Wow classic

should i play warrior, hunter, druid or warlock?
and why?

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God among men in pvp and pve (in terms of dps) if you are willing to:
Have the shittiest, slowest and hardest levelling while sucking in pvp
The most boring and hard class quests
The most long farming item simulator for EVERYTHING (from arena for savage chests, to emperor for ironfoe, to recipe for lionheart helm, to sulfuras etc)
One of the biggest competition in guild for items
Having a long and hard time farming every consumable for hardcore raiding
High cost for reparations

easiest levelling, with a warlock at least you have to press buttons sometimes but with hunter you can litteraly send pet in and autoattack your way to 60.
Highest g/min and can basicaly farm everything
Good start with raids, king of MC and the best strongest gear is the t1 for a while. After BWL your damage will suck and you'll be just a tranquil shot bot.
Pvp is realy cool at any level except vs Warlocks and Priests
High competition to get in a guild and competing for items
Universaly hated

Litteraly useless, ok the istances and levelling but good luck to find a guild. All the melee and some ranged out-dps you no matter what, heals sucks and tanking is even worse.
Raid gear for druid sucks anyway.
Levelling is comfy, kill something heal and go to kill more.
Tanking, dps and heal for istances is good.
You can also use the same gear and build as dps and tank.
You have to be a furry and deal with it.

Pet aka easy and fast levelling
Farming is decent
Raiding is easy because you put a curse and spam shadowbolts (after you propely buffed, soulstoned and healthstoned)
High demand because people underestimate it.
Pvp is a gankfest until Deathcoil.
Having to compete in raid for Magic damage items with mages who are a fucking swarm.

I don't care what you pick as long as it's not druid. I already have dibs on that one and I'm taking ALL the gear.


Insane amount of money from dungeons because you can reserve everything + ask for payments if you are willing to tank.
Extremely fun to play.


Very useful in few numbers for raids. Not a lot of competition for your gear.
Travel form and stealth ability.
Really good in BG PvP.
Playing healer is a lot more challenging and fun than dps.

I pity anyone who hasn't experienced the pleasure of being a tank chad.

There's nothing better than starting your own group with dozens of people whispering you to join because they see that you're going to tank. And telling the """DPS""" warriors and paladins to fuck off we're full so you won't have to compete for gear. So fucking satisfying.

It's also great when you tank a dungeon like a fucking professional and you get compliments.

>What class do I play? Oh I play shaman bro

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>Why yes, I do play as a Ret Paladin. How could you tell?

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>Oooh girls look he plays RET I’m getting wet!

brings me back to when I really started getting into WoW and starting my own pug groups for Gruuls Lair and Magtheradon raids!

Everyone is going to play a warrior. Every retard is going to roll one. I have a Field Marshall Dwarf warrior from Vanilla and I will tell you to stay away from the class. The server is going to be full of them.

No one wants hunters, they are great for pvp however. But it is very easy for people to cock block hunetrs with their dead zone. A smart mage will ALWAYS kill you.

Warlock is the true VIP and probably best class to play in classic. They are largely needed EVERYWHERE and have great dps. They actually have more dps than mages since lifetap is fucking amazing. Fear was also broken as hell in pvp. The patch they have for classic has warlocks at a really good place.

Master at nothing
Good at nothing
If you want good dps start farming Gnomer a million times for a weapon drop.
Boomkin is a fucking joke
They are the worst fucking healers sicne shammy and pallys at least give great support.
MASTER AT NOTHING, the hybrid tax was insane.

How does combat rogue fare in vanilla? I don't really remember it despite playing it during vanilla, only really picked it up during wrath.

its the level up spec. From 1 to 60 you should be combat.

At 60 you jump into a few trees. You even go into sub for a little to have a 90% chance to renter stealth when you sap. YES, in vanilla you don't stay in stealth if you sap a target by default.

fuck yeah Yea Forumsro's i cant wait. im finally coming home

How is combat in raids? viable? I'll for sure dabble in sub for pvp, i remember those one shot ambushes vividly, it will be worth the gold to respec every once in awhile.

Fun with a giant sword
Fun with a cute pet
Fun where you are the pet
Absolute faggots.

>that pkunk theme

Im sorry I can hear you over the sound of my UNRIVALED SEX APPEAL AND GIANT THROBBING HAMMER

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Compensating for his small penis
Furry, probably fucks his animal
Furry, gets fucked by his hunter friend
Fucks his seamen demon regularly while concocting brews for his bros to come over and stare into his lock closest for a satanic trip trip. 10/10 would be a warlocks friend they know how to party.

it cost 1g to respec moron. And no you dont want combat too much at 60.


Proud human female protection warrior on a rp-pvp server

Depending on how much they change I'm leaning toward Rogue or Mage because I spent my last vanilla experience as a healer and BC/wrath as a tank/healer

What's better? Rogue or Mage?

fuck off shitter it goes up to 50g, i aint listening to you no more don't @ me wisdomlet im raiding combat either way

Portal fridge and fast travel service
Useful healers, even more useful sex slaves
Genuine top blokes (probably has sex with their totems)

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Combat is the pve spec. I believe dagger is better on papers but it's so marginal that most people play swords (especially humans).

i'm rolling warlock just so i don't have to waste shittons of gold on respecs when doing both pve and pvp

is there a best levelling spec for warriors? bearing in mind i would want to tank dungeons along the way to 60 so i guess im stuck with prot no matter what right?

>tfw planning on founding a guild with a friend and being main tank
I can't fucking wait, shit is gonna be so cash.

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How do i make gold in vanilla Yea Forums?

You don't need to be prot to tank dungeons

>is there a best levelling spec for warriors?
Playing with other people because this is an MMO

>so i guess im stuck with prot no matter what right?
Are you a pathetic faggot whose going to base hours of their life and enjoyment entirely on just getting to the final 0.1% of the content of a game while ruining the other 99.99%? If yes, then sure go proc.

The advantage of warlock looting is that anyone who wants to progress will definitely want at least one with them, and since nobody wants a bit of dead weight for the sake of utility, you’ll at least be in line for some loot rather than it being a complete pirahna fest.
Contrast with standard DPS, where they’ll take the first ones who hit the standard and bench everyone else until they do.

sell boe shit
sell mats

>so i guess im stuck with prot no matter what right?
Can you please grow some fucking balls and stop thinking the content at the end of the game is the only content it can offer?

Going DPS warrior is fun as fuck for the majority of your time, which is leveling, which is what the ENTIRE GAME WAS DESIGNED FOR.

Raids were a fucking mistake, you should assume once you hit 60 you're going to do world PvE or PvP and never touch raids because they are overrated garbage.

You don't have to level as a prot to tank dungeons. Just need a good shield and you can easily off-tank most dungeons. Even enhancement shamans can tank dungeons if they have a good shield. Best build for leveling is gonna revolve around the weapons you have available. From 30 to 51 you'll most likely be using whirlwind axe so going arms for axe spec is tempting. Past 51 you'll be using AV quest spear, and by that point a mix of arms and fury might be the way to go. I've also heard something about spirit stacking to lessen the time between drinking each pull but this might be a private server thing. Either way you're gonna want to level with somebody else as warrior.

>These are the """people""" you will be playing Classic with.

Holy shit why do raids make casuals seethe so hard? Do people really get this upset when someone in BIS stomps them?

>retailbabs will get this as new playable race
Classic can't come soon enough

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Instanced content is just so boring. Stuff like pve and pvp are way more fun out there in the open world.

