March 2019...I am forgotten
March 2019...I am forgotten
>disallow people from buying your game
>expecting them to talk about it
wtf I thought epic shills said the game was a huge success
>tell people to buy your game or get no more games on PC in the future
>people no longer care about your game
I wonder if the game would have been more popular there would have been backlash from the 9/11 joke
>restrict sales to an immature platform for one year
>surprised at lack of interest from the wider community
Played both previous games multiple times and bought on both steam and gog.
I am not installing another client.
its not alone.
2019 first quarter has a lot on its plate.
Ace Combat
But Metro is the fastest quickshot of the lot.
>About to buy it from Epic cause competition is good
>Also don't want my entire library in one place
>Find out about the exclusivity deal
Fuck'em, Imma buy physical from a local store.
metro was always a niche game, this release was their biggest though
it wasn't even a joke, more like a reference
Game doesn't exist to me until next year. Still don't know what they were thinking with that Epic deal. Not even Anna magically turning into some top tier waifu after being a frigid cunt in Last Light can change my mind.
You don't seem to know what competition is.
>Final Fantasy 7, 9, 10, and 12 for xbone
Isn't the physical a Epic store key if you buy it on PC?
Competition is not monopolistic exclusivity, that's for sure.
how did it sell? i'm someone who played the other Metro games, would have definitely bought it, but lost interest once it wasn't on steam and now I don't really care at all. there had to be more people like me.
Didn't think about it... Thanks, I'll make sure before buying.
It is, there's no DRM-free version.
Did Glukhovsky contribute to the story in this one?
>Not even Anna magically turning into some top tier waifu
Seriously where did this come from? She's constantly all over Artyom in Exodus.
They actually cant say, Epic prevents them.
200k sales on Steam (only preorders and before the epic store nuke)
+50% physical UK sales compared to last light
that's all we know
Aside from all the epic exclusivity bullshit, there's genuinely not much to talk about. With the previous games they were contained to linear-ish areas that were lavishly detailed and had interesting lore and story stuff everywhere, in Exodus it's all the same tiny outposts with generic baddies wandering around aimlessly with AI that would make CS1.6 bots embarrassed to be seen around. There's hardly anything there outside of what the plot gives you. Sure, you could probably go to youtube and find some "top 10 secret easter egg references" list, but in the last two there were so many you didn't need it, people made post after post of little interesting things they found that fleshed out the world. It's such a shame how unbelievably cookie cutter open world Exodus was, but I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. At least the bits on the train were interesting.
No one is releasing the sales figures for PC, a sizeable number of purchase came from pre-orders on Steam. Epic is keeping a tight seal on that probable fuck up.
On Console its Ok-ish, Far Cry New dawn outsold it.
>areas that were lavishly detailed and had interesting lore and story stuff everywhere
I was afraid this was going to be the trade off with Exodus. The stations of the Metro were presented with such detail that each one is almost unique from the others.
I knew an open world setting would take that away, i was still exited because it was set in Russia, but there is still a fucking Desert in it. I fucking hate Deserts.
Metro was always shit
People just hyped this game as last light was popular benchmark agen they buy PC parts for last 5 years
Metro has always been a disappointing series even clearskys that's effectively metro v0 is better than this shit
Like cool games to scratch stalker withdrawal but not worth over 8$
Metro 2033 was great as a game and not just a tech demo, at least the first half is but it kinda goes to shit after that.
clearly not the fastest since kingdom hearts 3 wasn't even on your list
no VR no buy
well its not multi-plat.
I didn't even know it was released, thanks i guess.
> lmao dude
> what if we prevent people from buying our game
> haha bro that would be hilarious
> slap denuvo on top of that shit
> thses gamers are going to be seething kek
It is, just not PC, it came out on xbone as well
>lmao dude
>what if we gave a fuck about PC gam- i mean pirates?
>that would be hilarious. Anyway, do we have the extra content ready for our valued ps4 and xbone users?
>yes sir
>lets lessen the people who can buy our because of negligible amount of people who doesn't buy out games
>clearly we are geniuses
Nothing worth remembering. The game had no soul whatsoever.
not all. METRO EXODUS is like ever second youtube add i see.
It's only myth. Nothing else...
>Battlefront 2 sold more copies on PS4 in Australia than this
As with the previous Metro games I'll pick it up when the Linux version shows up on Steam.
Metro was always a relatively niche series for the STALKER audience, they went way over their heads with this AAA-tier marketing and general cancer.
a niche for a niche.
that just sad.
I was going to buy it. But the fact that they removed the game from steam so short of being released put me off. Sure, it's understandable if Epic gave them a lot of money for the deal, and they end up getting more revenue from it's shop too... It's more because they did what they did rather than it having left Steam in favor to the Epic Store.
First of all Metro games weren't that popular to begin with. Purely single player, story driven shooters. They had, at least if memory serves right, quite intense parts that were actually hard. Not your typical blockbuster generic rooty tooty point & shooty game. The fact that it is "forgotten" month after release isn't anything unusual. Especially given the fact that they pulled off Steam, effectively passing on a lot of money they would make from bundles and shit in the future(how previous games got most of their popularity). So yeah. Kinda "niche" game and bad idea to pull the title off Steam. I will be surprised if we see another Metro, not counting on it...
