Can someone explain to me why console players put up with an objectively inferior experience?
Can someone explain to me why console players put up with an objectively inferior experience?
Other urls found in this thread:
They're either poor, mentally challenged, or from a shithole country
Stockholm syndrome, they need to justify their purchase. Also exclusives
They don't know better. Their games are never this fast.
They don't know better because their games are never this fast.
It doesn't matter desu
I like the motion blur, it looks more cinematic, 60fps is to realistic
Not sure really. I only play exclusives on consoles. Everything else I play on pc.
Consoles have games. PC is for spreadsheets and shitposting, no exclusives
Shithole countries vastly prefer PCs. They just tone the settings down until they get ~60 FPS. Can't do that on consoles except for a few enhanced titles that have performance mode.
60FPS only matters in games with a first person view. Prove me wrong.
They're dumb, poor and lazy.
Brainlet tier question, OP.
Consoles aren’t just for games anymore, they’re multimedia ecosystems from which you can access the TV, Netflix, On-demand movies, music, YouTube, etc.
They're retarded.
It's so that they can have nice graphics on 2013 laptop hardware all the while claiming they don't care about graphics.
>Consoles have games.
So does PC.
Because I can enjoy myself without sperging over numbers.
PC is literally going to have every XOne exclusive and future Xbox titles as well. At the same time, PS4 has been losing third-party exclusives to PC left and right. Soon the only exclusives there are going to be will be Sony's first-party (which will most likely go to shit anyway considering their shift of focus to shitty Western cinematic experience) and Nintendo first- and third-party exclusives (which will be easily emulatable). Add to that, almost every single game works better on PC. Even a shitty port is almost always better than the console version.
>they’re multimedia ecosystems from which you can access the TV, Netflix, On-demand movies, music, YouTube, etc.
I can literally do all of this from my laptop.
>all that shit on the left no one wants to play
lmao @ pcfaggots
Do you think getting smooth framerate is just for number wanking? Stop being retarded.
PC market is bigger than both console markets, sweetie
Most TVs have in-built apps for all of that too. Neither console nor a PC is needed for all that.
I don't play action games.
Fighting games
low IQ
Anything with timing measured in milliseconds it sort of matters since you have half that time to act/react on a console. Not that it matters with FPS since they're all just hitscan and RNG
there's no point in proving retarded people wrong, user
I know you can’t relate to this, but people DO have friends that they like to watch shit with
Yes that's what this thread is. Cope for pcfags.
I'd rather play a great game at 30fps than no game at 60fps. When it comes to multiplats, I simply don't get them on console if they run at 30fps. What's hard to grasp about this?
Im having more fun than you :)
because the experience is exclusiveto consoles
>fighting game
FPS in FPS is important
you DO know nobody watches TV anymore, grandpa?
My home screen is operated by my PC and I watch BRRips for free because I'm not a peasant.
They are slow in the head, so it's tuned to their cognitive speed.
console retards be seething
No you're not.
This. Their games are built around the hardware, leading to a better experience overall. Most PC games are just glorified tech demos who put in random gameplay elements "because we can and it look cool1!!!".
You have no better way of storing your games?
>lotion and tissue
do american really do this? Why do you need paraphenalia to masturbate?
You wondering why people can enjoy experiences that you don't makes you far more retarded. Oh boy, I got used to playing 60fps and now I cant enjoy excellent games that dont run that smoothly, must be those consolefags who are the dumb ones.
Lack of foreskin.
cutfags not even once
>Hey user we are going to spend all day staring at a screen and never shut up about what's happening
I prefer great games at 100+ fps.
>pic unrelated
I dont play competitive games. I dont care about fps.
>I'm hindering the experience for everybody. That's okay.
So do I, but if that's the only thing you allow yourself to play then you're missing out on most of the greatest games of all time.
Imagine not playing at 200 FPS, pitiful
Nice assumptions retard.
>Console players apparently don't own computers.
This is the laughable notion upon which PC-only players cling to like a piece of driftwood while lost at sea.
I'm not even angry. It's just sad.
I'm not hindering anyone's experience if you're thinking I'm a consolefag enabling these trends. I only have a PC out of the current gen devices.
Rhythm games need as much info as possible to register inputs = more fps needed
Also applies to fighting games and racing games
There is a term for that: post-purchase rationalization.
I'm pretty sure most console warriors are just kids who are stuck with whatever they got for Christmas, though. Any adult who gives a shit about exclusives can afford to go idort.
tfw poor, autistic and live in the united kingdom
random gameplay elements? what fucking rock did you crawl out of faggot?
never heard such a bullshit defense in my life. you obviously have no fucking clue about whatsoever.
>Yea Forums actually defending 30 FPS
What the fuck happened to this place?
Like he said, shithole country.
The amount of retardation to truly unironically believe that console players don't own a PC is hilarious.
>implying 30fps doesn't look better and have a more cinematic feel.
But being british is better than being a burger.
imagine playing not with gsync cuz im a poorfag and still run games without any sync.
but hey i got 200fps.
Not really at this point.
not really
How's that Brexit going?
Pc fags be coping!
>When to use specific FPS
240+: whenever possible if you have the games and the pc and the monitor to support this framerate
144: Fast-paced competitive shooters
60: Everything
30: Exceptionally slow-paced shooters that have auto-aim + aim-assist or 3rd person action/adventure cinematic games with slow movement
15: Any game where you want to achieve the illusion that you're pushing your pc to its limits (I do this with Skyrim beautification mods because high fps in that game makes it feel cheap so I play with a choppy fps to pretend I'm using premium graphics. By capping the fps to 15 it gives it that N64 expansion pack effect where by activating it you feel like you're getting a boost to visuals by losing fluidity. If you didn't have an n64 you wouldn't know this feel. Think about Turok 2 without the expansion pak where it's smooth but blurry, but with the exapnsion pak activated it becomes choppy but clear and sharp, that's what I'm talking about)
>15: Any game where you want to achieve the illusion that you're pushing your pc to its limits (I do this with Skyrim beautification mods because high fps in that game makes it feel cheap so I play with a choppy fps to pretend I'm using premium graphics. By capping the fps to 15 it gives it that N64 expansion pack effect where by activating it you feel like you're getting a boost to visuals by losing fluidity. If you didn't have an n64 you wouldn't know this feel. Think about Turok 2 without the expansion pak where it's smooth but blurry, but with the exapnsion pak activated it becomes choppy but clear and sharp, that's what I'm talking about)
What the fucking fuck.
In most cases, you can lower FPS on PC, AND have your motion blur.
Third person shooters, like GTA 5 for instance, often need the 60 FPS. Anything that requires split second timing is basically on the books as better with 60+ FPS, and often times better with 144 FPS.
