded sadboy memers (assuming they don't do it to fish for "literally me" replies) do it that way.
3 other Aristotelian senses.
Gotta agree. Anything else is for people with personality disorders, always chasing the early romantic novelty, then cheating and monkey-branching to the next one. That's mental illness.
I don't even know who I am anymore, how could I bee myself?
Not him but the kind of love you're talking about only lasts as long as the chemicals last. For me it's two months tops. And then the kind of "love" he's talking about starts.
Have sex plssssss
Never really played pure VNs. Only nuPersonas and jrpgs. Aren't VNs a chore to play though? Writing down the literal optimal path to the true end sounds boring.
What's the website?
I disrespect women and I still get laid.
Why am I associated with you losers?
Bought the game too
Aren't the demographic for VNs literal escapists who wants to feel true love?
Then you've simply never been in love, you idiot. You were in infatuation and then just realized that you were "okay" around your partner.
I thought maybe it didn't I always felt like I was forcing it. 3 relationships spanning 5 years. I was just lonely and any female would do.
Then I actually fell in love. It's an incredible feeling. 5 years later I'm still with her and still just as much in love.
I didn't want to feel it today.
>I disrespect women and I still get laid.
Why would you think those two are related in any way? You think it's the nice guys getting laid?
>white knight incel
Doesn't this contradict itself?
because you go on a Yea Forums which is the breeding grounds of incels
This is cringe as fuck, but honestly, I would really like a girlfriend who puts that much effort like this.
What's an incel?
Maybe or maybe you're full of shit. We live in a society where every other retard believes that Bible is real life, I don't trust people's opinion on what's real and what's not. I've never seen the shit you're describing in real life, I don't believe it exists.
>breeding grounds
Not really. It's an exaggeration of the stereotype.
It's a new word for "nerd" now that "nerd" was co-opted
You should honestly play all the paths (Barring bad ends, joke ends)
And the only VN I had to use a guide for so far was Clannad because in one route you have to fuck around and talk to another girl to get the good end in it.
white boys with small dicks
24 here.
I don´t care at a personal level, but it´s so tiresome to get shamed for it all the time.
Third world is cruel place
You screenshot this off of 9gags facebook page, didn't you?
a male that's not a feminist
Are you retarded?
No, I'm a leaf.
How is the death of a partner in a practical marriage and different from that of a romantic one? Aside from them most likely leaving you in a much better economic, I fail to how it changes anything. Losing a partner is shit regardless, you're just more likely to be prepared for some of its burden if you're operating in practical economic terms.
>Get a friend, nerd
Never said anything about not having friends outside of a marriage. That being said, friends wont always be able to support you like someone who is directly tied to your life.
'Love' isn't the warm fuzzies. Love is dedication, commitment, and respect for another person that exceeds your own life. That's something that takes a lot of time and effort to build up. If you think 'love' is defined by fun, then you have a fairy tale understanding of the subject.
I'm not saying that fun is impossible, or not a part of love at all, but it's most certainly not the key component to it.
Tomboys are the least gay thing you can do.
Females have vaginas but they like gay stuff like makeup and clothes.
Trannies are the worst since they have a dick AND like gay stuff.
But tomboys like cool stuff and also have vaginas. The absolute best of both worlds.
Cringe but his gf seems to have nice tits
At least his gf gives a fuck about him
It's a shame many tomboys are deciding they are men these days and do surgery.
my mom is the only female that likes being around me. I'm 29
I’m mommy’s favorite thing in the world so that’s something I guess.
You know exactly (((who))) to blame for that.
A guy I know literally tells women that they're whores and brought back two hot girls for a threesome out of a club
Why would a dude be a feminist?
>Have a rare heart disease (cardiomyopathy) that I inherited from my mum’s side of the family.
>will never be able to pass my genes on anyway
At least I won’t be able to bring anyone else into this world to suffer the same fate as I do.
Yes because feminists are convincing them that they're actually men, even though gender is a spectrum or whatever.
