Final trailer just dropped
Let's talk about the best action game of 2019.
Final trailer just dropped
Let's talk about the best action game of 2019.
Other urls found in this thread:
>souls combat with no weapon variety
yeah nah, DMC V shits all over it
I ain't watching the trailer because I've seen enough, but the game looks great. Can't wait.
Sooooo DMC thread?
why are you pushing the DMC V vs Sekiro meme
They have almost nothing to do with each other
What kind of retard would play this game with an English dub?
trash animations
>best action game of 2019
>dude linear hallways cuh-razy lmoa
literally style over substance
Holy shit that music is terrible
Why are people so obsessed with Devil May Crap
Yea Forums is really formulaic and does this every time a new game releases.
trailer made my hype drop. i won't be picking it up day one, and probably not ever. I think I'll just end up watching a playthrough of this one. My grievances are similar to most peoples. I'll list them and try not to get to memey with it.
>only one weapon
and it's a katana. One of the most satisfying things in all the souls games was sending some bastard flying or pancaking the fuck out of someone with a bigass greatsword or club. That feeling won't exist in this game. the prosthetic arm, if it even has a "big smash" upgrade, won't be a worthy substitute.
>posture mechanic
looks like it could be kinda fun at first, but not after a while. It's just sit around and get x amount of perfect parries until you can press rb to mini cut-scene 1/3 of bosses hp. Doesn't sound fun in the long run.
>monster/enemy design seems to have taken a step backward since bloodborne
this is probably the biggest one for me. i saw people here talking about the footage from those guys who went to Japan to play the game for a couple hours and got excited from the discussion. "dude, there's like this hedgehog centipede demon guy!" Turns out he's just like a dude with some spikes and attacks with claw weapons. Not creepy, looks nothing like a bug, not cool at all. *some* of the stuff in the trailer looks cool, but most of it doesn't. Like almost all the enemies are dudes in samurai armor and I can't tell who is supposed to be badass or important it all looks the fucking same to me.
every time I see this I go and look at DMC5 gameplay and get literally sad at the thought of buying it and wasting my time on those loreless corridors, juggling enemies like some kind of demented hot topic flame-shirted clown. i wish I could strangle each one of you autists with your waifu pillow covers.
>it's the same shitty american one
Oh for fuck sake.
So far it's looking great, I'm guessing the teleportation is a shinobi skill?
>Save your little master
>At all costs
I hope we can also remove some the HUD elements (the grappling hook pointer, for one), the obvious, large green dot looks ugly.
>feudal japan
>no variety
>core gamplay is still shit but now without stamina so you just dodge or teleport and swing your katana
It's been explained before that there is two katanas, and there will be combat arts to compensate the lack of weapons.
posted this exact same video with an anime picture in the other threads. what's your agenda?
i'm not trying to bait. What part do you think was bait? probably the second point. Can you correct me? I'd like to be proven wrong. Okay, look, I know regular enemies can be dispatched with out doing the "critical hit/posture break execution" animations, or whatever you call them, but what about bosses? as far as we know, and according to people who have played the game (albeit just the early parts), is there any other way to beat a boss?
I think it's more fun to be able to slip in hits and chip away at the bosses hp with my own attacks that aren't canned animations reducing it by large chunks 3 or 4 times.
i'm only posting souls images because i have nothing else vaguely relevant. i'm not trying to evoke the comparison, though i do think it's apt
>>core gamplay is still shit but now without stamina so you just dodge or teleport and swing your katana
try and research what the game is about before spewing shit
>tutorial boss is piss easy
Like the last 4 souls games, maybe excluding gascoigne.
The truth.
> Action games need exploration and lore
Nice meme boys
Looks like a day one pirate just like DMC5.
Best action game of the year already came out
This looks pretty boring, tbqh
wait really? where?
if that's true, that's still only two weapons... two katanas... and do you honestly think comabt arts will substitute for a variety of weapons? I seriously doubt there will be more than 12, and i seriously doubt even half of them will be good at all. Like the two we know of is the spin move and the delayed overhead chop. The spin move has got to be trash. an aoe that does low posture damage. The overhead chop may be okay. i have a feeling it's going to be ds3 weapon arts all over again, where most of them are so godawful as to not be worth using. you're better off just going for parries.
Like how there was ">5 WEAPONS", ">SICKDARK", and ">GUNS TO APPEAL TO THE CoD FANBASE" that plagued BB threads?
I guess wait until the game comes then. No one is forcing your hand to preorder.
Based and Redpilled
>huge fromsoftware fan
>not even feeling the hype for this game
>might wait for sale
Looks like a good game, but it just doesn't hype me up like the other game that came out this month. I say this as a major Soulsfag who has put over 3k hours into the series. DMC5 is gonna hold my attention for a decent amount of time.
It's about sumurai and ninjas. The fact that 90% of the animations of the katana swings and enemies are still copypaste only cement the fact that you are fighting the same way, only with a jump and a hook.
How many days until its cracked Yea Forums? After the ffxv fuckup and more recently the dmcv fuckup I bet theyre on high alert so no miraculous day 0 cracks this time around
okay amigos
sensible answer
Holy fuck
I'm gonna enjoy it, but let's be frank here, OP. It's a souls game. A FROM game.. It's not gonna be GOTY material. It's gonna be fun for a playthrough or two, but that's it.
