they gonna do a Dragon's Dogma anime
They gonna do a Dragon's Dogma anime
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oh well, at least it's another sign pointing to a sequel
i give up
>Netflix will also partner with Sublimation on Dragon’s Dogma, an original anime series based on the critically acclaimed video game of the same name.
It's legit. Hopefully it's also not trash
>Hopefully it's also not trash
It's netflix, it's gonna be trash by default.
Some Netflix anime have turned out fine. The real problem is their boner for mediocre CG animation over 2D.
DD is fucking dead. DMCbros got their game and we're left with an anime adaptation with a black pansexual female arisen and an otherkin grigori. It's not fair.
Wasn't the castlevania anime decent?
>Dragon’s Dogma - Sublimation Inc.
Based on a world-famous action RPG set in an open world, Dragon’s Dogma from CAPCOM will be brought to life as a Netflix original anime series. The story follows a man’s journey seeking revenge on a dragon who stole his heart. On his way, the man is brought back to life as an ‘Arisen’. An action adventure about a man challenged by demons who represent the seven deadly sins of humans.
the first season was ok, the second season was absolute trash
they reserved ONE castlevania track, and it was a barely audible bloody tears for a fight against literal nobodies that have had 0 speaking roles
First of all AKSHUALLY it's a cartoon made by Texans. Second it's okay, it has a bunch of serious problems like the second season having bad pacing and constantly over-explaining to the audience, but it's just okay. The only people who get seriously upset over it are whiny offended christians.
>inb4 this is way for Capcom to see if there's interest for Dragon's Dogma 2
>An action adventure about a man challenged by demons who represent the seven deadly sins of humans.
I don't remember that part. They couldn't just stick to "gotta kill that dragon?"
What animation studio is fucking Sublimaton Inc?
The second season went full fucking shit. the "main characters" hang out in a basement for six episodes while a nigger and a STRANG WOMMIN hog the spotlight with their boring crap.
>seven deadly sins of humans
What the fuck
>waste time and money on 5 ports, a dumb mmo, and an anime
>when we could have a fucking sequel already
Fuck Capcom and fuck me.
I found Netflix'x adaption of Castlevania one of the best Video Game to Anime adaptions ever.
I'm dead serious, too.
Can anybody here provide a better anime adaption besides that and basednic?
I assume it's these guys. they're literally who
their one released thing looks fucking awful
Don't you remember the Gore Cyclops who represents Lust in the form of Prison Rapes?
its our boy in?
I'll admit, the animation doesn't look as bad as I expected
But I'm still cautiously optimistic
>challenged by demons who represent the seven deadly sins of humans
Are they going to split Daimon into 7 bosses for the MC to beat? Kinda weird.
>tfw DD anime means we're getting new Grigori dialogue
It's jewflix, so she-goat is going to be on screen 50% of the time, and they'll hit her hard with the ugly bat because beauty is offensive.
Damn. Its CG crap. Hopefully it won't be another Berserk 2016
That part honestly sounds like a machine translation.
>but with a different voice actor
jesus christ just port the DD mmo to the west fucking retards
If the protagonist doesn't have a loli pawn, we riot.
Hopefully it will be more on the tier of Blame! and Land of the Lustrous, and not anywhere close to the Godzilla anime movies or nu-Berserk.
Reminder that almost all of Capcom's anime adaptations have sucked. Devil May Cry was the only good one. Ace Attorney, Viewtiful Joe, Street Fighter II V, and Monster Hunter were all ass
It's not anime.
I like the second season. It honestly sound like you're all parroting a YouTube nigger's opinions.
Itsuno is already working on Dragon's Dogma 2 you idiots.
This anime is just fanfare for the new game
This is getting ridiculous
Yeah it's gonna be bad
No please
If the OP isn't THE WIND IS PUSHING MEEEEEEEEEEE it'll be irredeemably shit.
>Yamato 2202
Oh god oh jesus those utterly boring as fuck animation and direction
the second season was fucking terrible, from the retarded armchair psychology, to the flat action scenes where the music was goddamn-near muted and everyone has to be a snarky funnyman
why use ONE castelvania track, and use it in aa scene against literal nobodies and have it almost muted, as if it were just background noise
>Shegoat will get most screentime
>Wind won't be pushing me
>pawns won't be running their mouths off at all times
low framerate cgi is perfect for dragon's dogma though, its just like the game.
