Out of these 3 companies, which has the most cancerous fanbase?
Out of these 3 companies, which has the most cancerous fanbase?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sony has won this competition every time.
Nintendo, and I say this as a long time drone.
Sony = PC > Nintendo > Xbox
This is objectively correct, Snoy is by far the worst
Fanboys who would defend their California intrusion is a scummy human being. If the censorship continues Playstation isn't going to last.
the mental gymnastics they do the justify it is hilarious too.
The beg faggots. You know who you are
at this point I only want to see Xbox survive to keep Sony in check. Sony's business practices make M$ look good, which is kind of sad.
snoy, obivously
Xbox, but it's hardly even their fault at this point.
>The console and brand that pretty much coined online toxicity in games
>Maddenbros, 2Kucks, and Codboys are the literal target audience
>The same audience also makes up majority of these people you will interact with from this base for the last 10 years
Sure, if your frame of reference starts with Yea Forums and ends on some other internet forum, we'll give it to Sony. Nintendo fans just happen to rave about games on their platform that are actually fucking good, and Xbox fans don't have anything to talk or boast about on this board if you catch my drift.
I hate to say it but Sony
On Yea Forums? Nintendo.
Elsewhere? PC.
how does xbox even have a fanbase at this point
no hard feelings xbones
snoy has onions of war plus analvore posters
nintendo has smashfag cancer plus portbeggers
xbox is the most inoffensive of them but the console sucks dick and has 0 games.
But Xbox and Nintendo are irrelevant.
Not OP but PC is literally not in his question m8
When Xbox had the market by the balls, it had the most annoying fan base, now they are just sad...
Sony always had a shitty fanbase, now they are a shit heads playing censored games...
Nintendo is cocks and children
xbox easily
>>The console and brand that pretty much coined online toxicity in games
You say that like it's a bad thing to talk shit and have fun with online games. Safespace niggers are ruining online games.
>>Maddenbros, 2Kucks, and Codboys are the literal target audience
Same with PlayStation, and don't forget eurofags buy PlayStations just for FIFA!
>>The same audience also makes up majority of these people you will interact with from this base for the last 10 years
I don't know if I'm retarded or you are.
Depends on what your idea of cancerous is. Sony may be the most annoying on account of there being so many fans, but xbox fans support the absolute worst practices and no games. Majority of them are stoner retards who can't gauge quality games, probably hate that sekiro isnt dark souls 4. I vote for xbox.
>29 Replies
>23 Posters
I wonder who that can be
It's already know that is Sony and his GOTY bait """"""exclusive games""""""
Snoy, they defend censorship.
Ahh the good old COD 2 lobbybanter days, goddamnit you safespace cuck when will you realize that shitposting in chat and mic is the lifeblood of all games why the fuck do you think ouur hobby is dying!! •plays some UT99 assault botmatches and sheds a tear of pure joy•
Snoy no doubt PS3s best game was some motion controlled duck game that released year 1 but they wont just forget the flop and move on
Nincels are by far the most cancerous. This board is overrun by them, which is obvious by all the deflection in this thread. Just look at all the smash cancer we were subjected to over the past year and tell me nintoddles don’t need to be genocided.
You can at least filter Smash shit.
I know I'm one of them.
Another one is likely the OP or yourself.
Then again, you might be OP...
There is likely another one though.
On Yea Forums? It's a tie between Sony and Nintendo. Sony makes tons of garbage threads, Nintendo cant take critcizm and will bring up sony to deflect.
Everywhere else? Sony is this generation normalfag console and Nintendo has its own audience so neither is particularly vocal or annoying. PCfags however is a different story, they will never miss an opportunity to fellate themselves and trash consoles.
I was browsing the PS4 section for some multiplats at Bestbuy the other day and some guy started talking to me about how PC is much better and that it's easy to build one and I'm getting ripped off by sony. He genuinely sounded like a nice guy but god damn I dont give a shit about your master race fantasy.