There are much better games out there this year.
At least Ghosts of Tsushima looks okay
>Yea Forums says its gonna suck
Pre ordered
>two playthroughs
What are you going to use the second time? The hilt of the katana?
I'm not even remotely hype for that, but different strokes for different folks.
Sekiro will be a good game, but it has nothing that I look for from these types of games. And I know it doesn't have the Souls name, but it's very clearly in the same vein as those games, with how Miyazaki himself is comparing it to DS1 for world design and things. But, aside from the level design and the cool mobility, absolutely nothing in this game interests me. There's no insane environments. The only cool looking enemies they've shown so far are the monkey and the big-ass snake. There's no weapon variety - probably my biggest issue since I love heavy weapons. Even the music is whack. When you're fighting that big ogre thing from the demo footage we've seen it's just blasting these flutes and the loud-ass midi trumpets used in every Souls game, but even more busy than the most busy songs in DS3. Wish we could get actual instruments back like BB instead of this shit midi trash.
I dunno. I'll wait for a sale.
And what are you going to do for another year? Invade in DaS3 for whatever little online base it has left? Kek.
OH look, the false flagger posts the 10 month old demo version again. It doesn't work like this in so many ways in the finished game.
>Japanese game
>Set in Japan
>Japanese characters
Better play it in English!
>implying Dark Souls isn't GOTY material
>implying Bloodborne isn't GOTY material
reminds me too much of Souls game, I dont like it
they even re used Souls parry SFX at 2:30
looks boring, the theme also looks boring, I really like Edo Japan but the snow is not cutting it for me.
LOL no
Nothing as good will come in many years
So the whole "shadows die twice " calling-card gimmick of the game is that you get a second chance to fight when you die? That's it?
Literally doesn't have any same sfx from previous games, unclog your ears
around 2:32 you really dont hear it?
I think its you who has to unclog them ears
yo is that fucking bad moon rising?
>0.000001 Yen's have been deposited into your bank account. Greetings from FromSoftware™.
it's the sound from dark souls critical hits (not ripostes)
but it's not really "reused" as much as it is repurposed. All the sounds in Dark Souls are from a public stock sounds library. It's not exactly new. It's also a sound used in Dota 2 btw.
>game doesn't have any sfx from previous games
>it's the sound from dark souls critical hits
Man as good as Sekiro looks... I just wish there was SOME level of customisation. Just 1 weapon of each type; sword / spear / daggers etc, and unlockable outfits for fashion. That's all. Otherwise I can only see myself playing this maybe several times, which is a huge contrast to other From games I've poured hundreds of hours per title in
I know there's the skill 'tree', but all of them are unlockable on a single character, and comprise of either passives or just... more options, and the prosthetic arms / ninjutsu abilties are just swap-in / swap-out
Then don't buy it faggot. Piling on people at whom a game is targeted makes sense if none of them are excited and you want to roast them for it, like what happened with Diablo. But this game has people excited, they're trying to have a good few threads to talk about it, and you unloved, fatherless, dick-slicing abominations keep shitting up threads as if you'll change anyone's minds about the game. You're like a fucking BLM supporter shrieking people's faces for enjoying themselves and not giving a shit about you.
Why do you keep posting the same early demo version in every thread? There are countless videos of people playing that boss in the finished build of the game and it is quite different.
For example, in that demo version when the player falls to their death, they just appear back in the boss arena. That does not happen in the actual game, that's just a demo thing.
>He really is this autistic
Alright? Then what is it?
These are two different posters, no need to get your panties in a twist little cucklet.
It's definitely you who needs to listen more careful, it's clearly not the same sound, just a bit similar.
Shadows die at high noon because the sun is right above and doesn't cast shadows from objects, and at night when the sun goes down.
I wanted to discuss theories about the yokai-looking guy with the blue flames everywhere in the trailer, but I guess the same discussion with the same 5 retards doing their shitposting routine is also goood
I lost interest when I saw that you cannot do a trial and error approach in this game. How are you supposed to know how the enemies attack if you want to go for the good ending?
There are confirmed ways to reset the Dragonrot buildup in the leaked item descriptions. Not that I'd expect a namefag to not be a total retard
>It's just sit around and get x amount of perfect parries until you can press rb to mini cut-scene 1/3 of bosses hp
I think the game forces you to alternate between attack and defense, it's not that straightforward
Is there any confirmed VARIETY? Random enemy placement or something changes upon a replay? Any info on that?
*BB parry sfx*
>anime poster
what did you expect
Kappa can do a 1 shot anus visceral, and his blue flame imbued sword inflicts the terror status effect. That's about it really. I don't know jack shit about yokai so I hope lorefags will have interesting stuff to say in future lore threads.
>only played DeS and DaS
>skipped all the meme cash grabs
My body is ready.
