Is Capcom in your good books again Yea Forums? Did you even think they were bad over the past few years?

Is Capcom in your good books again Yea Forums? Did you even think they were bad over the past few years?

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they're gonna go to shit eventually again
i'm apathetic to them

I feeling positive about their future but still holding back, They will earn my 100% repsect when they make the next street fighter game actually good. Sfv is just crap even if it is the most competitive/popular fighting game of this gen. They have the smooth as fuck RE engine so they are half way there.

Capcom have been in my good books since about 2015. This release in particular was the start of everything good.

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I'll respect them when they treat Dino Crisis with due respect

As a business they make some pretty shitty decisions but the developers working there still know how to make pretty good games. They're sort of similar to Sega in that they'll do something absolutely retarded and get hated for it but still release a few good games that year.

They're sorta in my good books. Their new games on the RE Engine are improving in a extremely fast pace. They still have some glaring flaws though. I still don't like the facescanning + photorealism meme.

Not until they fix their fighters and do something cool with Darkstalkers.

Pages full price for sf5. Hope the whole board chokes.

Mahvel is still dead so no.

>MHW, RE2R and DMC5 are hyped to hell and back (not undeservingly)
>meanwhile, Ace Attorney 6 was the greatest AA game we've had in years, one of the best along with AA3 and AAI2

Why is it so underrated? Is it because it's on 3DS and a bit more obscure? (I know it's no RE as far as recognazibility goes)

AA deserved to die after the trilogy.

We got 6 in the long run, it was worth it. 4 and 5 are clusterfucks alright, but they're not THAT bad

are these threads from capcom's marketing department? I've seen similar ones posted daily for the past year

>people keep hyping mhw up as part of some massive capcom comeback
>when it's just par for the course for the MH franchise
Guess MH fans are the only capcom fans that are spoiled by having a consistently great series for 15 years.

Either that or some autist making the same thread everyday.

Pretty much

I just beat DMCV and remembered that I enjoyed RE2 so I thought I'd see if other people think Capcom is less shit than before. Just curious guys, there's plenty I think Capcom is shit at.

I mean I won't deny MHW, DMC5, and RE2 are great. Mega Man 11 was ok, they're definitely doing great in other departments outside their fighters. Most of my salt with them though has to do with the way they treat fighting games now, their focus on esports, and Darkstalkers

>face scanning
Yeah, they great again!

I started having faith in them again after RE7 and they keep delivering

Just dmc5 alone put capcom in my good book. it's that good

>attributing Snoy's censorship to Capcom

Neck yourself

once they unfuck street fighter and marvel i'll praise them again

they're doing a good job so far, though

Let's make all our games photorealistic except including girl nipples

They still do some questionable business shenanigans but they have been making top tier games nonstop since the 80s.

Capcom is by far the best third party developer that has ever existed rivaled only by Konami who has gone downhill in recent times.

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Fuck no. They really started going to shit maybe around 2010 and still not improved. Monster Hunter never appealed to me and Resident Evil 1-3 are shit so their remakes don’t even register on my radar. Their fighting game division is also beyond fucked to the point where I’m surprised they do t just give up on fighting games again.
They are still doing better than most and on some road to recovery in my opinion, but “Capcom is back” is a retarded meme made by retarded retards.

you sound like a retarded faggot

Based and contrarianpilled.

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When they publicly apologize for shitting on MML fans and also commit to making MML3, they can come out of the shed. Until then? Darkstalkers still dead, non-JP still viewed as cattle, Capcom can go fuck themselves.

They put ads in SFV again so no

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>No DD2
Capcom is the worst they have ever been

There are way less Capcom haters than the Internet claimed through all these years. It's because of fat e-celebs like Jim Fucking Sterling Son, Angry Joe or ReviewtechUSA that the hate messages were spread.
Not to say that the company is a saint or excluded from making retarded decisions, but it has also been villified big time in this decade.

>>when it's just par for the course for the MH franchise
It's the worst entry in the series since Tri desu.