Dmc is far worse
Xboxfags don't even exist. Sonyfags shitpost and ninkids are the only ones allowed to flood the catalog with retarded inane posts
Seriously, do people even hype up Xbone? I hear a lot of shit talking between Nintendo and Sony, but no one really ever mentions Xbox, regardless of here on Yea Forums or out in public. Their controller is pretty good for PC though.
It's actually PC
Reminder that pc gamers are the jews of gaming that deploy divide and conquer tactics against console gamers. Most pro Nintendo, anti Sony threads and vice versa are falseflagging pc niggers. There's no reason for Sony and Nintendo to fight. Both have the best exclusives. Nintendo has the iconic characters. Sony brings the best new IPs. Pc niggers have half assed ports from devs that don't give a shit, knowing that it will just be pirated anyway and point and click adventure "games" that were outdated in the 80s. This is why the Pc gamer shitposts and tries so hard to divide us. It's jealous of what we have.
The PCJew fears the union of the console. Together united we could end them once and for all, but only if you stay woke and become aware of their tactics.
Sony and Nintendo have larger and louder fanbases but Microshills are the most cult-like, deluded, and devoted.
>half the thread saying xbox
the fuck. they are like fucking unicorn on Yea Forums
i guess there are more of them in normie verse
I'm not even convinced sony fans even like games here anymore.
was he an employee? gotta be some top tier autist to just talk to random people like that at the fucking console section itself
I've seen a couple of posts praising the value of the the console cheapness + gamepass combo and some people apparently still play Gears and Halo but that's about it. In a place where only exclusives and benchmark numbers matter the Xbone has no chance having neither.
I think the thing with PC is because there isn't a true face/company behind it (maybe valve i guess) so it's just hard for people to just shit on them
all the consoles are pretty much in unity in term of hardware in their brand. but for pc, a lot of claim about masterace but there are also a shit ton of shit tier rig and people who play on fucking laptop trying to fit in. so you don't really know who is who
Are you fucking kidding me? There have been a decent amount of DMC threads but smash was FAR worse. Between the fake leaks, shitposting, and nonstop roster faggotry we had 10 smash threads up 24/7.
Anyone who says "Xboners don't exist" is probably an Xboner themselves trying to bury their constant shilling and two-facedness to make themselves look good
>XGODS posting
>cult of personality around Phil Spencer
>shilling the Xbone X, shitting on other consoles with MUH 4K and shitting on PC with MUH COST
>pretending to be "allies" with PC and Nintendo and then turning around and shitting on them whenever convenient
>spamming metacritic scores for Forza of all fucking franchises
>spamming about how MS is going to "win" next gen because they bought studios, conveniently ignoring that they're buying shitty studios like Ninja Theory
>Anyone who says "Xboners don't exist" is probably an Xboner themselves
man i wish, never had any xbox product in my life. i just comment based on how often i see them on Yea Forums, and desu it could also because i never had any interest in them so i never check out their threads to see how devoted they are like you said as well
Take off your tinfoil hat, retard
Normally, I would say Sony but seeing how the Xbox has retards like Crapgamer, Colteastwood and Dealer, I would say Xbox is by far worse.
I'm an Xboxfag and I don't even know who these people are.
These fags would leave Microsoft in a heartbeat, they are as bad as MGB or whatever the hell his name is, They might as well be Sonyfags.
I have to disagree. Valve is the true face behind PC, PC gaming is basically synonymous with Steam and you know it. The fact that Valve are lazy bastards that don't make any effort is irrelevant.
As far as rigs go the PC fanatics are almost always of bad faith, assuming the worst case scenario about consoles and being unreasonably optimistic about PC conveniently ignoring reality on both sides. The console player will always have overpriced, shit resolution, shit graphics, sub 30fps unplayable trash, the PC player will always have 4k 60fps buttersmooth ports that will run on his decaying 750 ti. But most of all, the most important part is that the game on PC is always, absolutely, undeniably SUPERIOR to consoles which in turn makes the PC gamer the superior gamer.
Nintendo simply due to the fact that most Nintendo retards are Americans.
Sony by far
Xbox doesn't even have a fan base except maybe 12 year olds
The only true answer to this question are the snoy fags.
