>"Just vote with your wallet!"
"Just vote with your wallet!"
Did rockstar name their gta bucks "whale shark" cards and the like because of this?
voting with your wallet applies to games that have a gateway price. games that are free cannot be voted for with money. you have to not play them. stop playing freemium games with IAP if you don't like the business model.
>I have never spent even so much as a single penny on in-app-purchases
Feels good man
>mobile shit
who cares
>only free games have mircotransactions
>only mobile games have mircotransactions
>faggot OP can't read his own graph
>killer whales spend more money than whales even though they're smaller and not even whales
no wonder you're stuck making mobile shit retard
>tfw not a subhuman and don't waste time on mobile games
This, feels good. never have and never will buy into microtransactions.
If you enjoy the games that much where it makes a difference... why not encourage the business mode you’re enjoying?
this is getting to page 10 while there's a furry porn thread open right now getting bumped despite this being the more interesting topic
>Yea Forums- furry porn
link me on that furry porn on Yea Forums please.
So the other option is to give in and start buying microtransactions too? Retard. Never ever buy a game with gameplay altering microtransactions, unless you enjoy it enough to do the grind (assuming you can eventually grind enough to buy premium garbage). That's all you can do unless you somehow want to outlaw them legally which is a whole other can of worms
>killer whales, that's $47,789,000 per year
>whales, that's $73,425,000 per year
>those two alone is $121,214,000 per year
>this is just NA
No wonder gaming has changed. Pump out a shity mobile game from a known franchise on the cheap and you could likely recoup your budget before the year is out.
>furrg porn thread
which one so I could uh... report it
But killer whales aren't bigger than whales...
but they are killers
how is a monthly average of 68 "killer whale"?
I would have thought even whales would be an average of 100+
please never reply to me ever again.
Thats western chart.
A quick trip to twitter show the wonderful paradise of JP whales.
We're a dying breed my fellow man of culture.
So, a small number of retards ruins shit for everybody else.
What else is new?
You don't think spending $50+ per month on a free game is exorbitant?
even though it's an interesting topic there's isn't much to talk about since Yea Forums collectively hates IAP and mobile gaming despite sinking hundreds of hours and dollars into weeb gacha shit
they are like little baby
yeah i always imagined whales to be spending hundreds if not thousands every month
It absolutely is, but there are people out there who spend *thousands* a month, especially in Asia. NA doesn't have it nearly so bad (yet) but that average spend for killer whales would be minnow tier for an Asian mobage.
Pride along with self-respect is a rare trait these days, its usually one or the other.
help a brother out with the moon speak
I think this chart is just based of one's subjective opinion on what a whale is. I remember playing gw2 when mount skims came out. People were pissed that all skins were locked behind lootboxes yet some players had all 30 available skins day 1, hour 1 of release which wouldve cost them 120USD. Those people are whales
Just search the tag of the kusoge you want.
Nip whales are fucking insane. Those niggas drop like 2-5k like nothing. Some of them have a whole catalog of characters maxed.
The OP's graph LITERALLY says "mobile gamers".
Move the goalposts if you must but don't piss yourself when you're called out on it.
So those blue things with circles are what you get when you summon a 5 star servant (~0.7% chance to get on a rate up) after already getting 5 copies of that servant.
It's 3 quartz per roll. ~160 quartz is $80. 0.7% chance of getting that servant. So this guy got 5 copies of who knows how many servants... and then got 91 copies of them.
You're looking at tens of thousands of dollars right there.
Companies that are making literally millions?
I'm pretty sure they care.
I think it really all depends. If you play it as often as you do play a triple A level game and you're playing it constantly I suppose you can justify it. It's around the same cost if you bought a major title once or twice a month.
Stupid but not terribly unreasonable.
>"Voting with your wallet doesn't wo-"
you clearly aren't following the logic here
>That one nip that borrowed Yakuza money for Scat rateup.
>All major game publishers investing in mobile instead of PC/Console as a result
That's why
Tfw Killer Whale tier for 1 game
You have to be retarded to think artifact bombing hurt valve financially. Their pride took a massive blow that's for sure.