What? I love playing ARMA III! Command and Conquer is way better on the PC, TF2 on consoles hasn't received updates in years, I play Civilization often, Miencraft is decent on PC, I play DayZ, I only own the original Starcraft though, I use MAME often. You're just being an idiot at that point.
60 FPS looks smoother, but otherwise yeah, probably not needed for action games unless you need an extra level of control(and with that you aren't playing on console for, unless it's the Wii. Motion controls are very precise, when done right of course.)
Your logic is infallible. /s
And this is the crux on why console exclusives are stupid. Why should great games be limited to specific hardware?
Well, noone says you shouldn't like consoles if you really like the experience, it's just that you shouldn't claim the console experience is better than the PC experience when it's objectively false.
Mortal Kombat, pretty sure it got locked at 30.
Your logic is, once again, infallible user. /s
"Most PC games" WHICH ONES!? Please, enlighten me on how "most PC games" are just tech demos! Especially the cross platform ones!
Pretty sure the argument here isn't that they can't enjoy great games that naturally play at lowered frame rates, it's that consoles often lock the FPS to 30 when the PC is able to do 60 and it hurts them during gameplay.
Here here!
Even casual feels better with 60 FPS, play CS:GO to know what I mean.
Well, apparently they fucking own phones because none of them have ever tried to game with their computers that are no doubt at least as good.
Racing games are first person. Anything else is cheating.
don't bother doing 2/2.
>mass reply
This, 60 fps is so out dated
>15: Any game where you want to achieve the illusion that you're pushing your pc to its limits (I do this with Skyrim beautification mods because high fps in that game makes it feel cheap so I play with a choppy fps to pretend I'm using premium graphics. By capping the fps to 15 it gives it that N64 expansion pack effect where by activating it you feel like you're getting a boost to visuals by losing fluidity. If you didn't have an n64 you wouldn't know this feel. Think about Turok 2 without the expansion pak where it's smooth but blurry, but with the exapnsion pak activated it becomes choppy but clear and sharp, that's what I'm talking about)
That's fair.
Yeah, it happens and it sucks. It also kicks in when you're trying to justify a parent's gift sometimes.
Yeah, it's uh... A weird experience to read.
Honestly, I only say it if someone else brings it up because "well apparently this guy has never touched a PC, or else I'd understand what the fuck is going on right now!" As my friends like to, admittedly hypocritically say, "the one that says another is without a PC is usually the one without a PC!"
Well looking better is subjective, but the cinematic feel is over rated for sure.
This entire thread is just people flinging shit at eachother at this point.
sums up my reaction pretty well.
God this thread is a mess, and there's pretty big lack of images.
ok, this is fucking based
Forgot to mention that my previous post was 2/2.
Too late, did it. I was just responding to those that rubbed me the wrong direction.
More efficient this way. I didn't want to reCAPTCHA several more times that I had to.
cringe pcfag cope
I... Don't play games. Don't have the time to anymore. Really I ended up on this forum by accident and just saw this and wanted to give my thoughts.
Above 60: never
Fixed, there's no reason to ever go above 60 FPS, more resolution and graphical effects are a better use of processing power than 61+
lol kys retard
Fuck, I did say forum. Bad habit, partially cooked because I rarely reply to posts.
Fuck this thread, jesus.
How about you first, because I got some unfinished business before I do kill myself.
You're going to end up with an excess of processing power eventually, so why not direct it towards anything above a 60? It's already proven that 144 FPS is a much smoother experience if you have a monitor capable of handling it. I've seen some of my friends play CS:GO with 144 FPS and it's fucking butter, I'm telling you.
Consoles have better exclusives
You don't need to respond to everyone, let alone all at one you fucking autist.
>Their games
This thread rubbed me the wrong way. If it rubs me the wrong way, I respond, I'm just a simple guy.
Why should they have exclusives at all!? Why should EVERYONE be limited in their choice of games?
>implying 60fps is fast
>implying 144fps isn't the current hot shit
>implying you aren't a faggot
Stop fucking posting.
Then pick your fucking battles and respond separately.
You don't need to checklist the shit out of the entire thread, it's annoying.
ending this with a olimar grabbing at 150% with a blue pikmin is like a cut to dark with a gunshot
Call me cringe all you like, because it's sort of true. Pretty sure I'm an embarrassment to watch when I try to do something productively at work.
>There's no noticeable differenc-
I think even console kiddies don't use the 'there's no difference bawwww' bullshit argument anymore, they use other methods to cope.
>PC is literally going to have every XOne exclusive and future Xbox titles as well
You're aware that microsoft has been none-existant this gen because the xbone doesn't have a single good exclusive?
yikes double cringe
I’m gonna be totally honest with you, when you’re used to lower framerates and resolutions it actually doesn’t bother you. You know how Quake looks like total ass now but at the time it was hot shit? It’s the same principle. If you literally never play AAA games on a top of the line PC then PC’s horsepower advantage might as well not exist. Console games still advance graphically over the years so you still have a sense of things getting better, and all of the games that REALLY need 60FPS, like fighting games, tend to have it on consoles anyway.
t. Boomer idort and professional gamedev
Is this the thread where you guys try to convince yourself your superior because you play games at a computer desk and not your sofa?
This could really use an update, PC has gotten about a million new games since then, at least 200 of which I'd want to play if I had the time.
As someone who primarily plays games on PC, I have to say I notice a low frame rate much more easily on PC than on consoles. It's a combination of sitting further away from the TV and the analog controls being much slower. A bad frame rate is most noticeable when you jerk your mouse around quickly.
Joke's on you, I've installed a sofa at my computer desk.
>A bad frame rate is most noticeable when you jerk your mouse around quickly.
This is a very good point
Just because you asked me to stop checklisting this thread, I'm going to now.
>tfw shootmania died before it ever begun
>quake dota edition lasted longer
the 60 fps looks way too fast and slick, like cgi, the 30 fps induces a false sense of motion blur and it's actually more appealing to the eyes in some cases.
I don't think you know exactly what that term means. You're using it incorrectly. I honestly don't give a shit how other people game. I just come here to discuss actual games, queer.
Because analog sticks.
Your brain processes the delay as the part of the dead zone.
Mice don't have dead zones so it's immediately obvious when you move the mouse and there is an input delay.
Most people don't care as long as it plays the newest cowadoody and FIFA game.
Nobody even falls for this sort of bait anymore, so what's the point?
and theres literally nothing wrong with that, better them than mobile. hell better them than MOBAs
>if you didn't spend 3 grand on a pc you're not a REAL gamer like me
Imagine being this big of a faggot
It's not only that, it's the sheer speed at which you can move the camera around with the mouse. If it takes you 1/5 of a second to do a 180 turn with a mouse, that's gonna be 12 frames with a frame rate of 60 and only 6 frames with a frame rate of 30. It's gonna be very noticeable. With an analog stick, doing a 180 turn might take a full second or two, meaning you get many more frames during the entire turn which will make it seem less jerky.