Paying off youtubers for good reviews.
Dumbing down fighters.
No Dino Crisis.
Only new RE is first person Twitch bait.
Only third-person RE is a remake.
Billion dollar company, puts out low budget Megaman.
Ads on fighters in SFV.
Re-releasing incomplete versions of SFII over and over and over.
Deliberately living off past glories to excuse low effort.
Holding franchises hostage "if you buy x, MAYBE we'll bring back Z".

It goes on and on. DMCV doesn't save them.

They don't care about you or Street Fighter. It's been 4 years and you're still checking SF's facebook and talking her like a friendzoned bitch.

They were never that bad for me, since I never cared about Resident Evil. But they surely signed under a lot of shitty games when they outsourced projects, like Remember Me, DmC, or the Dead Rising series. Nowadays they are a lot better, and if anything, their games are the only ones I got hyped in recent months. MonHun World and DMC5 are the only games I gave enough shits in past years.

>muh SFV
I kinda liked how much content that game had, only picked post Arcade Edition, because a game with no Sakura isn't worth it but the gameplay was surely dumbed down to absurd levels. V-Trigger is crap and it's only purpose is to hold the good shit hostage, and the lack of cancels like 4 made the game feels like having an extremelly low skill ceilling.

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What? Resident Evil is shit and so are their fighting games right now.

Not until they release a good Street Fighter again, 5 is awful.

What's the appeal? It was just RE with dinosaurs

You are are stupid, I’m not even joking.

It's more action focused then RE.

Also, dinosaurs are RAD, while zombies are LAME. The fact you don't know this, only proves you didn't hang with the cool kids back in the day.

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>goes on and on
>lists bunch of irrelevant opinions like "arrogance and laziness"

Capcom is a fucking productive company you retard, and they aren't infinite on money like how you think they are.

SFV wasn't being developed for a long time because the company literally didn't have money for it, Ono admitted this around when USF4 came out. Even after that they only started making it because they got money from Sony, and even after that the game had obvious budget issues.

Still, compare their productivity to a company like Blizzard, that shits out maybe a single new game every five years even though they are making several times more money with just their microtransactions than Capcom does alltogether, while Capcom still makes multiple big budget titles every 1-2 years.

nope, capcom can go fuck itself. the jews of jap devs

They got better, but then they decided to dab on people by making Dragons Dogma an anime instead of making a fucking sequel. They will do anything to not make a fucking sequel to this game and this is the nail in the coffin that says its not going to get one.
>we have this popular IP
>we have to do SOMETHING with it
>no, we can keep making ports for other systems
>I have an idea
Its by a shitty ass studio too so its not even going to be Castlevania level of competent.

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I never felt like this "Capcom is back" meme is genuine. Are they back because they made a good RE and DMC game? Nothing to say about these titles besides personal nitpicks, but isn't going from "they're making a bunch of things right" to "OMG CAPCOM IS BACK BABEH, BANG BANG BANG!" a bit of a stretch?

On top of that their critically acclaimed releases are rather safe. PS2 and Arcade era Capcom is IMO the best time of the company and it wasn't just because of sequels, but also because they were creatively speaking at their top.

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Blame kusony.

Did you really think it would stay only on anime? Sexy for your californian based company is only good when it is not made to appeal to heteros.

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Most fighting games have very small budgets but turn out fine. They at least include the basic features on release, usually with a bit extra. I don't see how money issues meant they had to install a rootkit, or why it meant they had to dumb down the gameplay.

They were clearly able to fund all the big RE engine projects, so maybe they should have just waited a bit and delivered a quality product later down the line. And no AE isn't that game. Gameplay still sucks, online is still bad and the single player is shallow enough that no one would put time into it.

I knew they were back since Mega Man 11

Capcom's always been a bunch of incredibly talented developers under a bunch of moneygrubbers who make bad decisions fairly often. We hated them because they got extra ballsy with their nickel and diming and started outsourcing all their shit.

Now they're still nickel and diming us, but the other companies have gotten so bad that they look generous by comparison. They've also gone back to in-house, so their games are mostly great again.