>Implying Artifact was ever likely to succeed
long haul btw
$1m tournament Q1 2019 btw
this saying is bullshit, EA and activision dont give a fuck if you buy their dlc and mtx because people buy their shit regardless, or in bo4's case shove the (nodlc) exclamation warning on your profile for you to look at 24/7
why is killer whale bigger than regular whale?
like i said, their pride is wounded.
>just vote with your wallet
>games that are deemed boring by everyone like Destiny 1 and 2 sell a fuckton despite how even the people who bought the first game say it's crap
This is why I don't take people who say "vidya crash is coming soon I swear" seriously, if people are buying sequels to games they don't even have great things to say about, this is a pretty good situation for publishers.
I spend about 10-20$ on the gatcha I'm playing per month. I see it more like a subscription fee to a game I like a lot.
>Killer Whales
>$50 per month
You're like a little baby
Watch this
>people like this is why EA is still a thing
This is high treason as far as I'm concerned, and they should be punished by death.
>25 dollars is whale status
In what fucking universe? 25 dollars is barely like 2 rolls in all the gacha games and in korean MMO's that's like 5 rez items and 10 potions.
Whale status is like 300+ a month.
They don't have anything to say about them because they're not even playing the games they buy. They just cave into marketing hype and let it sit on their shelves. That's the caliber of retard buying modern AAA we're talking about.
Then there's the REAL fucktards in the dolphin/whale category who install the game, buy a shitton of microtrans expecting a "premium" experience then never touch the game again.
These people number in the tens of thousands. Even moreso in asia where status is tied with p2w.
Unfortunately common sense has no ability to contain the runaway juggernaut that is the game hype industry.
I think real whales kill a lot more organisms than killer whales. Krill are living things too ya know
>Games I have hundreds of hours in, like Warthunder and World of Warships I have spent zero dollars on and still play to this day
>Trove, a game I played for maybe a dozen hours got me to spend like $150 on it
Fucking HOW?
Scientists recently discovered a new type of Orca btw.
>mfw i spent $10 on some shitty mobile skinner box tier game years ago
immediately after i made the purchase, i realized how retarded the entire thing was and felt so fucking dirty. i haven't bought another thing since.
You're retarded
thats just an EA employee pretending to be a whale to help bandwagon more real whales
Kim Kardashian made 200,000,000 in the first couple months from her phone game. The game could’ve been made by a single dude in a garage using shitty art assets drawn for dimes and cost less than 100,000.
I will never spend a single penny on fucking anything that can be played for free, I rather grind my ass for several weeks or months in order to get something that a pay user would get right away.
you post wojaks so you already know why
>playing anything besides emulators on your phone
marvel future fight is the ONLY good mobile game but they milk so much shit from it, and replace characters with blatant powercreep &/or tournament/abx/pvp focused characters that it is bullshit.
Yeah I used to think like that too before I got a job.
Good goy.
>emulators on a touch screen
You are just weak, is not about money is about honor, you can purchase shit but it won't feel nearly as satisfactory.
Emulators on phone are just good for turn based games.
So Disgaea, Yugioh, FF, pokemon and other shit like that work nicely.
Where some people see trash, other people see treasure. And that includes art.
Not my fault, why should I dictate what people should spend their money on?
If a game is pay2win, you can be damn sure that it'll be designed in a way to make sure it's a horrible slog unless you pay money. Solution: value yourself and your time and pony up the minimum amount to cut through the bullshit, or buy an actual full game.
Or I can have the bare minimum amount of self respect for myself and not fall for obvious money grabbing tactics and allow myself to be abused.
Exactly, no matter how shit their taste, I can't dictate what they consume.
OP is just another narcissistic manchild.
Then your best bet is to not play the game at all
Shit like this is why this cancer has spread to full-price $60 AAA titles.
you still cover half of your screen with transparent buttons
You are underestimating my grindfag level, I play MH, son, even if it cost me a whole year I will get to the right level and p2w user's heads will drop.