Nigger you can tank dungeons in any spec you want while levelling, and even the end game dungeons if you have decent gear and a healer who isn’t a drooling retard.
Prot spec is ONLY for raids, and even then that’s only when you’re in a guild, since any pug that isn’t retarded will have their MT and healers locked down already.

When the final phase is done, would you prefer them to make entirely new content, or go on to TBC?

>i-im not mad I just prefer camping lowbies in redridge than doing any content
Are you sure? Because you sound pretty mad.

Because you look like a fag

TBC because it's the best expansion and better than vanilla.

TBC. New content will be garbage like retail content

TBC but fixed to be not shit

>Raids are the single cause of all of modern WoWs issues
>"lel raids are great!"
You have a game LITERALLY designed for you, its called retail WoW and its shit. Enjoy your shit, you wanted it.

Now leave us alone we just want to play real WoW.

>yeah sorry i cant play with you my girlfriend wants to have sex with me

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TBC but not TBC.

As in, progress to TBC, but only implement good features and content.

Also ban all raiders, because fuck em.

if you think they're going to "make more vanilla content" you've missed the point. it doesn't matter if you liked tbc more, or wotlk, it doesn't matter. All it is, is this. TBC has more subs than Vanilla. WOTLK has more subs then both. they will juice it for all its worth when the time comes. BC, AND wotlk is happening. just hope they SEPERATE the vrsions, and don't force the vanilla server into bc etc. BC will happen. Anybody who says otherwise has no idea how this all works.

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>i-im not mad I just prefer camping lowbies in redridge than doing any content
Exactly. I don't give a flying fuck about raids, i'll spend all my time ganking low lvl shitters and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop me. Does that make YOU mad?

Retribution Paladins is for chads only, sorry kids.

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Play a good game, not a 15-year old MMORPG you have to pay a sub for.

>i-i prefer doing fixed and scripted content safely inside an instance because pvp bullies keep bullying me outside

I prefer the content which makes up the majority of the game and is best enjoyed in the MMO setting, being the leveling experience.

Sorry you only like shitty versions of instanced crap, but instead of trying to ruin MMOs maybe you could fuck off back to diablo.

The fuck is that?!
Thats not mechagnome.

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>is so pathetic he has to do content where he knows all the solutions to all the problems before he begins since playing in the open world with real people puts in the human condition as a dynamic which he has always been unable to understand
Its empirically proven that the more you like raids the more autistic you are. Thats why they exist, they were a containment zone. Unfortunately Blizzard got filled with them and died but that wont happen this time.

TBC but no flying, arenas, or new races

They're gnomes who've started to bodymod themselves to be more like their ancestors

To add to warrior pvp: you are the king of group pvp, but you are by far the worst solo pvp class. Your only favorable 1v1 matchup is vs rogues, and even then it's like 60/40 in your favor.

Where my Tauren bros at

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I understand you guys who love the Wraith lore and story, but it was objectively the beginning of the end and from a game design perspective had no right existing in an MMO.

TBC > Vanilla > The rest was objectively shit and WoW would have done better without them

ret paladins are great, but you know you'll be in the back of your raid or bg group healing for a good while before you get a shot at earning any ret gear

People bought into TBC because vanilla was so great, it slowed down for WotLK because TBC turned out to be mediocre, and went downhill in cataclysm because WotLK was hot shit.

how are warlocks in solo wpvp?

>introduced cancer shit such as flying, welfare gear. bloodelves and raping lore characters

Who /fem orc warlock/ masterrace here?

Both are very popular classes, so expect a lot of competition.
Rogue is very good at:
Solo pvp
Mage is very good at:
Solo pvp
Group pvp

So if you look at it objectively, probably mage.

>game designed by EQ poopsockers
>"obviously you're supposed to do nothing but gank people when you hit 60, that's what they intended!"
sorry but I want to actually continue playing the game when I hit 60

Kinda leaning toward mage since it looks more "fun" and less reliant on being a 1 trick pony

>not going fem orc warrior domming every alliance/horde person that comes into your path

The best solo wpvp class, at least if you're horde.

New content, TBC did too many things wrong, that's where the downfall of Wow began
>the draenei retcon
>adding BE to Horde (Horde shouldn't have any non-monstrous races)
>recycling old lore characters for loot pinyatas, lolcorruption being the only justification for the destruction of beloved previously established characters like Kael and Vashj
I want a separate classic timeline, or just keep it with no changes forever.

This is the most iconic and necessary piece of gear for any rogue and no other class has a comparable item to their names

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>Yea Forums is nothing but casuals who aren't even good enough to do raids as easy as vanilla's
>they will bitch and complain about "no-life minmaxers" when they get camped by someone in full t2
Lmao, looking forward to camping you baddies with my ashkandi.

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Loot is personalized in BFA.

>tfw alliance

>TBC happens
>Draenei are in it
>they’re the WC3 version
>tempest keep is not in fact a setback


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This is the ugliest shit I have ever seen. Would be cool to play a full mechanical character like Jeeves.

post your most comfy location in classic wow, boys

how many people in these threads still play retail?

>im going to hit 60 and then quit
You aren't one of THOSE people, are you?

rip Verne Troye. true based god.

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>tbc introduced welfare gear
you're a cock sucking motherfucker you know that ?
you know how many av's you had to do in order to get those epics?the ones you actually had to win ?
fuck you

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I'm gonna get every class to 60.

rolling rogue just to go around stalking people and see what their routines are like

>But it is very easy for people to cock block hunetrs with their dead zone.

you don't deadzone hunters, you just get in their face and fuck them up

> A smart mage will ALWAYS kill you.

a smart hunter will never get in range of a mage's spells

just viper sting and run the fuck away until it's oom

>Chargers and Dreadsteeds won't initially be in the game

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i'll be ganking as much pala's as possible just to trigger their bubble+hearthstone and let them have to travel all the way to the questing zone again

they're like those goats who drop down and freeze if you spook them

welfare cuck lmao

>a smart hunter will never get in range of a mage's spells
Not possible. Mage's mobility and obscenely short cast time on r1 frostbolt will see them catch up to you and fuck you and there's nothing you can do about it.

>t. zoomer who never played tbc

the "welfare gear" in TBC is referring to epic gear commonly dropping in 5mans, and being able to purchase T5 and even T6-level gear for badges that you get from 5mans

not to mention PvP gear where you can literally just lose 10 arena games every week and get currency to buy weapons and armor that were as good as, if not better than, T5 gear

Every femorc lock ive known on private servers has been a massive prick

*blinks behind you*
*unsheathes frost nova*
*frostbolt crits you*
heh, nothing personnel...hunter...

This is only a problem if you're a no-life NEET that gets to 60 in 3 weeks.

Well you could (I did) afk in av for honor until some later patch in tbc

have fun getting reck bombed

>3 weeks
We don't know when DM will release, it might be more.

Will view distance actually be as far as retail? I'd love to play vanilla without that shitty vanilla view distance fog kicking in.

I'm a prick myself so I'll fit right in

Which healing class should I play? Leaning more towards druid/priest rather than the faction-specific ones.

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Haha what? Literally nobody plays private servers because they're not the real deal, not stable, no long term future. It doesn't 'feel' real.

>implying i'll be ganking pala's of the same level as me

>ret paladins trying to shill their shit spec this hard
Daily reminder that all ret paladins are faggots who would rather force 39 other people to carry and conform to them, rather than just changing to suit the game. All becasue of LE EPIC LIGHT XD

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I'd assume somewhere around 3 months after server launch.