>you need $3000 worth of hardware to play games at 60FPS
Say what now?
>implying I'm not playing games at 60fps on my $800 PC
Get on my level pleb boi
All fucking great and on point answers.
Imagine still thinking it takes 3k to build a decent PC
>can play at 30fps just fine
>99% of games I want to play are availible on consoles
>buying gaming PC gives me not many more games I want to play to make that purchase worth it
>prefer gamepad even before I switched to consoles
>PC centric genres absolutely don't resonate with me
>ease of use of consoles
>5 year old laptop is good enough for everything I want to do on PC
And since upcoming PC games still not interest me, looks I won't buy gaming PC for a long time.
>naming Operation Flashpoint in 2019
It was great back then but it has aged like sour milk filtered through an anus.
Because unlike you they aren't autistic. 10 FPS is playable. You're at a disadvantage, sure, but technically so are the guys at 60 FPS rather than 144 or some shit.
If you find the game fun at 30 FPS, what's the problem? Besides most people are not willing to splash the cash on a computer good enough to play modern games at 60 FPS. I basically only ever play games on a laptop these days so I can't even play Source shit at 60 FPS let alone new games.
Console is 60fps
Is the reason why PC gamers need FPS above 60 because they still don't have proper frame pacing? Something consoles have had since the Atari VCS?
Kinda this, and the fact that they play games with fucking joypad dildos that hamper camera control
PC is not better because PC is 60 fps and consoles is 30 fps. There are lots of console games that play at 60 fps no problem. PC is superior simply because you can choose to play at whatever framerate you want by tweaking the game's settings until you get what you want whereas on consoles you're stuck with whatever the devs throw at you.
I was playing Wildlands on PC at 30 fps because I wanted to play it on ultra 1440p and my video card isn't that good, I could easily run the game at 1080p very high settings at 60 fps no problem but that's not what I want. Meanwhile on the PS4 I have to play Bloodborne at 25 fps with that disgusting chromatic aberration filter shitting up the screen and making me nauseous all the fucking time and there's nothing I can do about it until the console gets fully hacked and someone bother to mod and fix the game.
PC is freedom; Console is slavery.
>implying I'm gay enough to care about fps
Penetrate the genitals of the opposite sex
there is no monitor syncing at more than 165hz right now. so your first point is totally cope without knowledge.
No, it's because once you go to 144 sub-60 feels like shit.
You play console games on consoles and pc games on your pc. It's that simple.
>have hobby
>doesn't want the best experience the hobby has to offer
Stop being poor.
But what about multiplatform games, user?
Mortal Kombat is 60fps
look at it again, comparatively the 30 fps absolutely induces a false sense of motion blur.
Where did he claim there was a monitor syncing at more than 165Hz though? Are you illiterate, user?
You play them on PC, obviously, but you also pirate them and then buy console version, because you just don't support Steam.
>re-install windows and proceed to install gfx drivers
>notice that the mouse is moving really weirdly
>notice that the screen is set to 60hz and not 144hz
I'm glad I can't 144 fps in games with my mid-tier PC or I would dread playing anything on 60fps every again
>why console players put up with an objectively inferior experience?
there is literally nothing worse than being british. Fuck even blacks and muslims can't compete with your faggotry
Because the PC community is awful. You deal with unbelievably unhappy and sensitive people in online PC games, I would rather win against brown children than lose to some pasty, nasally squirt who isnt even happy winning.
There's an incredible overlap with PC games and basically every kind of person who persists online that you want to avoid. Furries, Yea Forums faggots, redditors. There's no filter for these awful, awful people.
fuck off newfriend, dont bother sticking around anymore. please visit facebook for daily fun and information.
Pick your poison obviously. Is it a first person shooter? Go for PC. Is it something simple enough that it runs on anything? You choose. Is it a nip game of which the PC port is one long gamble? Consider buying the console version.
Another true statement
Console shooters are one of the worst abortions of all time.
Display settings.
What's the fucking point of aiming down when you are literally 3m away where you could have sprayed him down anyway?
>that .webm
Holy shit that's just embarrassing. Why would they even play this on controllers?
>that fucking webm
holy shit
I don't play R6 so I can't say for sure, but if it's anything like CoD, spraying at anything beyond a meter is futile.
How the fuck is this tournament level play? Aiming with a controller sucks ass but it isn't that difficult.
are you trying to convince me, or yourself?
>but if it's anything like CoD
What are you talking about? CoD's guns are laser beams.
Games last twice as long
Brotip: You can find bad players using M&KB asw ell.
>the duchys of normandy and bretagne
>he doesn't own a 240hz monitor
But you can't find good players using analog sticks. R6 is the great illuminator because it's the only AAA shooter with no aim assist on consoles.
>But you can't find good players using analog sticks
I can't?
Only when aiming down sights. Please read before replying, thanks in advance.
Depends on if you prefer getting raped to getting shot
Imagine going out of your way to find shitty gaming clips from consoles to try and convince yourself that you're a REAL gamer
I play on console because I want to play games with my best friend and he plays on console. He doesn't really care about framerate as long as it's not sub 10fps.
>unironically being poor
consoles and PCs cost money
because I get to actually play some good games instead of 2D indie trash and unfinished early access shit. oh, and I don't have to wait 6 years for a port of a game I want to play.
No you can't. Not without aim assist.
I'd don't have to go out of my way. This is common place on any R6 game.
>it's the only AAA shooter with no aim assist on consoles.
I didn't even think of that. I get practicing with M&K is a solid foundation, but is there a way to get good with it without getting wrecked constantly in shooters?
That's a disingenuous webm, because the 30fps example purposely has inconsistent frame pacing added to it. A smooth 30fps game does not look very different from a smooth 60fps one, especially on a TV from 10ft away.
FPS is the only genre that i can agree is best played on PC at 60fps+ with KB&M. Anything below that is torture.
And further to that I don't care that much either. I mean I'd take 60fps or higher if I can get it, lower framerates are objectively worse, but I don't care enough to invest in a gaming PC to play games at whizbang speeds.
>especially on a TV from 10ft away.
Now that's bait
I don't need to spend 700 for something with marginal improvements, I'm not an obsessive dork, the only decent pc exclusive is Honey Select
>That's a disingenuous webm
>editing a video clip to 30fps is the same as a game being rendered at 30fps
Dumbest post of the thread
You'll never be a real gamer until you do. Remember that, fag.
That's a load of bullshit, the reason you might not notice the difference between 30 and 60 is because they add a shit load oi motion blur.
