Put +debug_force_EAAccess 1 in launch settings
You're welcome Apexbro's
Put +debug_force_EAAccess 1 in launch settings
You're welcome Apexbro's
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>it actually worked
How did Respawn fuck up twice in a row
don't even play this shit but ill boot it up for the free money
fucking delete this asshole
cheers brah.. you're all right
I don't trust them to do it twice in a row
what does it do?
not like i'm going to install origin but i'm curious
See pic related, gives you 10 free gud goy boxes essentially
Same happened with Twitch Prime and they didn't ban people either since they know its their fault
How does something like this even happen?
Is Apex any good? Havenmt had any decent multiplayer games in a while.
didnt try it for a while but fell for the pressure and goddamn its a good game
Huh. Well it's free so might as well give it a try. AT worst I just uninstall it and scrub anything origin related off my computer.
>it works
Nice, got 2 legendaries out of the 10 goy boxes as well.
can you still do the old ones? I've not done any yet
You can tell the game you have a code that gives you stuff from offers. Original it was the twitch prime pack, this time it's the Asus register thing. they take away the stuff tied to the offer, but if you open the packs or use the coins on packs, they don't take that stuff away
Twitch thing got fixed so sadly not
>origin has launch options
its ogre, steam is finnish
There's a twitch prime line just like this too,search it up.You can get a few free stuff out if it as well.
Like all BR games it's mostly shit with PUBs. There's too much focus on teamplay for you to get away with shitty team members
NVM,I havent deleted it yet so here it is
+twitch_prime_linked 1
they just remove it from command line and you dont get it anymore
It's safe right? No one got banned for the twitch prime exploit?
What'll happen if I spend the coins? It's not like they can take it away.
how do you setup launch settings in this client?
>he fell for it
make a new account, cause u wont be playing on the current one after next ban wave
Nothing, just buy packs open it up and you're good
Game library, select apex and go to settings, you can adjust launch settings there
>only one skin in the 10 packs
lmao it works
i got caustics legendary gold mask skin aka the only good looking skin in the game thanks @op
Nice try EAshill.
All the bans have been for hacking.
Sent an email to EA of the exploit. Should be patched in no time (:
thanks amigo
This seems like it is grounds for account termination
>account termination for a free game
oh no what ever will i doooooo
It's an Origin-wide ban, but that only matters if you were stupid enough to buy EA games
t. consolecuck
nah, they just removed that skin and probably the shit i got from those lootboxes
So there is no reason to do it because you cant enjoy your loot on a locked account?
Just a bit pointless if thats the case, no reason to do it then
nobody who did the twitch prime exploit got banned anyway
Literally no hackers or funny shit on the console version.
Sure you can't aim or maneuver for shit compared to PC players but neither can anyone else so it's fair, it's just as fun, the graphics are identical and there's no hackers.
Meanwhile every time I watch a PC stream it's "I think that guy was hacking idk". That shadow of distrust doesn't exist from the comfort of your couch
Lol just tried it thanks OP it's legit!
yeah but then 1/5 of the population uses KB&M which is almost as bad as cheating anyway. much higher chance of running into keyboard user then a hacker, so its actually worse
As in go ahead and do it, there's just a small warning that you might get banned but the probability of that happening is incredibly low
should i buy packs or should I just get Caustic?
I literally play on PC with a PS4 controller and dumpster kids. Fucking get good.
putting this on apex legends twitter and reddit right now
I hope all of you will be banned
Packs, you'll earn caustic fast enough by playing
this only works on PC retard
>banned from a free game
>I play at a handicap and sometimes succeed therefore I advise everyone to do the same
Packs. You stop getting them after you've levelled up enough, and by then you'll already have enough for Caustic
Doesn't work anymore
you can get characters f2p with legend coins, whereas goycrates can only be bought with goycoins, use the coins for that
So buy packs even if I want caustic and mirage?
Please do, the more people use this, the more money we jewed from EA
maybe if they let us do something with those fucking legend coins I would feel something for cheating them out of $10
I literally just did it like 3 mins ago. Just got the legendary egyptian prowler skin.
Every single one common common blue got free packs from twitch everything was common common blue. This is 100% of the reason why I will never buy packs.
Post boypussy
does this work on ps4?
only if you pee on it
I just did it and it still works, is it repeatable or just the one time?
I'd use this but that red dot on Pathfinder because of now revoked skin is pissing me off greatly. Don't think it's worth it to get irremovable red dots on a gun also.
enjoy your ban.
Not like i care about any zoomer game shit.
One time only my lad
>all these retards ITT
You wont get banned,people didnt get banned for the twitch exploit either,they only lost the pathfinder skin and thats all
I got 2 legendary skins(one for a weapon, one for a character) and like 6 assorted epic level stuff. Good shit
ah well, I just grabbed my packs and hoped for the best
I tried, now ps4 won't turn on and it smells pee. WTF?!?!?!