>with this, Capcom is pretty much saying they are working on a sequel already
>user thinks this is somehow bad and starts shitposting about sjw and netflix
Literally who?
>demons who represent the seven deadly sins
What the fuck does that have to do with anything presented in DD?
>mfw played on PC
It looks like they only helped on those project only with the 3D assets and animation, and nothing to do with the actual production or direction. The only thing the studio has made and produced fully of it's own accord has been that Walking Meat movie everything else was just "hey lend us a hand with the 3D bro".
there's literally nothing wrong with mercedes
Anime original villains. Just Grigori isn't enough.
Oh fuck they're definitely going to make shegoat overpower pretty boy in their duel, aren't they?
People kept telling me the first season was awesome, so I sat down and watched it and thought it was mostly shit. I have no idea why it's so acclaimed. It's fully of completely out-of-place comic relief and Trevor's arc is handled horribly, portraying him as refusing to do anything at all about Dracula because people treat the Belmonts like shit, and then he suddenly changes his mind without enough cause. A couple of the fight scenes were decent but that's it. Don't even remotely care to bother with the second season.
DD2 confirmed.
Lol no fuck off incel
Source: my ass.
Though I certainly hope so. Dragon's Dogma on my Top favorite games of all time and, if they use RE Engine, which they most likely will, it's going to be fucking awesome.
Obligatory viewing for everyone itt:
that makes sense
>yamato 2202
sooo they're partially responsible for ruining a great scifi comeback?
Might be okay if it's about Savan.
I mean, if the anime followed the story of the original it would be short as fuck. I hope they go full crazy and show the protagonist becoming god and killing himself to repeat the never ending cycle with his pawns.
>utaware localization
>by nisa
>dragons dogma anime
>by netfix
today is the worst
Theres no way they fuck up mercedes right bros.
it's honestly all but confirmed
few years ago capcom told itsuno he could either work on dmc5 or dd2. he went with dmc5 because the fans had been waiting longer. in the interview where he revealed that he also said he had plans for dd2 and that with dmc5 wrapping up he had to work on something else, and then he grinned
there's a guy on here who's convinced itsuno was working on both dmc5 and dd2 and we'll be getting dd2 in a year, but he's crazy. it'll be a couple years, but I'm betting it's happening
>mfw they'll turn Mercedes into a Mary Sue, going completely against her character for woke points
>mfw they'll turn her into a nigger instead of a cute brown gf
its gonna be trash.
it'll either be true to the game subject matter, themes, and style which wont work for zoomer audiences, or its gonna be way different in hopes to make it more widely appealing in which case it'll suck because it will be like watching game of thrones shit.
didn't night flix kill the death note live action with shitty acting and western rewrites?
how the fuck will they make a good DD anime the story in DD is pretty whatever the pawn system and combat are the good parts whats fucking going on.
>Hand over a license for a dark fantasy world to a literal who company that has never made anything worthwhile in their entire existence.
It's BERSERK 2016 all over again. Put your fucking grasses on niggers
You retards do know the anime is likely going to be an original story, right? The universe of DD has literally infinite worlds to set the story in.
Source: My ass aligned with Itsuno's words
He mentions DD development several times here and how long it too to actually properly start
Also considering that when he started DMC5 he had a choice of either finishing DMC or DD, so he very obviously has a lot already planned out for DD2
>dragon's dogma
>dark fantasy
Ehhhhhh, not really.
Wait you mean it's not going to be about my character?
No. It's going to be about my character.
he is probably thinking about Dark Arisen
But even then the old fashioned AD&D style of the base game is also anathema to zoomers and Netflix normalfags who just want GoT all the time
I can't allow myself to feel excitement, but holy fucking shit.
Mercedes may get the wokehammer and the wind may not be pushing the Arisen, but they CAN'T fuck up Grigori. If there's anything this show needs to get right, it's Grigori. If our chad philosophical dragon granddad isn't in his prime, it's garbage.
Not, it's gonna be about mine.
>Netflix original
>normalfags who just want GoT all the time
dragon's dogma had hints of political intrigue it never really followed up on. Fleshing that stuff out more would be in line with the game.
>tfw no harpy companion to preform sick stunt kills with
It'll most likely be the default Arisen, but what class will he be? Something generic like Fighter, or some cool shit like Mystic Knight or Magick Archer?
