litteraly impossible
Litteraly impossible
Even Kamiya never beat the final Nelo fight on DMD.
>mfw it's Nee-lo, not Nel-lo.
it's nero angelo(black angel in italian) but write in a wrong way
That's what it was supposed to be, but 'Nelo' is canon
Just stinger lmao
>he made 2 attack that kill me
Just jump lmao
If you're doing it on DMD, use Rolling Blaze as a defense against the Summoned Swords, and throw a quick Meteor at him when he's floating in the air to get him back down.
Most developers are not experts at their games.
Does DMC5 explain how Vergil came back from this?
Grenade shot, roll, repeat.
i beat this on dmd no items sss rank when i was a spaz 15 year old. is that a big deal? can't remember
on dmd litteraly grenade don't do damage
there is no sss rank in dmc nice bullshit
s rank whatever. i did the best score through the whole game oh dmd. this was 2002 give me a break
I had to use an untouchable to beat him.
I think I'm stupid.
Yeah, he didn't die in DMC1, he teleported away.
No they just pretend like he didn't actually die in DMC1.
well in dmd the damage is shit
getting s rank is easy since you just need to farm and complete in less than 10 minutes
beat him is hard as hell
dmc is reboot. Please call original game DMC or DMC1
anyway wasnt nightmare 3 way way way worse than nelo 3?
I don't think I touch very much damage at all against nightmare 3. Nelo Angelo beat the fuck out of me in every fight.
okay then how about having to play space harrier for 10 minutes every time you want to fight mundus
You're making me realize why I only played DMC1 all the way through and then never touched it again.
There's like 12 different "that part"s to it.
Nightmare 3 is the hardest if you dont know how to exploit him and make him only do certain patterns,Nelo 3 is harder because there is no exploits.
Hardert overall is Mundus 2 hands down,the fact that i dont see people talking about him proves that people that post on dmc threads are shitters that dont really play DMD
i remember lava dragons drop green orbs so your are wrong
Meant to reply to
>proves that people that post on dmc threads are shitters that dont really play DMD
Well yeah, not everyone's good enough for DMD in any DMC game. DMD is really hard.
The hardest modes I've beaten are Very Hard in DMC3 and DMD in DMC4. Asking people to do a DMD run of DMC1 is asking too much. The game is nowhere near pleasant enough to motivate people to do that.
Got a source on that?
So? just surving until it spawns is harder than every other boss,you do next to 0 damage to Mundus on DMD,so the fight last forever and if you fuck up once you die.
Not saying that Mundus is the harder boss in all of videogames but he is definetely the most bullshit one on 1
I thought it was.
i agree and i remember i actually broke a controller being the autistic spaz i was but it was specifically because of this bullshit just watched a youtube vid of nightmare 3 dmd. 8 fucking minutes jesus and i forgot he makes you fight old bosses again
You just need to stick to his sides and bait that piercing stab,then you jump with Ifrit using roling blaze and parry it,Nightmare then just stands there getting hit.
It sounds hard but its pretty easy once you get the timing(and if you fuck up you dont take damage anyway because of jumping iframes).
Every other pattern except the front ray you just ignore and run away.
i want to talk more about ps2 games :((((. i remebmer i had grown up a bit when dmc3 came out and i got to maybe the chess set or something on dmd and just figured fuck it i'd rather go party
DT Kick-13 -> charged Ifrit punch to break his guard -> potentially another DT Kick-13
Or something like that.