*dabs on your contrarian board*

*dabs on your contrarian board*

Attached: sekiro-with-leaves.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 171K)

Really high quality thread there, OP.


inb4 85 score and ohnonononono threads

I'm calling 94 average metacritic
stay seething and butthurt

Still gonna ohno threads

>tfw you will never have a good Bloodborne or Sekiro thread

ohnoNONONO nintendo threads
dabbing on bing bing wahoos since 2011

Chad's don't call themselves chad's

kill yourself console Waring faggot

Its not contrarian to call the game a dark souls clone since it literally uses the same assets, seethe harder Miyazaki cocksuckers

i have a way of dealing with contrarian faggots where i come from
i shoot them

spotted the seething bing bing wahoo

i'm an idort you stupid cunt

Did you know that "party rockers" tune is about molly? Or MDMA? Molly rocks.

*dabs on low sales

Can't wait for this to flop. Back to your souls cage miyazaki.

Shit thread but it reminded me of the Ghost of Fukushima Witcher 3 pasta and that always makes me laugh

so contrarian and unbased you couldnt even finish the asterisk
subconsciously you know you're a faggot

it's already global top seller on steam

It's second behind PUBG.

PUBG is a fun game so that’s fine.

Already preordered on amazon for PC (~$30 cheaper than steam), but still not happy about the shallow gameplay. It's simply a action game

>Shallow gameplay
Man you are in for a surprise, you really dont know how the combat system works uh? And all of the other dragonrot, ressurrection, traversal etc