Having to go 1-2 months without an epic mount is not the end of the world. Gives you plenty of time to farm the mats for it.

>no-life NEET that gets to 60 in 3 weeks
It takes like max 1 week to get to 60 if you are a NEET and you know what you are doing. People leveled to 60 in less than 40-50 hrs playtime

The catchup gear didn't appear until much later. By the time you could buy t5 equivalent gear people had already moved on from t5. Catchup gear was also present in vanilla so you're complaining that TBC is doing something that vanilla did.
The epics from heroics are no different from dungeon blues that are on par and in some cases even better than MC gear. In fact, the vanilla OP dungeon blues are even more welfare because the epics from heroics were never BIS unlike dungeon blues.

I hope not, it makes the zones feel really small.

>You can literally save 400g by waiting for Dreadsteed

No one is gonna invite those paladins to their raid group.
Why would they when better alternatives exist?

TBC initial badge loot was Karazhan tier when it came out, then got upgraded when BT released. Prior to daily heroic quests, It would take approximately 5-10 heroic runs, depending on what you bought, to get one bit of gear.
It was meant to augment Raids rather than supplant them, and the lack of dungeon finder, combined with the CC requirements of heroics, meant that you couldn't faceroll five of them per day.

Im a wagecuck that wants to be a NEET again, help

>People leveled to 60 in less than 40-50 hrs playtime

the world record for vanilla solo leveling is roughly 115 hours, retarded zoomer

and that's on a progressed server with no overcrowded leveling zones

It only feels small when I fly over them, which won't be a problem in classic.

that's what I'm saying, retard

Even just walking around it feels smaller, you can clearly see westfall from the gold mine in elwynn.

vanilla did not hand out free raid-level epics from 5mans, all of the epic dungeon drops in vanilla were

what about shaman?
Not OP but I'm tempted of rolling Orc Hunter or Shaman, maybe Tauren

I’ve never played wow. Will I enjoy this if I buy this when it comes out? Can I casually play it or do I have to play this everyday? If it’s the latter then I’ll probably pass

It really wasn't hard to do 5 heroics in one day, user

especially if you have a nice geared group

GROUP PvP, I’m talking guild vs guild battles, what classes outshine the rest?

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>Even just walking around it feels smaller, you can clearly see westfall from the gold mine in elwynn.

with all the trees in the way? lol no you can't, retard


no class "outshines" others in group PvP

group PvP is not balanced at all

mage or pretty much any ranged, melee is fucked in group pvp

Daily reminder that Classic will be dead on arrival.

Horde > Alliance, Shaman > Paladin.

Nothing is hard for people with a group. Those same people would gear up just as easily in Vanilla.
The point is that they certainly weren't welfare epics when introduced, because the casuals that eventually got their hands on them in Wrath wouldn't be able to do 5 heroics in a week, let alone a day.
Remember that to do heroics you also needed to be revered with the faction in question, which generally meant doing at least a few dungeons unless you focused heavily on that faction when leveling.

How many players will quit after the first month? How many after 3?

Kinda depends what your goals are. If you only care about going on a fun adventure in a big world and leveling and crafting and roleplaying and doing some world pvp, you can definitely play casually. But if you want to get the best gear you'll probably have to put some time in it. Maybe not exactly every day but definitely every weekend.

Remember that the graphics will feel very dated, though, if you've never played WoW before

Post and rate PvP talents

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Those are not the reasons.
The real reason is:
PvE will be full of min-maxers, so everyone has same gear, specc and race.
PvP will be full Premade vs Randoms BGs.

what's so surprising I'm confused

Open world or premade bgs?

Holy pally is the chad of healers bro, don’t be a filthy cumslut

>vanilla did not hand out free raid-level epics from 5mans
Your rose-tinted glasses are showing.

Download 1.12 and try out retrowow. Your characters start at 60 with the best pre-raid gear available. It's a good way to get a feel for the classes in pve. It's easy to get gear but it still takes grinding so you probably won't get a chance to try them in pvp without getting wrecked unless you put a few weeks into it. But like I said it's good to get a feel for them.

how viable is the ambush sub spec for leveling?
I know it's not anyone's first choice but getting those bloodfury ambush crits was soooooo satisfying

Only talents Warlocks need. Everything else is bonus.

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>b-but the name wasn't purple so that means it doesn't matter if it's stronger than raid gear

>vanilla private servers running for 10+ years

seething retailfag

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A geared holy paladin for them heals, or a geared ele shaman for phat chain lightning crits

>priest: most versatile, has many types of heals
>druid: good HoTs and single target, but no 1.5s cast heal
>paladin: flash of light, flash of light, flash of light, flash of light, never ooms ever
>shaman: chain heal, chain heal, chain heal, chain heal, has to stack mp5 and chug potions nonstop just to not oom

Not exactly optimal, but you could level pretty much anything if you had the right gear.
It would probably help you if you felt like ganking along your way.

Why are BCfags so cringey irl?

pvp is rock paper scissors. hunters wreck melee, casters wreck hunters, melee gets wrecked by casters

scissors do not beat both rock and paper

>being this goddamn retarded

that's not rock, paper scissors is melee gets wrecked by ranged and casters

and warlocks are mushrooms

Kael and Vashj have been baddies since TFT, retard. They literally pledge allegiance to Kil'jaeden after overthrowing Maghteridon.

feels bad that blizzard has to shit on shamans all the time and then when people complain that the class is shit their reasoning is literally "We have to stop them from getting too OP"

>private servers swell in popularity and die with a new one taking its place some time later
>private servers do not have a sub fee
This has been the argument against vanilla for years. Elysium, Emerald Dream, Lights Hope, private servers have existed for years and work blizz like for the most part. What is going to keep people paying after a few months?

Arms warrior + pocket healer (Paladin/Priest)

Wrong quote

>private servers swell in popularity and die with a new one taking its place some time later

yes, servers cycle through popularity, that's just the nature of the game

no server just gets to naxx and then sits there forever, people want to reroll fresh and do it all again

>private servers do not have a sub fee

"haha people only play vanlila because it's free! if they had to pay a sub they would not play haha!"

so tell me, why are people not playing any of the other 100,000+ "free" games? why are they playing vanilla in specific?

couldn't possibly be because they like it and private servers are the only way to play it, nope, nuh uh

fuck off blizzard shill

paladins only get 12 second long bubble at like 54 or 56

So you're realizing you're wrong but you don't want to admit it?

>Druid tanking sucks
They are godlike for MC and BWL user. By that point they are geared enough to continue on as off tanks. I wouldnt use them for something like Vael but they are just fine for 90% of fights and when they are not off tanking they are the best class when it comes to doing dps when not needing to tank due to their tank/dps spec being nearly the same

Warriors are going to be so damn abundant when it goes live. Hopefully the painful leveling process will deter some of them.

ah okay. Always wanted to play wow as a kid but never had a pc. Might give it a try this time

I'm not the person you were talking to and don't give a shit what the argument was about, just found it hilarious that you claim rares are also epics, they're just not called epics


Less TPS than warriors you retard

Any Warlocks here?
How much do you charge from summoning services?
I usually want 5-10g

Go Arms to begin with if you are doing a pvp realm. Rush improved overpower and sweeping strikes. Then get a big two hander and spam SS and cleave while 2 enemies are on you. The proc from SS will count on both hits from cleave allowing you to hit 4 times in 1 swing. To make up for the warriors biggest limitation (His HP) you should buy and upgrade a spirit set for in between fights. You will want either pure stam/spirit or of the boar on your items. These tend to sell for cheap on the AH. With enough spirit you will regen health faster than eating would. If they allow addons just use outfitter to macro your set to 1 button and then another to switch back to your main gear. Using this method I found leveling up to be fun as a warrior for once. You can just keep going and when you get quad crits it just feels amazing.