Game of Thrones is much more boring than just political intrigue, but I agree.
it took a backseat for a reason
also normalfags don't even care about that shit they just want tits and 'omg anyone can die!!!' and strong YAAAAAAS QWEEEN Dany horseshit
hahahahaha it's berserk anime all over again
>They couldn't just stick to "gotta kill that dragon?"
the game couldn't do that either lmao.
i thought it was obvious that V's gameplay was a prototype for a summoner class in Dragon's Dogma 2
>he thinks they'll get Grigori right
Abandon all delusions of control
Why do you fags complain about the anime being 3D when the game was also 3D?
It's most likely gonna be the default Arisen, but what class will he be? Something generic like Fighter, or some cool shit like Mystic Knight or Magick Archer?
>final battle against Grigori
>the Arisen and his pawns are exhausted
>suddenly Mercedes appears wielding a giant sword
>OHKOs Grigori and then kicks him in the balls
>one of the pawns makes a remarm about how it will leave a mark
>Mercedes becomes a hero to Gransys
>the Everfall is prevented from happening because it wasn't the Arisen who killed Grigori
You know that's what will happen.
He won't be.
Imagine having a harpy companion who stands on your shoulders resting her chest on your head
Jesus Christ, I got so fed up with Daenerys fucking shit up without consequence I think it's one of the main reasons I dropped that shit like a newborn baby. That and the fact the writing turned to literal shit, I swear I couldn't finish the 7th season because it was just too fucking stupid.
It's most likely gonna be the default Arisen, but what class will he be? Something generic like Fighter, or some cool shit like Mystic Knight or Magick Archer?
Savan's story was already told in web video format.
>ywn comfort Mercedes.
>ywn slowly take off her armor and telling her that she doesn't need it anymore, that she will be safe and happy by your side.
>ywn never marry and have children with her
Every heartbeat is like a poke with a rusty needle on my chest.
Noooooo fuuuuuuuck
It’s like finding out your waifu stars in a fucking rape scene Jesus Christ
>I dropped that shit like a newborn baby
t. razor fist
Bad cheap CGI isn't even meme worthy like bad cheap 2D animation.
>telling her that she doesn't need it anymore, that she will be safe and happy by your side.
Enjoy her growing to resent, and cheat on you because you took away her agency.
That's not Savan, that's the default option that shows up in the character creator, who happens to look just like Savan.
>ywn comfort Mercedes
Damn straight I won't. Mercedes is for bullying until sloppy teary sex that leads to baby goats.
Remember they're doing DMC too.
>and yet still no RE anime
it's a shock, since it's been in just about every other form of media
And here I thought I was being funny. Instead I got compared to a faggot.
Honestly, after all the garbage that has come out of RE being adapted into other mediums, I would be surprised if we ended up having a so-bad-it's-not-even-entertaining anime.
>RE anime
>it's a slice of life anime about all the characters capcom erases from the face of the earth
Mercedes is more of a heavy drinking bokukko with a girly streak than anything
an anime of a game with such a shitty story seriously?
is my wife going to make it in?
Clearly, Mercedes just needs better gear to even up the odds.
hey isn't this by the guy who drew a shitton of dragon's dogma golden shower yuri stuff
>making it to 7th season
I have no fucking idea, I just saved the picture from another thread.
>not training with her so that she can git gut and be worthy of being a knight and then putting some kids in her
Not even going to be cautiously optimistic, but also not going to completely discount it yet
We'll see if they get Grigori's real voice or not, until then I withhold judgement.
That's not promising though. There's some stuff that looked decent in there but it looks like all they've ever really done is the CG bits.
Someone less lazy than me should collect some examples.
>Make dragon's dogma
>Make DDDA a re-release with bitterblack and new items added into it with the cost of into free not being the main theme.
>Port it to PC while getting rid of berserk armor.
>Make DDO japanese only with the only translations being done by fans
>Port DDDA to switch
>Make a DD television series
Fucking come on make DD2 already you fucks.
>dragon's dogma golden shower yuri stuff
it's ok, I wasn't actually asking since I'm pretty sure it is
>An action adventure about a man challenged by demons who represent the seven deadly sins of humans.
He has a name not mentioned in the game but I forget what it is.
i bet the pawn will not be a loli witch
>Port DDDA to switch
I actually had no idea. Pretty cool.
