Cant go to senns fortress because dps too low

>cant go to senns fortress because dps too low
>cant kill the butterfly-sentinel duo because dps too low
>cant kill the gargoyles because dps too low
am i supposed to go to the catacombs/new londo? i dont think im too bad at the game and ive beaten all 3 in the series but for some reason im fucking stuck in this

Attached: darks-souls-daughters-of-ash.jpg (770x470, 29K)

just bee yourself bro

you're supposed to go to blighttown right after landing in firelink

>can't farm trash mobs bc dps too low

not possible
i have never had to farm in dark souls before and if this mod requires farming then fuck it

I'm on my first playthrough of Dark Souls ||Remastered||, is the Moonlight Butterfly supposed to be that easy? I accidentally stumbled upon the boss and beat it the first time.

People beat this game without leveling all the time, go buy some shards and upgrade your weapon retard.

There’s grinding for souls, but you could also search for titanite shards and upgrade your weapon. Gargoyles can be annoying but the battle is fast so you can just keep retrying. Just do better.

my weapon is already +5. also this is a mod, not the base game, they are different

He's talking about a mod, which significantly alters the progression.

Moonlight butterfly is a joke, same as pinwheel

You sort of answered your own question. Those areas are to difficult for you at the moment so go somewhere else. Full disclosure I never finished the mod myself but definitely got through most of the areas you pointed out.

I aim to finish it at some point. Wasn't GODAWFUL or anything.

Which way are you supposed to go?

I dunno mate. I took the whole thing slow as fuck shield up because I hadn't touched dark souls in years and I knew the mod would fuck with everything. I think I did blightown then gargoyles then moonlight. I got down to Nito before I stopped playing. Definitely remember doing the great wolf sif because that boss was ass.

I don't think you can get into blightown without going through the depths first as the other way in is blocked. Also there is no great wolf sif he is replaced by a bunch of black cats

Literally more difficult than every boss that isn't Gwyn or O&S.

>cant kill the gargoyles because dps too low
What the fuck are you talking about? You don't even need to spend souls or upgrade anything to beat gargoyles, what are you doing?

This is a mod where the gargoyles are stronger.

Yeah I didn't wanna give the shitty cats boss replacement away but I could've spoiled it i guess. Also i took the master key at the start so maybe that's why I did blightown first. I recall exploring new londo too but never emptying the water.

>am i supposed to go to the catacombs/new londo?
kek, this made me laugh
fucking hell boi you gonna hate your life if you go there now

guess ill go explore those other areas then. maybe the catacombs are actually a low level area this time around
once again this is a mod not the base game

Good luck and just so you know, pinwheel is still a push over. They did make him slightly more dickish though. Or i just suck who knows.

which weapon did you forge to +5 at the beginning by the way?

I made a wizard for that run because I never play straight wizards in dark souls. Soul spear for days. But I did have an upgraded dagger for ripostes and backstabs but otherwise just threw blue lightning at everything.