Whales was a term used in the casino/gambling industry long before mobile games.
What are you laughing at? You're letting those subhumans ruin games for everyone, including you
If the non-iap people didn't play these P2W mobile games at all there would just be the idiot whales playing and they would have nobody to shove their pay to win units around with.
Just by PLAYING these games you're killing the industry, even if you don't buy anything.
Make them 99% transparent and learn where they are placed.
To be fair there's a lot of whales who end up hopelessly in debt and incapable of functioning as human beings. So it's something of a self-correcting problem.
pretty much why i spend money on FGO. i enjoy it enough and play daily, even if its just grinding. but Im not about to go crazy and keep spending if i fail to get what i want, one and done for me
Based $0 fellow.
I'll agree that "vote with your wallet" is a silly term, it should be "vote with your feet". If a game is being ruined by appealing to whales and you're still playing then you're part of the problem, if retards stopped playing then the whales would have no one to dominate with their credit cards and they'd quickly die off.
Whales need krill to live.
>why should I dictate what people should spend their money on?
How other people spend their money affects you
Eh, I'll pass, it's better to have modded PSP or 3DS with emulators
>not wanting to play DOS games on your mobile device
>Top percentage spends all their money in retarded ways and fucks over everybody else in the process
What other videogames let me experience this Yea Forums
What did they mean by this?
Hmm... Is this based or cringe?
The problem is that the mobile market is driving traditional developers to stop making standalone games. Diablo Immortal anyone?
Why would a developer spend an incredible amount of time making a classic AAA standalone title when they could shit out some lower effort mobile trash that ends up making just as much profit because of a few whales? Console gaming is basically dead in Japan because of whale baiting gacha shit at this point.
>Just by PLAYING these games you're killing the industry, even if you don't buy anything.
This, you're still part of the product and experience the publisher is trying to sell to the whales. They need regular players populating the games so the whales have someone to show all their shiny trinkets to so they feel validated and keep buying them. If the game was empty the whales would move on because they'd have no one to show their stuff to.
You vote with your wallet by not playing the fucking game.
Why do you care if some retard buys $1k worth of junk in a game you don't care about?
This is an important point. If you play/support IAP cancer with free entry and then say "b-but I didn't buy it!" It still doesn't change the fact that you provide the context which validates the purchases of whales. Remember that if there is no playerbase there is nothing for the whale(which is basically the IRL equivalent of the tripfag) to enable themselves with.
$50 dollars a month isn't even that much.
>spend money on game's cash shop to 'skip the grind'
>lose interest and never play again a few weeks later
Are all those weeb mobile games pvp or what? All I ever see is retards fawning over their waifu and saying how rare it is to get her. No one ever says anything about the gameplay.
hear hear, based doggo bro
>wanting to play DOS games on a fucking phone
Well lar dee dah Mr. Richie Rich not all of us are millionaires.
People think "voting with your wallet" means "developers will stop making games I don't like even though some people clearly enjoy them" and then get mad when that's not true.
>Why would a developer spend an incredible amount of time making a classic AAA standalone title when they could shit out some lower effort mobile trash that ends up making just as much profit because of a few whales?
Pretty soon they won't, we're already halfway there. Look at how many online/multiplayer-only titles are coming from major publishers. They're already making as much or more money with micropayments as they do actual game sales. They're focusing on making games that are more easily monetized and eschewing game modes, features and content that doesn't allow them to push micropayments. Destiny, The Division, Anthem, Overwatch, Heroes of the Storm, SW Battlefront, Artifact, these are all vehicles for micropayments first and foremost, they are platforms with which the publisher hopes to make money through micropayments.
This. Time has value, and your time as a free player provides value by giving whales someone to out-perform - this "out-performance" might be in a direct manner through outright superior firepower from premium weaponry, or it might be indirect through showing off their $500 prismatic SSR 5-star stattrak dildo, either way, you as a free player are justifying purchases to whales.
Do you not have a phone? Because this shit will keep infecting real games.
