what are the creepiest non-horror games? Not talking about games with a creepy quest or a level I mean games where the entire time something feels off
What are the creepiest non-horror games...
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Majora's Mask
Half Life 2
Lobotomy Corp
Empire Earth
something about the models, the textures and the soundtrack gives me the exact feeling you're describing OP
Disciples 2
What a game, a shame Disciples 3 is dogshit
All tomb raider games for PS1.
The ost really adds to the experience
I can't remember the names but there were some scary places in Fallout 3
WoW. Its weird that theres a mass horde of people just brainwashed into supporting them when they turn out 2/10 content and will continue to eat it up. Its like some kind of cult.
hollow knight
the fact that youre playing as a literal god waiting to swallow everything is really unsettling to me
bonus meme: the fucking monsters in the water from apex what the fuck is that shit
I want to fuck that demon
San Andreas for sure. That's one of the reasons it spawned all of those myths.
The entire game feels like a fever dream.
STALKER, but that might just be the unease at anticipating the next CTD.
A lot of shovelware games. Where can I find gameplay of shovelware games from the ps2/Xbox era without some gay commentary over it? Is there such a thing even exist on YouTube ?
Outside the memes, E. Y. E has an uncomfortable atmosphere
I don't know why but receiver and 5089 give me this vibe
Definitely OFF. The game has the perfect amount of surrealism.
just listen to this track
I don't know about "creepy", but Star Fox 64 gets fucking intense and really makes you feel it when you get hit. The sound effects, the music, the voiceacting, all of it really ramps up the stakes. Also all of Venom is legit creepy.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned PS1's Rugrats yet. I know people here are familiar with how fucked up it was.
You should see how thirsty people get and how obscure and specific their fetishes are.
Nobody wants vagina anymore. It's a bit disturbing desu.