Any games that let me play as a wrongfully convicted, yet innocent man?

Any games that let me play as a wrongfully convicted, yet innocent man?

Attached: Michael_Jackson.jpg (800x533, 38K)

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Seeing alot of MJ backlash recently. Nigga has been dead for 10 years so what happened

MJ didn't do shit.

Persona 5

a documentary has been released

MJ has not been convicted, due to a) not doing it and b) being dead

God now I know who that guy from three houses reminds me of..

He fucked kids

MJ is innocent.

those punks are after an easy cashout by holding a media witchunt.

Give me the gist of it.


documentary that came out where they alleged MJ was a pedo with purely anecdotal and debunk-able claims that failed to provide even the most basic form of legitimate evidence

The kiddies he "diddled" decided to join the #metoo movement. I don't even like the guy that much and it's insulting.

Not financially motivated at all. Nosir.

>wrongfully convicted, yet innocent man?
He was never convicted you fucking moron. His first charge was dropped because he paid it off and the in the second he was acquitted.

Another mj documentary about him diddling kids

If he can't defend himself from these alligations then he is guilty. That's how it works

Meant to say "accused", sorry... am dude drunk lmao atm

sheep normies believing everything in a HBO mockumentary about MJ.

they're canning the Simpsons episode, and even trying to ban his music

Every elder scrolls game

>be leftycuck
>realize that the #metoo movement really HAS gotten out of hand
surprised at the thought of /pol/niggers actually being right about something

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He assists you later in the game in both Space Channel 5 parts 1 and 2

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No, but there are arcade games about Michael Jackson

>being dead


Literally the Jews.

Its an absurdly long,multi part documentary where its just interviews with the usual suspects around the controversy from 2005. Nothing new, except these guys changing facts of their story and making stuff up to fit the narrative

Its a scam to drive down the price of MJs discography by slandering the man as a pedo years after he was found innocent.

time to learn why liberalism isn't a left-wing ideology, my man

It's bullshit, I just finished watching razorfist's rebuttal to it. After it came out and people were pointing out the bullshit, they cut like 30-40 minutes of it before the UK release.


MJ is or was owner of half of Sony music and 50% of the Beatles catalogue.

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never heard of this game but it looks based. luckily i was just playing my 360. i see space channel 5 part 2 on the 360 store. can i just play that one or do you need to play part 1 too?

Nah there are no Bill Cosby games unfortunately.

D-class from SCP Secret Lab. There's tons of deathrow convicts used as test subjects so it's possible some of them were innocent.

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>Sony brought out MJ's half of the Beatles Catalogue last year for 750 million dollars.

I bet they were ecstatic about that.

Any games were you're supposed friends backstab you long after your dead?

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Oprah is an abuse victim herself. Don't blame her for supporting victims.

There are characters that return from the first part, but it's a new story with a new villain and can be played as a standalone. Everything in it is a huge improvement over the first game too.

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Oprah can go fuck herself. How many women did she feed to the jewish ogre?

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so its worth $5 youd say?


When is the hitpiece about the Beatles coming out?

Why people can't let this guy rest in peace. To date, I keep seeing jokes/actual accusations about the kid stuff.

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his estate is still very rich

Sony already owned the first half of the catalogue so there won't be a need to hit piece them any time soon.
Though Yoko might be a rogue element and start pulling out the accusations to make herself relevant long enough to get recognition for whatever project she's started.

In a couple of years when Ringo and Paul are dead

I'd say it's the best 5 dollars I ever spent, but it's not for everyone. It's a linear rhythm/button prompt game, so if that kind of thing doesn't appeal to you then it may not be worth it. There are full playthroughs on youtube though if you just wanna see the story and music +mj

I'm glad he trashed little Ben for being a hypocrite.

>Hasn't learned that in the end, no matter what they say, /pol/ is still right
You have much edification to gather

if ono was gonna do something like that she'd have done it ages ago is what i want to say but i guess there hasn't ever been a better time for vague accusations than now

/pol/ was literally cheering on #metoo because like half of the guys getting accused were Jews

Ben shapiro has always been full of crap. Just because he can shit on progressives(anyone can do that) doesn't mean he stops being a zionist shill. First he hated trump, then pretended to like him, then gets really pissy when trump doesn't go full war mongering neo-con and doesn't promise to destroy syria so netanyahu can get hard again.

Look not everthing in the doc is the truth, but not everything is a lie.

Did MJ touch kids inappropriately ?
Hell yeah.

Could MJ masturbate and produce semen?
Fuck no he was chemically castrated during his teenage years.

>be poor brown person that can sing well
>retarded white people defend your kiddy raping for all eternity

hitpiece for what?
"sexual misconduct" allegations?

Cite your sources or forever be dumb faggots.

I stopped watching him months ago, he just kept getting worse and worse.
