Wow... really makes me think

wow... really makes me think

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Oh my God, who the hell cares?

West vs East female character design isn't just about a character's looks.

Yea Forums really outed itself as shills with this game

love to see what the weebs have to say this time

How is she SJW anyways? If she were an SJW female she'd have blue hair super thick rimmed horn glasses she wouldnt be showing any skin unless she was at a womens march wearing a vagina hat and she'd be a fucking landwhale.

yeah is it lol

rly maeks u think desu

Fuck off parasite.

have sex incel

Japs like their females to have cute and girly sides, even the tomboyish ones. Western devs like their females to be strong and independent women who don't need no man. Ever.

The difference is in the game she's actually funny, cute, and likeable.

Context helps, just saying.

she's just a shitty cindy

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the context being, the game is japanese so its ok

>she's actually funny,
>and likeable.

She's hella cute.
When she doesn't smile.
Just watch her during the shop screen. So sexy.

>all these people too young to not want to fuck a young Nanny Fran design wise

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Looks like a crack whore on both sides

The bestgirl of all time is western

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SJWs advocate for ((diversity)) meaning niggers, chinks, spics, ugly people, and shitty fashion. All of which are represented in DMCV, a SJW's dream game.

i bet you kiss girls faggot

To be fair Nico is one of the game devs fetishes combined in one character

Only western bestgirls like Mercy

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the difference is nico is (somwhat) white and has some decent facial features, body not too bad
the clothes and tattoos are a DMC exception

To be fair Itsuno is a fucking faggot who made a shit game.

>nico is (somwhat) white

god i want to impregnate her so badly

The west would never make something this hilarious.