Fuck new maps, fuck new game modes...

>Fuck new maps, fuck new game modes, let's just add tons and tons of skins that you'll never get unless you pay real money for stacks of loot crates, and keep recycling the same "events" year after year

Attached: zJho2zyv_400x400.jpg (400x400, 15K)

How many maps did TF2 have at this point?

3 years after its release? A shitload, plus a mother fuckton of custom fanmade maps.

Oh, and more characters are gay! That totally affects gameplay right? No? BIGOT RACIST NAZI.

Fuck OW, hope it dies.

Overwatch is such a disgrace, the only people it hooked are the people who are simply not attracted to the video game aspect, and just want material for them to write their shitty fan-fiction.

Which sucks because it genuinely had potential to be the "TF2 killer" it was hyped up as, but Blizz just had to fuck it all up.

They are so fucking pathetic now, just doing whatever they can to stay relevant, and failing to do so.
>community hates us
>they want us to change the meta from being slow as fuck and boring as hell
>nahhhhhhhhh, lets just put more recycled events and say characters are gay
I remember when this game was fun, but that’s never gonna happen again

The problem is that they don't even add tons of skins, there's like 5 skins that aren't recolor every event, they are either lazy as fuck or really bad at what they're doing (probably both)

>lets funnel resources from our other healthy games to revive the corpse that is OW E-Sports
>lets add a generic/bland healer heavily designed around competitive
>lets ban players for maining a character they like

>Let's add shitty noskill OP heroes into the game who ruin the fun and are not the least bit challenging but rather annoying to deal with

Attached: noskill.jpg (1280x720, 131K)

But they just added a new map, and are about to add a new hero, which are all 100% free.

New hero is a fucked up mix of shot other characters can do and is just there for
>muhhh diversity
And the map ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh the map, holy shit it’s a fucking trash map

I dont understand people who play overwatch and complain about diverse heros

>playing overwatch when paladins exist
that's your fault sweety

Hold up, at least overwatch changes after relentless barrage from their fans, I’ve played paladins for 2 years now and oh man, the developers are shiiiiiittt, they don’t care about half of what the game needs fixed, and they release heroes so fast so it ends up that they are always either op or just shit. I like the game but it’s not a good game buddy, it really isn’t.

It's the meta game that makes it so boring and stale

The post-WC3 Blizzard is just baffling. They hit the note on a game that inspires creativity and an endless churn of more content, only to spiral down to increasingly static game concepts that rely on Blizzard itself to provide content.

Actually no, it's not baffling. They wanted to sell microtransactions and letting players create and share their own content is antithesis to that.

Valve can kinda pull off converting user-made content into microtransaction items but that's a lot of infrastructure and r&d to get there.

git gud lmao

>no skill

it's remarkable that they haven't made a single good map in all that time. tf2 has so many classics after all these years. but whenever i think of overwatch maps i just get angry at how shit they were when i played it.

>>lets ban players for maining a character they like
They didn't intend for and didn't expect "mains" to be a thing, it's why each hero only has a handful of abilities and no loadouts or talent trees because players are supposed to switch heroes as needed. Like was nobody on the team non-autistic enough to realize people would have favorites and stubbornly cling to them despite what good game sense should dictate?

Adding cc to a shooter was a mistake. That's what made OW the most unfun experience I had in a long time.
>Oh you want to use your skills? Nah I can just deactivate them for like 6 seconds by literally just clicking at you. And I also have the same thing on my ultimate but this time it's aoe and basically instant.
>Oh you want to move? forget that because I have 3 mobility skills that all knock you up and there is nothing you can do about it if you have no dash yourself

There's only so many heroes they can make without ability overlap.
How many ways can you make a barrier tank with a shield ability without eventually having some overlap?
Having multiple characters that can offer the same utility (but the rest of their kit is different) would diversify the meta and make a hero ban system way more practical.

I despise nearly everything about Overwatch design. However Doomfist is a diamond in what is the roughest and filthiest piece of shit
>but the 1 hit kill
Only if you're a bad doomfist would you do that, because that punch is your main traversal option, engaging with that punch is a trade. You gotta combo your movements and learn at least a little of the advanced movement options to be a good Doomfist.

But everything else in Overwatch could die for all I care, they could even take away Doomfist and I wouldn't feel a thing so whatever.

To be entirely fair, Doomfist genuinely required no skill to play when he arrived and then was nerfed into the ground in the course of two patches.

I'm not sure if he's playable again?

