MMORPGs are dead and we have to deal with it
MMORPGs are dead and we have to deal with it
thank g*d
Maybe that means in 15 years time we'll get a great one again when some inspired/passionate people decide to revive the genre.
Never really was one for MMOS. They always seemed so "meh".
This. MMOs are literally the blandest genre
I wish MMOs didn't have shit combat
>reddit fags playing osrs
>dude bros playing eso in consoles
>fags and sissies playing ffxiv
>wow neckbeards pre cumming over classic
mmo is dead guys lol
City of Heroes was great.
I'd say that EVE Online is really great for a specific kind of person and will probably exist forever.
Pretty much everything else is too generic.
>trannies playing GW2
MMOs have always been a thing I've wanted to get into, but then I start playing and drop it after 2 hours. Watching and playing .hack fucked up my perception of how MMOs are
any MMO is just stupid grindfest, fuck this shit for brainlets
THE pleb genre
Where do the patricians go?
FFXIV still has server queues because of how full it is
Go be depressed and jaded there.
Yea Forums
To me the concept of EVE ONLINE sounds interesting as hell (unlike the millions of tolkien like fantasy mmos) but i dont have the time to play it and the graphics are not up there to my standards.
I have tried several MMORPGs over the years and they are all the same grinding trash that I still cannot fathom humans beings actually play and "enjoy".
Is it impossible to make a decent MMO?
not for long anymore
That's because you're stupid. If they had a fortnite mmo or whatever you would probably like it.
MMO genre is for boomers. Millennials and Zoomers hate it and the demographic for Yea Forums are those generations.
your parents think the same about you, meh.
how do I beat this fight's too hard for a MMO.
Runescape Classic is the best MMO on the market and you all know it
The only way to make a good mmo is to not take the long term success of the game into account which is antithetical to even making one in the first place
>OSRS and FFXIV keep on growing
FFXIV is a sinking ship and OSRS is 99% chinese bots.
>always have a ton of fun playing an MMO
>too busy with work and responsibilities
>all my friends outlevel me by 10 or 20 levels before I get another chance to play
>left behind yet again
feels bad
>look for mmo
>PLAY WOW, FF14, ESO, GW2 x9999999
Dead genre.
>FFXIV is a sinking ship
remember to order your skirt and chastity cage user
Or because server sizes have been reduced due to lack of players. Is normal.
There is a massive market for a casual MMO, surprised it hasnt been done yet
but unironically ffxiv.
TERA was so comfy bros...
And nothing of value was lost.
FF14 is weekly caps: the game. How can anyone find this shit fun?
There's more to do than just gearing a single class, faggot
Chopping down trees for 16 hours isn't content.
You cant make people play your dumb ass MMO for 7 years of their life unless they need to chop down trees for 16 hours at a time, which is why this is true
if that was true then they wouldn't be adding more servers due to congestion demand. that's the opposite of what a game that's dying would be doing.
why do you care about weekly caps? the hardest raids can be beaten with crafted gear that has no cap at all.
How are you even supposed to know what the fuck is going on?
It really was ;_;
you're not, it's a japanese game.
>>dude bros playing eso in consoles
>Every person I've met/befriended plays ESO on console
Started playing BDO and it seems great but I don't want to invest thousands of hours anymore.
It's called GW2.
>MMOs are dead
*unzips project: gorgon*
>crowdfunded mmo
ayy lmao
Runescape was the only one I ever got into. It's the poor man's WOW, but all my friends were playing it in grade school, and it was nice just exploring the world, listening to that old-school music, and chatting with them all about the different experiences we found together.
Then all my friends left, and I finished all the most interesting quests. Then I slowly realized that I was just alone, mining ore for hours on end for the sake of mining slightly better ore later on. Hollow numbers for the sake of more numbers. Haven't played an MMO since.
sauce on this panel?
>MMORPGs are dead and we have to deal with it