What do I do now??
Don't try it! Now mustard gas is coming out of my GPU.
it's not working anymore
What are youséjdsfj KLKJKfnsdfnÁWPOe lsada
>doing this shit instead of getting free origin access
>it works
>they fucked up
I'll bite, how?
>Put +debug_force_EAAccess 1 in launch settings
What did they do to the people who did this for twitch prime? I don't want to get banned.
What about the battle pass? Are you going to be able to buy it with their currency?
So the Flatline skin goes away if you remove the code, but you keep the currency. Flatline is garbage, so who cares. What's the chances they remove currency from peoples account though, shouldn't I try to save this for a battlepass rather than spend it on boxes?
They removed their Pathfinder skin
That's it
nah I was replying to the free origin access guy but didn't click his number when typing, already did the Apex thing before and it worked.
Fuck off shills.
all it will do is make them give it to everyone and put out a message saying they goofed dumbass lol.
Their boxes were left alone? Should I spend the currency then in case they try to take it away?
>10 packs
>literally jack shit
I don't understand besides money grubbing execs why we can't get 1 Apex Pack per level up like Overwatch. Jesus christ its full of dogshit
dont wanna get banned fren
>leak "exploit" on to market. It's literally a line in an ini file that lets you access free stuff that no programmer worth his salt would have put in.
>suddenly you have all these gullible retards downloading your game and launcher thinking they've somehow cheated you.
Stroke of genious he EA really.
how many are gay and trans
You won't get banned, this is literally just a marketing stunt.
you paid money for overwatch whereas you did not pay money for apex
the real question is how blizzard got away with selling lootboxes for a retail game
>using origin
Im ok with steam launcher.
Im ok with GOG launcher.
Im ok with epic store launcher.
But there is no fucking way I'm installing origin.
Dropped battlefield series just for that reason.
i bought 10 packs
then alt f4
why am i like this. i dont even play the game.
>Im ok with epic store launcher.
they haven't said yet, so if you wanna wait it out go ahead
Anyone not realizing this a marketing move by EA is a fucking retard.
who gives a fuck?
how do you even edit your launch options in Origin?
I didn't even know you could
i love you OP
Get a real job and stop shilling for EA
Imagine being this inept at handling computers.
Got a longbow legendary skin from the free packs
More or less the same way you do it on steam.
>Got absolute dog shit from the packs
Fuck this noise.
ok you're insane
On Steam it's easy
you just right click > Properties >Set Launch Options
I can't find anything for it on Origin
>not a single epic or legendary in all 10 packs
>actually managed to get a handful of dupes despite only opening like 30 packs so far
So fucking glad I don't buy lootboxes.
user, please.
What does the launch options in steam actually do?
Replicate that without using steam and there you have your answer.
Since I am a newfag to this, what kind of gaem is Apex Legends since might as well get in on the meme game of the season? And what does it offer to differ it from other games of its kind so I know what shitposting to expect?
oh god im so retarded what the fuck
i was looking at games that werent even installed
this game is shit and the "impressive" gameplay looks terrible compared to even the most average fortnite gameplay
if this is all clone free2play fortnite clones have to offer then we are fucked
t. epic game dev trying to hold down his job
>Playing Apex Legends
kek. Meme game.
It doesn't work anymore?
Dont. This is just a marketing move to attract people on the fence.
It is glorified Search and Destroy
I got the 10 boxes but not the weapon and badge
nvm if i leave the command it comes back
What you just described is the exact same way you do it on Origin, user.
>using jew coins on shitty boxes instead of waiting for battlepass
I lost the Twitch skin but kept all my goybox loot
Unlike the boxes,they can take away your currency while they cant take whatever you opened with the boxes due to how coding works
>buy boxes and get nothing
>get nothing or maybe $10 off the battlepass
fuck it ill take my chances
works fine
dont know im not looking at the rule 34
You need credit card to get it tho
>tying rewards to a clientside cvar
This feels like a honeypot.
At the very least, there will be repercussions if you knowingly exploit this.
This is also considering that EA and/or Bioware banned Anthem players for taking advantage of an oversight in look drops being more generous than normal in a certain area.
I used the Twitch exploits 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Still good.
Strangely 355k free accounts were created after the banning.
If they ban me from a f2p game...
It probably results in a loss of anything connected to your Origin account too, or anything premium you had in the f2p game.
I dunno.
This would be an incredibly, incredibly bad idea on EA"s part.
So yeah, you're probably right.
>you have no permission to access apex legends servers
bros... is over
Bullshit, still working fine.