A game nobody asked for, a X reboot or even Legends 3 would be 10x better.

user, the anime only proves that the next game may be in the making. Stop being so retarded.

>the idea of a Dragons Dogma 2 is aproved
>while Itsuno is sent to his cave to deal with the developing, the people at marketing is already thinking on ways to push the game, and hopefully, make casuals and normies be aware that the franchise exists
>"how about we give anime rights to Netflix? They would be done with it 2 to 3 years from now on, it will be close enough to give a little highlight for when we start the marketing campaign"
>Netflix accept it

Use your fucking brain, Capcom don't give defibrillator shocks into franchises they don't intend on working on, they just pretend they don't exist.

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lol if they didn't have enough money to make SFV on their own, despite milking the enormous success of SFIV (biggest seeling SF since II), then they should've just not made SFV. They weren't good enough, so they had to beg Sony for help. That's the cold, hard truth.

I'm not here to feel sorry for them. They're not my friends. And I don't give a fuck about their money issues; that's their problem. Maybe they should try not releasing shit games like SFxT. They had no excuse then, and had the entire FGC at their whim, but look at what they created. Shit! If the rest of Capcom didn't trust the fighting div after the incompetence, that's on them. This isn't a fucking charity. Make good fighting games or go away.

Other smaller companies don't go running to Sony for help. This is the father company of modern fighters with the biggest fgc fanbase and longest history and they STILL failed and did things lazily. Fuck them lol.

>Capcom don't give defibrillator shocks into franchises they don't intend on working on, they just pretend they don't exist.

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Once in the bad book, always in the bad book. They merely have my attention again is all. Remember, they fucked up majorly once, they can fuck up majorly again.

Yeah, Capcom didn't do that. Ono did that.

>ever putting campon in your good books

I think most will agree that they need a new Street Fighter that's good first.

>Capcom didn't do that
>A Capcom employee did that, then Capcom released a million Morrigan statues, kept featuring them in various crossovers and other shit

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>kept featuring them in various crossovers
They've been doing that since the series started. May as well complain about Captain Falcon keeps showing up in Smash.

Costumes on a fighting game isn't giving highlight, specially when you have costumes there for almost every franchise available, from Strider Hiryu to Final Fight and Captain Commando.

When they stop using denuvo bloatware i will

More people asked for it than the shit you just mentioned, stay mad Legends cuck but classic Mega Man will always be king

I wish Felicia's rack was even half as big as fanart tends to make it.

Never cared about both.

What I want is a new Megaman X, but only if it is 2D. Give me 2D or give me nothing.

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Not them, but I really wish they let it rest with 9. We hit the peak. We don't need more.

Castlevania says otherwise. They are not going to make another Castlevania game, thats why they made 2 seasons of an anime for it.

Also the thing about Itsuno working on Dragons Dogma now that DMC is finished is skewed. He was asked to make one or the other, not which one to make first, hes not making both, DD2 is not even on the table right now. Its also incredibly bad to think that making a shitty anime that uses your budget would actually increase relevanace of a game and not bury it because the show is shit, making a show is the "we have to do something with it" approach, and renting the IP to a studio to make something out of it is a quick buck, since it doesnt actually require YOU to do the work and you will get paid either way when it fails. Wishful thinking is what you are experiencing user.

Still angry about SF and MH. The entire 4th generation of Monster Hunter was trash and then World was even worse.

>Castlevania says otherwise. They are not going to make another Castlevania game, thats why they made 2 seasons of an anime for it
Castlevania is a Konami IP, retarded, not a Capcom one.

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People do complain about no new F-Zero. And it still goes against your main point. Darkstalkers are even getting a new range of figures
They very much do trot out brands which they have no plans for.

>Costumes on a fighting game isn't giving highlight,
Yes it is. In a very literal sense it is going remember Red Earth. They also did a MonHun and DMC set which were basically ads. MonHun especially as MHW got a Ryu skin. So they very much have done this as highlighting.

