What's your favourite pokeman?

what's your favourite pokeman?

Attached: 214.png (475x475, 124K)

I love Heracross too

Attached: regirock.gif (512x512, 263K)

bug types are cool

Attached: 212Scizor.png (1080x1080, 487K)

Attached: 250px-155Cyndaquil.png (250x250, 41K)

Sandslash, or Gardevoir for the porn.

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Ever since the first movie.
Also Phanpy is cute too.

Attached: 232Donphan.png (431x431, 108K)

Attached: 194-Wooper.png (300x262, 68K)

I also like Dewott

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Attached: 1200px-170Chinchou.png (1200x1200, 496K)

Snorlax is my no.2

Attached: Wobbuffet.png (699x1080, 359K)

Ahem...FUCK Salamence

Attached: flygon.jpg (441x335, 42K)

It looks like its wearing slippers

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On a gen basis


you posted him

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Here are my favorite pok&mon
Am I gay

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>alolan ninetales
average pokemon, but aesthetic is cool


My childhood favorite was Kabutops.

Attached: 24.jpg (359x499, 56K)

This nigga's been my favorite since I was a kid. I always thought he just looked pretty cool, and Sceptile ruined him completely.
Matter of fact, he might be the only starter Pokemon who's second form is BETTER than their final forn.

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Ralts has autism and Gardevoir is for sissies.

This is peak perfomance

Attached: Kirlia.full.361716.jpg (600x600, 92K)

>he might be the only starter Pokemon who's second form is BETTER than their final forn.
Dewott if you ask me, Samurott is shit.

What do you think Anons? All critiques welcome

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My rabbit wife

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It totally has nothing to do with the fact I have a pet tortoise irl.

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True as well.

>Favorites are all legendaries
this board is 18+ you know?

i like pink fat pokemon

Attached: IMG_20181112_103839.jpg (315x315, 28K)

>best prankster
>didn't get a mega

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Absolutely based tbdesu. I love you user

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Very nice

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I love Crobat

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Attached: BlackAgumon_b.jpg (320x320, 53K)

Bugs types are cool
Also Mimikyu

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Attached: Chimecho.png (475x475, 50K)


As much as they're hated on, gen 5 Pokemon were neat. I love that little lantern fuck

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my nigger

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Fellow bug bros.

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His mega is alright too. Fuck it, i just love me some steel types.

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Here's my favorite pokemon

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my ice bro

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I love (you) user

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How about this absolute unit?

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Best Pokémon coming through.

Attached: 250px-225Delibird.png (250x250, 53K)

Volcarona isn't a legendary and Rayquaza is objectively the best Pokemon.

Attached: Yanmega_3-138_Ultra_Prism_800x.jpg (744x1020, 140K)

its hard to decide
pretty fuckin based user

Attached: faves.png (891x282, 97K)

good taste


YEAH Delibird is great


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Been doing a replay of Platinum, all Steel Team:
>Pic related, forgot how much of a big lad he is
>Lucas Ario
>The unexpected chad, Bronzong
>and this unit

Attached: 2395-Shiny-Empoleon.png (442x454, 17K)

Imagine having a favorite Legendary that isn't Fug
That's me.Fug's still great though

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B a s e d

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I've been wanting to do a specific type run through. Someone shoot me a random phone-emulatable gen and a random type and I'll make it work

I don't play pokemon but this guy looks based.

>Rayquaza is objectively the best Pokemon.
Giratina might be my favourite Pokemon, but Fug is just Fug, he's fucking great.

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all based mons are immune to sand

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Alolan Raichu. Especially the shiny variant, he looks fresh as fuck

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Shit you too?
Although i haven't planned farther than 4
so far I got Empoleon, Magnezone, Metagross and Lucario.
Was thinking Skarmory for flying and Aggron for ground.
Fighting against grass, fire and fighting types to level up early game was killer though.

Poison, though fights can be real slow. Type specific runs are top fun.