I've been in three relationships. Right now I'm with the girl of my dreams for 6 years. You just have to try.
white people are inferior.
also OP some pedo faggot loser of course he dont know what a real relationship is nasty fucking gook
i dated a girl in high school but over the course of two years she became a sjw, waned to be called by another name and accused me of rape because i stuck it in the wrong hole like a year before
i still have trust issues with people
While I do care, I am not sure if it is an actual need for company or just the shame of being different.
relationships have become so alien. How would you even stomach living with someone all day, every day.
You'll be okay user, we're here for you. And someday a girl will be too.
I guess they actually were whores
I really hope Yellowstone erupts I don't know if I can take another year living in PissEarth.
hahaha inferior cracker but you're white tho right?
to get laid I guess
>the ending
why am I so lonely
White people are gods.
We non-whites only exists due their kindness
My Dad had 3 heart attacks, the first one being when he was 49.
I'm 24. I don't have a lot of life left.
Doesn't matter of you're a nice guy or an asshole.
They'll still sleep with you if you're attractive.
So I don't understand how being sexist = incel.
>weeaboo shit corrupted my brain so thoroughly that I don't even get erect at live action porn anymore
Checkmate, women.
girl ugly tho
you are inferior look at this thread, you need system of white supremacy to even compete you pale skin devil. death to you and your white family
>the cracker pretedned to be non-white too
you are inferior
I think it’s better this way, if that happened and she wanted kids then I’d have to decline and the relationship would likely end.
That's why you don't tell anyone, why would you?
Literally this.
Niggers sold their own kind to Jewish slavemasters so I guess African niggers are also white supremacists.
I’m sorry to hear that user, my Nan lost 2 of her sisters when they were only 20 (the same age as me) to the same disease that I inherited.
inferior white people are inferior yet they talk all that shit about black people yet they cant even get a girl lolololol inferior ass cracker kill yourselves
wtf I love Tiny Snow and shitty chink VNs now
Jesus christ you guys are pathetic, just an hero already
>Implying I am white
I am
Epic incel /r9k/ blogging thread
wrong, they weren't their own kind you inbred cracker, didn't have anything to do do whith your white supremacy slavery inferior white supremacist
I have but it's more or less the same pain. Knowing we can't be together and even if we existed on the same plane she wouldn't love me anyway. Same loveless loser, that has nothing but his own imagination.
24 here, death to women and fuck niggers.
>just be yourself
thanks for nothing, nigger
The entire foundation of BLM is based off a conspiracy theory. Black people are literally so scared of society that they need to pretend they're oppressed in order to get sympathy points. Black people lack basic empathy and social awareness. Trust me, whites aren't the inferior ones, son.
you are white and inferior, kill yourself
thats why you call whites gods only white person would say that
it only gets.worse
Do you want a pic of my brown nipples?
That would be enough tonpro e I am not whitw
>No U
Im specifically talking about the images that user posted which are titled "black pill" while talking exclusively about sex.
But you are right, most people want to love and be loved back, and thats understandable.
It's just all so tiresome
You ARE a failure at life if you don't have a girlfriend. What the fuck else is there to do? Play video games? Jog? Travel? Yea Forums shitting on dating and sex is the epitome of the fox and the grapes.
Are you some sort of isekai protagonist
This but unironically. I haven't wanked to a real woman in over two years.
What a pathetic thread.
kill yourself inferior white bitch crying online like a bitch
I do think that ugly and low IQ white people don't have the right to claim to be superior, like some of the /pol/ faggots. I don't have any sympathy for fat and disgusting neckbeards who also think they're hot shit because of being white.
The guy yelling probably isn't even a nigger he's probably a hapa.
I wasn't being ironic either, for me it's probably closer to 10 years ow.
I'm not going to argue your point, I just want to point out that you misspelled authorities. Have a good one.
>once you both get bored you're gonna start over from the start.
He said they have been dating for 4 years, if one of them got bored then they would know already dude.
You being this jelly when someone has success isn't befitting of you user, grow up
Explain what the men in the red circle (80% of the male population) are logically supposed to do.
blm is a gay lives matter white propaganda, hijacked by white supremacists nothing to do with lack people you inferior white devil.
kill yourself white Hispanic
Yeah whatever normalfag, imagine measuring your own self worth on filthy roasties
Time for cunny
Make better choices desu. You sound like you've given up.