They cant even keep a single Ninty/PC/Xbone Threads without trying to push their religion on "the 75 reasons why PS4 is the only gaming machine in the world, anything else is a Port machine with no games and exclusives".
Hell i've actually seen so many threads where the PC/Xbones/Ninty fanbase unite against the Snoyboys.
You got the 50 Smash Threads by the Tendy fanbase, minding they're own business.
You got the Xbones and PC Threads trying to keep civil discussions until a Snoy Fag ruins it.
Then you got the Snoy fags trying to enter every thread on Yea Forums to show off their massive egos
If I say either Sony or Nintendo I'll just ba labeled as a fanboy of the opposite company so I'm just gonna go ahead and say that it definitely isn't Xbox.
Nintendo, but their cancer is different than what's expected, Nintendo drive away creative development teams and studios and suffocate devs by forcing them to use relatively ancient hardware if they want to support a Nintendo platform. Nintendo for the industry has overall been a net loss and gaming has been worse off because of them, I can't say the same for Sony, Microsoft are arguable, they at least gave us Halo, Age of Empires, Viva Pinata and Freelancer.
>But most of all, the most important part is that the game on PC is always, absolutely, undeniably SUPERIOR to consoles which in turn makes the PC gamer the superior gamer.
For the most part, yeah.
Go play FIFA you 3rd world Muslim apologist
All three.
>No hope
Maybe a fifth of those are wrong
Sony buys dev teams by the hundreds and either kills all their IPs or turns their IPs into 3rd person action movies
the butthurt from weebs is equally hilarious
>Nintendo drive away creative development teams and studios and suffocate devs by forcing them to use relatively ancient hardware if they want to support a Nintendo platform
Using this logic xbone must have the most and best exclusive games this gen because of their awesome hardware allow people to do anything they want, except they got fuck all
3rd world education
200% Sony.
Snoy cucks. Single handedly keeping EA in buisness.
>We've reached a point where someone can make a post this bad and no one will even notice.
This site is on borrowed fucking time
Mainly PC/Xbox, no contest at all
Honestly, is there anybody who isn't american buy xbox?
They've only closed 6 studios, and most of them were long time partners before acquisition like Playground Games for Xbox.
I see a lot of people saying Microsoft/Xbox but in all honesty are the fans even around? I dont see many threads pop up for anything xbox related anymore. The board is now filled with mostly tripleplats, nincel shit, snoyboi posting, and waifu/other shit. Am I on the board at bad times or?
>proves my point LOL
>Tfw 110% percent believe the PS2 and Gamecube should have been the last vidya consoles
>By 2012 at the latest people should really should have been selecting from lines of prebuilt PCs to plug into their TV or just use in-home streaming
>Reddit had to go make PC gaming embarassing and killed the revolution
I'm tired
I meant multiplat, fuck I couldn’t think of the word
Sony has the loudest, meanest and most annoying fans
Nintendo has the most autisticly loyal and nostalgis blind fans
Microsoft has fans, statistically speaking at least
Anyone being a fan of any one company is already cancerous though, make your own decisions and try new things, idorts are the most reasonable fanbase for a god damn reason and we still don't know why fuckers fight so much
All of you are cancer that should be erased from this world to be honest.
which of the 3 had to have a group of their own be quarantined off into their own board yet still manage to flood this one?
thats how i know those polls are bullshit
Your just as loud by flapping your mouth right now.
Nintendo and Xbox plays nice together both in terms of corporately and fanbase wise. Sony continues to show theyre anti consumer and their fanbase desperately tries to defend their shitty decisions. It's a wonder the PS4 is on top RN, their stances now on censorship and on cross platform play will leave them in the dust next gen meanwhile Switch will keep selling and get a switch pro upgrade and xbox two will come out and sony will be knackered.
That said if its got backwards compatibillity for every PS game with disc support I'll probably pick on up for that alone. Not big on any specific sony gen but an all in one Sony machine for the previous 4 gens letting me play what I'm interested in would be cool.