>Dragon takes your heart
>go on a quest to kill dragon
>kill dragon
>get your heart back
>chasm opens up under city, killing countless innocents
>jump into hole
>kill monsters
>meet god
>kill god
>become god
>kill self
>pawn becomes you
It's actually the perfect anime plot.
Probably because it'd be short as fuck otherwise. Got put some filler in there.
Kill it with fire. Who the fuck watches these trash Netflix anime. Normalfags were a mistake. Just make 2 you retards.
in the game yes, shes just caska
say hello to netflix mercedes
We already had this interaction in this same thread. Read the thread, retards.
Itsuno said he had a choice at Capcom to either make DMC V or Dragon's Dogma 2 proper, and he chose DMC V. Now that it's done and it a commercial and critical success, it would be highly shocking and surprising if Capcom didn't make him do a DD2.
and you fucks still deny the cycle
we currently are at "starts to make dumb decisions", thank god they waited for DMC5 to be launched to switch back
>ingame mercedes
Caxton is going to be the beloved.
I read the article first, calm down.
Anyway I want to see these monsters, the game has great ones.
oh for fucks sake just make another goddamn game already
>*snap fingers and headbobs* boy, you better retract those words
>romance subplot
>dang, that arisen's be cute for a white boy
I don't deny the cycle, but it hasn't started yet just because a shitty Netflix anime is being made
/ddg/ revival when
DD2 when
Does the PC version even have working servers these days?
Every company does this shit. They grow arrogant off success, then they get humbled, repeat.
>mfw Capcom will base their decision whether to fund DD2 on the reception to the Netflix cartoon
Friendly reminder, Capcom will never be a good company
>We're thinking of localizing DDO once it has enough content!
>Article was 2 years ago
We're already getting dd2, retard.
I just realized Dogma might qualify as a progressive game with the dark cutie and killing all those white male guards to level up vocations.
That's been said of every DD product.
Prove it retard
Oh that's right it's just hearsay. And even if it wasn't, Capcom would just Deep Down it.
Calm down there captain autismo.
Warrior probably, with a mage pawn, and Mercedes and Mason will tag along for some reason
Fuck you, Basara was awesome.
>dark cutie forced to admit her inferiority by patriarchal white male
>she admits her uselessness and returns to hearthstone
>aka she goes back to the kitchen
Yeah real progressive there m8
>Gatchaman Crowds
>Psycho Pass
Those were good, might be fine.
Not that I'm gonna watch it anyway. I just want DD2.
/ddg/ will probably come back for a couple days with the Switch port
oh shit I forgot that was a thing
Who's gonna be the romantic interest? Seems the most likely will be Aelinore assuming the MC isn't that much older, otherwise either Mercedes or Madeline. Will they still make Julien as based as he was in the game?
>"Sublimation team has long dreamt of working on our own title. We have oftentimes worked with partner studios to create partial CGI portions within a given title, so we feel very fortunate to work with Netflix through this production line deal. We're excited to bring our unique cel shaded animation that carries hand-drawn textures to anime fans around the world.”
>cel shaded
if they don't make tha song the god damn theme song, i'll be sorely disappointed.
>looks like shit and plays at 15fps
Are there any good animes in the vein of Dragons Dogma or D&D?
If Julien even shows up, they'll just have Mercedes kick his ass effortlessly, because "female empowerment" or some shit
not since many years ago
Oh wait, that's just the 3DCG parts. I don't know then. But I think that looked good too.
I'd suggest Record of Lodoss War. It's also got some games.
>Anime comes out
>Main Pawn is a qt girl who is always loyal to the MC
>Grigori keeps his voice actor
>Short Dark Arisen arc
Would you watch it?
Boy cant wait for my man hating negro voiced grigori with preschool mental capacity
>ywn slowly take off her armor and telling her that she doesn't need it anymore, that she will be safe and happy by your side.
Didn't she want to get stronger so she could actually stand by your side and not be deadweight?
Wizardry anime its pretty too
Only if the MC is also a qt girl, and even then not entirely sure.
People have been saying that since DD was ported to PC and Capcom has yet to say anything
Start reading Dungeon Meshi (Delicious in Dungeon)
Expect the MC to be black or a woman
100% CGI
i bet mystic knight. has the most potential for cool factor
God I know you're right but I can't help hoping. The whole point of her character is that she's shit and nobody respects or expects anything from her, and was only sent there just to fulfill the treaty with based Julien giving her a reality check when she fancied herself some gallant knight.