Lie down and die.
if you dont have a hot gf you are a failure
Become slaves or die.
what about making money?
>Every once in a while I go to xvideos and search for my fetishes
>Get tired after 20 minutes and immediatly go back to the sadpanda
Im not quite there like you user, but I fear the day im no longer sexually attracted to real women.
No just autistic.
Change fills me with terror and I still have a gf who lives with me.
I'm a failure in a lot of ways.
based loli poster salvages this shit thread
>kill yourself white Hispanic
You would be happier if you uust acceptrd the truth
You either do, or you never did.
>he thinks 4 years is a long time and a sign of forever lasting
how old are you?
I've heard that through history only like 10% of the male population get to reproduce, so this isn't anything new.
when all else fails play dumb
typical white supremacist
I haven't jacked off to real women in like 6 years. The very image disgusts me.
What're your issues then? If you can identify them that's the first step to fixing them.
loli should be ban entirely, is literally cp
t. furry
I'll always love you.
if your gf isn't blonde you're also a failure
what truth?
that whites like you are inferior yes.
if only you visited gym even once, you would know that all of them lift. Kek.
You cant count me, i really have no problem with women. I came there to escape depression and it not really works. Well, while im there, its ok, normal, sometimes even good, but once im out, its apathy and misery again.
no, blondes are genetically inferior kill yourself
Do you think Harvey Weinstein was attractive? No, but he still banged multiple movie stars.
What do you enjoy? What do you do throughout your day. There'll be somone out there that'll do similar. I assure you.
respect dude, whites created the society you're living in, and give you all you need to survive
BASED cunny poster!
She would love you, because you're her husbando. Somewhere in the 2d plane she hugs a daki of you every night before going to bed and shitposts on 2dchan about best boy user and masturbates to doujinshi of you
If your actually serious, it means involuntary celibate, which basically means "couldn't get laid so fuck you"
It should apply to both dudes and wamen, but nowadays it's a loose term for loser
Filter soon™
This happened to me once, did not go well.
It's rather recent thing that the majority of men actually get to reproduce. This caused rather stable times and technological advancement because you no longer had to waste every waking hour scraping for food and trying to get pussy. This is still the case in polygamous societies though.
Modern day feminism has unironically more harm to the mental and physical well being for both men and women than anything I can name.
Why are all nigger supremacists usually weak losers?
odds are that was made by a roasty slut that's taken miles of cock and has the gall to say "you don't actually want a gf"
It sure smells like R*ddit in here
wait for her to grow up...
no they didnt you fucking devil, you control everything with white supremacy oppression you didnt give me shit you fucking devil, if it wasnt for you devils i would live in paradise.
man you white supremacists are sic in the fucking head this is why racism exists as long as you devils exists this is your mindset.
I hate how sjws call stuff comfy or wholesome etc. It sounds so disingenuous.
>women being incapable of getting laid
Even the most hideous ogre could get hundreds of matches on Tinder instantly
if you suck so much, why don't you do something to change? Unless you're happy being a loser
kek are you from resetera?
That's a wholesome and comforting thought. Thank you user.
typical pedo white raping kids
>rent free
Works for me you ugly faggot
Never tried, never cared. Looks like too much responsibilities
based cunnyposter
>dot dot dot
That's some cringey shit.
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Wish I could get over her. Been two years already
I want to lick this so badly bros
That shit sucks. Why spend years with someone only to have it end and have to start over with someone else. Do I really need to invest that much time and money into something thats essentially a gamble?
Femcels don't really care about having one night stands, they just want love. The only people who have one night stands are the Staceys and they only do it with Chads.
based pedophiles ruining the advertisement experience
28 in 19 days
never had a gf or experienced simple things like holding hands while walking down the sidewalk
it hurts
females dont want love they want money.
Yeah same
Jesus fucking christ that perspective is completely fucked up and inconsistent in multiple kinds of ways
How the fuck can you monsters fap to this shit, how do you not immediately see the broken anatomy
Dreadful, just horrible
You will mostly get over her after just 5-10 years
10.42 miles of dick, never forget.
looks like exactly your typical girl
Japs need us Americans to do more than fill their blurry wombs with our Imperialist seed. They need us to teach them a work life balance. They start doing more than go to school, go to work, and kill themselves when they can squeeze it into their schedule, they'll start to be happy.