You're* not wrong
Sony >>>Powergap>>> Nintendo > PC > Xbox(and only because they cannot even be cancerous when there isn't anything to be cancerous about)
Kek, get styled on
Fuck off already shitskin
Xbox people for sure. They seem autistic, maybe because they are mainly children? I really don't know.
man, make sure to post a bigger pic next time
We're still here.
We just... don't have anything to shitpost about right now. Our latest "exclusive" was Crackdown 3 and it's fucking embarrassing.
Check back when Halo Infinite launches I guess...
Here we see a sony fan boy in his natural habitat, loudly being defensive about his loudness, his only defense that other people are just ae loud as he is
i honestly can't remember which year is peak xbox on Yea Forums, was it around 11-12?
>People are really this hateful
>society is doomED
Here we see a Yea Forums fan boy in his natural habitat, loudly being defensive about his loudness, his only defense that other people are just ae loud as he is
>literally saw a crack down thread on catalog
>ok, let just check in to see. i remember it being named at e3 couple years ago
>literally 3 fucking post op included
>words on a screen are loud
>Every format I try to discuss about this results in triggering the spam filter
It’s sony though
Kys you pathetic faggot
Isn’t Gears 5 coming as an exclusive or am I retarded? Still though exclusives can’t save the xbox and not a new design of the console will. Personally they need to revamp something
nintendo by far
as you can see from all the SNOY comments in this thread
xbox fans dont really bother anyone
Xbox fan here, I said snoy.
xbox, think they are jealous of other players having games for their consoles so they seem to lash out against sony the most. jealousy does that. dunno why they dont just switch
>Gets booted from EVO for not showering
>Boycotts a reviewsite for not giving Zelda a 10
>Reviewbombs game on Steam because it didn't get a Switch port
>Hops on Yea Forums to post "Sony" in this thread without any reason or explanation
Every underage corporationdicksucker that can't afford more than one and needs to post consolewar shit
Given most of the posts are anti Sony, this reveals that the majority of posters are not Sony fans, which probably means they’re Nintendo fans (no one has an Xbox).
As we all know, the majority of any community is retarded; most of the quality content comes from a quiet
So I would say Nintendo fans are the most cancerous community.
>this fag assumes the array is limited to three options hating on Sony
No, us dreamcast fags hate Sony too
nintensoys are by far the worst
That's some mental gymnastics, but I can shiggy-dig it fellow sony bro
looking back, I think I just have buyers remorse and have difficulty accepting the reality.
Xbox was my first console and I just never liked nintendo. I never really thought of why I disliked them or their games. I just thought the purple lunchbox looked gay and made fun of it.
For the past decade or so, I've spent more time pretending to be a sony or nintendo cocksucker to make fans of both sides mad at each other for the fun of it, but I never really put any real thought into it until I started reading this thread.
I'm not really happy at all with my choice. I've been having more fun shitposting and falseflagging on Yea Forums than playing just about any game I've owned except for the few emulated games I've recently started playing on both phone and pc.
It feels weird, looking back and thinking how much time I've wasted not actually playing games. I'm dead serious. I'm really fucking conflicted here.
Sony fans defend interactive movies, they don't play games.
>ctrl+f Nintendo (and variants)
41 results
>ctrl+f Xbox (and variants)
53 results
>ctrl+f Sony (and variants)
69 results
As always, this board is primarily pro-Nintendo, anti-Sony.
PlayStation, but only the fans who play western cinematic games.
Xbox has no fans so anyone saying Xbox is retarded.
they all are
X-box fans are masochistic cucks
Nintendo fans are elitist babies
Sony fans are just retarded
and PC fans are just obnoxious
Sony and Microsoft don't have fanbases. Their players are 90% normies who just want to play current gen games and not use a computer. Since that only leaves one company it's obviously Nintendo.
and PCfags
Sony. I only play on PC, but only in threads about games multiplat with Playstation do I see conolewar shit, and it's mostly "NINTENDIES ON SUICIDE WATCH! SEETHING THEY CAN'T PLAY THIS!"
Are they unable to shut up and play a game? Do they have to consolewar in a thread about a game on their own system? What the fuck is wrong with them?
