That'll be $4.99 for this advertisement + tax

>that'll be $4.99 for this advertisement + tax

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Other urls found in this thread:

>When his Israeli wife wants to fuck black men while he jacks off to BLACKED porn

Honestly name something worse than being a post modern hipster who isn't allowed to be racist

Dead e-celebs for a dead game.

being a jewish post modern hipster who isn't allowed to be racist

>makes thousands of dollars while living in a fancy apartment in NY and complains that he is depressed

Every time

As much as I dislike H3H3, dude seriously fuck you for implying money solves depression.
Mental illness doesn't care how much money you earn or what possessions you own. I hope you never have to experience it.

At least the Yogscast shit was for charity, do these guys do anything like that?

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kys dumb tranny

This. Fuck every faggot who says theyre depressed. If you have a roof over your head and access to food, how bad can your life really be?

I thought the h3h3 one was for charity as well? Fair enough if it wasn't.
>dude seriously fuck you for implying money solves depression.
True. Just look at Notch as the perfect example. Has load of money but all he does all day is act sad and whine on twitter.

supposedly it was to pay for the lawsuit some fag put on them which was funny because everything was already paid for from donations and shit before the dlc was even being worked on

money makes life easier but that nigga h3h3 literally has the easiest life he just sits on his shekels and puts out a shit tier podcast every week

You should honestly kill yourself


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Why does he insist on shoehorning his wife in everything? She has no interesting personality at all.

i'm not saying michael jackson is a child molester but i did just watch a documentary about it

>I hope you never have to experience it.
don't act like you have depression you fag

yup getting a job and seeing my bank in the positive for the first time in months just magically cured my depression is all.

If I remember correctly they were gonna use the donations to help other youtubers who got copyright strike. But I don't know if they actually did or not. stop watching them when they started to do hours long podcasts and nothing else. I watch too many to add another one on the list.

Nothing new for Payday, they've also had crossovers with Left 4 Dead, Counter-Strike, Hotline Miami, John Wick, the Point Break remake, Alesso, Goat Simulator, Hardcore Henry, Scarface, and Reservoir Dogs.

Sure problems that might isolate you from others won't go away if you're rich but being rich certainly helps you not have to really feel stressed about anything.

half the comments are about how 'hot' she is, fucking disgusting

It doesn't mean you won't be depressed, but not having to rely on making money and being able to do whatever you want sure is a good way to not be depressed. You really think money doesn't at least have some effect on your mental stability?

>could've created an interesting partners in crime duo like the couple from pulp fiction
>instead they went with their literal faces and meme shit

But I legitimately have depression. And money would certainly fucking help

I stopped watching him when he stopped doing his .exe shit and started acting like the voice of reason of youtube and trying to associate with everyone even slightly famous.
His Ainsley shit and the deleted cameltoe video was pure gold.

Also the meme comic mask dlc. They really beat as much as they could out of their dead horse.

H3 became literal shit years ago. The money got to him hardcore He can't help it though, because of his genes

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that ain't depression you stinky ass nigger you're just a poorfag who is sad he's a poorfag

>something in particular bothers me and thus is clinical depression
>I feel better because I have money not because I have a job which forces me to contribute something of actual value instead of being an actual burden
Money must be the solution to all problems for all people.

I'm only counting licensed crossovers here, they had to take out the trollface one. Also from memory that wasn't a DLC but part of the infamous microtransaction update.

I agree that most people with depression are better off than many of those who are homeless or deal with 3rd world problems but that doesn't mean they don't have depression, most people here probably have it because it's harder in a world where we have everything we need and then some to experience genuine happiness so we instead feel it through synthetic things like video games or movies

I'm a telemarketer, I cant help but be a burden to people. it feeds my sadistic tendencies.

yes, you really are one. Time to go back.

While I disagree that money doesn't solve depression, it's hard not to be stressed when you have fans like H3 does.
H3 has the worst fucking "fans" I have ever seen anyone having. Every video he makes now has comment after comment of "this fucking sucks I miss le old H3" and "I waited months for THIS??". Every single opinion he makes on his podcast ensues 5 page long essays of redditors concern trolling about how fucking stupid he is on his own subreddit. I get how he could be depressed

>it's another "non-retard, non-petty Yea Forums poster getting blasted for straying from the norm" episode
Nothing this user said is untrue; if anything, being a youtube sellout would make one even more susceptible to depression

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The fuck are you on about? As much as i hate them this is simply not true.

