Will you buy it again for dual audio?
Cold Steel PS4
No, bought it on pc and modded japanese audio in. Currently waiting for cs3 and 4 on pc.
Nah Cold Steel sucks and the PC version already has dual audio.
No but ill buy it so I can properly romance sara in cs3
Cold steel cover looks like an otome game.
I-It's timed exclusive right?
I don't want to see this series died on Sony console like many JRPG did
Well the fanbase is mostly women
CS2 wishes it was as fucking cool as that cover. "war-torn" Erebonia my fucking foot.
does it have the fast forward function like the PC version?
if not, I'm not buying.
It's like you don't want to save the school.
best girl
No, I just finished sen 4 recently and don't want to play another kiseki for a while.
I don't understand how people can play these 100+ hour text heavy rpgs on consoles/pc.
Vita and PSP a best for all the trails games.
The vita especially for being able to play every single Ys game.
I'll buy it for the first time if I ever get around to finishing Ao and Zero
my eyesight is kinda shitty, I don't like the small screens on handheld consoles.
Good heavens no, CSII was such a chore to play through. I don't know how they managed to screw it up. So bad.
>Best way to play a 100+ hour RPG is by cranking your neck down to strain your eyes on a shitty handheld you have to tether to a wall socket every few hours.
You're fucking joking, right?
Calvard when?
The first part was cool.
>not playing in bed
> not playing from your desk using a large screen with all settings maxed out.
I never got around to buying it for Vita so yeah I will buy the superior version for PS4. Probably won't even had time to play it after I buy it on PS4 desu.
CS2 was much better than 1
I'm ready for Sen the 5th, are you?
I agree with you on that. As soon as the world was open to the player, it just felt very empty.
I'll buy it again for Fie.
Reminder guys.
Buy this to show XSEED you want CS3. They're using this as a test to gauge interest for Cold Steel 3 + 4, keep that in mind. Buy the games if you want the future games, you know how it goes.
I myself already bought it on Vita, PS3 and PC. Already have 3 copies of these 2 games preordered for PS4, one for my best friend and my Wifes second son.
Fie was the personal onahole for an entire mercenary gang
Nigger where have you been? NISA is doing CS3
Are the downloads for Zero and Ao the most up-to-date translations? They feel a little stiff at times, though I guess I can't complain about how well it is for a fan translation of such a text-heavy game.
Meant to specify, the downloads in /fg/'s pastebin.
Yes. Zero is very rough but there is a better version coming but it might take ages. The Ao translation is arguably better than what Xseed would have done.
Can I play Ao before Zero?
I'm buying it for the first time because of the dual audio, I'm worried something might end up censored though
the devs released a patch adding in jap audio with extra lines that the undub mod didn't cover
Can't be helped
>playing trails in the sky
>game is fucking full of meaningless filler small talk
when will it end
how can anybody play this trash without losing there mind?
Already did, but w/out dual audio.
i wanna bully towa until she kills herself
>CS1 came out in 2015
>CS2 came out in 2016
>2019 and CS3 *still* isn't out and XSeed are just fucking releasing the first two again and again and again