I mean hey, you had a blast and I’m sure you still are. Go have fan man
That's a pretty even split actually, close to being thirds
Nintendo and it's not even up for debate.
>annoy people so much with consolewar bullshit that they hate you
>just call them all Nintendo fanboys
Problem solved!
Sony, and i say this as a long time goldface vore poster.
Snoy as they will change their beliefs when Snoy change theirs. To the detriment of everyone else.
That's not how debate works
Yours. Mine. Probably his too.
Nintendo. They're so deep into the psychosis that they're constantly trying to prove to themselves that they aren't just throwing money away.
Switch is the most shilled console to ever arrive and I don't understand how anyone would pay for one.
But literally only half of the non sony numbers are nintendo. Those numbers can be literally anyone that dislike sony fanboys. Notice the phrasing there as well, we don't hate sony, sony is great, we hate sony FANBOYS. Fanbases are cancerous, not the things they are fans of
To play video games? I'm an idort and own every console (except Xbone because no exclusives; literally just a worse PC). Why else would you guy a console? I've played my Switch more than my PS4 recently.
>falsflagging xbox fan
>over a fucking decade.
Why on earth would you waste so much time falseflagging?
Crackdown 3 came out? Was it really that bad?
Nintendo fanboys are annoying, but Sony fans somehow manage to be worse.
man, this would be funnier if he give the ps4 version of rdr2 10
also i don't have an account there, can you even do what i suggest?
This is the ninth or tenth time so far since maybe November I've seen a person admit to falseflagging both as sony and nintendo from the MS camp.
Starting to get the feeling that MS is the most cancerous fanbase on that alone if you're really admitting to have been doing this for over a decade. This is a huge reason the board's gone to shit.
>xbox not the king of the show anymore
>suddenly console war shitposting went up dramatically
all the dots just starting to connected, isn't it
150+ replies
80+ posters
False flag the thread
>less than two posts per poster
That's completely normal you fucking brainlet
How exactly?
59 posts in this thread are directly responding to other posts, which means they aren't pretending to be a unique poster giving their opinion for the first time. At best, 11 posts in this thread of 150+ posts are from someone pretending to multiple posters.
Nintendo mostly because of smash and pokemon
Nintendo without a doubt. Can't remember the last time I even saw a Sony or Xbox fan on this board.
Sony by far.
Yu do know some anons mentioned all three multiple times and some picked one company and still mentioned another
I never even see Xbox or Nintendo fanboys anymore, only Sony.
you're joking right
Nintendo is a joke so yeah
the ones who routinely beg for ports
>Objectively correct on a purely subjective topic
Just how retarded are you?
Anyone have that spongebob pic eating snail food with a word "port" in it?
everytime this board has tried to come to a consensus about this question it always gets the same answer.
So all of them?
It's how "they" literally believe rumors like it's the fucking ten commandments.
Seething snoybois are so hilariously lacking self awareness. They're even more autistic when backed into a corner.
How the literal shit can you tell who is genuine when nobody owns their opinion here and half of the board just likes to see the pot being stirred?
>Nintendo losing in the first round
>to fucking Valve
Check youtube, twitter or any other major gaming site and watch Nintendies begging for switch ports.
You don't see anyone else doing that.
are you in a different timeline? valve has gone to shit for over 10 years now and a lot of people hate how far they've fallen.
and the Valve fanbase still is nowhere near as annoying as Nintendo's
and still not as obnoxious as PS. spamming shitty goldface edits non stop for years, even in obvious situations like GTAV.
The hell you don't. If there's a 3rd party exclusive on a Nintendo console, Sony and PC owners will beg for it to be ported. If there's a Sony exclusive, PC and Nintendo owners will beg for it to be ported. If there's a PC exclusive, Sony and Nintendo owners will beg for it to be ported.
The only way you can spin it bad for Nintendo fans is that they're the least likely to understand when it's literally impossible to get something ported, due to a direct competitor owning or partially owning the rights to the game. Everyone understands that Mario is never coming to PS4, but not everyone understands that Bloodborne is never coming to Switch.