That's what happens when you have a redditor fanbase

This literally happened

Joos CAN’T be racist you white trash scum

G-d you hillbilly cletus goyim make me hunger for the delicate foreskin of baby aryans

When and where?

GET A FUCKING JOB you pathetic loser. Contribute to society or fuck off.

Today at your mom's house

his fault for making shit content, but it's true that those redditors should just leave his channel to die.

Man, I remember when he talked of how his biggest fear was to eventually become unfunny, I think it was the same video in which he criticized Adam Sandlers. The irony

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not that guy but what do i do my guy i have severe anxiety and have panic attacks when i'm outside
right now i'm going to a psychiatrist but that could take some time

>whiteboys literally obsessed with black cock

>They are still making Payday 2 DLC

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Browse wizchan and cry

has there ever been a bigger crash and burn than h3h3 in the last year?

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Yeah I'm certain George Clooney is so sad that he isn't one broken arm away from being homeless.
I'm certain it must weigh heavily on Reese Witherspoon's psyche that she has enough money to actually have children.

no i don't wanna do that i want to get better and live a normal healthy life

I was there so i can confirm it's not true

Did he need to sell out THIS much? Surely he was already making enough.

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Fuck Payday 2, hearing they were shutting down was the best news I've heard since Telltale shutting down

he quite literally became the stereotypical liberal Hollywood jew after he leached off more successful YouTubers
"ahh my asthma, please Goy i have depression and i am in a bad headspace right now.. i'm sorry that i make only podcasts.. i promise i will be back to my old videos, meanwhile here is new merch"

Are you fucking serious? Why the FUCK would you continue to do it if it made you depressed? Literally "just turn away from the screen". Regardless of the cause of his depression, this man makes good money doing something he presumably enjoys. He gets to voice his opinion, and makes a living doing so. He is not a victim and should garner none of your sympathy. What people with depression fail to realize it seems is that you need to do MORE and DIFFERENT things to stimulate your mind if you begin to fall into depression. Yes it is a chemical imbalance, yes it can happen without prompt, yes it can be debilitating but guess what you fucking do, you keep moving forward and try new things until you start to feel some of those sweet endorphins kick in, then incorporate that into your life, and move the fuck on to the next thing. If the videdos cause the depression, stop. If the fans cause the depression, either get better opinions or stop.

Just pirate it, at this point nobody really cares.

Change the way you think slowly and completely

you're full of shit.

He went on the best podcast. Why would he need to go to Ethan's garbage one?

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>Cashes out early
>Massive apartment
>No friends
>Old staff hates his guts
Not sure what he expected

how do that

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Money doesn't do anything but afford you freedom. Having freedom is worthless in itself if you only use it for escapism. That does nothing but delay the reaction your mind will have.
You can play video games, take drugs, socialize, whatever makes you temporarily happy or distracted, but if you're not content with your self, then you have work to do on it. Money is only a means of satiating dependence, rich folk who spend frivolously are no different than junkies on the street. Artificially and temporarily happy.
If something bothers you, introspection and self improvement is needed, not gluttony, escapism, or any other some such.

The greatest truth of them all though is that you only need your self to improve yourself. If you can afford to spend even 1 hour a week thinking, you have what it takes to fix your person gradually over time. Even tiny progress is infinitely better than avoiding and delaying.

wtf i love notch now

>crying over mean comments to a eceleb who hasn't produced anything of worth in months
>concern trolling
It's terminal.

i used to watch h3h3 and find them very funny, but after awhile i didn't find them entertaining anymore.
Did i grow up? or did they get worse?

real depression ≠ attention depression

Most of the people online are just self diagnosed attention whores who "feel depressed" and don't even know what real depression is (pic semi related)

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By constantly reminding yourself to stop hating yourself when you notice it happening, stopping viewing everything people do/say as something against you personally, things like that.. It's all about slowly changing your mindset through brute force.

>hasty generalizations likely based on personal anecdotes

They got worse, literally soulless now. You can tell they don't enjoy doing what they do now and can't capture whatever meager amounts of magic their old content had.