Sombra only seems like a high skill character if you're trapped in gold/plat. In Diamond, Masters and GM literally nobody who plays Sombra is throwing because they can all aim and hit with most of her magazine and understand that hacking health packs is retard speed. Or was until the last patch anyway.

I've got no real thoughts on Moira. She's...alright, to be honest. Maybe a bit OP with the last patch buffing her HoT. Brigitte just ate a pretty significant nerf, but yeah, same as Doomfist arrived lolop and slowly going to be nerfed into the ground.

>Still no map filter for quickplay
>Movement is still fucked because no acceleration or friction
>Maps are absolute shite with choke points out the wazoo
>Power creep is insane.
>Content is a trickle of skins and voice lines
>60% of the cast is useless
>"casual matchmaking" is just competitive ruleset without ranks (???)
>Game boils down to who can press Q better
>Momentum in OW let's one team just destroy the other over and over. Small advantages in damage done lead to getting ultimates quicker -> Win
>No ammo so no way to balance map design.

I could go on and on. OWL is a joke and it's hilarious watching the casters try to make Reinhardt swinging his hammer exciting.

>You gotta combo your movements and learn at least a little of the advanced movement options to be a good Doomfist.
I disagree. Ambush Doomfist is Master-tier. Not burning your cooldowns on traversals is one of the biggest differences between gold/plat and masters players.

Sure, roll out of spawn with it because cooldown will reset by the time you engage. But beyond that if you're using it for anything other than punching people in the face you're basically throwing. Just like a McCree who rolls for reasons other than reloading or, I guess, evading Dragonstriking Genji while he waits for Flashbang cooldown to end. But ideally after rightclicking for maximum benefit.

As someone who plays hitscans and semi-hitscans (Ana, Ashe) the "no aim" heroes don't bug me in the slightest. They have limitations that prevent that from being a real handicap. And when you put someone like me on Hamspam or Orisa, you're talking about a totally different tier of "tanking" than someone who can't aim.

If you hate non-hitscans the harsh truth is you're probably more suited to playing them yourself.

Pushing OW as a competitive/esport game was a mistake.

Doomfist literally has some of the highest skill requirement in the game to play at a high level. He's also extremely buggy that hardly anyone touches him anymore.

The maps were the main reason I stopped playing. Just seeing the loading screen for Temple of Anubis sapped all of my energy and will to keep playing.

>blizzard in charge of balancing the game
they are terrible in anything competitive outside maybe starcraft. the same frustrating feelings i got playing wow arena rekindled when i started overwatch

>no skill
>doomfist post nerfs
>no skill

>hacking health packs is retard speed

Hacking health packs is why she gets played as a support in pro comps. Go back to bronze retard larper.

>Hacking health packs is why she gets played as a support in pro comps. Go back to bronze retard larper.
lmao wow

mad cuz bad, huh?

Sombra isn't in any pro comp, but when she gets played by one-tricks or a DPS main for support she only hacks the nearby health packs and focuses on keeping the dangerous cooldowns hacked.

What is it like to be this retarded?

I've played more Overwatch than anyone on Yea Forums I bet. Like 2,000 hours. Top 500 multiple seasons

Any I uninstalled a couple weeks ago. Just bad balance and slow updates have ruined the game. They unironically needed to delete Brigitte. Her release is the exact moment the game changed for the worse

Attached: mommymercy.gif (540x521, 2.71M)

Nothing any of you have said is true, they literally just added a new hero and a new map, heros require skill in their own right, some take more than others.
Everything else is just opinions that are shit, try actually playing the game with friends and getting to atleast Masters before having shit opinions, and even if you do those things your opinions would still mean less than nothing

I hate Blizzard and the state of this game too but they literally just added a new map and game mode, OP. If you want to talk shit about the game at least do some research first.

>meanwhile, in reality, they've added multiple new maps, new game modes, lootboxes are literally free, and events add new things

This. Overwatch has problems but it's not the lack of content, it's the shitty balancing.

new maps and new characters don't fix a broken game.

Honestly if a competitive multiplayer game NEEDS new content to survive then it's probably bad.

CS 1.6 , CSS and CSGO have maps that people play religiously for thousands of hours and use the same 3 guns for years. Tons of people keep playing that because the games have mechanical depth and there a tons of strategies and different ways to play a map.

Overwatch has like 2 ways to play a map, and every map is just a hallways that lead to a choke point that lead into a big square arena.

doomfist is a nigger

Is this bait?

>mommy where's your credit card?

You gotta be 18 to post here, champ.