Looks fucking scary. Same purple aesthetic as that headless miniboss that requires you apply divine confetti before fighting it if you want to damage it. What was interesting about that headless boss is that in the one video available online of someone fighting it with divine confetti applied, it regenerates all its health when the player has to reuse divine confetti a second time after the first one runs out. I wonder if this holds true for all of them, if there'll be an upgrade that lets you extend the duration of buffs and modifiers, or if the big samurai yokai guy won't regenerate all his shit like the headless when we reapply the confetti. Seems really tough from the looks of it.
Trivia on the headless guy btw, they seem like demons in Japanese myth who live in rivers and yank out people's "anus souls" to either keep for themselves or give to some kind of dragon river god. This lines up with the move they have where they seem to reach into sekiroman's ass and yank out some spirit emblems.
Not talking about the Headless (altough it's worth mentioning the one seen in the video seems to be in some sort of foggy forest and not the cave)
Talking about this dude, which I think it might be The Demon of Hatred maybe
>Only played the inferior ones
>Skipped the best games of all time
You sure sound smart
I'm a bit worried guys. I've just rewatched DS3 trailers and they showed almost all major bosses. I feel like Sekiro will be a very short game
The item that does this is that rare red and white scale-looking thing, I think it's called blood of the young master or something. Apparently it's rare.
Idk, I post picrelated sometimes and I didn't grow up oxygen-deprived.
>literally the same kind of shitposting used for BB
you guys are getting lazy
Why does he look so angry
Minibosses in Sekiro would be regular bosses in DS1 and DS2, and there's tons of them
Just this trailer, it confirmed the japanese sniper, a blind guy doing the Iai meme, and bull and I think those red samurai with flamethrowes might also be some sort of gank squad miniboss because footage shows a fog gate
Chained Ogre and the Headless are also shown in new locations so it's possible some of the minibosses might also appear several times
You get a different bionic arm color
>activision version
>not cashgrab
I hate namco but holy fuck
>the faggot awards
back to facebook
>seem like demons in Japanese myth who live in rivers and yank out people's "anus souls" to either keep for themselves or give to some kind of dragon river god. This lines up with the move they have where they seem to reach into sekiroman's ass and yank out some spirit emblems.
Pretty hilarious desu
I'm hoping they'll have their own take on the mythos.
>from software paying people for shitting on the game
are you mentally handicapped?
I enjoy cool prosthetic arms so I might try it
Man trailer music is shit though
Seeth. You wasted money and time.
So they're just not going to use music from the OST? Wack. And where are the waifus?
They're not.
Delusional. Have you even played a FROM game before? They're nothing special.
What's GOTY material to you user?
Looks alarmingly like a pile of shit to be honest.
>They're not.
please go
new hub waifu
That's a man
This isn't a hugbox for FROMshitters. Keep your delusions to yourself, nigger. You're worse than Sonic fans.
I challenge you to name ONE just ONE way in which this is better than BB or DS. Everything is a step backwards. It may still be fun but it improves nothing
respond to
The mobility looks a lot better and a lot less clunky.
no PvP subhumans
That was easy
>It's only GOTY when it's a game I like
>But you're delusional if you think yours is GOTY
actually kill yourself, underage
DS/BB PVP fags are the worst kind of scum in existence
Pirate day 1.
>mfw a person who put 300 hours into perfecting his twink builds invades me and then cries on random forums because I used an estus flask and beat him
kinda makes me regret only playing DaS3 online
take that back
Doesn't seem faster than BB to me. If you're talking about the hook so far it looks like a clunky gimmick. I've yet to see it work in non-gimmicky way.
Every souls game has a way for you to block PvP. Just use that if you hate PvP, dumb homo
This will be Froms best game
actually challenging combat instead of rolling through the entire game?
doesn't seem faster than bb are joking the regular movement of sekiro of is at the run speed of bb
You can go offline but you cannot get rid of design choices made with PvP in mind
meh, game seems solid as fuck, no idea why you so bitter but I've already pre-ordered so whatever
have fun because I know you will, silly monkey
complaining about a pause button when its necessary for when you want to switch prosthetics for weaknesses
she looks tired
>gimmick gimmick gimmick
shut the fuck up you mentally ill tranny
Are you dumb? Just do multiple playthroughs
How is it not a gimmick? How is climbing up a tree going to change gameplay on a fundamental level?
Adds more verticality to level designs.
>how is being able to move rapidly in 3 dimensions supposed to change gameplay compared to not being able to climb a 50 centimeter tall wall even when jumping
I've loved all the Souls games and BB, but I'm not delusional about it. I take their worth with a grain of salt, like everything else. Suck my fat cock FROMshitter.
>Adds more verticality to level designs
How is this verticality used in gameplay? This isn't a shooter, you're not fighting in a vertical space, you're fighting on a flat terrain.
Froms games are easily the best in the past 10 years.
Let's hear what games you think have been the best in the past decade. I bet it will have some embarrassing shit in it, like Witcher 3, or Kingdom Hearts 3 lmao.
You're the delusional one here.
They are quite literally above nearly all other games in this time.
>hook is a gimmick
The chained ogre proves otherwise.
The horseback boss proves otherwise.
It gives more room for exploration, for enemy placements and for strategic approaches.
>triggered FROMshitters
How can you tell a prime delusional fanboy? They just can't let it go that some anons opinion differs from theirs. Worst fanbase ever.