I know of an even worse story. Just a hint:
3 4
That's all women
this is for you, jannies
>if the son wants
looks like the brainwashing is going very well
>Based cunnybro scaring advertisers
Now we can finally discuss between virgins gentlemen
>Been avoided throughout my school life
>Self-esteem was shattered by a long distance relationship that was 19 when I was 15
>Lost v-card with 21, so after 6 years of nothingness and jerking it to girls online I'd never meet
>Get together with current gf, 6.5 years now, she is 9 years younger than me, better looking than me and was also there when I was a piss-poor student
And as things turn out, 2 girls I liked in school told me they liked me as well, I was just too much of a shattered beta fag to give it a try.
Long story short, you will find your love eventually regardless of being alpha or beta. If you are fat, go for a fat chick. If you are mentally ill, get hospitalized and you'll find someone there. You can make it.
You plan on ruining my favorite forum. . . Why?
Who is that smug twintails girl in a black turtleneck shirt?
Thank god it's censored. My christian family would have been offended otherwise.
>things that never happened for 15 dollars
Dude’s a nip so it’s actually more than likely true
>tfw both these artists disappeared
>western feminist fighting for female equality evicirate some Japanese virgin woman's fantasy about love.
Used to be vidya and baking. But now these thing lose their luster and I slowly turn into a litteral NPC just killing time on Yea Forums.
hentai is srs biznus
>reminder that newfags don't even know there used to be a loli board
maybe ur the one ruining their favorite board
Actually there are fat/ugly girls at bars and concerts that claim the most drunk guys their victims.
loli Switch-tan
>430 replies
so do you guys think you will be able to secure a gf with the 1000 dollars coming to you?
wow, he looks better un-photoshoped.
Yeah it happened to me too.
>post traps/tranny porn
stays up for hours, mods don't care, advertisers don't care
>post niggers fucking white roasties
stays up for hours, mods don't care, advertisers don't care
>post c*nny
Marry her.
japs really love white people seeing as they only draw white kids getting fucked
Supposed to be a cuck, that's the actual plan for the 80%. It's everywhere when you start seeing it. Half of classical novels involving romance are about a cuck autistically caring about a woman who doesn't give a shit about him until one day she gives him a whiff of puss. Most marriages when you actually look at them have the man being cucked. That has always been the norm.
Although not related to my lesbian incident, I am just getting over a breakup I had with who I thought was my dream girl. It'll get better, though some times will be tough, just focus on you.
That's not an excuse, I don't think Tolkien has ever been to Middle Earth.
were gonna get that money
just like these fucks are gonna post that cunny
Yes I will! We all get anime girlfriends with yang gang! Yang gang supports Yea Forums!
Stop self inserting
>thread start with yikes
>the developer is actually female
Seriously? Fucking bitches btfo
No, it is a tool to control men
That sounds nice, to have family that likes being around you
>Crayon changes to furry
>Stops posting for a year
What the hell
based cunnyposter
sounds like projection senpai
you just know he thought about asking her to keep it on during sex
>all this cope
>person who writes anime love stories never experience loved
Stop the fucking presses.
I dont think these girls are old enough to perform these sexual acts.
>tfw never falled in love and don't care about having a girlfriend
what the fuck!
Fun fact: People who draw horrible faces are likely incapable of improving because their inability is in fact rooted in a general lack of emotional understanding between the Artist and people they interact with. In other words, if you're a total outcast shut-in, you'll probably never be able to render a human face accurately because of your lack of social prowess.
Artists that escape inward are actually doing themselves harm.
I bet they fucked with the mask on
24, 6 years until i gain wizardry
But bros, the ad revenue
>yet another 500+ post cunny thread getting archive
somebodies gettin fired
but they obviously enjoy it
god I don't want to die virgin, kissless and alone
Nothing until 27, then I actually fell in love. Before, it was only illusion, I never really experienced something like that.
But I was too scared to ask for contact info. Now she works elsewhere and I have no way to contact her ever again.