>Why do you care if some retard buys $1k worth of junk in a game you don't care about?
Because that game doesn't exist in a vacuum and if its profitable other game-makers will follow suit and make more skinnerboxes that exist to milk money out of whales
Pretty simple really
maybe he really likes prehistoric 2
Shit like Anthem does not count as "an actual full game"
so the potential market for someone to come and undercut a bunch of greedy jews is huge?
And that's because its a vehicle for micropurchases
>tfw you can buy new game every month or 2-4 older games every month
>instead decide to spend all od this money into shitty p2w 2D grindfest
All those creeps... and a white girl. Imagine loving black dick so much, that as a woman, you would stand in line among those men.
Maybe he should buy GPD Win then
People are not being manipulated into handing over their money to a videogame company.
C'mon, user.
If that were the case, the entire market would be mobile. It's not; calm down.
AAA platforms just tend to be garbage, but there is more out there than just AAA games.
>Because that game doesn't exist in a vacuum and if its profitable other game-makers will follow suit and make more skinnerboxes that exist to milk money out of whales
>Oh no my AAA shootan games and Asscreeds.
Thank god I don't have terrible taste. Call me when actually good games adopt this model, with the hard mode being call me when it actually makes them worse to play.
This is why MMOs died
You can always spot someone who's poor because this is precisely how they imagine rich people behave.
$50 is $50.
>good games adopt this model
The good games aren't being made precisely because they can't adopt this model. Just how many chromosomes do you have?
Are whales actually mobage devs who keep giving each other money?
Someone said there's a fag who dumped $15k on Mass Effect multiplayer crates.
>the entire market would be mobile.
That's precisely what's happening.
Yeah, ask any real rich guy that actually worked for his status, these people respect money and they know they wouldn't be rich now if they treated 50$ like pennies
You say this like it makes them stop spending. They'll keep finding a way to keep spending.
I spend like 10 dollars every year on inventory slots in KanColle. At the same time, this is my highest expense, as I pirate all other games.
Do you have an empirical study on the quantity of good games released, or are you a jaded fuck. I played some good games just today.
Imagine actually believing something this stupid:
>10 years ago, the population of people with "good taste" in video games was enough to sustain several releases.
>This population hasn't declined.
>Today, fucking no one is making games for them because they hate money or something?
The only sense in which you are correct is "companies that previously made games catered to me now no longer do so" which is a strange thing to complain about when others come to fill the gaps.
>invested 4k into path of exile in the closed alpha because I loved it
>got 91k total as a return in 5 years
the second highest was black desert with like $300 and warframe with $60, otherwise I haven't spent anything in other games.
>Console and PC market has grown from 2015 to 2019.
>Mobile will take away our games.
What did he mean by this?
devs that i like releases only a few games that i like after 4+ years or development
so thats like im spending 7.5$ every year
What are you talking about? Console market-share has dropped from 30% in 2015 down to 27% in 2018, while PC went from 28% down to 26%.
Isn't it fucking miserable that companies are making games only for that 2-6% of users? Why do they keep getting support from the rest of the userbase?
Honest to god I would probably be willing to play all my games on cell phones. At least in terms of graphics I am fine with cell phones.
It's just that the control schemes on phones are so shitty. Yeah you can get a gamepad for one, but they'll never take off because developers will always target the mass market which uses only touch screens. People have said for years it's a design problem that will be overcome, but it doesn't looked like it's been addressed to me. I still can't stand touch screens for gaming except in a few remote circumstances.
26% of $118.8 billion is a larger number than 30% of $91.8 billion. That's objectively more money in the business of making games you allegedly like.
>why do companies make games for their core users
>why don't they appeal to the mass market
You want diablo immortal?
This is why I have nothing but contempt for the shills who justify loot boxes and micro transactions with "it's just cosmetic and optional." These companies know damn well what they are doing.
Diablo immortal
>every game is freemium
That's not how it works.
O-okay you win this time.
So what do you do when these end up being the only games left?