Meh. I mean i guess it looks good. For me personally it looks a little boring. It looks like the game is trying to take itself very seriously, but how interesting is the story and plot going to actually be. The visuals remind me of dark souls 3 and that game was pretty soulless for me. Definitely not going to pre-order but might pick it up on a later date. Probably will watch my preferred twitch streamers play Sekiro instead of spending the funds on my own.
you are unable to argue with no buzzwords. Opinion discarded
I'm just flat out not sold on the game as an action game worth getting over DMCV - I'm sorry.
Dark Souls dominated because there were zero action games out but that's no longer an issue anymore.
Fromsoft should have made a new Armored Core game or just a new IP that deviated away from the Action genre, because Sekiro just can't hold a candle to DMC5. I'm not trying to shitpost either, I'm being as genuine as possible.
Making Sekiro was a bad idea.
Making this comment was a bad idea. DMC and Sekiro are by no means comparable. Only thing they have in common is 3rd person action and melee combat.
>but DMC5
You idiots have tried to force this stupid rivalry between both game for months and it never work. It's time to stop
It's on the fucking OP, you faggot
Armored core was shit though, I don't understand why you fags want AC. Literally fuck off.
>soulscucks add "it just won't be as good as DMC5" to their useless whining
>every other part of the post is the same
How can you be so sure? the game isn't even out yet. You're just a DMC5 fanboy, don't try to hide your true essence, faggot.
what's up with all the DMC shilling lately? Since when do people play that cringey emo series and how is it comparable to a game with serious content?
Watch the Japanese trailer different music
Yea Forums made me never want to play DmC5 in my lifetime despite 3 being one of my favorte games of all time. Looking forward to Sekiro though the 1v1 fights with some of the enemies look sick and the death mechanic is interesting.
as someone who is excited for this game i don't see how players of souls titles who very much like the quantity of weapons and armors in the souls games are wrong for being pensive on whether or not sekiro will satisfy them. if some people play souls as something of an RP type game where they perfectly realize a character they have in mind, then clearly a game with a singular character and limited customization is going to be disappointing. it's ok for them to feel that way.
That's like being mad about no Souls gameplay in Dirt Rally. They're different games with different approaches. Why is this simple fact so hard to comprehend?
it's also not a souls game at all, so expecting it to be is just stupid
>flat out not sold on the game as an action game worth getting over DMCV
we don't care if you're in a nostalgiafag honeymoon now
this post has zero substance yet it reads out like it's supposed to taken seriously
no one is asking for an AC game
sekiro is THE new IP and is a vast departure from souls
>new souls
>cry it's the same shit
>not a souls game
>cry it's not souls
what else do you fags want? jesus christ
I just wanna see how it is gonna play out in reality, not a cinematic "gameplay" trailer.
it's hard to comprehend because souls players have had a steady stream of new souls games for a while and the fact that sekiro in part seems like a souls game while also not seeming that way rubs people who want it to be a souls game the wrong way. comparing sekiro to dirt rally is perhaps disingenuous. sekrio has the dressing of a souls game with its world design and storytelling and item management. dirt rally has absolutely zero to do with souls. sekiro has more than zero to do with souls.
You didn't have an opinion, you're just dumb and insisted what you think is right.
>masterpiece gets released
>meh, I'll just watch a streamer play it
The essence of nu-Yea Forums right here
i didint watch new trailer it spoils too much, 240h till release. waiting is killing me.
It honestly looks pretty bad. I don't even give a fuck about DMC or whatever other memery. It looks honestly clunky except it doesn't have the excuse Souls games have of having to adapt to different playstyles, animations and weapons - it's just clunky because muh parry timing fights, which just makes it look retarded.
It's called a hyperbole, user. I enjoy Souls games as much as the next guy, but expecting every fucking game to be Souls is ridiculous.
Besides, this place shat hard on DS3 because it was too much like Dark Souls, but all of a sudden they want games to be like Dark Souls?
>inb4 "not one person"
There's a thing called a general consensus.
I am right, although it's just my opinion. You just need to grow out of the hugbox mentality and think critically about the FROM games for once in your life.
Let go of the meme-state in your brain and realize that the games are very average at best.
>Besides, this place shat hard on DS3 because it was too much like Dark Souls, but all of a sudden they want games to be like Dark Souls?
this is a point i agree with. i was hungry for something more distinct than soulsborne and we seem to be getting that. my assumption as to why das3 and sekiro are poorly received is that people want more bloodborne type games which completely redo the aesthetic and setting of the game with some modification of the core battle system, but not excessively so. das3 was seen as a few steps too little after bloodborne, while sekiro seems to be in their minds many steps too far.
Fuck off already you mentally ill autist, you say the same shit in every single thread, and get proven wrong in every single one. Stop pretending to be multiple people.
>it doesn't have the excuse Souls games have of having to adapt to different playstyles
It literally does.
>it's just clunky because muh parry timing fights, which just makes it look retarded
The only one who looks retarded is you, the combat looks very fluid.
Open your eyes idiot and look:
Watch from 10:05
You can not claim that the combat does not look extremely good and fluid, far better than in any Souls game ever.
No, it's actually me who is right, you're just deluded by your hugbox mentality.