Violet Evergarden was netflix and that is literally the best show, anime or not, of the century
Yes but user is going to fuck her with his penis which will transform her into a sandwhich/sex dispenser.
epic post
Record of Loddoss War is the overall classic
Magic Knight Rayearth with a bit of isekai
Escaflowne if you don't mind some shoujo (magical highly detailed mecha fights? Hell yeah)
Slayers if you want (good) comedy
Goblin Slayer if you care more about common enemies
>the intended love interests all get an arc (Madeline, Mercedes, Quina, Aelinore, Reynard, Julien, Valmiro) so they get more screentime (an episode or so each)
>they all return except Julien after Gran Soren falls to help rescue/treat civilians
>Mercedes coming back with what few knights she could get from home, Quina and Valmiro helping to treat people, Reynard and Madeleine bringing supplies
I think it'd be comfy.
Discription already says its a male protag. They'll pair him with Mercedes though and make her a ugly nig nog. Wouldn't put it past them to have her and Julien switch roles somewhat in the story, and make him be the one who fancies himself a knight only to have her kick his shit in.
moar like violet everAUTIST amirite?
Honestly, it was mediocre. Their best work is still Devilman, and to be frank... is going to be really hard to top a Yuasa series with him on his prime.
But will they get /ournig/ Mason right?
I constantly forget she even exists. What a boring fucking character.
>jewtits helping out poorfags for free
Imagine if, somehow, this ended up being the most based vidya adaptation ever.
>Flying into Free OP
>Grigori having more god-tier dialogue
>Pawns spouting their usual bullshit
>Mercedes stays as the she-goat
>Arisen fucks literally every single NPC in the game, Madeline, Fournival, even Ballsack, they're masterworks all you can't go wrong
>not training your waifu to reach peak performance so you can be sure that she will protect your house and kids when you have to leave the house to save the world
what are you, gay?
It had... merits. Animation was nice but there was a lot of stupid shit like unnecessary swearing. Season 2 got kind of worse with how bad the plot meandered for no particular reason.
They'll likely play it safe and make the MC a sword and board fighter with a mage pawn. Would prefer it be a ranger/strider MC with a warrior/Sorcerer pawn though.
He'll start a regular fighter then eventually become a mystic knight when he stops being a faggot.
Wasn't there a bit where Alucard tells Trevor to go fuck himself or something?
>"The story follows a man’s journey seeking revenge on a dragon who stole his heart."
You people really need to stop with the doom and gloom
It seems all roads lead to Netflix
Multiple times I believe. Definitely not a fan of catty bitchboy Alucard or drunken hobo Trevor. I would drink buckets of Sypha's beer tho, she was a pretty good waifu
are they going to base it off the manga?
Lodoss War was based off of a D&D campaign the author DMed. Japan does a weird thing where they sell "replays" of tabletop rpg games. they're transcripts of a session. Lodoss War started off as that, then he adapted them into proper books because of its popularity, and then anime and manga
along with the other recommendations like Slayers and Dungeon Meshi (manga), check out Mahou Senshi Louie as well. it's from the Lodoss author
>not posting the singing pawn
>>Flying into Free OP
I hate how there's a 0% chance of them doing this.
i don't remember a singing pawn
uh no. netflix streaming an anime != netflix having a hand in the creation of an anime
>An action adventure about a man challenged by demons who represent the seven deadly sins of humans.
What the actual fuck
Excellent recommendation.
Was there enough of a story and characters to make an anime?
Post the pasta with the reason this game is shit
>Devil May Cry
>good anime
It's fucking boring. That's even worse than just being bad.
can I mod cute little shota bitches (not interested on women) on PC? Asking for my penis.
yes but so much of was cut. like the solomon quest could easily be expanded on
>it took a backseat for a reason
Because 50% of the game was cut and the only thing they could decently finish was the combat?
You dont need mods
Both genders have the same options so you don't need mods
Who the hell decides the reason to make a video game over a fucking promotional anime? Do you think those LN adaption animes only exist to make money? NO, they exist to advertise the OG LN to get more people reading them.
In the manga adaptation he's a Mystic Knight called Karol.
>Attack on Titan: Junior High
Why is Julien so fucking based bros?