Imagine being this much of a retard.
Warrions can't even get near the TPS of a druid in bear.

you should play the class you most enjoy. that is the spirit of vanilla wow.

>warrior can't gear near tps of a druid in bear
Spoken like someone who has never raided high-end.

A bear has nothing on reck/death wish/windfury, thus they cannot compete in tps you fucking retard.

thanks that sounds like a good idea

Is PoM+Pyro a meme or is it really a great anti-ganking tool?

>To make up for the warriors biggest limitation (His HP) you should buy and upgrade a spirit set for in between fights. You will want either pure stam/spirit or of the boar on your items. These tend to sell for cheap on the AH. With enough spirit you will regen health faster than eating would.
Stop posting anytime.

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>Tanking with those on

Are you new to the game? Main tanks use reck/dw as often as they can for tps, also they wear dps gear, not full tier 2, which means they have even more tps. A bear can not compete.

Suck my fat cock. Spirit stacks with itself making each point worth more the more you have. And yes for leveling your HP determines the pace more so than gear.

You must be new. Which I have nothing against unless you start spouting complete non sense bullshit like you are.

No you don't stack spirit as a warrior. You go for str+stam. You utilize cleave when you can, otherwise you kite mobs with hamstring using swing timer.

Stop with your retarded fake news garbage in these threads it's getting tiresome.

why do white people always make this face when they greet someone they don't know?

>you claim rares are also epics, they're just not called epics
i never claimed that
i said that the name being purple doesn't automatically make it better


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Warriors have more downtime while levelling than every other class BY FAR. Your weapon dps dictates how fast you kill enemies a lot more than strength and attack power on your gear do, making strength less valuable than int on a caster or agility on a rogue. Do you want to take 30 seconds to kill an enemy followed by 30 seconds to eat, or 40 seconds to kill an enemy followed by 10 seconds to eat?

Which is why I said Spirit SET learn to fucking read dude. Fucking wojack posters are getting more retarded every fucking day

Yes, warriors are painful to level. Still doesn't change the fact that you don't wear spirit on your gear, ever. That's not a thing.

Spirit set is not a thing. Get good at the game and stop spamming these thread with your retarded bullshit.

>wanna play druid
>love the class fantasy and gimmicks
>realize how awful it is compared to other heals
>realize no one will want you even in end game dungos because taking you FORCES them to take another off heals with a res.
>realize they are only kinda good at pvp and innervating in raids.
shame, they have such good flavor but I guess I'll just stick to shaman

Dwarf hunter of course!
I still remember buying my ammos when I was bored... Good time...

New content, it wont be good anyway but fuck TBC im burned through it. At the start of the Sunwell patch i already had 300~ days played with my main alone, so im done with this expansion. I did everything there, and i dont need to experience it again.

Druids are underpopulated, which means they're highly wanted. You don't need a lot of druids, but it's hard to find the few druids that you do need.

not him but are you retarded? He's talking about when going from a to b, not while fighting.
personally i think unless you happen onto the gear from drops or it's incredibly cheap, it isnt worth it, and i hate the idea of being jumped in my shitty spirit gear, but otherwise it's a real thing and people use it.
For pvp servers I'd always suggest being as ready as possible at all times to fuck someone's butt, as corpse runs or being camped add a fuckload to leveling time. Kill the person and get the fuck out if more are going to fuck with you. Warriors, especially while leveling, need to initiate to have the advantage, not wait to be fucked with like a paladin can.

>Don't do this thing that has massive time saving benefits that only takes a few keypresses to maintain.

tfw im going engineer

You don't have a spirit set ever as a warrior. E V E R. You kite swing timers, use pots, bandage and eat food. That's it.

Get good and stop spouting your non sense.

Just go feral, its a solid tank for dungeons and some raid bosses + every melee will love you for Lotp

Druids aren't needed at all. You could swap in an alt druid to give everyone mark of the wild.

>yfw you'll be farming the exploit mobs in each zone

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As is everyone who is even half serious about the game.

jesus. the absolute state of nuwow

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>That's not a thing.
It doesn't have to be "a thing" accepted by the masses for it to be valuable. The only downside to having a spirit set to equip while eating is that it takes up inventory space.

>casters and mana users of all types will tell you at every point of the leveling process to maximize spirit regen? fuck that shit I'm a warrior I don't need that.

Just thinking about playing classic is giving me a boiner

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>Just a regular ass gnome with engineering BoPs built in
How fucking lame

Spirit set is bougie "I have a hunter main to farm all my gold" leaving valuable greys on mob corpses bullshit, but it's still part of a balanced speedrunning breakfast.

imagine being so autistic that you keep a set of spirit gear as a warrior just because you want to finish the game as fast as possible

I used to be big into pvp but now I'm thinking about rolling on a pve server in classic. I heard many girls(female) play there.

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Imagine thinking having a spirit set is somehow some hidden knowledge that the stupid sheeple masses doesn't know about. Jesus christ.

No one but priests use spirit you monkey, not even mages until they hit max level.

It's only autistic if you actively steal the gear from cloth/leathers in leveling dungeons.

>No one but priests use spirit you monkey, not even mages until they hit max level.
Alright explain every warlock and their mother telling you to buy a normal mount instead of the class one so that you regen more mana inbetween fights.

>he doesn't have a gold farming alt
enjoy being a casual

I've been playing private servers for the past 8 years and every time some fuck mentions it in guild chat in a levelling guild, there's always other fucks who say something along the lines of "why didn't i think of that" or "i'll have to try that out on my warrior"

The private server meta now is to tank most fights without a shield and go a weird prot/fury hybrid for insane tps

Nigger what? Warlocks have a ridiculously easy time getting mana back

What does not wanting to spend mana everytime you mount have to do with anything?

So you're a casual private server shitter, good to know.

Oh please tell me more, totally didn't say this a few posts earlier.

>he relies on/waits for to be released dungeon farms instead of just farming bats in the plaguelands with skinning for almost as much gold per hour

i love to life tap and cannibalize

Can someone help me with rogue weapon speeds?
Mainhand: 2.00 speed
OffHand: 1.50 speed
Is this good?

Obligatory "i can't wait to kill ERPing shitters in Goldshire with my Infernal/Doomguard" post

Shit will be so cash

You don't need dire maul to make money, user. A mage alt can skin a hundred times the mobs a warrior can, and you can sell conjured water.

All these retards rolling rogue. I pity them.

2.00 speed for a MH is insanely fast, you want anything close to 2.5-2.8

>What does not wanting to spend mana everytime you mount have to do with anything?
The lost mana regen from casting the mount is more valuable than the mana used to summon it.

You're fucking retarded, stop posting in these threads.

>what is life tap
>what is drain life

Reminder that normies will get hunted down on executed by neets death squads. Neets will once again rule the World of Warcraft and the normies will lick our feets like peasants.

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>The lost mana regen from casting the mount is more valuable than the mana used to summon it.
You do know what abilities a Warlock has, right?

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*rolls a nelf priest*

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>2.00 speed for a MH is insanely fast
Barman Shanker is 2.00


>P U R E K I N O
enjoy dying of boredom

Yes, I do. They often leave a warlock lacking both health and mana. You know which stat helps them regenerate it, and which spells can interrupt this regeneration?