I am the one thinking critically, and the conclusion with that manner of thinking is that Froms games are objectively among the very best in the past 10 years.
They are factually 9/10 at least.
Ok edgy boi. Whatever you say.
>"just my opinion, I think your gaems r shiet/average": the post
I don't give a shit about your opinion either tbqh
How mentally and sentimentally damaged must you be to think someone is personally persecuting your waifu game enough to go around trying to find patterns in posts to embarass yourself in attempts at calling out shit.
I'm just trying to help you here, because that kind of mentality will not help you further in life. Good luck user, I hope you will learn to think critically and acquire better taste in videogames later in life.
will be the best game of 2019 period
user, no one is falling for your lies. You type the same way in every thread, it's easy for us to tell from your way of writing you are the same deluded person.
I fucking love Souls threads. Never played the garbage, but the people who do are always such huge autists and create the best laughing material on site.
>shadow of tsushima looks good
>Nioh 2 is exciting
>Sekiro also looks good
i think im turning japanese
I really think so.
That's very cute, little cuck. But the truth is you are the one with a bad taste in videogames. Froms games are objectively among the very best in game history, just a fact. There is no valid argument against this truth.
You can keep crying til eternity but that won't change. I think I see now, you must be a Niohcuck. They are among some of the most delusional fanboys in the world.
ahem kys
>implying DS lore was good or even well presented
Is coping this hard the only way you have to get by, man?
Name your GOTD NOW!
>le dark souls fanbase sucks meme
jesus christ i have never seen a community hated so much for no reason
>literally the only piece of actual decent criticism about the game
>completely ignored
yeah, I'd love some customization too, I unironically thought all those cool weapons enemies were using we'd get to use for interesting playstyle but nope
Are Souls threads the absolute worst threads on this site? My god, they're just fucking miserable.
too much shit posting from haters..especially DMC fags, don't know why they get so insecure about this game
Every year you guys become more and more psychotic and schizo. Its a game. Why do you care if people play it? Why does enjoying one game mean you cant enjoy another game despite some minor differences? Most importantly, why not spend this rabid amount of energy on something more productive in your life? Dont get me wrong, i like videogames too but lets just say ive tasted the spice of life, so i really cant understand why anyone would get so sour over this shit when games are something almost entirely irrelevant to life outside of leasure time. If you guys have nothing but leasure time i guess i could understand but that just proves my point that you fucks are going psychotic over nothing and could at any point just do literally anything else. Ill be buying sekiro though because i liked souls games and i dont mind the changes. If anything im looking forward to seeing the differences, why would you guys not want something fresh? Isnt that why you hate most triple A? Because its rehash?
the only truth in this thread is that you have autism
yo need to have some iq to understand convoluted storytelling to enjoy them, dont play games like silent hill or MGS.
Finally, a voice of reason in these threads.
Not watching the trailer but I'm definitely excited for the game. I still have some misgivings about it like the lighting in indoors dark areas looks a bit pooey and the lack of ragdolls is sad. Other than that I'm expecting an 8.5/10 at least.
i honestly believe that there are lonely anons who are so demented that they willing look for ways to argue with other anons (and themselves) for that sudden rush they get when interacting with another human being after weeks or months of isolation or solitude.
just lurk and let them be. some people are beyond help.
We will just have to see on march 22nd. Only gameplay ive seen is him fighting this faggot near some stairs. Launch trailer looks good though
You really need to give this a rest.
>read the leaked trophy list
>straight up tells you who the final boss is
Well I regret that.
people align themselves to franchises and companies like they are sports teams on this website, so they take all criticism as personally as the criticisms they give. super childish but unstoppable on an anonymous shitposting emporium
Not him, but it basically spawned the "git gud" meme and now you got people with the mentality of an 9 year old spewing git gud at everything like it's some sort of argument. The hate is justified.
I've never played DaS or Bloodborne because I don't find them too appealing.
Ninja Scroll is one of my GOATs. This seems to scratch that itch. Would this be a good babby's first entry into these games? The aesthetics look like Ninja Scroll/Samurai Champloo.
As soon as she is mine I will
alternatively when Sekiro comes out because I'll be busy playing it
And those unironic threads of "Hey, imagine if had Souls combat..." we had to endure for fucking YEARS.
I want to play an action game, not fucking skyrim, retard.
Why would you even want such an ugly skank. She's like a 4/10.
So this game won't deliver any of the fun from picking up a new weapon or deciding to use a new weapon for a breath of fresh air? Even DMC 1 had multiple weapons to use... What kind of action game has you go through the game with only 1 weapon? And only 1 button to attack with said weapon? wth. No character equipment or stat screen? This could be the most boring dull game ever made.
majority of fromfags who actually loves their games wont watch trailers.
Im glad im not alone, fuck.
I believe this 100 percent, i just wish i could be like the pope to the christians for these virgins and give them a pat on the head and cure their onset psychosis. It would be easier to terminate, but id rather kill the thought, not the person.
This i can understand a little better since sports people tend to get crazy, but even then, there are no rules of governing for this stuff. With sports teams you have established groups that can rally eachother and keep other groups in check (rival teams become allies if the guy across the pond starts winning) but with this shit theres no check and only rally. Its destined to create the worst outcomes if people cant self regulate.