I can play Devil May Cry 5 in 4K +144 fps you've been proven wrong Foolish Yea Forums poster
Reddit fag pls go, no one wants you shitting up an already shitty board
not your secret club anymore faggot
almost everything benefits a high refresh rate, even just browsing shit feels sluggish once you've tasted anything above 120
And? I'm still going to while away the rest of my days in my flat watching anime and playing bad videogames poorly while I hate myself at my job, until I die of heart failure in my 30s and someone finds my bloated corpse weeks later. Do I need to be a true gamer to do that?
2160p60fps is a nice middle-ground and affordable hardware and games can actually do that, whereas very few games will even do 1440p144fps consistently without drops so I'd much rather have the former, unless it's a hyper competitive arena shooter maybe.
I'm going to do it anyway.
Godspeed, gamelet
They're too retarded or complacent to realise they're being duped, or don't care.
Or the game they want is only on console.
Unless the game you're playing is turned based YES IT DOES MATTER
*posts fake FPS count*
Best to you too, darling.
60fps is the uncanny valley of fpses
Why not play on ultra 1080p with 60 fps? In stead of playing in little higher resolution? I forgot your a slave and brainwashed into thinking you need to play at higher resolution to enjoy a game.
>spend $1100 building a pc
>every good shooter is completely dead
>every current gen game worth caring about takes forever to get a pc release and then ends up being a near unplayable mess anyway
>exclusives all fucking suck
I spent over a fucking grand on a pc and all I use it for is shitposting on Yea Forums and emulating 15+ year old games. NEVER fall for the pc meme.
>unironically spending money on video games when they're all shit anyway
This is a disingenuous post
I can't play The Witcher 2 or 3 with a controller. I move the camera extremely quickly there.
A lot of them are children. I had consoles growing up because that's what my parents bought me. We always had a computer as well but it was a super weak PC only good for browsing the internet or playing Runescape/flash games.
Now I almost exclusively game on PC but generally buy a Nintendo handheld because they have a lot of exclusives that you can't get on the other consoles like Rune Factory, Shin Megami, and Etrian Odyssey.
Thing is, real life has motion blur. Move your hand in front of your face and see if it looks like a crispy clean 60 fps image or like 30 fps with motion blur on top. I can't see the wrinkles on my hand as I wave it about, I can't focus fast enough.
>I'm playing the best video games ever made at the best quality and playability possible
>This is a bad thing
I can't wait for you to try and go back to 30fps consoles with no kb+m and then realize that you already had the best experience available to you
There are so many great PC exclusives it's insane and this list doesn't even put a dent in them. It just flat out doesn't make sense to not own a gaming PC if gaming is your hobby.
I own a high end PC and still game on ps3,ps4,Xbox one and switch. I do what you just said all the time.
>best video games ever made
>on PC
I thought he was saying he was disappointed in his choice, but you telling him that he did indeed have a great experience makes me want to spend 1100 on a PC. I'll put it next to my VCR, and CD player, and blockbuster membership card, and my beeper.
>that late era of the last gen when every new release on that decrepit hardware was 30fps with a tiny fov and motion blur and bloom and all manner of post processing effects on top of it all
Jesus christ how do console players subject themselves to such eye cancer
this is a fucking semi-pro level tournament, nigger
>every good shooter is completely dead
Rising Storm 2 isn't dead, either is Insurgency Sandstorm, which just added as TDM mode that is basically hardcore Call of Duty without the content treadmill, killstreaks and bullshit perks.
>chinks waste millions on F2P trash and THAT'S why PC is the best
Finally some definitive proof
Absolutely based.
I honestly can't tell if console sucks are willfully ignorant or just stupid.
Never understand why PC only gamer's have such hate for consoles. It's not like consoles rape your mother or somthing.
I don't have shit taste, so most games I play don't have this issue. Sure, PC has classics like deus ex and vtmb that can't be enjoyed anywhere else, but playing my switch/vita/ps4 is much more enjoyable.
Also, no steam and discord spyware is a plus.
What's your blogs url?
now add a dynamic camera and see how 60fps is not enough
>inferior experience
You mean actually owning my games instead of paying full price to rent them?
>Never understand why PC only gamer's have such hate for consoles.
Because consoles actively hold back the medium.
>Also, no steam and discord spyware is a plus.
The Playstation OS itself is spyware user.
You don't own physical games either, chief. The disc acts as a license.
How when most pc gamer's have low end pc?
RTS? CRPG? 4X? Sim games? Also, just because you're more at home with a controller doesn't mean KB&M doesn't mean it can't also work for third person shooters, action RPGs, etc. My friend was playing MH for years on consoles and thought it'd be torture to play MHW on PC but he eventually got used to it and plays well. I also played platformers like Celeste and Hollow Knight just fine on a KB&M. It's just preference.
>Crysis meme
That's a shit comparison picture
Without consoles graphics would be so largely unoptimized it would make your head spin
Good thing it doesn't monitor my browsing habits and running programs then.
Can someone post a 60 FPS to 120 FPS comparison?
They are also responsible.
you dont own your game if you have to download patches to play it
especially when the big companies are so eager to cut support for older consoles
I thought this board hated things that were popular
>Steamlet coping hard
Hope epic doesn't kill valve and your whole library
Webm's are capped at 60.
You've got it mixed up. 60fps matters in all games. 144fps only matters in first person games.
>implying anyone here has a 120hz monitor
consoles affect game design
It's true you blue card. The disc itself is a license to play the game,
This. I didn't know how good 60 fps was until I got a gaming PC and realized 30 fps was garbage. Then I flew too close to the sun and got 144Hz monitors and now 60 fps looks like garbage to me too. The only downside is not all games support 144 fps, so now a bunch of my games just look like garbage.
>this weird ass logic
Where do you kids get this shit from? By that I mean what Yootoober told you this?
I agree it's a preference. My friend was shock I played RE2 remake with controller instead of a KB&M. Note I beat the game on hardcore with controller first play through and he couldn't.
>only a few games are made for turbonerds like myself
Man I can't wait to get a PC
It effects how games are made, creates the retarded exclusivity culture that is now trying to bleed it's way into PC gaming, it also has massive limitations over how you can play games. You have to pay for the privilege of using your internet to play peer to peer games and it STILL fucks up constantly, I mean what is one redeeming quality for consoles at all?
This whole thread is assumptions
You're either lying or just have really shit taste. There's so many good games on PC.