Nobody's saying you should buy those games, it's just that not buying them isn't stopping them from being made, and not stopping the games you do buy from getting dropped in favor of more cheap money making schemes.
Microtransactions aren't just in freemium games anymore. It's only going to get worse
I almost did a few times but I managed to not spend a penny either. Unless we're going far back into coin-ops in arcades in early 90s
I'm jealous of zoomers who can adapt without prejudice to be honest. I tried playing Tetris on my smartphone recently and it either had a convoluted control scheme or it was "press to automatically have it fit into here" thing. If a touch device can't even get tetris right without the same basic control scheme, then I don't know how what to think of it.
and there are mutts blaming european soccerfags
Except microtransactions and lootboxes are now in full priced games which is unacceptable.
As a rich person, I ain't paying for shit. If I can stiff you on a bill, gonna do it. If I can get someone else to pay for it, gonna do it.
No. These experiences are what people want. Nobody is being forced at gunpoint to download the phone game and make the microtransactions purchase: they want "games" that take very little time investment and then tell them they're special for having a "rare" item.
Games with long single player campaigns don't really compete with mobile games, except in the sense that they're "video games", you're not gonna swoop in with a hot new indie metroidvania and pull the gacha players off their phones.
Lots of zoomers don't adapt, this is just the stuff they were born and raised with. Lots of really young children have never used a keyboard and mouse before, all they've ever used is a touch screen. Over the last decade or two, computer literacy has actually gone down as more and more stuff is hidden behind slick UIs where you just get what you want without any thinking. This means that they're excellent UIs, bit it's not great for people's technical literacy.
What do you think about piracy?
>killer whales ave $68
That's not even dolphin tier in gacha games
For other people? Absolutely haram.
For me? The hadith tells me it's halal.
You are literally my fiance. He earns top cash, but won't pay a dime to any service or product he can avoid paying for. Netflix: "We can just torrent everything". Need new headphones: "I'll get HR to buy it for me on the cost of the company". Buying a new TV or PC: "Let's write it off as an expense to get the money back". We need a car: "We can just get a car share and have him chaffeur us".
They’re just called “shark cards”, as in loan sharks
Sounds about right when comparing it to prostitutes, drugs, slaves and stolen goods.
Is your fiancee me?
Is your name Jamal?
Do you know how publicly traded companies work? It's about growth rate. Does return on investment ring any bells? Activision fired hundreds of people this year, not because they didn't make money, but because the company didn't meet growth projections.
>Implying black people are rich
Trickle down economics lol
>Activision fired hundreds of people this year, not because they didn't make money, but because the company didn't meet growth projections.
They fired those people because they were "social media managers" who exactly didn't make any money, sherlock.
>Microtransactions are LITERALLY on the level of human trafficking
Voting doesn't mean you always get what you want.
>Companies will choose to stop making money for reasons.
You do understand that Activision can make both console AND mobile games, right? That they'd only stop making console games if the market there actually shrinks, right? Expanding into multiple fields while continuing to produce in the old fields -is- expansion.
And that's if your whole "companies need constant expansion or they'll suddenly cease making money" statement is correct which is bull.
>Almost as if the pathological accumulation of wealth was linked to the pathological hoarding of objects
bless your fiance lololololololol
He's gay and black; it cancels out.
>"Just vote with your wallet!"
Yes. That's right and it continues to be right regardless of how retarded and cynical this board gets.
if they make money, it means they make money off of others, and there is no loss you you
>but muh industry is shifting away from my preferences to the preferences of the whales
Then support companies that make the games you like. Buy games instead of pirating (or pay for them after you play the pirate demo.)
I bet most of the people here bitching haven't payed full price for a game since some gay shit like overwatch or Dota.
If you think about it it's worse, since human trafficking is illegal and you can go to prison for it, whereas microtransactions are both hurtful for gaming industry and economy, while also legal
And it didn't matter whatsoever.