Control your fucking selves, damn
You know that's not what I'm talking about.
Watch the trailer and stop reading misinformation. There are several weapons, the katana is just something you have from beginning to end. Equipment like armor probably wont change much since your playing an actual character and not a no name you can play dolls with. And why do you even need to see stats in an action game, you should be able to tell what your powerlevel by, idunno, actually playing the game?
linear chapters are shit tier design, there is no way you can ramp up difficulty with that.
Hasn’t got shit on Dark Souls. Souls will always be no. 1.
While I think that just having the one katana for the whole game can work if they make up for it by having the different combat sstyles and combining it in interesting ways with the prosthetic attachments, I really hate when people counter the complaint about a single weapon with ''IT'S NOT AN RPG / SOULS GAME!!'' as if only rpgs / souls games allowed you to have more than one weapon.
I personally used to be really skeptical anout this, I think it still could be okay if there is enough depth to the fundamentals of the combat so I'm giving From the benefit of the doubt but you have a legitimate concern in my opinion
as opposed to roaming a big empty level with no direction or even a storyline to guide it filled with enemies that die in one hit?
Friendly reminder that ENBposter
>carries around a photo of ENB's sister in his wallet and tells people it's his girlfriend
>writes erotic fanfiction about ENB and his sister where he self-inserts as ENB
>stalked Quelaag IRL and drove her off YouTube
Is it dual audio?
Yep, was confirmed dual audio on-disc months ago
What game is like that and why is it relevant to this thread? Sekiros level design is amazing as hell
Isn't that Lobos's girlfriend
Yeah but it's the same guy.
I've been trying to stay away from information as much as possible. Saw this comment in the thread so I figured I would ask. Thanks, now back to no peeking.
>constant markers telling you to press triangle and slingshot basically handholding you through the game
yeah, no thanks. I don't play watered down games meant for journos.
>activision publishing
>go dirt cheap on english va
>sounds like anime dubs
well from software had a nice run on good english voice acting. japanese voices it is.
I appreciate it trying to blatantly rip off Ninja Scroll instead of Berserk but it's limited by From's inability to do anything but copy paste Souls Shit.
Shame because i would really want a Ninja Scroll game. Nioh failed at that too and unfortunately NG is set in the near future.
That's one of the best trailers I've ever seen. The hype is real. This is going to be the best action games OF ALL TIME.
from soft games voice actors have allways been charming but those have been set in western style worlds, i propably play first time with englis so i dont miss anything important story wise.
Why even consider anything besides japanese voices when you got Guts' VA for the Shinobi in the jap dub
Dmc v sucks. You tickets tricked me into buying it and its an easy BOREFEST.
i dont care how good the game is, im not buying it and giving activision money
God, please delete this my man.
>Ninja Scroll invented ninjas n' shiet
you sound kinda stupid, no?
>Loreless corridors
Thanks user, you made my day lmao
Except bloodborne is GOAT material you dumb fag
but journos literally can't get past the first miniboss
Who are you quoting you dumb cunt?
You'd have to be a fucking mong or never watched the movie to not see all the references. And yes, Ninja Scroll is hugely influential.
good games do, that why dmc is pretty shit, only good thing in it is the combat, and enemy/world design was good back then,
The game isnt out yet you fucking goddamn retard
>there's a guy with a sword in a snowy area, the game is literally spoiled for me
See, everyone else thinks you posted this ironically as its supposed to be revolting, but i know the truth. The truth is you have at least a folder full of images as disgusting like that, and i guarantee its in the place you hide your porn. Thats what you like. Thats your shit. And your fucking disgusting.
>this piece of media set in this historical time period is the only reference for all other pieces of media based on this historical time period! I know because im an expert and watched it all!
(You) need to work harder than that whore
since august 2001
>abloo abloo berserk references
>ripping off
It's actually pretty amusing how many fall for this meme. Beyond the superficial aesthetics for a few weapons and armour, absolutely nothing else is """ripped off""". Lore is self contained, and has absolutely nothing to do with Berserk. I bet you think the hunter's mark is the brand of sacrifice too lol.
This. I don't understand the praise dmc v is getting. Especially here.
It's over.
>falsely compare two games that aren't even alike
>can't just, you know, play both
Are the people who make these retarded ass shitpost just poorfags who can only afford one game a year?
>hairy armpit poster
it kind of just looks like nioh.
Was that Atkin Downes as the fuedal lord?
>it kind of just looks like nioh.
You can't be serious.
no idea user. dmc looks like a upscaled ps2 game for pre pubertarian edgelords. if i wanted to play a actually good game in that vein theres always bayo.
>Final Boss of the series is a literal who berserk reference just for the sake of the reference
I forgot From drones are deluded retards
Lore doesn't mean shit, but DMC5's level design was fucking terrible.
i hate english dubs but dark souls VAs were amazing so if From was involved it wouldn't be bad
>falsely compare two games that aren't even alike
Except 90% of reused enemies, ai, moveset and mechanics*
>make the final boss a cool boss
>give it a Guts' flair
I see no problems with this. Again, is it really ripping off? Does Gael follow a similar arc as Guts? Or was his bossfight just an artistic inspiration from Guts' fighting style?