>Mount and Blade
>Path of Exile
>Diablo 3 if you want to play it properly with a mouse and keyboard
>Every shooter is better on PC
>Torchlight series
>League of Legends
>Starcraft 2
>Total War
>Tons of great 4x games like the Civ series
I'm sure I'm missing a bunch. There are also TONS of good indie games. There are a lot of shit ones too of course. Good indies:
Engineering games
>Kerbal Space Program
>Space Engineers
>From the Depths
Lewd RPG's with actual good gameplay
>Eiyu Senki: The World Conquest
>Rance series
Honorable Mentions
>My Time at Portia
>Stardew Valley(no longer exclusive but might as well be it's shit without mods)
>Dungeon Defenders
>Terraria (Again mod support basically makes this an exclusive)
On consoles the spec target is a hard requirement. On PC it's a suggestion loosely based around average build power that can be somewhat ignored. Thus there's a bigger need for focusing on optimization in the console space.
I assume you suck dicks
Because it's not that big a deal.
That exact same motion blur exists for anything that moves in front of your eyes, including pictures on a screen. The only difference is that at lower FPSes, the effect has to be mimicked because the quality is so low that your brain recognizes individual pictures instead of a natural fluid motion. You would have the same effect if we hit sufficiently high FPS numbers, probably somewhere in the 300+ range, considering that's about the limit of recognizing a picture shown for a fraction of a second. Motion blur is a bandaid, not a feature.
brainwashed by the movie industry and muh cinematic 24fps you don't need anything more than that and soaps are bad mkay
>Dungeon Defenders
I had that on XBLA, it's not an exclusive
God your tast in game's is so bad.
Diablo is actually better with a controller. Fuck click shit, fuck left clicking to move and also left clicking to attack in a literal action game. Fuck that entire genre.
Because I can play in stable 30fps in delicious 4k
>anime poster is retarded
Like clockwork
Yes, if the game is designed from the ground up with a single console spec I'm mind, hence why PC ports are always shittier then games developed for PC from the start. You are only reinforcing that consoles effect game development and make it shit because it puts everything into a small box and stagnates the ability to improve it.
So you can't enjoy for example Dishonored series, Talos Principle, Prey, Arma 3, Obduction, KC:D, Kenshi, FTL, Elite Dangerous, DXMD, STASIS, Mount & Blade etc. etc. and you refuse to play the superior versions of multiplats on principle and this is somehow not your own fault for thinking before you spent that amount on something you wouldn't enjoy? Or are you just shitposting right now because you can't help it?
Diablo 3 is fucking terrible though
Empirically wrong.
The biggest downside to PC is that Japan doesn't make PC games, with rare exception which are usually AWFUL unoptimized ports and come out months/years later. Japanese consider PC to be for perverts who play dating sims, VNs, and eroge and make their serious games for consoles.
Nobody wants to play decade old M&B, STALKER, CK2, modded Skyrim for the umpteenth time, or god forbid F2P third world shit like CSGO, Dota, PoE, etc.
>Diablo is actually better with a controller
No lol. There's a reason why ARPG's are almost all exclusively on PC.
I prefer clicking, the only thing i liked about Diablo on console was that it had splitscreen like the Champions of Norrath and Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance games.
>Nobody wants to play good games for the umpteenth time
When there are few to no good new games, I do. Literally, literally, the only game worth playing not on PC at the moment is RDR2.
They don't know how good 60FPS looks because they've never seen it.
At best, it's another platform that you have to buy to play games on. Nothing you can really complain about there because they need to make money. At worst, developers have to dumb down control schemes and gameplay, and downgrade graphics to get games to work on consoles when they wouldn't have such a problem if they were just working on a PC game (unless they were marketing to casuals but that's a different issue). Also, fuck paying to play online and the dumb controller gimmick features that devs end up including in exclusive games. None of the PS4 gimmicks made Infamous Second Son any better to play.
I love getting 60fps in games, but the exclusives, man.
There are plenty games on console that run at 60fps. One of the most played console games is 60fps you dumb shit.
>look at me everyone I'm new here and I want everyone to know
Lurk more new friend.
>god of s-o-y moviegame
No thank you
I play on console because I'm poor. I'd gladly turn graphics settings way down if it got me 60fps, but on consoles you're lucky to even get a performance/grafix binary setting.
>Nobody wants to play decade old M&B
Uh yes they do. Those games actually have shit loads of replayability. I have like 500 hours in M&B and 200 hours in PoE. I don't play CSGO but lots of people like it.
How many hours do you have in Uncharted 4? How about Bloodborne? Spiderman? What the fuck do you even play actually? None of your games have replayability with the exception of maybe Bloodborne but only because you have nothing else.
Getting PC that can play game's at 60 fps is not that much.
The exclusives are part of the problem
>Movie game
>He thinks it was a moviegame
sorry fatty that it won't ever be on PC, at least until an emulator comes out, which.. By the looks of RPCS3. Well, see ya in 10 years?
What the fuck
>smooth 30fps
>The exclusives that are all worse than last gen games
Nah. Buy and sell a PS4 to run through uncharted 4 and gow 4. You can do this in a few weeks.
I really don't have much free cash for video games. I can only afford a single console halfway into the gen, and I only buy games when they hit ~$25 or less.
God that looks so bad. I don't understand why people like this series. I played it on PS2 back in the day and didn't care for it at all.
Can't you play god of war at 50 fps or 60 fps on pro?
>hence why PC ports are always shittier then games developed for PC from the start.
You really are not aware of how PC versions benefit from optimization advancements made because consoles forced devs to, even within a single game.
>Insurgency Sandstorm
>People meme the game already dying
>Always over 1000 players online everyday, even in the oddest hours of the day
>Can get a match in about 30 seconds for both co-op and versus modes at anytime of the day
Bruh I watched it on Twitch. I already played it and it wasn't that good.
I've got bad news for you, user.
It's more like 45-50 in combat but yes, and it feels so much better.
The human eye can't see above 4 FPS anyway.
Most PC faggots have shitty PC's and play games on a fucking 1080p, 60hz monitor despite all their talk so they have an objectively worse experience than someone playing a GOTY-tier exclusive on a console on their 4k tv. I play on both and primarily the reason I like PC is for piracy and M+KB controls for some games, not for the frame rates.
that's not the crysis pic, you retard.
>Dat compelling gameplay
nigga you have to be shitting me that this is what you pay money for
No need friend it's a bad game.
Its cheap and no brain is required. Much like watching sports.
>and all of the games that REALLY need 60FPS, like fighting games, tend to have it on consoles anyway.
CTR remake runs on 30 fps and it's a FUCKING KART RACER even fucking nintendo understands and mario kart has 60 fps in all their games while looking better than CTRR
Discord trannies can't see past 24fps. This is the easiest way to spot them on Yea Forums
>slow mo counter
is this what snoys actually consider to be good action gameplay?
144hz is unnecessary for anyone who's not a competitive FPS player, and 1440p and above just hurts your neck if you sit close to the screen. Plus the highest resolution anime is only produced at 1080p so there's no point going higher than that.