>warlocks should get spirit
Just learn to play the game for christs sake.

>They often leave a warlock lacking both health and mana
No they don't, literally stop sucking

I want to play a shaman. Is it possible to make enhancement work?

So let me get this straight.
To avoid running low on mana, which a warlock can get back easily via a health sacrifice they can also get back easily, they should:
A) Use spirit gear, that has the opportunity cost of making them take longer to kill enemies
B) buy a costly mount instead of getting their significantly cheaper version, which will enable them to regenerate more mana on the go, despite the fact that any distance worth getting on a mount for will almost certainly be enough for them to regenerate it naturally even without spirit gear?

M8, are you high?

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Warrior cuz he blacc

If you want girls, play on a pve roleplay server.

Enhance can work if you wanna be the nightfall + totem bitch in your raids, most only take 2 tops though. for pvp no premades will take you seriously though

Yes, they do, literally stop wasting time tapping and draining to full
Swapping to your spirit set is a single button press

You didn't think this through at all.
Just stop.

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Should i just pick hunter and grind fast 60lvl?

Yeah, I'd rather do that instead of healslutting.
Also doesn't enhance shammy have nice pvp potential with fat windfury procs? I vividly remember at least one fragvid all about that.

draining is part of your core rotation while leveling, pleb, dot up mobs, let the voidwalker tank and drain life untill the mob dies

i bet you just spam shadowbolts and lifetap and then wonder why you're running out of mana and health

You know you don’t get spirit gear for free, right?
It’s a disproportionate cost of time and energy for minimal return.

I can’t wait to eat hamburgers and fries from Freddy’s while playing classic all day long

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You know you get a hefty amount of spirit regen for free without a single piece of gear, right?

they do but the problem with enhance is they can be kited to hell and back, just make sure you get engi and you can make it work though!

You'll have fun leveling or pvp-ing as enhance as a caster destoyer.
As far as raiding goes, you'll only ever be a mana-tide bitch.

your point being?

My online friend has irl friends he's gonna be playing alliance on, but muh horde. wat do bros alliance is inevitably more of baddies and autismos

>Innervate and battle rez not needed
>Best offtank of the game
>Good ones are rare as fuck and guild struggle to recruit them
>Thinking mark of the wild is the only good thing about Druids

Even pserver fags would laugh at you.

So then the whole concept of having extra spirit gear is worthless, as the whole thread has already said.

ran into verycoolguy on stormwind once
he sold me some drugs

Not if you have money coming out of your ass like

>machinima cringe
who is autistic enough to find this shit funny or entertaining?

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That's right. Now get on your knees.

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It's Classic culture.

TBC heroics did not have BiS gear.
>but muh purple
fuck off brainlet.

if you were nicely geared, then you didn't need the catch-up gear in the first place.

my god, brainlets will complain about anything.

>innervate and battle res not needed
>best offtank
>motw is the only good thing about druids
Pretty much.

>TBC heroics did not have BiS gear.
You're right, instead tailoring had several full sets of BiS gear for several raid tiers
Absolutely BASED though if you ask me, vanilla had only half as many decent crafting pieces.

good in pve and pvp (with a BG group etc)
good in pve, ok in pvp (still got that pesky minimum range shit from classic)
garbage in classic
dunno never played one at 60

im just gunna run mage again, the strongest classic class up there with rogue

So what will be the least played class? Druid?

>During vanilla I was the only fury warrior raiding in mc and bwl because everybody (at least on my server) thought warriors only equal tanks
>Know I'll never get this feeling back in classic because everybody knows how good they are
It's an abstract kind of feel

probably. all their forms were pretty bad, cant tank, can barely dps as feral I think. you're relegated to battle rez and innervate bot in raids with some heals

they were ok 1v1 in pvp though, saw some good duels outside Ironforge back then

so what’s usually the class with least gear competition?
He used to be shit onvanilla, but after BFA was failing hard and Classic became more popular he switched the boats and started shilling Classic and shitting on retail.

I'm in the same boat, but the deciding factor for me was the respecc costs. I'd enjoy tanking dungeons whilst healing raids but the cost of respeccing will just become too annoying for me for a main. The weapon and talent variety for shamans make them so much more unique to me, being able to switch up your playstyle by switching your weapons and applying flametongue makes for a better experience than being stuck as a cat till 60.

Depends. There are chucklefucks who will roll druid and be vocal about how THEY'RE good at feral or balance and everybody else is just bad. There are tons of delusional retards who will try to do those, or elemental shaman, or retribution paladin, or shadow priests pretending there aren't more important debuffs to put on the boss when classic launches because they want to 'stick it' to people who say they're bad specs.

>Remember that to do heroics you also needed to be revered with the faction in question
wasnt that just to open the doors in front of the instance portal? and then everyone else could run in behind you, even outside your group?

You are either a shit warlock or you never played one.

Do we have any rules on things like the timer for Black Lotus and herb stuff? Will it be on a 2 hour cool down? that shit is going to be farmed heavily

You miss Pservers dont you :)

>no one wants hunters
They're practically necessary for certain raids. They've got utility out the ass.

It'll be the same. Enjoy trying to get them

if horde there will be only 1 plate class

same with alliance

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>a smart hunter will never get in range of a mage's spells

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Fun to play ? depends, levelling is litteraly heroic strike only.
But yeah you can get paid to tank but you have to be good geared first otherwise people will laugh at your face.
The druid gear sucks and the healing one is reserved to priests and shaman (EG Cauterizing band)
Travel ability true, but 1000g is nothing compared sitting in OG doing nothing because nobody wants to group you unless as tank in istances.
Versatile is a nice word but not in vanilla, in vanilla it means "it sucks at is role and you preffer a specialized one".
You sound like someone who goes WC and require players to be top geared desu.
>Ret paladin
you better put that holy spec and those 5 buffs or get the fuck out
>Cute pet is okay
>Demons and shadow powers are not
Immagine being a furry faggot
Mages have farm capabilities, alternative levelling with aoe, are good in pvp vs melee classes, a lot requested for raiding but a lot of competition and i hope your class leader isn't a female.
PVE =/= Levelling
The pure pve build is the shadowbolt one without SM
Depends on how much competent is your guild, usualy Warriors and Hunters are the most played class so early on you'll see a lot of them. Then shit happens that not every guild need dps warriors but just a few if they are not speedrunning the raid.
Anyway casual you could fill with everything you get but at least 5 priests (or shamans) 2-4 tanks and anything else is dps so it's just too random.
In a competent guild (semi-hardcore or hardcore) 5 priests (1 shadow), 2-3 locks, a lot of mages and hunters, Some shamans for totemz depending on how many groups of melee for the windfury totem, 2-4 tanks.

Also i'm seeing a lot of people cryng and bitching about raids. Truth is if you like them, do them. If you don't, don't. But remember this is a gear based mmo and the best gear is in raids and high rank pvp.

I don't even go for them, I just like going to the farming spots and killing the opposite faction trying to get them. NOTHING makes people saltier, and I mean nothing, than griefing somebody as their picking a herb, trust me. and then while you're attacking them, another person picks it. True salt. GIVE CLASSIC, NOW.

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If you don't factor in the skewed pops of the faction-locked classes, then yes
For all those who are on the druid fence, here are my thoughts after playing private servers the last couple years:
They're really fun to level. Probably the fastest non-pet levelers imo. You can also do literally anything in leveling 5mans; bear is great in dungeons and people are always looking for healers
Feral in world pvp is super skill intensive and rewarding. You burst DPS isn't huge like rogue, but your suitability is off the charts. Make sure to grab 5/5 Furor and Bear Charge, it gives you so many options. Structured pvp is pretty much the same
You WILL be relegated to healer for late game pve, but it's not all bad. Raids need atleast 1/2 druids (battle res/ innervate), and there are so little of them you're guaranteed a spot if you're at all competent.

