yea.. this game is a yikes for me....
Yea.. this game is a yikes for me
>fingerless gloves
>indoors no less
I got a weird white rash around my dickhead. should I be worried?
>White boy
Opinion discarded.
nice tranny gloves
>fingerless gloves
Are you a school shooter?
>fingerless gloves
>doesn't like the game of the decade
>probably a virgin
cringed and yikespilled
At least you don't have a viable line of grime under your nails like most people who post their hands here.
Trannies wear hobo gloves?
>game of the decade
>this is what basedniggers actually believe
fuck off white trash
>Discord tranny
>fingerless glove
he'a no trash with those manicured nails, nigger
Why are you wearing gloves bro
>speedrunning gloves.
I'm in tears. Is this real
>small manlet hands
>stubby fingers
>fingerless gloves
How embarrassing
>nooo this souls rehash 23 is actually great
They're gaming gloves for more tactile response
And I am here a broke ass spic wishing I had a ps4 to give it a go, what's the matter, too much for you?
>this many people falling for obvious b8
What happened to all the people who werent under age? Where did they go?
>söyboy tranny hates GOTD
Let me guess; your favorite game is Undertale or some obscure indie game?
Go back to /toy/, greg you fart eater.
Truly, perfection in video game format
you forgot to add GOW + Spiderman.
nice shoop, everyone knows we're all black here
Do you jack off your boyfriend wearing those gloves, tranny?
Just did another playthrough the other day, used Stake Driver for the first time. Holy fucking shit, I have seen the ways of the Powder Kegs, never going back.
It might be bait but they know its true
So is every attack on "Muh GOTYs" is coordinated attack by Discord? God, you delusional retards just want this place to be a massive fucking hugbox, don't you?
>being a tasteless edgelord
On a side note, fingerless gloves aren't really my thing.
I won't stand idly by while trannies with shit taste in videogames like OP appropriate hobo culture.
Shut up, white boy.
>wear fingerless gloves because my hands stay warmer if i can bunch my fingers together and it allows for mobility because i work in refrigeration sometimes
>everyone thinks im an edgelord
>fags like op reinforcing the stereotype
If BB was multiplat it wouldn't be "worshiped" like it is now.
no shit
Its hilarious American niggers have to worry about killing or robbing eachother.
Truely mindfucked by BET and nigger hiphop culture funded by "white" men.
I actually do, I use them at work.
It's no more "worshiped" than Dark Souls.
It still wouldn't run on the wiiU/switch so it would still have gotten lots of hate
>nobody knows about drawing gloves
Exactly. It would be worshiped more and there would be zero dissent over it's status as the greatest game of the generation.
Lotta Shadmen ITT
He based.
I can draw gloves just fine.
drawing gloves aren't fingerless gloves, they go on your pinky and ring finger and leave the rest free
Video games are for everyone, and I really don't appreciate your pr*judice
Including you apparently
why does this look photoshopped
Probably my favorite game of this decade.
Why didn't you like the game, OP?
You used this picture last week. Find a new one at least.
It would find true glory on PC with modding. Fucking imagine:
>player made chalice dungeons
>versions of the game with modified enemies and chalice-locked enemies.
>could do away with dumb shit like gem curses.
What a faggot. git gud, m80.
Wait until you hear about programing socks