What does that have to do with Valve's fanbase being annoying? If anything, the fact that people rightly hate them should mean that Valve's fanbase is the least annoying, since they recognize Valve's faults.
PS4 is obviously better than Xbox One, but Sonyfags are still the worst.
I only have a PS4 and the current PS fanbase is easily the worst. Lots of normalfags and former xbots.
Xbox fans: dudebros, people who's clueless about technology, americans with blind patriotism
Nintendo fans: children, furfaggot, unironical console warriors, fatties in diaper
Sony fans: weebs, a bit from every existing group, single platform guy
PC: underage kid from 3rd world country
Everyone is bad just whoever offends you the most.
10:30 where the real downgrade starts
>people want to play games portably
>Sony fans: weebs
This is not really true. majority of them are triple AAA mutiplatfags + fifa and sony cinematics games. You talk to a sony fans and you are more likely to see him play TLoU, uncharted or gow instead of japanese games
Call me crazy, but I always assume when Yea Forums talks about fanbases that they're talking about fanbases on Yea Forums. Why the hell would I care what Xbox fans on Twitter are like?
>Microsoft marketing
how the fuck do people still fall for this shit?
Looks like snoy wins again
Those “weebs” are potential customers they’re driving away
You faggots are literally isolating your own people for a straight up retarded reasons
That’s like if Nintendo told every 2D Mario fan to Fuck off so they can focus on VR only
Success breeds jealousy, how does it feel knowing you've wasted both your money and time on an inferior platform?
normies are the majority so they will obviously dominate every platform, but sony still has the biggest weeb userbase. PS still has the most amount of Japanese games, and even the games that eventually go to other platforms are released on the playstation much sooner.
Your mom
Tbh I thought the same but im not sure anymore with all these fucking replies citing outsite sources and shit
Nintendo has so much infighting it couldn't hope to match Sony's fanbase for sheer cancer, also what Xbox fanbase?
seething nintendorks
Snoygger fags wouldn’t stay to they’re own board to save their lives
You’ll see them on straight up Nintendo/ Xbox focused sites demanding everything to be on PlayStation
Nigger you’re on Nintendolife.com if you’re looking for PlayStation news here you’re definitely on the wrong website
I feel like Xbox's kiddies calmed down a bit. It's a tie between sony and nintendo.
>i'm just gonna prove their point unga bunga
>I feel like Xbox's kiddies calmed down a bit
probably because they have quite literally fuck all to talk about so they do shit like this
I think everyone should be equal and be cancerous and ridiculously stupid in the same level
I own a PS3, PS4, PSP and Vita.
it's Sony, their own advertising campaigns are based on breeding this kind of arrogance in their users.
im sure im better than you since i don't post cringe shit like your pic, esp not a fucking phone poster
>defending cardboard
>defending taking down cool fan projects
>defending wiiu port reskin
>defending killing rom sites
>says they wont be paid online dlcfags
>become paid online dlcfags
>people still defend this
>never price drop their games
>gamefreak is billion dollar company with $2 graphics
>assraped for next 30 years
Wii beat PS3 tho
and the wii is looked back on as waggle gimick shit because they tried to force motion control aids on us
ps3 will be remembered for peak COD TLOU GTA4/5 and other classics
Actually the Wii is remembered for making more money in one year than Playstation did in 20. And the PS3 is remembered for flushing all the money made on the PS2 down the toilet.
>he actually believes thats what people think of the Wii
OH NONONONOO the wii is a failure like the gamecube and is the reason nintendo lost a giant chunk of their fanbase around that time
I’m pretty sure it’s going to be remembered as a massive finical flop
Keep pretending Eric, I'm sure one day you'll find someone to listen to your nonsense.
more like ps3 is remembered by 599 US DOLLARS GIANT ENEMY CRAB memes
>will be remembered for peak COD TLOU GTA4/5 and other classics
Literally all three of them. Consolefags will fight amongst themselves for millennia but the PC master race thrives together. Every """exclusive""" they get we will eventually be able to emulate or top.