TLDR: Huge level of fun if leveling Feral. Great in 5mans, mediocre (but necessary) healers in end game pve. World pvp feels awesome if you master your toolkit, as does structured

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No, it was to enter the heroic version period.
They largely did away with physical doors.

only for the first zones, we can go full ree mode if they continue AFTER that. If it continues, it's gg. that's classic over.

I wish
my guild leader was a ret pally and he took the first Hand of Rag on the server, and then lost a duel to a rogue wearing greens outside of Ironforge in front of the whole server
our guild never lived that shit down, fucking fat ass Feldhake, FUCK YOU

They'll be the least played but not the one in highest demand. I'm guessing people will be wanting warlocks/priests(healers in general for those doings dungeons pre-60). They're just the least played because of the racial limitation and having the stereotype of being mediocre, don't just pick the most unpopular class with the assumption that it'll be the one people want most

>Pserver drama

>Playng Paladin
I bet you bubblehearth you fucking shitter

Can you still heal dungeons if you level as feral?

warlock starts getting good in later stages of vanilla, if you are willing to suck it up till then go for it.

Druid is alright for pvp if you spec mostly in resto and enjoy healing in raid (casting innervate).

Warrior is enjoyable because of how significant weapons feel for you. Getting a new weapon and critting for 75 percent of someone's HP because of 3.9 speed is amazing.

Im set on Horde Rogue.

Troll or Orc?

Undead seems homosexual.

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huh? I've never played on a private server
this was back in actual vanilla dude, my stupid ass ret pally guild leader really embarrassed us that day by being a greedy cunt and taking hand of rag.

Undead you fag.

tauren warrior and undead priest
how much fun will it be in a duo leveling


Yes. Just accumulate a decent healer set as you level. Save any decently leveled spirit gear with a bit of int and you should be fine


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I personally like the aesthetic of an orc rogue

if you don't roll undead male you literally suck cocks

Orc is the best race.

Modern Blizzard servers can't handle concentrated populations because they're cloud-based. Sharding will never go away, mark my word.


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Is mage pvp fun? specifically arcane

orc, best racials, best animations, best everything

Back in vanilla we got the world first loot Talisman of Binding Shard but then i looted it and i lost to mage with white gear :(((



Racials are decent. Animations for combat are good. Stealth animations isnt the best. They have massive shoulderpads though which is annoying.


>he's not preparing for release on a chinkshit pserver

Is DPS grouping slow as molasses if you're a utility heavy class? Say I'm a warlock or mage, and can do many useful things for the party except heal. On average will I be able to find dungeon groups quickly?

What is a good private server to play on? I want to get a taste of vanilla so I know what to start in classic

Just lie that you have a heal/tank friend and LFM away.

you can do dungeons with no healer if its unchanged from vanilla

yeah orc stealth animations are awful, especially female. Bloodfang shoulders on an orc look sick though what u mean

i just found the post where people were STILL making fun of the guy like almost a decade later

play fem orc, you fag

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What's the most fun class to play in vanilla

dps is dps.
get a tank or healer buddy.




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tfw every1 bullies druids, i just want to be unkillable bitch and meme in world pvp and bg pvp using my ebin hybrid 21/11/11 build

>He didnt even spend the time to screencap the post


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unironically, light's hope
ppl say it's infested with chinks and gold bots, but the majority of the people i see speak english and are pretty friendly
it has a 5-6k pop most hours

>shadowmeld into mind control
so fucking awesome

dumb zoomer. Heroics outside Magister's Terrace were an entirely different instance and needed a key to get into.

>Can finally roleplay a Priestess of the Moon with the nightsaber and cloth set in darkshore warfront

Feels good, if only priest still had racials and my Light spells were a lighter blue for Elune instead of a holy gold


The only people who bully druids are the morons that think MC/BWL are serious business.
Druids are baller as fuck in BG's and unironically come close to being as good as rogues in wpvp.

>warrior has best playstyle
>pally has best armor and lore


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In the end, the only thing that killed wow was itself.

Where my Undead Warlock Bois at? I can't wait to be the true bigdick in raids again

>would rather be a shit skin then the closest thing to a human the horde has.

its a direct link to the post my dude. whatever

>I'm suppposed to open your shitty furry erp forum posts.

make both
start warrior to be relevant then swap

vanilla vet coming through, I tried to be as objective as possible
keep in mind this list isn't theoretical max powerlevel but rather consistency and achievable
yeah you can be a pvp god as enh shaman with sulfuras and lucky wf but be realistic user
yeah you can do good dmg as a hunter but only after you assigned targets to warriors, bought ammo, fed your pet, conserved mana and aren't on tranq duty

bottom line is you can have fun as any class but the game is over a decade old and essentially solved so don't force things and have wrong expectations

shit dps, shit pvp, easy leveling, shit aesthetics, raid utility bitch, straightforward
shit dps, good pvp, easy leveling, shit aesthetics, raid utility bitch, busywork
good dps, good pvp, easy leveling, shit aesthetics, raid chad, straightforward
shit dps, good pvp, shit leveling, good aesthetics, raid chad, straightforward
shit dps, good pvp, shit leveling, good aesthetics, raid chad, straightforward
good dps, good pvp, easy leveling, great aesthetics, raid chad, straightforward
shit dps, shit pvp, easy leveling, great aesthetics, raid utility bitch, busywork
good dps, good pvp, easy leveling, great aesthetics, raid utility bitch, busywork
good dps, good pvp, shit leveling, great aesthetics, raid chad, straightforward

Too much muscle is gross

As a frost mage i dont think i ever lost to a hunter must have been playing on a small private server or something

the aesthetics part is subjective af, and priest lvling should be easy (wand + spirit tap OP), otherwise pretty good

He has a point when he says shit. It's easy, but you have to fight the urge to commit Hari Krishna because of how goddamn boring it is.

Blood elves were the best thing to ever happen to WoW best lore best city best everything

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Tier looks are subjective I guess but otherwise spot on.

i don't agree, i found it enjoyable on my last priest. you always have full mana and never have to rest, and when you want to you can go full on nuke and spam mind blast and still have enough mana for the next encounter, as long as you don't do this for every mob. you have zero downtime, and are always ready for wpvp. plus when you get shadowform you actually start doing good dmg

>its dey culcha

>mfw ret paladins are relegated to being back-of-the-raid buff dispensers

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how is kronos 3? is it ded or still alive? dont want to play on chinks hope

BC was the best Xpac of WoW only brainlets think otherwise
>Muh flying mounts!
wasn't a huge issue with how spells and damage was back in BC

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its alive, im currently playing there

Are you me

I'm torn between Warrior and Paladin as well but the thing is they're both very boring and very common so maybe I should just roll something else

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>raid chad

>shit pvp

>shit leveling

>easy leveling

>shit pvp

>raid bitch but pally isn't

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are hunters actually useful in vanilla?

>mfw I made a 5k bleed spec
>mfw you faggots can't out heal it

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if you are one of the few in the raid
outside the raid i hope you like pvp because u rent getting loved

Is there any list for all Alliance only blue item quests?

>shit pvp

How is being unkillable by nearly every other class "shit"

How big is the Pet damage difference between Orc Locks and any other
Is the Orc Racial that big of a damage buff

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How are Druids good at PvP? Keep in mind you're not in Warsong Gulch.