It has that because it is far, far harder than any Souls game ever was. You literally need those unblockable attack warnings or else the game would be unfair.
less in it's gameplay but more in it's fantastical interpretation on japanese folklore with all the demons and shit. feels very much the same. the only difference being we get a half breed asian protagonist this time instead of an ayran white.
What games are you talking about, other than DMC?
It's a Dororo and old Japanese folklore (stage plays) rip off mostly.
>Except 90% of reused enemies, ai, moveset and mechanics
big if true
I hope you're a Bongistani because they'll probably implement some kind of internet license system where below 70 IQ rats like you won't be allowed to ever get on the internet again
No it doesn't. The mythological creature designs are already far better in Sekiro, they were really uninspired and bland in Nioh.
What game has that? Sekiro clearly has no reused assets from any of their previous games.
Fuck you and your fake war between these games. Both look great.
Don't bother.
That was namco's marketing team. I'm sure any sensible game developer would want their players to experience the game without getting spoiled.
After watching the trailer 27 times and singing along after roll #7 i am FULLY ERECT.
i bet your this game's turbo sperg
there's no multiplayer component?
my sides
Man I really fucking hate nip aesthetic. It's always the same shit, wooden bridges, leaves, monks, bent swords of various sizes, teleports behind you, NANI, wooden houses, YOOOOOOO, etc. A culture as bland as its food.
I wouldn't be so sure. The Ashes of Ariandel trailer specifically omits Sister Friede's presence in the Father portion of the fight. TRC trailer specifically omits the second demon, obscures Gael in his cutscene, and omits player presence in the Spear fight.
>let's change the name and this reused assets are new
good goyim
So whats your favorite culture aesthetic?
Don't forget mysterious women using kimonos while walking like retards.
i'm not saying the game doesn't look nice, it's just an idea already done. maybe they do it better, sure. but it just feels kind of the same to me.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with using animation / model / sound assets from their earlier games as long as they adapt them properly for the new game. Saves dev time to other things.
La belle epoque
It just makes every game look and play the same even when you try to change important things. Look at Castlevania.
Eastern yurop of course.
Image reminds me, I wonder what all the armor asset creators are doing since Sekiro won't have a player character who can be fashionable?
I tried
Sorry, but I’m waiting for the real Souls ‘successor’
Anybody have any ideas for fun challenge runs? Seems like there is no way to do SL1 runs or torch only runs or anything like that... Sure you can do a no spending skill points run but that just makes the game more borring we will see how much harder exactly that gets. You can do a no spending prayer beads run I guess. Only real thing I can think of is a no death run.
Why the fuck is the bit closed to the camera smaller?
Im almost positive this is bait.
Now, i agree the european aesthetic is cool but its literally just as played out. My vote has to go to either egyptian because i love the flavor or maybe middle east/african. I also like native american aesthetic. Besides, europe isnt really like japan, the sheer size meant europe has more variety in itself then all of japan.
Vaporware dog shit
>false flagger instigating pointless rivalries between fanbases of games where there's a fuck ton of crossover anyways.
You are killing this board, but you know that already. I know you don't give a fuck about Sekiro or DMC5. You probably did similar shit to RE2 and KH3.
You're dumb as hell. Activision ja nothing to do with why this game was made. It was clearly made out of passion for making masterpiece games.
>From completes 5 souls games in span of decade
>leaves the “genre” with nothing creative left to explore
>they both created and tapped out the same well
>no rip off ever came close
>only now do the weeb trash waifu simulators come shambling in to squat where the kings have fled
is anyone else really expecting and hoping and almost completely sure we'll see a japanese style dragon?
Yea, I've yet to see the leaks actually though. Don't want to ruin myself.
I'm fairly sure there will be a dragon given how central they are to asian religions. I personally think dragons are dull but I can understand why other people would be excited.
There is at least a boss that talks during a fight.
What are you going to do then, you pretentious faggot?
This was supposed to be the game to hold me over for Sekiro, they fucked this games release by waiting so long
Read the subtitles because I'm not an illiterate nigger?
It's not the dragon specifically that's interesting to me, I believe one of the most important things in from software games is the sense of discovery. Sometimes you discover a new piece of lore or you enter a new area for the first time like Boreal valley or something. I'm confident there's a dragon in this game and what I'm excited about is stumbling upon and finally seeing that dragon, not the dragon itself. Just knowing there's stuff out there in this game I haven't seen yet gets me excited.
read the subs? this game is set in Japan it really shouldn't have a dub at all, but it's fine as long as there's options
It literally doesn't have any reused assets lmao. Open your eyes.
It would, if Sekiro had done that. Good thing every single thing in it is competitive new.
There seems to be way to many press X to awesome combat sequenzes.
If there is I'm hoping its an npc we can talk to instead of a boss fight.
Iactually hope you don't see them, user. Enjoy the game though.
You still have no argument. All you've done is lie about its reusing assets, when everything they've yet shown has been 100% unique and new.