The game isnt fun
Wasn't it buggy as shit if I recall? I remember it not looking that great when it came out.
>let's take an already niche series and make an exclusivity deal with epic which is shady as fuck and people already dislike for a multitude of reasons including the fact that their launcher is garbage
I still don't understand the thought process behind this.
shes his wife you mong
Epic is trying to gobble up as much of the market as it can, trying to have stable base as a sales platform. The Publisher has been paid top dollar for this so money isn't a big deal for them. Fortunately its a fucking retarded marketing move and along with Fortnite dropping in popularity, Epic is eating shit at the moment.
Sadly for the developers they are the ones taking the hits here, they would past into obscurity in the long run and the publisher might even push them deeper in.
welcome to modern hype culture...everything is the biggest thing until a week after launch
>reading comprehension
Every metro game after the original 2033 was dogshit so I doubt this one was any better.
Yes I'm aware of that, but there's not build up towards her acting this way. I's almost as if their romance was supposed to be built up in Last Light but got scrapped. I know the 2035 book is a thing and their broken mess of a marriage finally becoming a loving one at the very end is expanded upon there, but the books and the games are so different in terms of characters that I don't consider them part of the same universe.
Played an hour
>metro station looks nothing like actual metro station, more like random underground
>in 5mn you discover a big conspiracy (theres survivors outside of Moscow) but it’s poorly written and there’s already too many scenaristic flaws for me to keep going
I’ll pass I guess
didnt do well on twitch
Didn't she open up to Artyom at last light and she lovingly took his seed during their isolation together? I suppose they just expect everyone to build from that, though they do end up together in the novels.
Speaking of which do they have a kid in Exodus?
Really enjoyed the game, although after the forest area the game seemed a bit rushed. Hope we get more story content soon.
watched my cousin play it for a couple of hours, game looks boring as shit.
Metro was always a bad franchise. Ultra linear games with tons of following a slow NPC and waiting for him/her to open doors/interacting with stuff for you.
Good, it deserves to be forgotten for ditching the atmospheric closed metro for open world garbage.
I just finished it yesterday on PS4. I liked it a lot. I wish it had been longer though, or at least the parts towards the end would have been longer than Caspian and Taiga instead. Story was good and everything about it was way, way better than that trash heap Last Light. Much closer to 2033. Needing to peacefully stealth through the whole game for the good ending is boring though. I'll probably play through again and kill absolutely everyone.
>Speaking of which do they have a kid in Exodus?
No, but they plan to.
>poorly optimized
>shit story
>weapons suck
Shit game, now excuse me while I'll go playing some "waiting for DOOM 5" game again.
Dead City is the best part of the game besides Volga and it feels rushed because it's too good to be so short. The ending did feel kind of abrupt too though. I wanted more of that level. The blind ones are horrifying.
I'm slowly playing through it. DmC kinda took over the past few days, probably weeks, but I'm going to go back to it.
>physical UK sales
>flying moon elephants
who even keeps reporting this
Everyone one of you dicklets are fags. You are worse the the most onions infested tumblr snowflakes.
execs don't think as you do, all they want to hear is "you will get more money out of this deal" and fuck everything else.
Steam takes a 30% cut of every sale. Epic takes 10% for an Unreal powered game. Do the math you over sensitive fuck.
10% cut of zero sales is a lot less than the 30% cut on millions, kek
I sure love getting dataminers on my pc for corporations getting more money. Win-win
How does that benefit me? They won't lower the prices.
Why do people treat this series as if it's something amazing, anyway? It's just another cinematic fps with boring guns and slow movement.
>The biggest game in the history of the world is exclusively in Epic
>Literally nobody gives a fuck
>Ruskie dev Switches from Steam to Epic but honors every single Steam pre order
> you sure showed them, tiger
>t. Gaben twink
ad hominem
I want to get this game but I'm slightly afraid it will leave me feeling like pic related.
Wasn't far cry new dawn a huge flop that sold like shit
>censored in PS4
it will
It was
People will keep talking about DMC 5 kiddo
That last level fucking sucked. What a total disappointment. Also each area ended too abruptly. Honestly, the only thing that stuck in my mind was the cannibal bunker.
Why do women in post-apocalyptic worlds always have perfectly shaved armpits?
I thought exactly that but it's not that hard, she is a soldier so she probably uses her knife
she is a married women, it's not unthinkable that she'd shave her armpits
There really is a lot to like about Exodus, but the open world sections are easily the least interesting parts of the game. They were also integral to 4A's marketing efforts, so the hype dies really fast as soon as you realize it's no STALKER. It's a shame though, because the linear sections and the Aurora are really good. Even the last two maps were good because they didn't try to be Far Cry.
They rolled her armpit hair into the ciggies.
But why? It's not beneficial to your survival in any way.
At least shaving a beard means gas masks will seal better.
She is still a woman besides, spartans are not the super serious tactical soldier types
>niche game
>sold better than LL anyways
>dur its because the move to epic killed it guys
>Metro games
>linear as fuck
>scripted and cinematic as slavic CoD of sorts
>STALKER audience