>Get BTFO by hard non bias numbers
>I know I’ll tell him to cope!
my fave edit
ios poster cope
Now add on Nintendo’s merchandise revenue and subtract Sony’s TV and Phone losses
Not xbox since they're completely irrelevant, kek
Yea Forums
Worst games out of the three, obsess over nintendo, genuinely some of the most annoying threads on the board
Some of the dumbest people on the board, make way too many threads
Just a bunch of bros
thats operating income for Sony GAME based retard
you cannot refute this
nah more like smash and directs
It says revenue in the graph you moron.
>People say the company they don't like while defending the company they DO like
Consoles wars are cancer, please stop making threads like these.
you and your anal vore wojak comics are a cancerous blight, your impotent seething does not change this.
refute this
(you can't)
This is the entire purpose of the PlayStation brand Western marketing from day 1. The only reason Sega stopped doing this is because they got eternally btfo'd with the Saturn
Of course Sony is going to be the most annoying fanbase. When they post successful sales number every other fanbase is going to be pissed.
This basically
And they’re still spamming this gay shit
>Ctrl F Sony
>87 Results
>Ctrl F Snoy
>26 results
I think we have a winner people.
We sure do, shill: Xnigger samefagging
>y-you're just mad because we're successful!
>not because we spam constant wojak shit! Nothing to do with it!
Sony has been cancer since day 1
I remember some time ago Sony almost got sued by Sega for attempting to steal Nintendon’t
Apparently Sega still has that copyright
We have these polls every week it’s literally always Sony
Even when Sonyfags straight up cheat and we know you faggots check you still lose by a whole margin
Often as much as 30%
what does this responce mean?
Just admit that you're the most hated fanbase on Yea Forums and live with it. Xbox fans barely exist at this point, Nintendo fans are obnoxious but nowhere near to the degree of sonybros. Sonyfags will constantly shit on the Switch for being an underpowered console, but when PC vs PS4 is brought up or even Xbox One X vs PS4 Pro the argument always changes to
>caring about graphics
even though all you fucks can do is shitpost mediocre and boring webms of Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted 4 constantly. Sony fans are elitists but without any substance to back up their elitism. Maybe they'll finally realise how delusional they are now that Cali Sony is censoring any game that doesn't align with the views in the Quran.
TLDR: Everyone hates you. Drop your baseless elitist attitude and maybe people might care to discuss your movie games here. Until then you will always have your threads shitposted to 404 by every other fanbase.
Sony fanboys seem the most likely to start console wars. So them.
Yeah, Xniggers got nothing better to do except falseflag against Nintenbros and feel better about being cancer.
neither of those posts are about nintendo yet you shifted the focus to nintendo. just admit youre obsessed with them.
pepsi is unironically better than coke
Xbox and PC owners get along fine because they share a library
PC and Nintendo owners get along fine because there's a ton of overlap and use both platforms to fill out their library
Xbox and Nintendo owners get to play together and are partnering up to make gaming better.
Sony owners fit in with none of the above parings and will attack them at every available opportunity.
>That typical Xnigger leeching
No one wants your stink on them, bud.
Also don't forget the
>Xbox has no exclusives cause UWP!
argument. As if any of them have PCs that could run the games anyway.
>Xbox One X
Back to /r/Gaming, friend.
Kusony, only because they're delusional to support them as of late. Nintendofags are autistic but they're somehow slightly less annoying. I don't think anyone cares about xbox.
Consoles and the entire video game industry are cancer supported by braindead consumers though, including the mustards.
Not true at all.
You can hardly find Xbox fanboys.
Its basically a toss up between Sony and Nintendo. Both can be equally cancerous.
The only correct answer is Nintendo.
Those fuckers are the most annoying and vocal out of the three.
Most of the responses in this thread are gonna be Snoy because Yea Forums is more catered to Nintendo.
yikes, stick to snoy
>Using reaction image from a fucking gameboy game
Makes sense a Snoy fags wouldn’t do his research
I don't even like playstation but keep going Nintenfag, keep proving my point.
On Yea Forums, Sony. Easily.