>people still take Yea Forums this seriously

i tried that for about 15 sessions of CBT and in the end the lady i was seeing decided it wasn't doing anything i keep trying it still and i keep a diary of all of the thoughts i have

probably a mix of both, i think they showed their true backstabbing nature after saying that leafy's "cyberbulling" of that fedora retard was too much. He was just a money grubbing jew who made friends at the right place and now sits on youtube like a festering tumor, while throwing his old friends and colleagues under the bus

Well I guess not everything works for everybody. Asking strangers on Yea Forums how to fix your mental illness probably isn't a good idea anyways.

>i tried that for about 15 sessions of CBT and in the end the lady i was seeing decided it wasn't doing anything
damn man you must have no sensation in your cock

how does cock and ball torture help with depression

nah i know like i said i'm going to a psychiatrist couldn't hurt to ask some strangers on Yea Forums
that's a fucked up joke B

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I've had social anxiety and extreme OCD to the point of hurting myself, and at my lowest point in life i briefly considered ending it all. I still think depression is a meme, thought up by a bunch of adult children regretting their shitty arts degrees.

CBT stands for cognitive behaviour therapy aswell as cock and ball torture

It's in the blood, he can't help himself.

jews aren´t white tho

We have unironic console war threads now. It's safe to say this board has a firm stick up it's ass akin to any of the forums we used to shit on, like we got an influx of Migrants from PSU and Xbox Republic and whatever festering ratholes nintendofags thrive in when not here.

Isn't he also constantly "depressed"? How about they finally get together and off themselves

Just ignore it user this site is infested with underage b& who parrot shit they hear because they have no original ideas of their own

You know a nigga is on the way out when they turn to alt-right and Yea Forums still hates them. There's nowhere to go after pandering.

Honestly this, I realized just how fucking stupid pitty posting was when I caught how many of my friends started doing it and yet I can guarantee most of these people have stronger safety nets then I ever had. People just like to make a stink when they feel unappreciated just to gauge who is going to ride their cock first.

>being illiterate

anyone who posts on Yea Forums about there mental illness and isn't asking for genuine advice is 100% guaranteed faking it

Consider insignificance completely.
Consider all of the things you've witnessed in public that are now forgotten to you. Consider that this is how others will remember you.
You think of yourself much more than other people think of you. Harping on every little mistake that really only you either noticed or chose to remember.
Consider that even if people do remember it and chose to attack you over it that they then should become insignificant to you. What are these people to you if they wish to be malicious towards you? Don't choose to let them own you.
And even the ultimate. We are all going to be dust one day and all of your mistakes and failures will be nothing.
With this in mind you should do what you wish to do, without fear.

This is a concept, whether you agree with it or not doesn't matter much, as long as you consider it and try to find your own path of rationale and justification for your own existence and its faults. Nobody is perfect, nobody should expect perfection, and it's okay to dislike aspects of your self and actions so long as you don't let it or others control you.
I suggest you explore your own mind and find out what bothers you and deeply consider why it bothers you and if it should. If you can't change it, come to accept it. If you can change it, make an effort to do so.

We're laughing at how he's doing something that clearly makes him depressed. I'm sure Ethan has made enough he can stop making content and focus on himself if he really wanted to.

One of the cringiest DLCs in video game history, bravo

when did h3 do that?

in the year of snapchat and phones though that shit could be immortalized by teenagers wanting a couple shares on there instagram so they take a picture of me because i dress differently or speak a bit different

If he hadn't made enough I'm sure he could just rely on Hila to run her company, seems like a safer bet at this point.

Why should you care that some teenagers laugh at you?

>It's another Youtuber that was actually decent sells out too much episode

At least we still have CR1TIKAL.

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One of my facebook "friends" posted half a blog about himself being hopelessly depressed, feeling like he didn't get anywhere in life, etc. He mentioned being salty over not getting a job related to his (shocker) arts degree, and that he hadn't had a girlfriend in a few years. Lo and behold, he suddenly had several hundred comments and likes within a day.
To be honest, he's not getting one ounce of sympathy from my end.

Underrated post.

i care about what everyone thinks about me i don't know why and i try to not but i just want everyone to love me

I get horrible exam anxiety, on the day of it I get massive diarrhea attacks, wtf can I do about it

H3H3 is the embodiment of reddit: A fat, unfunny disheveled jew who believes everything he does matters to anyone and bitches and cries when people call him out for being a faggot who gets more attention than what he deserves. I hope he gets a heart attack

Cr1tikal doesn't even do video games anymore and explicitly stopped playing shitty games. Which was like 90% of the fun of his channel.

you could put a buttplug up there to block the diarrhea

>Liking video games

At least it was contemporary pop culture. They put fucking Negan into Tekken 7 in 2019.