You don't need any mods to begin with, that's the beauty of Dragons Dogma.
What was his pawn?
wait, what anime is it?
the reverse search options are giving me nothing
I've been she-goat posting this whole time without ever knowing the origin
>capcom licenses out the anime for $$$
>anime turns out to be shit and hated by fans
>capcom uses this as an excuse to not make Dragon's Dogma 2
>free money for an ip that you've released 3 times in 2 console generations
>you now realize we got 3 lost planet games, and 5.5 Dead Rising games
>tfw dragon's dogma is better off dead than ruined by a western studio
Dangan has their own official version
Boku no Pico
Its chibi
Dangan NEEDS to do the opening. I wouldn't accept anyone else.
He calls her a bleating she goat in game
are you retarded by any chance?
this is the right decision to actually make her happy
that manga sucks
Oh nooooo
By all the responses agreeing with him I'd say 80% of the posters here are either his level of retardation or shitposting as retards.
Wow, holy shit I have the memory of a fucking goldfish. Time to play DD again, I guess
despite what this autistic board tells you, it was pretty damn great
Dragon Dogma 2 2020 release practically guarrented.
Is that his pawn, a loli mage? Who was the beloved?
user pls
>look it up
>new spriggan anime
holy shiiiiiieeeeeeee
Watch more shows instead of consuming the "popular" garbage.
B the Beginning has movie quality animation and almost no CG.
Do it faggot.
B-but my Arisen is a pale loli with a brown loli pawn...
>anime doesn't do well
>dd2 is kill
if i remember well it was the default female interest quina
it was rather short and ended with the arisen using a makers finger on the dragon
t. Grigori
fuck off retard
Tell where a video game's creation is based on a fucking promotional cartoon in the history of ever. Don't jump through "b-bbut" bullshit, just answer the question.
Fucking this. I almost coudn't believe that the scripts were written by Warren Ellis.
>a dragon who stole his heart
They could have worded this better.
>tfw Toradora Season 2 never ever
DD2 might be vaporware but we'll get a lot of shitposts and memeing out of this cursed anime
Thanks Netflix!
Goblin slayer unironically
DMC5's ending theme actually sounds like something out of Dragon's Dogma
how long until they bitch about the arisen being male?
i guess it depends on whether this is purely promotional or an attempt to gauge interest in the IP
this is the same company that didnt release DDO outside of japan because they didnt think anyone cared enough to justify the costs
unless they make every episode with a diferent arisen and pawn. and in the end it shows every single one fighting to be the new god. it will be shit
This is all so tiresome.
That's really weird.
Why are video games the new comic books? I didn't sign off on this.
I wouldn't be surprised if the anime was about that tutorial dude, can't remember his name.
>Capcom is doing everything but making a sequal to DD2
I'm impressed actually
DDO still got released, and how many worldwide MMOs has Capcom released beyond MonHun?
He'll transition halfway through the series with the help of an Art of Metamorphosis, after he cuts off his dick with godsbane
add in they region locked japan because too many english players were trying to play it and caused bad games for jap players
>The band of thieves prowling the west are women, all. Well beautiful, each in her way. A shame they haven't a scrap of principle among them. They've no will of their own. Only instincts and greed, animals of avarice. It grieves me to know the world thinks their ilk and mine no different.
Alright boys, currently downloading DD:DA on my PC after my Ps4 took a shit. Is the online active enough that if I put my pawn up it'll get used or am I gonna have to advertise him on here to get him used?
Additionally, what about me renting pawns is that active?
As a gift, I give you a wallpaper for your trouble. Thank you.
I didn't know you could be a hipster about banditry
Anyone else tired of Netflix doing shit?
>ywn split Mercedes' head open with an axe
Alright boys, currently downloading DD:DA on my PC after my Ps4 took a shit. Is the online active enough that if I put my pawn up it'll get used or am I gonna have to advertise him on here to get him used?
Additionally, what about me renting pawns is that active?
I just got my warrior pawn rented today, made 100k RC
>Our law has ever held death for oathbreakers. Knowing that, he still came back. Said his life was ours to take in recompense for his betrayal. He was a weakling, adrift on fortune's tide. But now he returned, proved the strength of his will. I thought it only fitting to reward such growth, so I've decided to forgive his transgression for now...'Tis a stay of execution.