It was half year ago, I still remember her. I don't think I will fall in love ever again or meet somebody like her.
Im pathetic and without goal in life but killing myself would only mean trouble for others so that's not an option.
I don't fap to this but I can appreciate the artistry
yes, it actually is the porn that disinterests you because you already get your (exagerated) fix daily.
stop porn and you will automatically search out women because your cock (and brain) dont get release constantly
Not surprised that no girl wants this rice monkey's micro dick. Asian males are the perfect example of failed masculinity.
imagine having to face all your ancestors in the after life
Buy a hooker.
Why is she sad romance is annoying
>they all got to fuck 12 year olds
Appreciate the honesty. What can you fap to? (out of curiosity)
What does being an antisocial autist have to do with not being able to draw faces?
That's because she's being forced living with you in the household. Wait until she's not "little" anymore.
>possibly get an STD
>possibly get arrested for Solicitation
>for like 20 seconds of fun
Are you retarded?
Tell them that you were in life so fucking powerful that you broke a chain of millennia long
Wrong, don't get a hooker. Just join PoF and message anything you would even politely fling sperm at. Always ask for a low expectation first date like coffee or a movie, and learn how to communicate with someone without sounding overly needy but also emotionally invested.
Do women owe chad sex?
>mods deleted the porn but let the thread stay up
oh i'm laffin
>found out my great grandpa kidnap my grandma when she was 12
>her family was rich and owned a chocolate factory
based grandpa
Worth it.
>Fall in love once
>Life instantly ruined forever since you know what you are missing
I envy you.
I've been painting for a few months now and I've finally got hands down. I can't draw a normal face to save my life
Retardera thread. The cancer is growing.
Same but I'm 24
yes,best two years of my life
then she told me "do you think you deserve me?"
Wait till you hit 34 and start to literally have to drink yourself into oblivion because you hate your life of boredom and the same shit everyday.
That desire to have someone out there that at least gives a shit about you dwells on your head and makes you so badly just want to shoot yourself.
You're not that guy who had a lesbian mom that wanted him to be gay are you?
Because the antisocial tendencies are directly linked to your struggle to understand others. That generally means you're not socializing with people enough to improve on your understanding; you're not around people when they are displaying the broad spectrum of human emotion, and thus you don't observe the face contort to communicate that to us on a subconscious level. Because you don't observe the face's real potential, you struggle to make reasonable parallels when you try to draw a face (whether you're aware of your social misgivings or not).
You can interpret about the subconscious meanings behind anyone's draws, Our own hands betray our minds.
my liver began to fail around 26
you gotta step it up user
honestly been thinking of attempting a self inflicted trepanation
>A guy I know literally tells women that they're whores and brought back two hot girls for a threesome out of a club
I often verbally abuse chicks while I fuck them and they generally don't give a shit because they're too horny in the moment (often times it actually turns them on; go figure)
fuck her
What the fuck is wrong with the fucking Japs? Don't come with the atomic bomb because that's just bullshit.
I recently learned that I'm infertile, which is a bit of a downer since we were planning a child. Glad I found out before we actually paid for a surrogate. Luckily my girlfriend's sperm is good so we're going to try that way.
34 here too.
I just numbed myself with tons of meaningless casual sex. I literally don’t give a shit anymore. I’m happy just staying home playing vidya and occasionally going out drinking. Fuck relationships. They’re meaningless
>drinking to dull the pain
pussy, get shit on a daily basis and I have learned to master the art of shrugging it off. It is true what they say "idle hands are the devil's playground." If you keep your mind focused on a task, no amount of thottery will get you down. Last time I gave a shit about my feelings towards a girl, she cheated on me 'cuz I was bored lol.' Never again, females are nothing more than cocksleeves and baby factories. See them as anything else and you will suffer for it.
She insists that I don't pay for her stuff whenever we go out to eat
Well I suggest going to hang out with a friend in a public setting then. If you don't have friends, you can always bring a sketch pad and drawing kit with you to a bar and quietly observe others. It is also really easy to talk to people in a Bar, if you are feeling up for it. I do this trick all the time, and my work has improved greatly for it.