He didn't necessarily but he goes on "Sorry, Not Sorry" rants whenever somebody criticizes his jokes. He got really asshurt last year somebody got triggered by a tranny joke and made a whole video about it.

I mean they ain't wrong. Those niggas were only funny when leeching off of Jontron.

Lmao based notch

I am adding to it
I have found no success with any mental health experts. It's no surprise why. It's incredibly hard to convey your perspective to someone else, even if that's their job to understand and suggest.
Only you can know yourself as deeply as possible and it's much easier than trying to get someone else to understand you well enough to direct your life.
Most of my experience has been people essentially following studies and books exclusively. Hardly personal.
For the ones that do empathize they can't advise. They can acknowledge hardship and give anecdotes of their own, which can be helpful, but ultimately it is your own responsibility to interpreter those responses and fix yourself, as you are the only one capable of doing so.

You can interpret it many different ways.
Relish in the fact that through ignorance you've been immortalized where other people struggle to achieve that. Regardless of the reason. You can display your confidence in it as well, displaying fear does nothing, accepting reality and that all people, even you can make mistakes that are shown forever, is an expression of tranquility, strength, wisdom, or whatever it is you actually feel besides fear and controlled.

More importantly, archived doesn't mean much. People have trouble finding things they want to see, let alone finding random incidents in the past.

I can't solve this problem for you as it's all subjective. But you can solve it yourself and change your perspective on it. It's possible.
Find out why it would bother you, and if it should. I trust that with enough consideration you'll come to a conclusion that disregards it, or turns it into something positive. This is not delusion, but acceptance of reality, and an expression of self (perspective) control.

I really admire this post It's a good mentality.

Learn to change your desire. To care for everyone is foolish in this existence. To care for yourself is not.

>At least we still have CR1TIKAL.
you mean leafyishere 2.0?

First off i appreciate you taking the time out of your day to give me advice and i see where you're coming from completely but acceptance isn't a reality i'm willing to live sadly i'll take everything you said into practice and see if it will change my life but i'm not too hopefuly


Go back to your Discord.

god i hate these fucking kike parasites

do people even like then anymore?

Is the game still alive? I thought they were done and moving on to Payday 3?

>At least we still have CR1TIKAL.

People with actual depression won't reach that point of making that amount of money or possessions.
You are right in some things, people used to live and die for long-term goals, people fought in battles because they wanted to protect the people they've loved, who loved them back. Now a days people work for self-gratification and short emotional highs and genuine love or emotion is thrown away in a fickle manner for this unnatural artificial high that will last a week at most.

People also have gotten manipulative too, youtubers with millions of subs and friends that they can go to will use depression as an excuse for cheap sympathy points, and people fall for it. That is why I do not like e-celebs; the only time I enjoy their presence is when they are fighting each other because of petty shit, and it shows how deluded they are in thinking that they are anything worth more than other NEETs. But even this gets boring and pointless after a while.

You can blame the modern society and people inventing these new technologies- but seeing how its our nature to invent new shit to make life easier, this is inevitable for us to come to this point. We could be exploring space right now or creating things that weren't thought to be possible, but instead everyone is focused on collecting the green pieces of paper in the rigged economy.

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Your willingness to seek help, even anonymously, and your commitment to me that you will at least consider it, is proof enough that you have what it takes to succeed.
Maybe not the first time, maybe not for years, but with enough consideration and time, I am as confident as you will be.

Acceptance comes gradually and with a lot of effort. My own path seemed to demand more and more, but as it did, I grew stronger in parallel. Each accomplishment no easier than the last, but progress was evident in retrospect regardless; through a different perspective.
To not think of how impossible it feels to overcome the current, but to appreciate that I have already overcome so much. To not look at my current struggle and feel shame or weakness, but to become imbued by my past struggles that are no longer there.

Gambatte, user-sama

also dead studio

Thanks my dude i feel pumped to work on myself

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Can anyone give me a quick run down on what happened to h3h3?
He was growing like crazy now their channel just lost all momentum.