It worked with BC because they designed the zones with flying in mind. You got neat little things like elemental plateau, the skyguard and the netherwing flight.

>Xpac that permanently ruined the Horde going forward
It's trash

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>horde ever getting the bad end of an xpac

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The Horde got swarmed with Alliance kiddies
Pretty elves have never belonged in the Horde

Its easy to tell who never played actual vanilla warlock and who did in this thread.
If blizz keeps it 1:1 the same then warlock is fucking miserable. Most of their talents didnt even work. Not that they were bad, like the firestone one but most literally didnt work. Locks are only good for resistance curses in raids, maybe banish, and for being the raid bitch. Negative resistances would make them great but I doubt they'll keep that. Early vanilla lock also had no cumulative resistance on fear which was nice but I doubt thats being kept.
Good luck getting gear because literally everyone else will have some excuse to take 'lock gear. You bet your ass your raid's spriest will get priority over your ass.
Have fun with your pets not working.
Have fun farming soulstones you bitch

Elves are the only good thing to happen to your "Horde"

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>Keep in mind you're not in Warsong Gulch.
You will be for many many hours while ranking.
They are the best FC in WSG, amazing at defending in AB and capping in AV.
Also tons of shitters have no idea how to fight them in wpvp or duels due to their insane mobility, endurance with bear form, and the fact that very few good Druids exist.

There's plenty of le epic montages with druids showing their pvp potential, I don't understand why so many people underestimate them.

t. Alliancebab
I'll be glad when you go back to where you belong in classic

I can't withstand the hype anymore, what private vanilla server should I go to right now?

Keep crying mudhutter

ele shamans are great in pvp though, apart from that accurate

>doesn't deny it
Keep crying when I gank your normalfag ass up and down STV

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it'll help your VW keep aggro slightly easy whilst leveling apart from that its pretty negligible

>There's plenty of le epic montages with druids showing their pvp potential, I don't understand why so many people underestimate them.

as a frost mage druids were annoying as hell, and I was one of the best duelers on the server.

that all ended when I went full 1shot build with the two AP trinkets and arcane power + Presence of Mind Pyroblast build though. That shit was broken


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i'm not going to say i'm horde because you'll sperg out anyways that i played horde all the way to bfa
you're low iq mudhutter so stupid you'd deny anything that is pure fact

rolling hunter for awesome gold grinding so I can fund my lvl 19-49 twinks.

thats what I played in vanilla and thats what i'll play in classic
and im playing gnome again cause going from loch modan to iron forge was the most epic experience in any game i've ever played, my little 9 year old mind was blown.

How many healers should be run for a 40 man?p


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>nostalgiafag who thinks he knows shit about the meta

The other advantage to orc is the stun resist, considering that rogues are a hard lock counter any advantage you have against them is a big help.

It says on the buff, try reading it.



Not sure whether to play horde warlock or alliance mage. Mage 1vX shenanigans are fun but so is nuking with succubus.

>cringy emo teen angst pvp montages
>but this time in hd resolution

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Man, I wish undead didn’t have those fucking bones clipping through everywhere.

This post reminds me of early Vanilla days.

>Everyone shit on Warlocks, nobody plays them
>Drakedog video comes out
>Everyone complain about how OP warlocks are, ask for nerfs

I'm just hoping for more verycoolguy videos

Playing a priest. Love leveling as one. So ez, just need a decent wand. Cant wait to nerd out doing all of BRD in one sitting.

I get the greedy in taking it since he's the GM part, but i hope you're not implying he was greedy to take it as a paladin. Hand of rag is a shaman/paladin pvp weapon, or more accurately its a "whoever gets the mats first" weapon.
if I'm misunderstanding and it's more about him abusing his position then for sure i agree and that's garbage. Great story tho and an interesting memory even if it sucked for you at the time.

The server literally generates gold for chinese to sell. It's the exact same company that crogge from elysium was working with.

Will Atiesh be in classic?

Why wouldn't it be?

why wouldnt it?

Because no one ever talks about it.


How is that a reason for them to remove a piece of gear from the game?

doubt many had it in era so not enough nostalgia around it

Atiesh was a ridiculously rare item, user.
Lots of people didn't even know it existed.

No one talks about it because it takes fucking forever to get and Naxx came out so close to TBC launch practically no one ever ran it when it was current content, let alone cleared it.

how important are racial passives in vanilla? im going horde and likely to pick hunter, am i stupid if i dont pick orc?

pvp hunter orc
pve hunter troll

They're useful, but not being an idiot is infinitely more so.

Not very if you aren't a priest. If doing shit comes down to a single DPS not being the "right" race then there are much bigger issues happening.

What about tauren with war stomp and 5% health?

Looking through these old ninja looting videos they're both hilarious and incredibly sad at the same time.

My favorite has got to be this one though, literally a pair of master ninjas.

the hp is so small it's worthless and warstomp is meh
Pve is always Troll if you can get away with it
and Pvp is Orc if you can
Then it's Undead

Yea Forums I can't decide what to play.

I'm stuck between Warlock, Spriest or a druid/paladin healer. I want to be a support-y kind of role and help my raid/team.

Warlock means more straightforward damage and less personal responsibility but still helping out with summons/stones/curses/etc. Spriest means I get to help warlock friends and be real neato in PvP both killing people and keeping allies up. Paladin/druid means I can heal and have some other supporty buttons to hit to make people do stuff better.

Kindly help.

This is vanilla theres no Spriests.

el oh el

Pick whatever you want, no one's going to exclude you based on your race choice. There's obviously defining pros and cons to each race but it's not like nu-WoW where content was designed around blood elves being able to aoe-silence/purge mobs

Play what you want to play, man. You're going to be spending a shit ton of time staring at that character and there's no race change if you decide you hate it 50 levels in. Look at nice sets on the different races and pick what you think is comfiest, who gives a shit if your racials are slightly less/more useful.

Spriest exist only as undead in pvp and that's basicly only worked after t2
just dodge doing the meme and stick or another caster

I literally can't wait anymore to play this. At the same time, I'm worried about burning out if I start playing on a private server. What do

There is one for SW for lock friends. Priests tend to be pretty low in polling so I think I could probably find a spot.

hur, I'm gonna do it anyway!

>my trusty Wow Classic box...


Attached: IMG_7678.jpg (2000x1500, 2.38M)

>dodge doing the meme and stick or another caster
Stick what, user.

gonna roll ret paladin myself

you are retarded, combat is not needed

Spriests are pretty good in pvp, you probs would only bring 1 to raids if that though

stick to*

Maybe this will help

Attached: ClassRaceChart.png (1920x1080, 3.47M)

Druid. Underplayed class and all the guilds will want you. Healers will love you and you'll get tons of loot.

holy shit those are great.
>explain this
Especially love the bbw thot getting pissed
and you're right, the third is amazing. They talked so much shit to those dudes and they got their revenge.

>undead outdoing orc in pvp
>NE hunters out pveing dwarf
lmao trash


So you can put CoE on the boss for me.

>Druid. Underplayed class and all the guilds will want you. Healers will love you and you'll get tons of loot.
He's trying to ruse you, druids were dogshit in vanilla wow.