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His point was that a new tv show doesn't instantly mean a company is working on a game. Castlevania just serves as an example of that.

>RE with dinosaurs
Sounds like an improvement to me

It doesn't, Konami behaviour is erratic on the last years to say the least. If anything, they are just getting further and further away from the gaming market and focusing on other business, so their pattern doesn't serve as an standard. You shouldn't expect games from any franchise coming from Konami in the next years, while you can from Capcom, because games are still their main source of revenue.

Very bad example, dude.

The hell.
Deep Down?

They're an absolutely garbage company holding dozens of amazing IPs hostage.

Capcom has rediscovered that people like fun video games. I wish them continued success.

>RE with dinosaurs
The fundamental difference between Dino Crisis and Resident Evil is that Dino Crisis relished on the action and you are meant to fight things as you go along. The fixed camera position made it a unique action game.

Of course if you were to make a Dino Crisis game in this day and age, because it'd be third person its action gameplay would not look all that different from REmake 2, which is a problem, extra special care would have to go into enemy design and weapon feel to make it stand out form any other generic third person shooter out there.

In the limbo.

>almost bought a PS4 at launch because of that game
Dodged a fucking bullet. But it didn't looked that good in the later trailers to begin with, I liked it better before seeing the futuristic shit mixed in with the medieval.

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Mega Man 11 flopped, nobody gave a shit.

Apparently the game was running very poorly during showcases, performance was very bad in terms of frame-rate run. They decided to pretty much cancel the game and scale down the proprietary engine, at the time known as Panta Rhei Engine, push the Photogrammetry gimmick on it to make up for the scaled down visual effects and called it the RE Engine.

>lol, don't make games at all if you are short on money
>w-why are you so fucking lazy Capcom? Why aren't you making more games?
>why do you ignore your fans? Fuck Capcom
>also, how dare you monetize this thing to make more money? Fucking greedy cunts, all they care about is money and don't give a shit about games and their fans.

Money and how they use them is fucking inportant when judging a company.
Also, other than the megaman bug and an infinite combo SFxT was far from a shit game. It was just the first case of retarded "gaymers rise up" bullshit, where gaymers couldn't realize that just because you own a physical disc, you can't do anything you want with the files.

Literally every other MH game bullies world
The only people that like MH world started with MH world
These faggots don’t even know what a Tigex is

>made almost 1 million dollars on a shoestring budget
>minimum 7.5/10 reviews around the board

they can stop making safe fan favorite choices now, i want a new fighting game that isn't marvel or street fighter,a new strider,bionic/captain commando and a megaman legends 3

you could sperg out about literally fucking every fighting game this gen with the exact same reasons as how "the gameplay is dumbed down compared to the previous entry, the single player isn't that good, etc."
SF just gets shittier treatment because it is held in higher standards than other games, and compared to USF4 it is indead a lot inferior, but compared to other fighters it is still a completely solid game, you people are just too retarded to realize the difference between these 2 things.

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also, Warner Bros. own the license to all popular dinosaurs.
>inb4 uh no they don't, they can't
featherless dinosaurs are classified as movie monsters, as they aren't based on what science considers actual dinosaurs to be anymore.
t-thanks mommy.

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She is like a bootylicious version of Christina Hendricks.

Let me guess, gonna post the same old Tekken copy pasta next? I think other fighters get less shit cause they don't install spyware and the gameplay is good

feathered dinosaurs can be just as scary and cool as scaled dinosaurs, but people just won't give them a chance

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Because I want to fight dinosaurs, not chickens.

>not wanting to fight big honking cocks
Come now.

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My fav dev.

>still no mega man legends 3
>still no new mega man rpgs (battle network, star force or command mission)
>still no viewtiful joe 3
>still no metal walker 2
>still no dino crisis 4
>still no ghost trick 2
>still no power stone 3
>shut down shanghai exe
>censored dmc5 with a patch
>put advertisements all over sfv
>their fighting games overall are worse than they've ever been
crapcom is still shit.

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I started with gen 1 and I love MHW. Tri and Gen were the only letdowns for me so far.