What were your favorite games from the Early Zoomer era (released 2005-2010)?
What were your favorite games from the Early Zoomer era (released 2005-2010)?
Devil may cry 3
BASED and youtubepilled
Early zoomer era is 1996 - 2001.
i was born in 1997
No, that's post-millennial era.
That's when they were born but that's not their era you dumb fucking shit (since they weren't conscious of it). Their era was around the late 00s when they were in elementary playing Halo 3.
Zoomers are no-taste faggots who deserve to be beaten brutally.
Zoomers are born in the 21st.
I was born in 1996 and I consider myself a doomer
Generation Z started in the late 90s idiot.
it's funny because someone born in 1996 almost had the exact same childhood as someone born in 97
Whoever made that chart is retarded. It would make perfect sense to put the cutoff at 2000.
That's post-millennial. Gen Z is 2000~.
early 2000s is our era. everything up to 9/11 belongs to late boomers like sailor moon. Thats why i wont ever touch that fucing anime wth a yardstick, im not from that fucking time despite being born in 1998
if its old and not for me, im skeptical
No, late 00s is your era zoomer. If you were born in 98 you were too young to consciously remember the early 00s (2000-2003).
You're a disgrace to post-millennials. Boomer culture goes up to 2010. Everything after is Zoomer trash.
when were you born?
Like grandpas could throw any punches LOL
If you were born in 1998, you would be 20-21 today.
That's not Zoomer you brainlet. Zoomers are still in high school
Mirror's Edge, Dead Space and Mass Effect. I miss the times when EA was good
No, everything after 2005.
Why are "90 kids" trying to gate keep the 2000s?
2000-2005 is millennial culture. 2005-2009 is zoomer culture.
oh so your a 2000s kid. cool
I'll agree that TV after 2005 is Zoomer-ish. But the Internet remained Boomer until 2010, and even films that came out in that period and some video games were boomerish.
Nah, Zoomer culture begins in like 2012.
This meme needs to die.
If you don't remember Windows XP, you're a Zoomer.
No, retard. Zoomers fucking love shit like N64 nostalgia and the first generation of Pokemon. Boomers were already playing video games for a while before shit like that entered the market.
Fuck off with your stupid shit.
N64 and Pokemon are peak Boomer.
Zoomer is late-Wii, Wii U, Xbox One, and Switch.
>N64 and Pokemon are peak Boomer.
Are you fucking retarded? That shit isn't boomer at all.
It's totally just a meme!
The start of the zoomer era is late 90s, not the early 00's. Zoomers go fucking wild over 90s nostalgia, call themselves 90s kids and play shit like fortnite. Boomers don't do that shit.
Zoomers hate the 90s. They hate anything that was before their time.
It's like this guy said. I'm not a big fan of their choice of words, but the gist of what they said is correct.
I'm 21 and I remember it.
Yeah, that's my point. You're not a zoomer.
who here /98/
What's the point of this stupid ass thread? Why do you people like arguing about such arbitrary shit
ITT: zoomers who missed out on the golden age of playing games like Super Metroid, Command and Conquer, The Sims, Megaman X, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Streets of Rage, Killer Instinct when they were new.
>Zoomers hate the 90s.
What the fuck are you talking about? Zoomers fucking love the 90s. It's what they grew up with. It's why a lot of different companies have been bringing up old shit, just so they can appeal to zoomers who shit themselves over nostalgic shit.
You're confusing zoomers with kids. Actual zoomers, the young adults that love the 90s, Fortnite and whatever's currently popular, are over the age of 20. Stop pretending you are a boomer if you aren't over the age of 30 or grew up with older shit as a kid.
If you have never used DOS, you are a zoomer. Take that Windows XP shit out of here, that's too recent to be for boomers.
No way. XP epitomizes the retro atmosphere of the late 90s/2000s.
still crying
>born in 2000
>dealt with 90s kids cancer for past decade
>now 00s kids are doing the same autism
fuck me, only 2 more years until buzzfeed churns out 2000s kids listicles
Windows XP was out in 2001 and people (and schools) used it for fucking years since Vista was so shit. XP is zoomer as fuck. XP is what a retarded zoomer would think is 'retro' when it's really not that old.