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because you you gonna be playing solo since all your friends grew up

>he plays bfa

dont forget
>human priest best overall
>forgetting dorf fear ward

It takes a lot of willpower to get through the leveling process whatever class you choose, not to mention endgame. You should really find a class that speaks to you on a deeper level rather than try to play what someone else thinks you should play

this image gave a cancer

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i said and i quote "All the way to bfa"
god being stupid must be easy for mudhutters

Warlock is for evil fucks with no backbone.
Warriors is so general so hard to say.
Hunters is based and good survivalist. Easy to learn, hard to master.
Druid is your best friend.

The only thing this got right is druids

M-Muh duels...

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Are you really pulling a just b urself?

>nelf hunter better than dwarf for pvp
Stoneform > perception even with cleanse. If you're holy you don't need weapon skills.
Dwarf arguably better for pve because of fear ward (really depends on how many you have in your raid). Stoneform> perception again, and fear ward is better for pvp than human garbo

Can't be bothered with rest

My concern is that while druid is "alright" enough, particularly if you aren't in some super tryhard guild, the stigma against them will make finding a spot painful.

TBC single-handedly killed world PVP by introducing the cancer that is arena

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in what way did arena kill world pvp when most of bc was based around outlands

>t.didnt play classic
world pvp died the moment battlegrounds were implemented

Honestly world pvp had already winded down to being pretty rare beyond ganking dicks by the time BC showed up, at least on my server.

I agree. I also really really enjoyed arena, however.
I'm not sure if flying did more to eliminate wpvp fun or arena, but the pvp focus certainly became arena.
I'd love for arena to still be a thing in some alternate reality, just not the same rewards and I'm not a fan of resilience as a band-aid to power-creep.

Yeah, I fucked that one up pretty bad. Fixed it.

Attached: ClassRaceChart.png (1920x1080, 3.47M)

>world pvp died the moment battlegrounds were implemented

This, only outdoor dragons could offer some outdoor pvp.

Even if druids might not top healing meters, Mark of the Wild is essential to any raid group and both Innervate and combat ress are excellent utility spells when used efficiently
In general a dedicated player with a brain playing any class is more valuable than fury warrior #89734 that dies 10 seconds into the fight, you guys are acting as if every single guild is going for tryhard speedruns and will only accept 100% optimal raid composition every night

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This list still is asshole
>Undead better than Orc in pvp
Stop making them and go back reddit

Anyone played on US Warsong in ~2005?

>you guys are acting as if every single guild is going for tryhard speedruns and will only accept 100% optimal raid composition every night
It surely happened with Naxx.
Didn't really matter with half-assed raids before it.

Will of the forsaken > Stun resist in all cases unless class abilities follow up on wotf strengths.

My man


>Will of the forsaken > Stun resist

Attached: retard.gif (500x361, 473K)

You’re underestimating the retardness and pure autism from the WoW community.

Dethecus is shit

>So you're a casual private server shitte
Are you calling him a casual because he joins levelling guilds? Everyone knows you're supposed to split your guild up and have them all join different guilds while levelling up at the start of the server, and then when they hit 58 and it's time for everyone to guild back up, they poach the good players.

>implying people stopped raiding capitals after BG's were introduced
Either way, AB/WSG/AV are miles ahead of what arena is

What a well formulated argument. Enjoy getting shit on by warlocks and spriests.

>reading posts from a 2005 thread discussing my recorded duels
Wow I was so edgy back then.

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>and spriests.
>on the alliance

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how do you find old bnet posts that far back?

What did 4chang from back then think about WoW?

Are you cute now user?

>wojack posting.
Pretty sure bait or just retarded.

>Hur UD are better than orcs in pvp

Attached: cow.png (394x450, 17K)

Classic was PEAK for the following
Warriors (objective)
Rogues (arguably)

Not having at least one warrior character can be considered a foolish idiocy. Rogues were pretty most always good, but warriors waned and waxed with expansions. In particular, they weren't the best tanks in WotLK.

Mage is also a solid choice.

>Undead Warlock over Orc Warlock


Attached: example-1299.jpg (1024x1024, 66K)

people who thought vanilla rogues were a meme are going to be very surprised reliving that experience.

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You are going to get nuked anyway by Fear.

>cannibalism pairs with life tap extremely well
>WotF helps them in mirror matches
>shadow resist helps in twinemps

Meanwhile orcs give you rng stun resist that's completely out of your control and uuuuuuh.... axe skill and an attack power buff?

Holy shit you are shitter.
>WotF on mirror matches

Holy goddaam

>people who thought vanilla rogues were a meme
What do you mean?
Undead rogues were deadly.

Attached: 1460765328405.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

>rng stun resist
>using cannibalism in combat

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>Soul link warlock

Attached: x10.png (1800x2560, 684K)

1.12 has individually applied MotW, doesn't it?

there should be group versions of buffs by that time for mage and druid; i'm not so sure about paladin tho

It has group motw just like priest and mage buffs. It still takes forever though since there's usually 5+ mages and priests but 1 druid. 2 if you're lucky.

It has full party buff too

>10 shadow resistance
>WotF when you have Felhunter and Trinket (which breaks fears but not stuns)
You'd take this over 25% stun resistance with no cooldown (30% if you count the 5% base that everyone has), when rogues arguably are the worst matchup?

>t. retarded greenskins
orc just isn't good for warlock in any regard except for giant shoulderpads

>People pick Undead
Angst teens died in 2005 so how about you follow the trend losers

I play fucking Gnome Warlock :D Holy shit you are shitter i bet you cant even macro or pet script know what SM/Ruin means for :DDDD::DDDDDD

>have to do my mandatory military service for 10 months in a month from now
>will miss Vanilla

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>u suck
wow you sure convinced me

>t. Bland humanfag

>Being a emo kid is better than being normal
cutting yourself right now huh faggot

Just tell them you’re gay bro

small model so easy to avoid mechanics (not that there were much but sure). shadow resistance to protect against mechanics, spriests, warlocks. cannibalise for easy free heals. god tier wotf to get you out of nearly anything the game can throw at you. highest density of available classes to that race.

im playing troll tho

Paladin has greater blessings which hit everyone of X class, I think.

I see what the problem was. I forgot that it used to be separated into "gift" of the wild not a "greater" mark of the wild.

Start with either a Mage, Warlock or Paladin.

Not having to buy food and water makes a difference for when you're trying to come up with funds for your mounts and it's the best gold farming class in the game. You can also sell portals and also your summoned food + water.

Free level 40 mount and really easy to level.

Free level 40 and 60 mount so you can put whatever amounts of gold you make into other things.

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>god tier wotf to get you out of nearly anything the game can throw at you

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How will you survive without Dreadsteed until Phase 2?

I sort of feel sorry for people who think they are going to farm ironfoe or savage chest on classic. This isnt a private server. It will have 1% drop rate if you are lucky, some epics from bosses had less. And the server wont be full of 20k chinks all ready to do brd for their bis. If you are on a high pop server you may be lucky to have 3.5k people on at a time. 80% of those will be levelers for the first few months.

>free 60 mount
And a bunch of other stuff like 6 arcanite bars. Total cost is more like 500g

the paladin level 60 mount quest wont even be in the game from the start. You will have to wait a month or two before the quest is available. May as well buy regular mount.

sounds horrible. where are you from?

>chinks all ready to do brd for their bis
Ironfoe/hoj/savage runs and prebis runs are two vastly different things, and nobody in their right mind would ever invite a chinaman to their epic farming group.

Don't listen to the fags advocating for Undead rogue, fem orc rogue is kino.

>all these wrong opinions

dwarf pally arguably better in pvp.

Also orc is a better pvp race than undead for premades. Undead is better for solo play or pugs for some classes.

Priest or Warrior?