He doesn't have depression.

people get bored of doing the same shit all the time (check pewdiepie for example, doesn't play games anymore), they got tired of doing reaction videos and tried to do a podcast ala joe rogan that backfired hard.

Hey Ethan!
Shit work!
I'm not proud of you!

I whole heartily agree with this post.
Dumb kids in Yea Forums dont realize that Money doesnt equal happiness.

I thought this was already say a billion times in every form of media.
Dont you remember scrooge?

Tried to get in the podcast business like everyone else. They didn't realize you actually have to be interesting, creative, talented, and/or socially competent to make it work. Making fun of youtube videos and creators is the lowest form of humor.

These faggots were always shit. Fuck off plebbitors.

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Imagine being mad that 16 year olds do dumb shit.
This was probably made by a 17 year old.

the lack of self awareness in this picture will always be funny

dude fuck you no it wasn't i'm going to be 19 in a couple of weeks

read epictetus, zoomer

Manly Tears is still a thing in 2019?

literally just go for a run every morning, you lazy faggot. give it your best too

What has that manlet to do with any of this? Did he try o start a carreer on youtube/twitch?

lol ur sad

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To be fair, it's pretty much Kaya who is the face of the Podcast now

but dude shit titties nipples dude lmao btw I farted LOL dude stoicism

As a very poor and depressed person - even if it doesn't cure it entirely, money would certainly make my life happier.

They live in California of course he's fucking depressed

What makes you say he's a liberal? He's on record saying some revisionist stuff about the Dresden bombing for example.

Id be depressed too If I looked like him and was married to some mtf that looked like that.

Hilda is one of the most revolting-looking females I've seen on youtube, how do people even watch stuff with her

they got worse. any heart in their content is long gone.
vape nation was the turning point because they saw acting like retards brought in more views than their usual commentary did, so they started doing that almost exclusively. not because it was fun, but because it brought in the money.
i get it, dude has to eat, but i can't imagine degrading myself like that just for views. the moment they started "ironically" clickbaiting just sealed the deal though.

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>married to some mtf that looked like that.

imo his content pretty much hit rock bottom right after his csgo video. After this he stopped putting the h3 logo in his thumbnails and started making shitty bait videos and trying to be a moralfag

that's not "alt-right" you absolute mongoloid
i dislike h3h3 just as much as the next guy but stop fucking calling everyone you don't like altright holy shit people like you are legitimately insufferable

>uhhhh shit fuck piss i just got done eating crusty rat feces off a random bus seat thanks for watching like the video comment the video and subscribe if you wanna see more content similar to this one see ya
wow great content

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LOL why is Manly Tears in there? Nobody knows who that fag is anymore

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michael is innocent

Reminder that H3H3 is the reason that Jontrons new shit is so bad.

>documentary outweighs fbi investigations


>h3h3 delivering a masterclass in burning bridges
How fucking stupid do you have to be to turn down an offer to hang out with Notch?

So you vent about it on Yea Forums? You may be talking about me,


I saw Critical at my gym in South Tampa a week or two ago. Tiny man. Looks like a nice guy.

Money does solve depression lmao just buy happiness

>turns down offer to hang out with notch
>is turned around by notch
>is called cringy

what a fucking redpill

I love this meme where Yea Forums hates pedos until lefites hate pedos, then Yea Forums loves pedos. Truly the most contrarian place on the planet.


t. rich babby faggot

I love this meme where Yea Forums hates the FBI until lefties hate them, then Yea Forums loves the FBI.

>Yea Forums is one person

Yea Forums has loved MJ since the beginning, pedophile or not his music is great.
Just goes to show how new you are, you should stay on /pol/




Money will make you happier up to the point where you're financially independent. From then on it's not much help. All the poor people who take "money can't buy happiness" as in insult are taking it the wrong way. Being poor will make you less happy, but being super rich won't necessarily make you any happier than being stable.

I fucking hate it how Ethan keeps inviting these people in public for their podcast, its an obvious attempt to use social pressue to get them to accept

/pol/ is redpilled on MJ and knows he's been framed for decades because he named the jew

How can you possibly have had such severe problems that others think are total nonsense, and still think that depression is bullshit? Jesus, man.

People reaching out over social media is obnoxious, but it's how some people employ the safety net you're both yearning for and shitting all over.