>admitting to be underage
Chibi Robo
Can confirm
I use a windows XP shell for the look
Math's not your strong suit, is it?
Zoomers don't care about XP. It has too much atmosphere/soul. Zoomers like things that are sterile and cheap. Like iPads, iPhones, and Windows 10.
Trve patricians love the professional look of XP.
first time a video's brought me to tears in a while
i wanna go back
Star Wars Battlefront II
Ninja Gaiden
Demon's Souls
World of Warcraft
>Zoomers don't care about XP.
Zoomers grew up with XP. Of course they like it. It's not that old and it was only recently phased out. You're part of the problem if you can't admit how recent XP actually is and how even people under the age of 20 recognize it. It's older shit like DOS that's true boomer-core. Give that boomer shit to a 20 year old and they'll be confused as fuck. Give a 20 year old a computer with XP and they'll immediately know how to use it since it's not radically different from current operating systems.
>born a year before zoomer cancer
>poorfag in a south american shithole so i was basically a decade behind in entertainment
almost makes it worth it
you grew up In the 2000s. get over it
Of course people under the age of 20 recognize it, it's not 2020 yet. Zoomers are still in high school, and don't have the power to sterilize culture any more than it's already been. And I'm not denying the charm of DOS. DOS had its own distinct late-80s/early-90s flavor, but I'm talking about the retro atmosphere of the 2000s. You know, the kind that you would be familiar with if you knew about 2008 Yea Forums. There was an underground feel to the Internet that is completely foreign to Zoomers.
>Zoomers are still in high school
No, zoomers are in college and have probably graduated by now. Zoomers can be anywhere between the age of 0 or 30. The zoomers that Yea Forums often makes fun of are usually 25 years old.
World of Warcraft Vanilla
We must have wildly different definition of Zoomer then. If you're telling me a 29 year old can be a Zoomer, then I think we're at the point where words are meaningless. I've always interpreted Gen Z to be people born in the 21st century. This is on the first "page" when you type in Generation Z people on Google Images.
Sorry, but this is pure 2010s culture.
Born early 95 so barely not a zoomer.
>chilling in my friend's pool on a hot summer day
>dry off to go play SoulCalibur II and Pikmin 2 multiplayer
>installing Halo Trial on the school computers and playing LAN with everyone in the computer lab
I want to go back. Please let me go back.
still a 2000s kid so not much different
Zoomer isn't gen z. Zoomer is the type of person that blatantly eats up current trends. They ate up Minecraft after it became popular, are in love with the battle royale genre, mindlessly follow popular YouTubers and watch + donate to Twitch streamers. Boomer has always been the sort of person that played Doom when it first released and shit like that. The meaning of zoomer/boomer has just become distorted thanks to retards on Yea Forums quickly using it to mean "things I like" and "things I don't like." And honestly, even if you don't eat whatever is popular these days, you're still a zoomer if you didn't play the classics like I did as a kid/teen.
Is it not telling that no one can agree on when exactly boomers ended and zoomers began? Does that not imply that the boomer/zoomer dichotomy might be a flawed categorical approach?
No shit it's flawed. But I'd rather use it to how Yea Forums originally adopted it rather than making it mean that only things I grew up are boomer.
We already had words for this. Patrician and plebian. They were perfectly fine.
You're right. But Yea Forums fucked it all up by trying to make themselves seem more mature for some fucking reason with the boomer/zoomer shit.
xp looked like a leapfrog toy. pic related was the last time computer ui had soul.
A bunch of fags that just turned 25 and think they're "real" adults now.
1999 gang get in here
XPbabies won't understand this
That's as soulless as it gets! These are the computers I was forced to use in elementary school. I hated them! How can you say that that plain background and that robotic dock has soul of any kind?
I'll admit, some of this is my PTSD of being forced to use these in school as a kid, but still, it's eye cancer.