Day 1 buy for sure. I'll welcome any newcomer to the console scene at this point

Day 1 buy for sure. I'll welcome any newcomer to the console scene at this point.

Attached: GBox.jpg (590x350, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally the antithesis to video games

I have the shield tv and GeForce now. You're late Google

What games are even supported
Fucking Google play store?

That Asassin's Creed Google Stream beta was a demo.

found the google shill. it will just be mobile games played on your tv

Attached: 1384404581791.jpg (600x524, 39K)


There's no fucking defending this and if you try then that's how I know you're a corporate shill who doesn't deserve the time of day.

ouya 2


OP is retarded

Isn't it incredible that we've gotten to the stage where people on Yea Forums unironically defend the GAMES AS A SERVICE! concept.

Streaming is the future whether you like it or not. It will be nice playing all new games on full settings without having ti buy new hardware.

im so happy to see somebody say this
what the fuck is going on guys

Attached: the fuck.gif (720x348, 1.33M)



People already voted with their wallets for streaming when they accepted digital distribution, streaming is the next logical step of digital distribution.

what is this thing and oversized printer

Dumbass out of the loop faggot here. Havent read much about the topic but what I get from the gist is that corporate machines will actually run the games and you would "stream" it and I'm guessing all your inputs would transfer to the corporate machines and run off their hardware. Am I right about this or what am I missing?

its made by google what do you think retard

It will be the death of gaming as we know it. Know why? Because you don't actually own your games and if whoever is streaming loses the rights or decides to cut off support then your're SOL. I can still play my SNES games 20 years later. You won't be able to play a streambox's exclusives in 20 years.

Yep. Not saved on your hard drive so once the servers go down you lose everything.

Is there input lag?

Game streaming isn't going to happen when Internet infrastructure fucking sucks across entire continents desu

>Adds after every cutscene or loading screen
No thanks, bro

Has to be. You can't beat the speed of light.