But then you realize that person who loves you doesn't exist and humans are meant to live and die in misery, and all your ancestors were miserable and toiled until they died a meaningless death of fever or smallpox. You watched too many romantic movies as a kid which gave you delusions into thinking you will find love, when it only exists in fiction.
only way to redeem yourself is to do the supreme gentleman
What's wrong with the same shit every day?
>What else is there?!
>Not money
You faggot beta's never learn
>Things that never happened, the monument.
Did you fuck her?
>491 replies.
Fuck you all.
But that's literally what autism is.
Are you me 4 years into the future user my time machine must have worked
Love doesn't exist, its all mickey mouse bullshit.
Did she know?
A chick actually got interested in me because she was actively searching for a dick and tried bu failed with some of my friends before, so of course I fell in love with her since she was the only girl my age I talked to. I had a 2.5 years relationship of unrequited love and then she got bored and left.
I'm not a virgin anymore at least. yey.
I wonder what the loli poster is gonna do after they ban loli porn.
not everyone lives in burgerland, you know
There is no fucking way she didn't know. She probably cosplayed as his crush to seal the deal.
probably continuously post cunny
Keep posting loli.
Had my fare share of this feel when i as younger.
Its better now but still.
I will continue my righteous crusade to save Yea Forums, as i've been doing for ages
Can you imagine being on top of marisa just fucking away and she starts to giggle for some fucking reason. Then she giggles louder the harder and faster you thrust till you cum inside her then she just starts laughing.
Then she reveals that Marisa was your sister the whole time. How awkward.
>tfw no cute cosplay sister who craves your dick
why live?
Incorrect, having some one that loves AND that loves you back is amazing.
Even then, one always loves the other more in a relationship, no exception. This can always be a source of trouble because the one loving more may be desperate to keep the other, and the one loving less may get bored one day.
That's sick.
This is also sick. I hope you don't have any family member with small children for their sake.
Why is this resetera tard replying to me?
Yeah i wonder why
Think about it harder.
fuck off
that's one of the top 10 generic responses asian people use over there, along with
>as expected of you
>i can't be bothered
This happened to me in my last relationship, She loved me more, and I loved her less, then halfway through it flipped.
Then she decided she didn't love me anymore t_t
I lost my V card at 24, because I got over the fear of talking to girls by finally making a PoF account. By fish #3 that I talked to, I was on my way to meeting a sexy little 18 year old half asian with fantastic curves. I lacked confidence because I was a little chubby myself and I though 6" was small. Completely felt like an idiot once it was over; why was I holding myself back all those years?
Just get a dog chances are it will love you more than some stuck up whore.
Make a game about being rejected.
Yea Forums would love it.
Shit how can you change or stop that
>That's sick.
I know, so sick. Her cosplay looks pretty cool too.
This happened to me when I was 26. Though after meeting with her for a few months she finally told me she was only 15.
I promptly ran away.
What can change the nature of a man user?
It WILL love you more than any woman, because it depends on you to survive. Real bitches ain't loyal.
Fuck off resetera, we already have enough cucks/nigger lovers as it is
if the hoe looked like older than she was you did good by running away
>Not getting a borderline girl with huge attachment issues so she's literally terrified that you will leave
Thankfully I'm too autistic to notice the constant borderline shit tests which would prevent her from being with anybody else.
>lol just be happy, go outside lmao
Muster the courage; you have the strength.
She said she was 18.
I believed her because why wouldn't I?
>tfw women would rather fuck a dog than you
Well we had our share of issues. Then thing is, when we got together, we were still just unsure college students. Then we graduated, but after that, our lives were heading in separate tracks, her career picked up strong, and even though I had a degree, I did not and still have not used it. I stagnated while she moved forward.
While I can accept the breakup and why the thigns went they did. I can't accept the fact that she moved on to a new relationship soon after, because I know her, and I know that despite my flaws, she really needed to work of hers too.
A big issue we had is that I wanted to wrok on things while she wanted to ignore things, I guess thats just how she got by.
So here I am, poorfag and single, but I'm trying to put things back together and work on myself, so I can be a better person overall.
Still regret my degree choice tho.