What does Yea Forums think about Notch and minecraft ?

What does Yea Forums think about Notch and minecraft ?

Attached: Notch.png (718x449, 590K)

You obviously want to talk about QAnon and trannies, just go make a thread on /pol/

He's fat and ugly, and Minecraft blows, but he made the move anyone else would have made and now lives a shitposting paradise.

Have you ever looked at Minecraft's code? I used to mod it and the shit is the most obtuse thing ever conceived by mortal man. He's either a genius or a retard or a retarded genius.

didn't he die of cancer?

He's an amateur who got in over his head and flaked out on development as soon as the game's popularity drove sales instead of development driving sales.

So the code is good?. Bad?

You can take the neckbeard out of the basement but you can’t take the basement out of the neckbeard. Minecraft is a good game though

that user has no clue due to lack of expertise.

I like minecraft well enough but I don't know or care about notch.

Pretty based to be fair, money changes most people but not him. He made a game, like we all wish we could regardless of how bad you think it is or how poorly it was made or how shitty he was with updates, he made his dream come true and at the end remained the very same person he always was and is still that person today. He's also entertaining to watch when SJW's come knocking on his twitter feed and he simply BTFO's them to kingdom come each and every time. He became more likable as he became rich and famous, that's an extremely rare trait.

An important reminder that you're probably better off trying to improve yourself rather than just becoming rich if your ultimate goal is to be happy or at least content.
I genuinely wouldn't want to trade lives with him. I feel I have a better chance at happiness in my current position than I have in Notch's, no matter how much candy he can fill his house with.

Fat fuck that tries to stay relevant by posting the dumbest shit on Twitter that retards like fall for.
Minecraft was alright.

I think it's you who wants to talk about that, bro.

Notch is an alright fellow. I wish he would release all the weird tech demos he no undoubtedly makes.
I really like Minecraft. It has it's flaws, but I will always consider it a must play.

Attached: 8q8wwzw2d6j21.jpg (775x768, 127K)


Read his twitter. Notch is a fucking poltard and he is not welcomed on Yea Forums

Notch is cool, Minecraft is okay but not great.

I wish I made minecraft, I'll just finish my strategy game and be poor

I wish he would use his fortune to invest in another game, but I won’t fault him for his lifestyle. Minecraft was pretty fun up until he left his company

Dude got lucky but is pretty bro

I still play it once in a while with friends, don't have fun paying it alone



I've never seen him post any sources to any of his claims

He has higher IQ than you and is a member of high IQ society. You are literally subhuman compared to Notch, so whatever dumb shit you say doesn't matter.

Reincarnation od Pot Pol

Minecraft is garbage.

Notch is absolutely based.

wtf i hate minecraft now

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-12 sjjfjdjdsk on Twitter No They feel like they are, and it's serious, and d (600x779, 371K)

It shouldn't need to be said but I feel I need to remind everyone here how easy it is to "win" on twitter.

Say something dumb, get 500 replies.
Pick out the one dumbest reply and publicly reply to that one tweet.
Now everyone who disagrees with you looks silly.
Retweet anyone agreeing with you.
Casual followers get a non-stop "look how reasonable and correct I am and how unreasonable and retarded everyone else is" show. And chumps swallow it.
