Nintendo Switch Upcoming Games Leak
Nintendo Switch Upcoming Games Leak
What makes you think I can read moonrunes
>mario galaxy HD
atleast try to make this real
also fuck off
>mario galaxy hd collection
doubt it
>resident evil
been confirmed already
>MP trilogy
doubt it
won't run on switch, not good enough hardware
>Mario all stars 3D
doesn't make sense to have this and galaxy HD collection
>KH 1.5+2.5
>paper mario switch
could happen
>persona 5 switch
playstation exclusive, not happening
Now you're just getting lazy
Just stop
Spyro is basically confirmed
if crash ran why wouldn't Spyro
? crash runs on switch sweatie
I remember watching the digital foundry video on it and it was shitty on xbox one x. How do you expect the switch to run it then?
What so crazy about Cuphead on Switch? Also, Switch can handle Spyro you moron.
>doesn't make sense to have this and galaxy HD collection
Because it says it's just 3D World + 3D Land
>what is crazy about asking for another platform's exclusives
You tell me
>persona 5 switch isnt happening
imagine being in this much denial
It's happened hundreds of times in the past...
you do realize cuphead is on steam right
it wasn't even published by microsoft
Not to mention there are rumors it Microsoft and Nintendo forming and relationship
Well if it's in Japanese then it must be true.
Super mario galaxy should have port to new3DS. It could use 3D effect much better than what they did with 3D Land
That's not denial that's called having realistic expectations
you stupid idiot baka you put nintendo in japanese atleast try harder to make this real you even put xbox in eglish
Cuphead is already confirmed my dude
Why? Because one character on the train has a vita once? Fuck off it's happening
>if I put Japanese text on a red background, it'll look legit!
Really nigger?
>Popular franchise with representation in Super Smash Bros
>All Persona games starting with 3 have had handheld iterations
>Vita is dead
>Persona spinoffs are on Nintendo handhelds
>Atlus has no exclusivity deals tying the franchise to PlayStation
>Switch hardware is more than capable of running P5, a game designed for the PS3
Even if all of these were real it's still basically nothing.
Translation for humans
Nintendo Super Mario Galaxy HD Collection (with Improved Motion Control) Biohazard 5 Remaster Metroid Prime HD Trilogy Spiro Re-firing Trilogy Super Mario 3D Collection (Super Mario 3D World + 3D Land Kingdom Hearts HD 1. 5 + 2.5 ReMIX Paper Mario for Nintendo Switch (Tentative) Persona 5 Switch Version (Originally for PlayStation 4) Cup Head Scale Bound (Canceled, originally for Xbox One
>Vita is dead
Literally getting another game in 2020. Cope harder tendie.
>RE5 for Switch
Actually, I want that
>Paper Mario
Imagine being this deluded, Sony themselves see the Vita as dead
Sony aren't Atlus. Cope.
Hardware isn't everything you mongoloid.
>won't run on switch, not good enough hardware
Nigger, Spyro was confirmed ages ago to be on Switch.
Cope with what? A dead system? Great, you're getting a game in 2020, so is PS3 probably. Few days ago Sony officially announced all Vita production stopped, even the one in Japan, the system is dead.
>all ports, no new games
Believeable at this point.
>Super Mario Galaxy HD Collection (with Improved Motion Control)
What's else to improve? wiimote control is already perfect the way it is.
I want this leak to true but it's really hard to believe
cuphead is already available on steam, linux (through proton), and mac os. even microsoft fans' new overly-broad definition of "exclusive" doesn't apply to cuphead anymore.
>All Persona games starting with 3 have had handheld iterations
it took over a decade after their original releases for persona 1 and 2 to get handheld versions. even if we go by your patternfagging, it doesn't necessarily need to happen right now.
>Persona spinoffs are on Nintendo handhelds
microsoft got persona 4 arena and still didn't get p5. nintendo got persona q and still didn't get p5. spinoffs =/= main titles.
>Atlus has no exclusivity deals tying the franchise to PlayStation
the same applies to nintendo and smt, yet those games have remained exclusive as well. it's convenient how that always seems to get ignored.
>Switch hardware is more than capable of running P5, a game designed for the PS3
the switch struggles to run la noire and the original dark souls even with severe downgrades.
the real improvement would be removing the cringe waggle gimmicks entirely.
Yes imagine
and a ching ding dong to you too sir
You mean play in handheld mode? Yeah you maybe right
Dont try to argue. You cant conclusively prove that something that wont happen wont happen. Even if theres no evidence of p5 on switch, theres no hard evidence of it not coming to switch at some point.
Mind you, im not saying wether it will or wont happen, just that you cant prove a negative
>Even if theres no evidence of p5 on switch, theres no hard evidence of it not coming to switch at some point.
you could say that for damn near any game. the burden of proof is on the people acting like a port is guaranteed, not the people going by atlus' past track record and the only actual information we have on p5r right now.
This but for SMTV on PS4
cuphead is very likely with what plans xbox has for the switch. spyro is also pretty much confirmed now. If the port wizards can make it run as good as the bandicoot port i see no problem
>playstation exclusive, not happening
Stay in denial snoyboy
That's a pretty good list desu.
Believable enough.
>red dead redemtion 2 definitive edition
>monster hunter generations
>Mom hid my game: The revenge
>The town with no name Remastered
>Detroit: become human not movie edition
>super mario ultimate bundle
>metroid prime saga
>switch VR lens
g-guys?? I think nintendo won
Yeah cant wait for P5R to be Switch exclusive ;)
Who says it has to be exclusive?
Nincels who are frothing at the thought of "getting back" at Sony
that's what the "rumors" and "leaks" that all this talk of a port are based on said.
Imagine unironically following Switch rumors
Dont know why the system has this cancerous aura of lies around it
If something if officially announced cool, if not then assume its not coming.
Retards still waiting on GTAV
Never listen to Brazilian console war retards.