It doesn't have the playerbase of a Call of Duty or Battlefield but i never expected it to, people compare it to the first Insurgency without realising that it was given away for free several times and it was also on humble bundles and shit for next to nothing.
Baffling. Wouldn't buy it even if it was on sale for $20. Honestly AAA games in general are so fucking bad right now not just GoW.
Yes. Because their standards are so fucking non-existent when it comes to their favorite company ever.
>all that ability spam
No. That part of the game was mind-numbingly boring and they better remove that shit in the next game. Abilties that use no resources and only have a cooldown are fucking cancer for difficulty. Literally press X to awesome garbage.
>Press button
>Everyone within 30 meters falls down.
>The rest just run around menacingly
I know it looks flashy, but this doesn't look like compelling gameplay. Maybe I'm just expecting a cuhrayzee action game when I shouldn't, but I've never seen any of the webms for this game make it look good other than visually. At least the Horizon ones that get spammed have some interesting set ups or physics interactions sometimes.
Tell me, what are your top 5 favorite games of all time? I'm really trying to understand the mindset of people like you who enjoy these types of super bland AAA games.
>Coping with objective superiority
>also watches anime
Can’t make this up
1. God of War (PS4)
2. RDR2
3. The Last of Us
4. Uncharted 4
5. Horizon
Only thing that is missing here is a note telling you what to press when time is slowed
>free online
>will always be backwards compatible
Consoles this gen:
>paid online
>no mods
>no backwards compatibility despite its predecessors having such
How the /fuck/ can anyone justify buying a console other than for exclusives?
Seriously, the ONLY reason to EVER get a console is for exclusives, and that's it. There is not a SINGLE FUCKING THING that consoles can do which PCs do not have a way of doing.
Consolefags who actively shit on PCfags are in such denial.
Jesus christ.
This is why i mostly spend money on handhelds, if i want to play in my house i have the PC for that.
1. god hand
2. ico
3. cave story
4. rhythm heaven
5. worms armageddon
This picture is funny since dev managed to sneak in DLC, micotranaction and shit DRM.
Super Metroid
Resident Evil (2002)
Fallout 2
Thief II
Devil May Cry 3
"It's what my friends have" is pretty much the only valid excuse outside of exclusives, which is why Sony are trying so hard to stop the progress of cross-platform play, once cross-platform is widespread exclusives will be the only excuse.
Because it's more equivalent to a cinematic experience, which the eye is naturally inclined to, over the equivalent of a benny hill sketch.
There's a reason only soap operas on tv are higher fps.
>"It's what my friends have"
Subjective reasons don't count, user
It's peak vidya combat.
"Flashy but uncompelling" is basically all GoW ever was. Except now you don't even have to worry if you get mobbed by enemies.
>people are only buying consoles to play games
The axe/unarmed dynamic is really cool and it's the kind of thing I would expect from DMC rather than GoW.
Show me a cross-platform multiplayer FPS without aim-assist, where the controllerbabbies aren't dry-raped unrelentlessly.
Piracy is the #1 reason to own a gaming PC. I literally have not paid for a game since 2013.
>He buys a $400 console to watch Netflix on
le coed argument
Ever watched an action movie? That's what every scene is like. And that's what devs and writers who failed to get into movies want to make.
>Show me a cross-platform multiplayer FPS without aim-assist
Is there even one? Fortnite has cross-play that's about all i can think of.
>"It's what my friends have"
I just tell my friends to fuck off. They've tried to convince me to buy a ps4 and Switch, and I've always told them outright, I won't buy a PS4 because there is nothing on it I want, same for the switch, and I also don't want to pay for online, especially for the switch since it's literally the same as the Wii U's shitty online.
The only thing that I'd ever buy a Switch for is F-Zero, but that's never ever so never ever buying a Switch.
Naughty Dog literally said they're sick of making games and want to make movies instead
>get frame drops on Nioh
>try out 30 FPS
holy fuck, the game is literally unplayable at 30 fps
>w-wait why is no one developing games for me
[citation needed]
>paying money for microtransactions
>$200 season pass
>preorder exclusive content
>day one DLC
>loot crates
>buggy unplayable shit
>denuvo performance hit
>online only DRM
>SJW forced womyn and niggers
gif can't display 60 FPS
>no games
>port hunting at E3
I'm not so sure that's what they said but they did say they're fed up with the industry and need to put all their effort into story telling, which is basically the same thing.
why don't you lead with that one the next time, so nobody is loosing their time reading your post
>I love getting 60fps in games, but the stockholm syndrome, man.
You'd be able to play these games at 60fps on your PC if you didn't blindly support anti-consumer practices
Companies aren't required to cater to your platform, libtard
They're not
I never said they are, retard.
This is one thing gamers don't understand and even more PC gamer's.
well if they don't, it speaks even worse of them
Most people don't want to put up with the shit stain spyware that is Windows 10
Pretty much yeah. I also recall it going on sale reducing the price to a dollar or two as well.
Also, fun fact, insurgency standalone is Insurgency 2, since the original mod is considered the first Insurgency.
It's been a while since Rhythm games have been able to dissociate timing from framerate. Sure 60FPS is always a must to read notes comfortably, but timing per se is measured in raw ms and dissociated from frame pacing. That's how you can end up with a window of 20ms even if a game is running at 59.94 FPS which is technically 16.68ms. Many games have 25 or 30ms window as well which is in between 1~2 frames.
I thought multiple personality disorder was a myth.
I jj5st never cared. But I do care when it goes lower than 30.
I think that's great, so long as the cinematographic emphasis is built on top of rock solid core gameplay, but it seems like the latter suffers to make room for the former oftentimes. When I look at webms like the God of War ones, it looks neat and stylistic, but it doesn't look like a game that I'd have fun playing for a long time the same way a DMC or Bayonetta does. Maybe I'm just not the target audience.
Because they have no choice. They'll eat whatever shit Sony or MS shovels their way.
Have you ever seen 60 FPS AND motion blur?
There's literally a lot of games there that are also on consoles lmao.
>3rd world fag here.
not really poor people 9/10 times have a console, because we can buy a little chip for the ps4/xbox1 so it can run pirated games that we download from the internet and burn into a disc,
and PCs are way more expensive here
>consoles started pushing 60fps when I already could barely stand a game under 144
>years later and they still can't even maintain or sometimes even hit the 60fps they touted
I don't think youtube supports frame rates above 60 FPS.
imagine not playing at 1000 fps lmao
Youtube can only go up to 60FPS and most anons only have a 60Hz monitor. What the fuck are you doing?
Because it's cheaper.
Damn. I've been playing games on consoles for 30 years and thought I was having fun. Looks like I haven't. Thanks for showing me the light boys. See ya soon in Virginnerdpcgamerville.