>Aggron for ground.
Aggron's rock tho

This, I honestly never cared much for Raichu but the Alolan version looks good as fuck, I'm also happy we got at least the Alolan versions in LGPE

Best crustacean

Attached: 250px-099Kingler.png (250x250, 44K)

Fug, you're right. Steelix it is.

my good bitch

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Attached: Phantump.jpg (800x674, 89K)

My nig

kingler looks like he could split steel beams with his claw
yours looks like he's have trouble snipping paper


Attached: revolver furret.png (668x476, 144K)

>he might be the only starter Pokemon who's second form is BETTER than their final forn

Attached: 002Ivysaur.png (475x475, 198K)

Big metal dino motherfucker

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My motherfucking negro, same for both

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mmm bugz

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missingno best poke


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Kingler, Whooper and Abra.

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Convince me not to buy let's go pikachu right NOW


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Its dog shit and we're getting sword and shield this year.

Hope you got one in a level ball.

the only right choice

Attached: 124442.png (1000x680, 770K)

definitely the best "pika-clone"

I need to be convinced because I want to buy the worst game in the series even though this year we'll have another game, probably bad, but not that bad

Stupid Sinnoh babies

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I still think I liek mudkipz is funny.

You're not getting a Shiny Alolan Raichu in LGPE unless you have one in GO or a hacked switch.


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Totodile because he was my first

I'm a fan of Golurk. I'm a sucker for golems/magical constructs/living armor. Same reason why Golems are my favorite monsters in Dragon Quest.

They're both still funny

Will always be my favorite.

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Golurk was definitely one of the best gen 5 additions, too bad it was locked into late game in BW2

It's a hard choice between Pidgeot, Scyther, Articuno, Heracross, Feraligator, Tyranitar, Skarmory, Metagross, Houndoom, Fug and Talonflame.
I'll go with Skarmory. It just looks pretty metal.

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Attached: Totodile.jpg (210x240, 19K)

Shiny phantump is the shit

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Not a huge fan of the most reason gen but this dude and rowlet makes me happy

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The only pokemon who isn't like 5' nothing and actually looks like a fucking monster not like that bitch ass vanilla midget charizard.

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my absolute nigga

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Always and forever

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What's with all the favorite Pokemon threads recently? What are you trying to pull, /vp/?

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I love his goofy face

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Best ghost

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A man of taste.

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Based taste.


slowbro is best bro

Attached: 250px-080Slowbro.png (250x250, 69K)

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new pokemon game was announced recently

Either this nigga, Swampert, Slaking or Alolan Persian

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You already posted him.

Buzzwole and Deoxys are also up there.

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Here they are.

Attached: fav.png (872x155, 92K)

You posted it
My niggas

heracross is my fave too

>pic related

why are Bug Types so based

Attached: 738Vikavolt.png (1280x1280, 505K)

rate me please

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I bet not a single person could name this pokemon without looking it up.

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Mewowstic male

My niggas.

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you can't be serious

This fucking bro
*Tied with Heracross and Reuniclus

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Literally perfection

Attached: 71547659_p6.jpg (871x807, 84K)

My first shiny I ever found in the wild. Still my bro.

Attached: 1200px-181Ampharos.png (1200x1200, 413K)

Good taste

He's gonna get you

Attached: ymg.png (459x410, 76K)

There's an NPC that trades Pokes for their Alola variants ingame.

I wish I had a slowpoke napping partner

Attached: low.jpg (640x359, 30K)

I came here knowing full well someone else would post the majestic glory that is Aggron

Attached: ssw___aggron_by_ragaru-d4fhexm.jpg (858x932, 120K)

This guy

Attached: gliscor.jpg (300x296, 21K)

where my niggas @?

Attached: fig.png (1200x902, 504K)

Ludicolo is my number 2

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Same, but I'm a fan of the Slowpoke line as a whole.
I love how it's all technically the same Pokemon but different effects on the body/brain depending on where Shellder bites.

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Based. The bat lines in Pokemon are usually always cool. Yes, even Crobat.

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>Spooks your path

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He's perfect in every way

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Attached: beedrill.jpg (831x1000, 144K)

Still the best since 1999

Attached: crobat.jpg (680x680, 393K)

Best starfish

Attached: 6c3.gif (268x331, 1.57M)

Luxray is my bro for life.

Also did anything happened to /vp/ ? Why is everyone migrating to Yea Forums to talk about Pokemons ?

Attached: Luxray.gif (500x281, 1.44M)

This little cave jew

Attached: Oh gosh.gif (500x453, 458K)

Has been my favorite line from the start.