Granted, that's a little obnoxious to throw all that up on facebook, but if his degree choice is all that makes your empathy run low, I think you're the one with the problem.

You faggots are worse than women with this zero empathy, crab-bucket bullshit.

That has nothing to do with whether or not he's a pedo. You can still like his music and think he's a pedo. Learn to separate the artist from the art.

He's fucking dead

>sfm with the jewess when??

Dunkey is fucking great you cunt.

I already do, actually my post had nothing to do with your last sentence.
The fuck are you even talking about.

>Having money's not everything not having it is
We've known

At least JonTron is still good.


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And yet half of this thread is people mocking H3 for having the gall to claim he's depressed while having tons of money. I don't get your point.

what am I looking at here?

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Except for the part where Destiny BTFO of his racist ass.....

>Money will make you happier up to the point where you're financially independent.
A lot of people are depressed because of financial problems.
So giving them money is a a bandaid.

Just some toddler on its stomach, possibly playing with toys.

Destiny btfo him hard but the lesson he took was to stay away from all that shit and stick to what he does best. As a result he's doing great.

Go read the definition of nuance a few thousand times and then think about it for a thousand hours so it sticks.

>reading comprehension

he admits to watching in one video







>he admits to watching in one video


Yeah.. btfo him.. that’s why his yt videos are getting more views than ever right?

based and SHAMONEpilled

What the fuck would you even do with him?

appeal to popularity doesn't make you right you fucking moron.

And just like that, an user turned a shitty thread we have every week into an actual conversation.

If you unironically think he's a racist, you're a moron yourself.

What do girls mean when they do that vagina licking emote thing?

fuck Michael Jackson's memory

pretty much just this I liked their podcast as background noise for a little while, but it took me a while to figure out that I mostly liked it because of their guests. Ethan and Hila are sort of boring if left to their own devices. He sometimes just substitutes being really gross for being funny or interesting and it gets frustrating after a while. Ethan's not even THAT bad of a host, he just becomes repetitive and predictable after a while.

H3H3 also had a "lazy" phone game made about them that was pushed and there was lots of backlash. People didn't like that the H3H3 "brand" didn't have much to do with the game I guess, and that it was more like their faces were just being slapped onto the side of it. Idgaf personally but some people didn't like this.

Internet Comment Etiquette and Jacksfilms were great on there at least.

Jon was right though.

> Leafy
why do people even make these? They just become outdated every 3 months anyways.

>I am a gigantic slut
Which is good of course, a self admitted slut is good on my books.

Once you go BLACKED you never go back though

>If you unironically think he's a racist
implying i ever said this. what a mong.

Wut manga

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PewDiePie literally uploaded a gameplay yesterday

Play mine craft:)

>he watches Pewdiepie

Sir, the door is right over there.

I hurt my calves pretty badly a few weeks ago, and I'm too scared to get back onto the track.

I already had my doubts but this specific podcast really sealed the deal that Ethan sucks as a "real" podcast host. Dude is out of his element around legitimate entertainers, he needs to stick to interviewing youtubers and making shitty videos making fun of other shitty videos. Also keep the fucking politics out, no one gives a shit what some dumb fat fuck has to say.

>he watches black porn just for fun
thats worse

user, thank you. People at my uni know me as the "weird but funny kid", and they often don't talk with me if I don't make jokes. It's really burning me out.


he's still a cuck though

Is Hila mentally challenged?

lol are you gatekeeping depression hahaha wtf

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just a mere coincidence goy, carry on

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Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa

then just kill yourself you depressed faggot


H3H3 is fucking terrible. I have never seen someone as untalented and unfunny garner so much success. I watched one of his newer video podcasts and the beginning was him talking to his horsefaced Sloth sounding wife about how bad his farts and shit smelled and how that means he is healthy for like and said stories about farting for about 10 minutes. I turned it off vowing never to watch anything H3H3 related again. I can only imagine how braindead you have to be to find this kind of thing entertaining or funny.

well you have to at some point. there are more retards than ever before calling themselves a 3rd+ gender and believe that otherkin is a legitimate thing- it wouldn't be a problem if they weren't collecting my tax dollars for something that can be fixed with one good ol' whip.