Your ancestors had fun drawing stick figures on cave walls with their own excrement.
It's hard to go back once you see something better.
I played Starcraft and the original Diablo on PC. At this point in my life I have no use for a PC at all, much less dropping a couple grand just to play games when I already have a console that I'm happy with. I think the problem with this thread is you don't realize that some people just want to play casually.
I never said I don't understand it, I wish I was so simple to please.
But if you want to play casually pc ends up being much much cheaper.
I only buy 2 or 3 games a year and only play on nights when my girlfriend isn't around. I wish I could invest 10 hours on games like I did as a teenager but it's just not a possibility anymore. Consoles work just fine for my gaming habits.
I mean thats fine, just saying pcs are much cheaper for casual gamers.
Console players are poor trash. They are also fucken stupid.
If you own a console, KYS
This but unironically.
Fuck man and I was having a good day. Guess it's time to say my goodbyes. See ya on the other side, fellas.
Key presses are queued if not performed immediately and decent engines use delta timing irrespective the graphics engine. FPS literally doesn't matter.
are you autistic? honest question bro
This but unironically.
This is the single worst thread on Yea Forums(nel) right now. I would know, I checked.
Also, people here are arguing that LESS performance is BETTER. Just, holy shit. YOu guys need to come to my job and convince my boss that we only need to do half our work and get paid the same regardless.
tfw I still meet people that say that FPS doesn't matter, or the human eye can't see above X
In the words of the 60 year old black man who I worked with on my first job, "why you wanna work so hard? You making the rest of us look bad"
I don't have a Facebook account, I prefer anonymity over having my data stolen.
I mean, it's not really all that better with console.
Oh, my bad. Sorry.
I mean, pirating is bad guys, but console pirating is also a thing.
consoles are like cool kids club that all the best games want to be part of
pc gayming are like boring,ugly nerds that everybody avoids
also having to deal with errors,patches,fixes and all that other shit is just not worth it
Objectively incorrect.
t. Nigel
I play on console because I’ve nevee liked anyone who plays on pc. The most insufferable elitist people and it’s often the best hardware wins with 300 FPS meme bullshit. I know on Xbox all my friends play it and we’re on a level playing field. Besides I’ve got a career so it’s not like I need to drop 3000 bucks on a hobby I spend maybe 8 hours a week on.
they are about to be FUCKED
>30fps vs 60 fps thread
poorfags cant 144hz
>t. on the left
consoles are better simply because they have better games
of what use is fps when you can only play games like minecraft on it?
>No one wants to play
>Millions of sales, millions in prize money for pro play, thriving communities
Only someone who plays fps with thumb sticks would speak such utter garbage.
You're eternally btfo.
the comments on that fortnite video holy shit zoomers are fucking braindead
Imagine being poor and having shit taste
>Why should they have exclusives at all!? Why should EVERYONE be limited in their choice of games?
because the exclusives only exist because the consoles funded them to be exclusives. you think it's a choice between exclusives games vs. all those same games on everything, when really it's a choice between exclusives games vs. those games not existing at all.
Personally i'd prefer the option that results in more video games being made, not less.
this picture is pretty funny considering all the third worlders play on PC since they cant afford consoles
PC is the cheaper platform by far
This is what friends do though. Mine come over almost everyday after work and we either play a quick dnd sesh and watch something or drink a few beers and talk about whatever. I think video games should be a hobby, not a lifestyle my man.
This, just look at Russia Yea Forums's top 100 vidya.
Redpill me on brexit. I heard it's equivalent to a state succeeding from the US.
>Hitman: Blood Money
Based and borschtpilled
left looks better
eyes cant see faster than 120 fps. you are wasting 80 frames
best games of the past 6 or 7 years are imo
Last of us, god of war, bloodborne, uncharted 4, witcher 3, botw, mario oddysey, persona 5, spiderman and nier automata, how many of those are on pc?
fortnite, rocket league and all of those are shit games that look like shit and run at 60fps on consoles too btw
which belongs in the trash
It isn't.
half-life 1 and 2 are one of the very few truly remarkable games made exclusively for pc
the only other one that comes close that i can think of rn is crysis but to properly run it you'd need a fortune
>Last of us
>best games
come on now..
I’ll never understand why people keep using nobles and peasants when discussing about platforms. On PC, you can build a PC with practically any budget, any person and for any wants/needs. It’s more like capitalism where people have the ability to have their experience tailormade for their individual needs and desires, from cardboard box to gold-plated titanium RGB-cancer. Consoles, on the other hand, are basically communism where you eat what’s handed to you with no choice on your part.
Persona 5, Oddysey, and BoTW, and Last of Us is on PC due to emulation. The only actual exclusives are Spider-Man, God of War, Bloodborne, and Uncharted. The rest were ported over.
Not if you want to play games that are actually somewhat taxing on the hardware. A GTX 1080 alone will cost you as much as a console.
If you're just going to be playing shit like emulators then almost any computer will do.
Brits are literally the most degenerate people in Europe. Burgers overtook you when it comes to looking like actual humans.
>half-life 1 and 2 are one of the very few truly remarkable games made exclusively for pc
You're thinking of Fallout 1 and 2.
>because we can buy a little chip for the ps4/xbox
Abosulte Bullshit. PS4 is hacked up to 5.05 FW and you absolutely don't need a fucking chip. Xbox One is not even hacked.
only playable if you have 15k pc
While claiming they are all for 4k nd not being interested in performance
>half-life 1 and 2 are one of the very few truly remarkable games made exclusively for pc
Both of them have console version. Which meansPC fags have almost nothing.
>play games on console casually
>you have 1 hour to play today
>boot up console
>updating... please wait 2 hours.
>launch game
>updating... please wait 2 hours
>torrent game
>game loads in 1 sec because you have an SSD
Nothing much I can do about it
it makes my fucking eyes ache
Im fucking poor
>Both of them have console version
yea but they were first available on pc
Imagine being PC fag, have all those amazing games (atleast you say that) and instead of playing them, you shitpost on Yea Forums with consolefags, who supposedly have nothing to play.
Yeaah ugh, because??????
>Fighting games
>posts smash
Thanks for moving the goalposts.
I could play Persona 5 with my machine I built 5 or 6 years ago for around 800 bucks. In addition to the thousands of games native to the PC and the 2 dozen or so consoles people have made really good emulators for.
>800 bucks
even if that were true why would i pay 800$ when i can pay 300$ to play the same game?
I miss this game, what was it called again? It was from Ubisoft I think
did you not read my post you troglodyte?
Shootmania storm
wow 30 fps looks way better
What shit bait.
To be fair, most of those PC exclusives are either dog shit or old as hell.
kek, it got hammered in the reviews
again, hammered in reviews ON STEAM. enjoy the spyware that comes with the game.
