Dark Souls' PvP has the potential to become the definitive competitive game. Hell, even on its broken netcode backstab fishing state is still way better than traditional fighting games. From just can't abandon the concept; there is too much work to do. If Sekiro is successful and From decides to go back to single-player only experiences, we'll lose something that we will never get back.
Fuck off with your shitty pvp, this series was never about pvp you autist mongrels
It's about worldbuilding, level and art design, fun addictive gameplay and exploration
Fuck off already
Daniel Brooks
Dylan Wood
I hate pvp cucks so much. Go drink your soi, limp dick faggots.
Owen Phillips
Nah, just nah.
Joshua Thompson
Dark Souls PvP is not made for competive play, it's for making cool roleplay builds and fooling around death to metashitters
Parker Evans
I just really doubt that From won't make another game more in the vein of Souls/BB with multiplayer and RPG mechanics in the future. This is an intentional departure to try something new.
Gavin Lewis
Bait or really fucking retarded
Noah Rogers
PVP is the reason why people played the series in the first place and what keeps the games alive. You're deluded if you think otherwise.
Isaiah Watson
Herro America! Me From Software executive and I here in behalf of ACTIVISION to say one of character in Sekiro is secretry GAY, now prease buy our game, thanks!
PvP is the reason why a tiny fraction of all players continue playing the games endlessly for shitty duels. Only autists buy Souls for pvp
Levi Harris
Ten fucking thousand times this. Every other opinion is just objectively garbage. The design of the game shows PVP is clearly not for competitive play or to be ignored.
Owen Kelly
PvP ruined so many builds and items
Cameron Reed
Jordan Williams
Nobody gave a shit about pvp when demon souls became a cult hit and started the dark souls 1 hype. I'm sorry you are a bunch of bandwagoners that jumped in for muh difficulty meme
Nicholas Wood
Bloodborne 2 will go back to your normal souls shit, let from experiment.
Lucas Thomas
Making all kinds of different builds was fun as fuck, but the combat mechanics themselves are awful for PvP. Even without backstab fishing, the slow animation and i-frame based combat doesn't work when both players are serious about winning. Waiting, dodging and counterattacking if there's an opportunity is always the best course of action. Autists playing it as the "definitive competitive game" is the most boring shit ever. The PvP is only enjoyable when both players are bad or don't take it seriously on purpose
Whilst Souls PvP is genuinely the only fun I've had in an 'online' game in over a decade, it become way less about the competitive aspect for me over time, and more about making goofy stupid builds / RP characters and just fucking with people, or embarrassing shit players with meta builds
Grayson Campbell
Some really do, I've actually met some specimens IRL. They're all very boring people who hate their lives
Jace Allen
>shitters who suck at games SEETHUNGING hard in this thread It's so obvious whebever you encounter soneone complaini g about PvP, or shitting on it, that theyre just low iq shitters who got buttblasted by some chad red phantom
Benjamin Allen
t. Just got pointed down at by chad red who killed you without taking any damage
Ryan Bailey
Shut up OP. No one cares about your love for an extremely stale pvp.
Worst bait thread yet. Souls combat was always casual shit for babies. Not in any way comparable to fighting games. FromSoft games were always 100% about the amazing PvE.
Carson Clark
Literally no one fucking ever cared about the PvP lmao
James Ward
>Sekiro not even released yet and has sold more than DMC5
>Dark Souls' PvP has the potential to become the definitive competitive game.
DS's pvp is majorly boring, especially when players that could be considered "competitive-tier" face off. It all boils down to zoning, baiting and generally waiting for your opponent to make a mistake. Also cosplay builds quickly loose their charm and turn from entertaining to outright annoying.
Dark Souls pvp is conquered by one thing: a longsword, good stamina and well timed rolls. It's nowhere near as complex as people want it to be. Every single gimmick build in the entire game is beaten by having enough stamina to roll away and sometimes poke your opponent.
Hey OP, what are some traditional fighting games that you think are worse than Dark Souls PVP?
Alexander Taylor
>DMC5 flopping this hard AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Lucas Peterson
Axl is the best
Robert Young
Whoops that was three things, wasn't it? Let me rephrase, Dark Souls pvp is conquered by one build.
Aaron Nelson
>Dark Souls' PvP has the potential to become the definitive competitive game. Hell, even on its broken netcode backstab fishing state is still way better than traditional fighting games. this is the best bait of the day
Zachary Morales
Ryan Morris
I win every PvP battle by playing hollowed. PvP is a pointless waste of time
Bentley Green
for honor was one of the clunkiest and shittiest games Ive ever played ubitards are mentally deficient
Jose Howard
Jeremiah Scott
Yeah but it had all the mechanical depth of Souls pvp and more, same clunky shit but with a level of depth to it.
Ah yes, when every fond memory about demon souls includes the phrase "scraping spear" you know it had nothing to do with the pvp right? You faggots are absolutely deluded, Sekiro is going to do worse than any other souls game ever made solely due to lack of pvp, screenshot this post and then stream your suicide when i'm inevitably right