What a based bandit baron
Devilman Crybaby, VEG, and Little Witch Academia were all good anime made by netflix. Dragon's Dogma has a chance
Better watch it or no DD2 for you
castlevania and alright so was devilman crybaby. Most of there shit more more interesting than what you get on basic cable
Could you make a decent looking Larkin Love in the game?
i just played some ddda because of this thread. one time, my screen went black for a second and came back. a while later i got some colorful artifacting and then the same black screen for a second. is it my gpu dying, or have any of you had similar problems? google didnt help
>Physcho Pass
>Evangelion 3.0
>Tokyo Ghoul season 1
Looks like it's in good hands to me
Oh good that Mass Effect thing looks so horrible.
I can't remember people shitposting on Yea Forums about it at the time.
I've been playin for the last month or so and nothing like that happened. the only problem I have is that the game crashes when I use the fast travel, but it rarely happens
Adaptations without expert hands will become trash.
It doesn't help that this is a difficult genre to do right.
This is going to be a 4/10.
either you're overheating or your card is dying
its not anime
>everyone is retarded except me :)
I'll keep an open mind. IF THEY USE THE SAME VA FOR GRIGORI AND MERCEDES. Otherwise its shit and I'll never forgive capcom for doing us bad like this. The cut worm forgives the plow.
rip dreams & hope
Overreacting gets old when everyone posts the same retarded shit and circlejerk themselves into negativity.
>Dragon’s Dogma - Sublimation Inc.
>Based on a world-famous action RPG set in an open world, Dragon’s Dogma from CAPCOM will be brought to life as a Netflix original anime series.
>The story follows a man’s journey seeking revenge on a dragon who stole his heart. On his way, the man is brought back to life as an ‘Arisen’.
>An action adventure about a man challenged
by demons who represent the seven deadly sins of humans.
I sincerely hope this isn't real.
It had moments but the whole thing at the end is bad
Capcom has some extra cash now, pls make a sequel
I guess I'll play Dragon's Dogma again.
I hope my Pawn brings me some nice RC. She's a good girl.
>tfw still no hires since I started the game on Steam
Is it because I used dinput to give me and my pawn lvl 200? I just didn't want to redo everything I did on PS3, did I really fuck up?
Strider waifu.
>"Zey aren't watch-ing ze anime adeption? Because it'z CG?"
>"...kansel development of Dragon's Dogma 2."
yeah, no one plays at 200. drop down to 100 and you'll get more
>episode 1
>protagonist throws Rook off a cliff into the ocean
Oh, it's just the level? I thought I had gotten myself shadowbanned or something
Itsuno just gave Capcom their best-selling steam game since Monster-hunter World, and we're still waiting on console numbers which should be comparable to RE2:remake.
If he wants to make a Dragons Dogma game, what idiot suit at Capcom would want to say "no"?
>Ellis says he was first approached to work on a Castlevania animated movie in 2007 and wrote a script, but the project fell apart.
>Ellis never played any of the Castlevania video games, so when he was first approached about working on the project, he did what he usually does and hit the internet to read as much as he could about the property.
>A decade later, Kevin Kolde of Samurai Jack and Adventure Time fame called Ellis and said he'd sold Castlevania to Netflix as a four-episode serial.
>"it'd been ten years. I'd forgotten all about it."
Sounds like just wrote a quick script about something he read on wikipedia on a napkin and then forgot about it.
>Mahou Senshi Louie
>from the Lodoss author
Oh shit, I didn't know that. Gokudou-kun Manyuuki is also very overlooked.
I messed around with dinput constantly and I still got rentals
I think if you change stats to something that's not possible through leveling you'll get shadowbanned, but I never messed with that. I changed levels to stay at 100 and I also changed stats to what min-maxing would have provided me and I had no problems
Fug i remember KADO being very kino with the anisotropic shit on the animation department, I hope the CG for the pawn rift is great i guess
Give me your info and I will hire you tomorrow
Sequel confirmed. Get H Y P E lads!
Oh shit I love this company. They are usually over the top and comedic. They've done weird shit like To the Moon or something like that in the past and it was basically MOON BROS: 3D.
I'm actually very excited for this.
>putting Blame! on the same level as Houseki no Kuni
Blame the movie was dogshit while rockbutt is 10/10. No fucking way they can be compared to each other.
I still haven't finished the DLC. I don't know why, I loved the base game.