>Arma 3
Just a generic shooter on a really big map
Really buggy and unpolished
Are you seriously including early access games to make your list seem bigger?
>Neverwinter Nights
What is this? 2002?
but there is no good games for pc apart from shit like simcity and minecraft
you just have a shit taste in games
nothing felt better than running Kingdom Come: Deliverance at 60 FPS
at least they have farming and forklift simulators unlike us console peasants
>mutts and mohammads ruin the market for everyone else by eating shit
wow who'd have thunk
ps3 emulation is absolute trash, I thought you were bitching about having a superior experience, but I guess you're used to glitchy unplayable shit.
Anyway have fun with your free to play battle royals(that are also on consoles), in the end only sony and maybe nintendo invest the cash needed to make proper AAA games consistently without turning them into shitty slot machines...
>ps3 emulation is absolute trash
Not if you have a good rig.
>Imagine being console fag, have all those amazing games (atleast you say that) and instead of playing them, you shitpost on Yea Forums with PCfags, who supposedly have nothing to play.
Nice ESL btw seething retard
If you want to see a real joke, check out the top 10 most played games on Steam.
>CSGO 2012
>DOTA2 2013
>Path of Exile 2013
>Warframe 2013
>GTA5 2013
The average year between them has to be 2013 or 2014. I don't know why they are complaining about consoles holding them back a generation when all they ever do is voluntarily play old ass games. At least they got that 2019 football manager.
Dude it's still trash and most game's still don't work right now. This coming from a guy that can play game's at 4k on it.
>PS3 emulation is absolute trash
What year is it? I can run your precious exclusives at full 1080p on my modest rig. And they'll be properly preserved and cared for unlike what your corporate overlords do to them.
Not an argument.
PC games have longevity. Look at the Doom community.
DayZ's out of early access although you wouldn't think that by playing it.
Because I now at the age of 25, have become a filthy casual who likes to game in my couch and lie down. Also I dont really play any online games, which is more dominant on PC
Drakengard 3 gameplay footage actually makes me laugh.
Hey look one game runs great all must run great.
>PC games have longevity. Look at the Doom community.
So do console games. Honestly, not a single game has aged as well as Super Mario Bros. Can you name me one PC game you still play regularly from the 1980s? What about 90s? Doom plus those point n click adventures? Or do you emulate console games instead?
imagine how buttblasted xbone fags will be once us PC bros get MCC.
Oh yeah, thanks for beta testing the game for us! Now we get to enjoy a smooth launch with everything working from day 1.
rotating a camera in 3rd person looks just as shitty at low framerateas rotating a camera in 1st person at low framerate
Will we?
>nVidia 1080 ROG STRIX 8GB
>Intel i7 8700K OC to 5.0GHz
>16GB Corsair Vengeance @ 3200Mhz
So all it takes is a $2,000 rig, some overclocking, and a bunch of emulator tweaking to run it slightly better then a $100 PS3?
thread ended here
pc gaming is cancer
everything about it is cancer-from the community,culture,steam to actual games that are being made for it and the culture surrounding them(tf2 hats,csgo skins)
it also ruins everything it touches
san andreas for example,one of the best games completely butchered and ruined through it's porting to pc
Also, the fact these game's still have tons of bugs and glitches. But if you never played them on ps3, I guess you can't tell what your missing. PC fags are so sad.
okay, but there's mods to make it have everything from ps2 at a higher resolution
shut the fuck up bitch
2 of the worst characters to watch
Here's MGS4 on the PC master race:
Funny isn't the PS3 a Console with13 year old hardware.
24fps is best
Sucks for people who buy Xbox then, every since the Microsoft Store there are literally no more games exclusive to the Xbox One platform.
don't even get me started on that
Here's last of us on pc and video is 2 day's old.
they're optional. i doubt you have anything substantial to say.
That webm showing 60fps being fast and 30fps slow is complete made up bullshit to manipulate you retards. The real difference between low and high framerate are:
>Input Latency
the time between the button press and the corresponding action shown on screen
>image response time
higher fps = less motion blur, judder, duplication, ghosting, etc.
At higher frame-rate motion will look cleaner, and buttons will respond faster but the speed of what's on screen is still the same across the board.
>san andreas for example,one of the best games
Imagine being this much of a fucking pleb
So do Nips.
anti-pc gaming sentiment
When do you think we would have seen dynamic resolutions in games if games like Titanfall 2 didn't need to maintain 60fps on console?
The webm isn't slowed down in the 30fps sections. It's just how your brain percieves the change. Use the nearby buildings as a reference; he's moving just as fast before stopping.
>unironically it effects input lag
The 'input lag' from framerate increases is beyond negligible you utter retard. The difference is that it looks smoother, like the webm shows, nothing more.
And he's on a 2080 Ti. A $1000 GPU. As soon as you bring it up to PC gamers, they'll disagree and say "mine ran on a GeForce 6200 just fine, 1080p/60fps, some hiccups."
uh how
if something shows up on frame 3 there's an extra frame before the 30fps player sees it, they're still on 2
you're retarded and everything you said is wrong
the only reason exclusives exist is because sony paid the developer to do so. sony doesn't "fund games", they bribe
>watch a 60fps video on a 30hz monitor or a god damn laughable smart TV
no this post isn't spam you fucks kys
Alot will say the game runs perfect, but turn blind eye to all glitches cause by emulation. Even all PS1 game's don't emulate perfect. Haha
None of the PC exclusives interest me and I'm not gonna buy a PC to play console ports
>Honey Select
too vanilla for my taste, and the physics suffer catastrophic failure the second you even think about making a titmonster
You do realize that like steam, you can set consoles to automatically install updates, and they rarely take that long in the first place right? That and if its not multiplayer you're looking for, you can boot without the update
I wouldn't say negligible.
FPS only matters for fast gameplay. It's pointless for RPGS or even platformers
Fighting games and Shooters should be 60FPS.
>2019 tripfags
just stop
Wasn't there a brief period when webm got introduced and they supported 60fps yet Youtube still didn't?
I just recall webms revolutionizing these comparison threads
No, a fucking camera has motion blur. That's why movies get away with 24fps no problem, while 30 is utterly unplayable in first person. There's no innate smoothing or blur when it's digitally rendered, but a camera always has shutter speed and it will always blur together anything captured in the same frame.
A good quality big TV and a comfy couch add way more to the experience than higher framerate.
Just yesterday I still played with my PS3.
Jesus this can't be real
FPS matters whenever responsive controls and precise input matter.
50-60 fps most of the time but drops to around 45 fps when you're at the big lake
and those games are super rare and in-between
They did.
less cutscenes than dmc5 fact
I got Xbox since it play's xbox, 360 and xbox one game's. Not bad for $200 console.