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You're being stupid if you really believe there's no crossover between real depression and "attention depression". Obviously there are people that offhandedly say how depressed they are because they aren't thinking about it, or they want to follow trends or whatever, but it's completely possible for a depressive person to do the same thing. Just because you're depressed doesn't mean you lose your ability to communicate. Not in every version of depression at least, these things have levels to them.

no, you're just seeing how long people who only have this place hold onto images

Also all of his videos are entirely worthless, he just gossips other youtubers.

>tfw this came out directly after about a month period of weebs sending angry emails to Sega telling them to put Hatsune Miku in the game
The general was an ocean of tears for weeks. Their waifu's precious "slot" was taken up by a fat ginger youtuber who's voice clips were 90% squealing. It was magic.

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"Real depression" doesn't exist. It's all in your head, you are only depressed if you decide to be depressed.

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At some point in my life, everyone good I had known was no longer around. I was left with only people who did not appreciate me and where borderline emotionally abusive, intentionally or not.
I made the decision to cut everyone bad out of my life and, and for a while this meant accepting loneliness.
Eventually I came into a group who I actually wanted to be around and they wanted me to be around. I can just be comfortable and honest with them and they with me.

In the interim, I found loneliness to be better than people who feign to like you, or treat you as a backup friend when nobody else is around. I took the free time to do productive things anyway and become more comfortable with myself.
I'm glad that I eventually encountered people who liked me for who I am.
While it's not advice, maybe this anecdote will help you.
While it's not an easy thing to do, maybe you should try to find better people.
Through a club, or career, social network, or something.
For me personally, I found them through a job. We all share the same interests so it's easy to get along.

It really made me feel bad when someone I knew from high school would regularly schedule to hang out with me on the weekend, and then when Saturday came, they wouldn't call or answer me. And every time on Sunday or Monday they'd have some bogus excuse. Legitimately 90% of the time.
It felt terrible, and I didn't want that any more. It felt better to indluge in my own improvement or hobbies than to prepare myself for nothing.

Can confirm.

t. live in southern California

wtf i'm no longer depressed

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>a mental illness is in your head

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Podcast is where is fully realized that Ethan is an idiot, i tried watching/listening recently and its all about ethans ass so I click away instantly, desu he should just rely on Hilas clothes business, seems to do better.

>titty fart shit
>still has that unkempt beard like a walmart wolverine on his 5ft4 body

if you think Yea Forums hasnt had console wars since its inception you need to lurk more.

ever heard of “ps3 has nogames”?

>some assholes diagnose it as an illness and that means it is one

Neuroscience has no idea what depression is supposed to be or how to treat it. If you don't solve the problem yourself, then you will always be in this weak state.

Cr1tikal sold out too. Ever since he stopped playing shitty games, showed his face and started the podcast, his channel went downhill.

lol u mad

>Neuroscience has no idea what depression is supposed to be or how to treat it.
Read a book?

rich people choose to be depressed, poor people have no choice but to be depressed. Cry more boot licker

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You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

>Neuroscience has no idea what depression is supposed to be or how to treat it
Imagine actually believing this.

Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain that can have many diferent causes depending on the case.

This is the guy who stole Sam Hyde's shtick and refuses to invite him on his shitty podcast, typical kike.

>solve the problem
But I thought depression was an illusion that I can turn on and off like a light switch.

>16 yo
>liking jerma
>liking RLM

fucking what?

>rich people BAD
die commie

online personalities have changed alot since the newgrounds days to adjust to the google algorithm.

Is notch the most based man alive?

>Including MrBTFO among that cringe


Turning on the light is still solving a problem

He didn't say rich people were bad, he said they choose to be depressed.


>Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain that can have many diferent causes depending on the case.

>I read an online article


sorry dude my sympathy stops when people who are suffering are collecting 7 figure checks while their underage chinese laborers work 7 days a week 16 hours a day.

There was a lot more jesting during those threads and people could actually take the jokes about "No Geams" without posting the Demon's Souls box art in every thread to the extent people ride Bloodborne's cock. Literally, every exclusive thread is some degree of fanwanking about how this is "GUNNA CHANGE EVERAYTHANG" unironically, followed quickly by "OH NO NO NO" shitposting when reviews fall under 89.

What exactly is “post modern” about anything he does?

Yes he was, but that ultimately didn't matter. Destiny technically won the debate because of the ensuing shitstorm that targeted Jon. Of course, things have only gone uphill for Jon since then, so it doesn't really make any difference.