>people are weebs for wanting to hear japanese people speak japanese in japan
kys dubfag
Your both idiots. You would be unable to read cause you're concentrating on timing your parries. That is what is going to happen even if you lie to yourself now.
I mean, its the most boring aesthetic. It also produced the weakest men in the world.
I hope you faggots are playing with japanese dub
>the entire video he doesn't try to block/parry the boss
>trys to play the game like souls even though it's designed completely differently
obivously I'm using Japanese dub and Japanese subs too, I can't AJATT if I don't
These , , and few other guys in this threads are falseflagging toddlers. They did the same when KH3 and RE2make came out; they tried to instigate shitposting wars between these 2 fanbases. Now that DMC5 has been released and Sekiro about to be released soon, once again they want these two fanbases to hurl shit at each other, all because the four aforementioned multiplats skip Switch release. Don't fall for their bait and just enjoy both games.
Those men fought ww1, user.
looks so goddamn boring
>defeats the boss
>"b-but you did it wrong"
Apparently you missed that interview where From said their vision of the game completely changed once they started talking to Activision.
So? I fought in the Great Meme War.
> lack of ragdolls
I mean that's a retarded complaint but the humanoid enemies do ragdoll
I liked it better when it was called Ninja Gaiden 2. If i wanted to build up to instantly be able to destroy enemies in cinematic ways I'd choose the game based around fighting multiple enemies instead of 1v1 souls garbage with boring ass parry mechanics. The posture mechanic is literally just a slower version of obliteration techniques.
And you lost it
More like sekino
Is there seriously only two areas? Japan mountain and snowy japan mountain ?
Are you really this retarded?
They're underage retards that want to do the joker meme of stirring chaos and sitting back watching it unfold. Except their pathetic attempt at starting a war only nets them a few (You)s and they failed miserably
theres at least 6 more japan elsewhere areas
Yes the entire game only takes place in two areas, theyre gonna make other areas on disc DLC
It's only weebland and that's that
Yes. Also there's zero new enemies other than the ones seen in trailers and gameplay
You goddamn moutbreather
Big if true
>DMCucks btfo yet again
What the hell are you on about? I absolutely adore Proust and all, but there's no way you can make a game out of early 20th century France that doesn't revolve around WW1.
Stop shilling. There's only one area. The other one is a gamestop preorder bonus.
RPG simmilar to bloodlines only this time you suck old counts instead of blood
>not even out
Sure, you do you man, but you're fucking stupid
>souls game with shit platforming
>buying a ps4 exclusive when the ps5 is coming out in a year
It's not PS4 exclusive
Oh then
>buying a souls game when the next xbox is coming out in less than a year
Ehhh you could do better.
The nextbox is still over a year away. November 2020
>next xbox
only if it has BB2
no BB2, no buy from me
Not really, Obliteration is more like a seize the oportunity sort of thing while this is something that requires building up to. It also makes fuck all sense feedback wise because it's a bunch of clanks and then the animation happens, it's not that satisfying and overbearing on the rest of the combat mechanics.
No way, they wouldn't dare break their 6 year update schedule unless they actually plan on doing any upgrades.
You really are a slow reader, huh? :)
>6 year update schedule
They push out a new console every 6 years, same with playstation
would playing nioh prepare me for this game?
dont lie. its just one area with and without snow. thats the only difference. i cant believe from has fallen so low as to release a 30 minute long game for 60$.
>2001 to 2005
>2005 to 2013
>2013 to 2020
You are a fucking moron
Reminder that 90% of the people in this thread that say they will wait for a sale have it on preorder. They're just mentally ill drama queens. Keep that shit on discord, trannies
weak b8 m8 I r8 8/8
I wouldn't had played another soulsborne anytime soon, enough is enough, this looks better for now. but you mentally ill retards don't forget to complain about another company's next complete rehash.
>2005 (two years early to undercut ps3)
>2013 (a year early to once again undercut ps4)
Sometimes I'm ashamed I share a board with you drooling niggers
>The same as Playstation
>Say it's not
>Continue to prove me right
just fuck off.
PS4 also came out in 2013 you enormous faggot
>2006 to 2014(2013) is 6 years
>12 years for two releases
>20 years for 3 releases
>ps4 took two extra years so it doesn't count
I think you're actually a nigger
>12 years for 2 releases, lets just split it down the middle despite that not being how it works
You are literally retarded
How about mesoamerican aesthetic? All of those theories about Bloodborne 2 taking place in mesoamerica with blood sacrifices sounded really cool.
>they didn't rush xbox releases to undercut playstation
Stop pretending to be retarded please, it's pathetic
>Let's talk about the best action game of 2019.
nice drone mentality
Nioh ripoff.
If Nioh's any indication for how a samurai souls game will go down, it'll tank.
Just treat it as "Royal Guard: The Game"
>Especially here.
But DMC is Yea Forums's baby since the beginning of the site pretty much
she has more ass then ever in this pic
I want to fuck Japanese Big Boss!
fucking soulfags are the worst
Sucker punch shill.
>Holy shit that music is terrible
fucking this
stay mad retard those awards have no fucking value
Wow, fag.
the games not even out yet wtf
Japan knows not to put retarded pop music in the trailer too.
I made many trannies and deranged lefties sudoku