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my nigga

Attached: ced.png (800x800, 633K)

Absolutely based and redpilled.
He was my first partner in Mystery Dungeon EOS and even since then he's been one of my most respected starter lines.

absolutely based taste my dude

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youre alright

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Wholesome Edge: the post
I love it

>how do we make the best 1 pokemon better?

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Honestly, they're all great.

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Attached: favorite type.jpg (1366x768, 320K)


My boy since Red

Attached: Gengar.jpg (298x169, 5K)

look at him

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>have to trade to get him
I will never understand this shit.

People like to say "b-but muh trade encouragement" but the starters and other version exclusive mons should encourage people enough to trade. Not to mention it means that once the service to trade is taken down/replaced it makes pokemon in that generation unobtainable, like you can't just obtain Dusknoir is D/P/P without doing this entire fucking process by trading him in between gens and back, it's fucking stupid.

"Encourages player collaboration" aka "Buy another copy or cheat" because who wants to bother their friend and make them drop everything to toss the pokemon back and forth?

1. Cyndaquil
2. Nidoking
3. Scizor
4. Wobbuffet
5. Rotom
6. Aegislash

Attached: cyndaquil.jpg (300x228, 30K)

>Chespin AND Chesnaught
>Wooper AND Quagsire
>Ampharos AND Mega-Ampharos
Fucking BASED

This is my best friend

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Should I play a nuzlocke of Pokemon Clover?

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what can i say, i'd be lying about favorites if i didn't put multiple parts of one pokemon line on the list.

Not the biggest fan of the Alolan form but either way this is one of my favorites.

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It's pretty great

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do it man, enjoy yourself


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My nigga

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>mfw i never played a pokemon game

is it even worth it?

Attached: oh man.png (538x488, 225K)

The cutest

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rip other thread

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I never get any fucking (You's) in these threads. Rate my fucking pokemon you ass holes.

I fucking love Entei

Attached: Entei.jpg (260x240, 16K)

based bugbros

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I dunno. Zangoose I guess.

Attached: D1NkkcZU4AAot30.jpg (1088x1200, 127K)

Rayqauza will always be favorite. Smeargle and Blaziken are up there though.

Shiny charm doesn't affect it so trading and resetting is the full 1/4096.

my man

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Either this guy or altaria.

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>every episode of kamen rider kabuto.jpg


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I'd love to fuck Entei

This guy gets it

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Havent played xy
used to be a sdfag he got me to rank 30 in uber

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Rate my top 10

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I feel like a basic bitch, and maybe because Emerald is one of my favorite games of all time, but Fug is by far my favorite Pokemon of all time.
He's design is cool as shit, and his move was the bee's fucking knee.

Attached: fug.png (174x231, 16K)

cute and cool!

Attached: source.gif (534x300, 1.42M)

The best.

Also I found a shiny Hoppip in Soulsilver yesterday. Didn't know they actually made overworld following sprites for the shinies outside of the plot Gyarados; pretty neat all things considered.

Attached: IMG_1829.png (475x475, 161K)

Kabutops (and by extension Kabuto), I also love Shedinja and Golisopod

Attached: Kabutohuddle.gif (320x238, 585K)


>elder god tier
Bug types
Water types
Poison types

>god tier
Normal types
Rock types
Ice types

>great tier
Ghost types
Steel types
Fighting types
Grass types

>good tier
Dark types
Ground types
Flying types
Psychic types

>meh tier
Electric types
Fairy types

>shit edgelord tier
Fire types
Dragon types

>dark and ghost types
>lower than god tier
They have some of the best designs. Especially ghost types.

the only must-plays are:
>black 2/white 2
>mystery dungeon: red/blue rescue team
>mystery dungeon: explorers of sky
if you don't like any of those, you'll hate the rest of the franchise.

Muk and Beedrill.

Attached: IMG_2074.png (200x241, 58K)

It's fun, but each game is just the same formula just with different selection of Pokemon to choose from. If you want to try them out I would recommenced: Fire Red/Leaf Green, Hearth Gold/Soul Silver, Emerald, Platinum, most people would recommenced Black/White and B/W2 but I wasn't a huge fan of them.
For spin offs Mystery dungeon explore of sky, Conquest(plays like Fire Emblem), Colosseum, and Stadium 1 and 2 but those two are more fun with friends.

Fug and Giratina are two of my favorite legendaries hands down. Idc if it makes me seem underage to like legends

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