>what is konami
>and economy
Gonna need some source on that
>posting a pic of some guy in a suit doing tax work to make your post seem more intelligent
biggest pseud ITT
One company. How does a company moving from market to another disprove the objective fact that the amount of money available in the non-mobile industry has increased? You mention Konami leaving the non-mobile market, but fail to mention the developers who have expanded their activities in the non-mobile market and the new companies entering the non-mobile market. Show me hard evidence that less console games are being made.
>buys the EXACT same game with slightly better graphics every year without skipping a beat
>even supports lootcrates in the form of "dream team" or whatever the fuck they are calling it now
You fags are the same. Don't even try and put this all on mutts.
It's simple, since companies hoard money for their investors, all accumulated money aren't going back into the pool of buying/selling. They sit on the mountains of money that were created basically form thin air by some indian wageslave, and since these money need to be in circulation you have to borrow more money from central bank, which in turn will lower the worth of your money in the end. You know that you could buy a can of coke in the 70's for a quarter? All of these memes about boomers having dreamlife ain't completely unfounded in reality.
I'm pretty sure the only time I've ever spent money in a game was when I was 16 and had no idea how lootboxes worked in CS:GO. I thought I had an equal chance of getting the rare guns as a common gun, so I bought two or three before I figured it out. I didn't even want the skins, I just wanted to get a rare skin then sell it for real money.
>all games are centered about microtransactions
most dont.
see >most dont
no you don't understand what i just said.
if it were true, we would IMMEDIATELY be ALL on mobile - right now. not in the future. right. now.
But what evidence do you need? PS4 has no games happened to be a meme not without a reason. There won't be PS4 on the next E3 since they have nothing to show off, Crackdown 3 was in development hell and was released as a buggy mess, just like Mafia III, ME:A or Anthem. Star Wars games made by LucasArts were released basically every half a year, whereas EA released TWO multiplayer-only games in the 5 years span (might be longer, not sure how long they hold the license for it). If it weren't for the indie scene making crazy amount of games, you'd be hard pressed to find 1 decent game per month a year.
>sports are cancer
nothing new, also
>what is NFL
>what is Madden
>what is NBA
There's a lot more burgersport games that just one Fifa
They don't "Hoard it for their investors." They park it oversees because they don't want to pay the ludicrously high corporate income tax on top of the corporate dividend taxes. The government is at this point triple dipping into any profits made by industry. The government really should fuck off and get more efficient with the 20+ trillion that they make every year instead of trying to squeeze more blood out of industry.
Did you miss the entirety of the last decade? The increasing shift towards digital-only, non-AAA titles? Apparently not, given that you mention it later in your post. You aren't proving "less console games exist" but rather "the people who make console games have changed" which does nothing for your point.
but what bout mah programs man? I need dem monies
sorry, just made a shortcut of thought
Its either indie shit or AAA garbage every half a year for holiday season. I want decent AA library of games just like in the PS2 era.
yes, I really like vast amount of hentai-card games, hidden objects games and connect 3 games.
It ain't my fault you don't know where to look and/or that you dismiss good games as indie shit.
Not gonna lie I've spent probably $1000 over the course of a year and a half on Omnyoji Arena, Mobile Legends, and Heroes Evolved.
They reignited my love of mobas after quitting LoL so long ago.
>There are people who actually spent money on the ME3 multiplayer
>Not using CE to give yourself billions of credits
They gave you far too few credits through legitimate play
Context of this picture?
Do you like this cute little graph, Yea Forums?
Guess what- this is what your opinion becoming completely invalid next to the 5% that pays the vast majority of profits looks like!
It's becoming just like in real life where the 1% control everything because they have all the money and power and it will happen within this next decade when all games are downloaded freemium...
How funny is THAT?!
So what you're saying is that we should gas all the jews right?
Good indie games are hard to find, you need to filter out 99% of shit to find a good one. When you look at it it might actually be that for 1 AAA game we have 1 good indie title. Give me good indies from 2018 and I guarantee I'll find the same amount of AAA games released that year.
I've dumped probably thousands of dollars into Konami pachinko machines. I just realized that I'm part of the problem.
OSRS counts, user.
Hello bait-san.