M&B thread - Let's talk about mods edition

My favorite one is Gekokujo - Daimyo Edition
What about you, fellow rhodokposters?

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Comfy soundtrack, but I hate that every single faction is just a recolor.

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guns are fun though

Hey I did the same thing in that mod. Lots of guys using guns. Some frontline samurai or something cause it looked cool.

well what do you think they could change? Japanese sengoku era doesn't have much variety.

Problem with guns and bows in Geko is that due to high velocity of projectiles archers and gunners tend to overshoot a lot because M&B AI always aims for the head.

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I enjoy the NeoGK multiplayer mod, shouts, cheers, using catapults, ships, ballista, and air balloons. Plus i can dress as a sexy farmer.

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