>he never read a online research paper
Beyond retarded

Ethan and Hila jewing it up with Gravity Falls creator Alex Hirsch, his girlfriend, and some porn star.

what's bane? doing in there?

Retard, I already said, it is not entirely known what depression is or at what point it can be diagnosed. The "imbalance of chemicals" is a meme that's for the most part speculation, brainlet.

>MS paint collage of things I don't like

Oh damn, destroyed...

You’re right, that’s why destiny was wrong.

Why the fuck would someone choose to be depressed

h3h3 is a faggot kike who stole most of his style from Sam Hyde. Remember when h3h3 got his start by being popular on Yea Forums and posting MDE-like vids? Then he got popular on rebbit so he abandoned his original fans and catered to the mob for shekels and up boats. Typical jew who can only steal and destroy, not create

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We don't know what autism is either, but I'll be damned if it isn't perfectly clear when some people have it.

What does H3H3 even do now?

doesn't make you "y-you are only depressed if you decide to be de pressed" inference any less rertarded.

This is very true but Yea Forums is full of retards.
Depression is fundamentally about brain chemistry which is affected by genetics/environment/lifestyle/etc. Money can get you medication and whatnot but rich people can still have bad genes and/or not take care of themselves properly.

No it's not, there are so many different forms of autism with different gradients, the term itself is already questionable, especially since some people can learn social manners and then it no longer is apparent that they have autism.

These medical terms are often bullshit, some doctors somewhere wanted to became famous so they made up names and medical conditions.

I want to fuck Hilarious and make Ethan watch

Loads of money does solve financial stress and everything that comes with that.

Yes, depression isn't easily cured but at the same time I do not see poorer people that have that bitch and whine as much either about it.

runs an absolutely terrible podcast where he talks about this he has no idea about. he's actually a huge, cringey faggot nowadays. pretty funny seeing as he got popular for making fun of videos like that - now look at him.

Underdog points. Nobody wants to be "the man" and because they will always have daddy's savings account to get rid of any real problems their life may have, they latch onto things like social movements and mental illnesses. I'm not really saying their depression isn't real per se, but it's definitely self-inflicted whether they realise it or not.

most scientific terms are bullshit, especially those conserning the psyche of the human being.

I rest my case.

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Depression is a state of varying intensity that humans can be in but to assume that some doctors can give you some pills to actually treat depression is entirely retarded. I attempted suicide at some point with sleeping pill overdose many years ago but now I am no longer depressed. I figured out how to solve this problem myself, like any type of emotion, you can learn to suppress these chemicals in your brain effectively and the only way to solve the problem is when you yourself decide to do it.

Who am I supposed to like then? Any time you guys post youutubers that are "based", it's just some guy who starts out the video
>What's up you stupid niggers? Today we're taking a look at a big poopy dog shit of a game brought to you in part by the Jews and LIBKEKS and I'm going to spend 10 minutes using Yea Forums memes and buzzwords followed by my vast yet loosely related references to Nazi war history haha.

No actual content, no actual jokes. Just some obvious Yea Forums user who made it big and has a cult following.

Great argument, idiot.

If anyone could possibly be depressed after earning as much money as H3H3 has they’re an ungrateful cunt who deserves death.

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this is now a cringe kino thread.

Of course a Jew would believe that the white skinned black man is a rapist.

>be depressed
>become rich
>your depression is self-inflicted now
Almost as if depression couldn’t be cured with money

depression is honestly the fattest bullshit to come out of the 21st century. Its not a disease faggot, its the result of your surroundings.

bro...that’s kinda cringe bro

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Never try to make sense on Yea Forums, bad things happen

It really is and that's my point.

Based H3H3 falling for npc propaganda

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>Mental illness doesn't care how much money you earn or what possessions you own

Too soon

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How? I thought their studio got raided and shit.

>Depression is a state of varying intensity that humans can be in but to assume that some doctors can give you some pills to actually treat depression is entirely retarded
It can help, it did in my case but i don't like to having to rely on medication in order to live day to day life.
>you can learn to suppress these chemicals in your brain
Now not only is this pseudo-science but also retarded as fuck, open third eye-tier retarded.

Not to mention some cases of depression are uncurable.

He's a fat jew, what do you expect.