Generic healing nignog thats not Lifeline

>cant criticise this as bad and lazy design without being called racist

does blizzard even care anymore?

Attached: heres your new champion bro.jpg (1534x720, 693K)

Blizzard has been a solidly garbage company ever since the Activision merger, and it only got worse when pressure forced them to replace everyone competent with diversity females in 2015

Blizzard went to shit as soon as they fused with Activision.

Attached: Bobby Kotick.jpg (348x364, 45K)

try pointing the design flaws without using the word "nigger" next time

blizz is creatively bankrupt, has been for awhile now. just look at WoW, and their other game which was literally just lifting old characters and putting them into a shitty moba

sorry sweetie but where was that exact word used?

Great thread


the lore is so bad its literally fanfic tier now

He's just the demoman from TF2 but he heals, has less personality, and also looks gayer

no niggers

>all complaints about his design boil down to "he's black!"
>racist ebin memers on Yea Forums get triggered when you point this out
Go back.

>op's image literally points out his vacuum cleaner gun and extremely mundane, safe and boring design

"you guys only dislike him cos hes black!!!11"

heres your (You)

Atleast watch a gameplay video. He shoots burst fire bullets out the top of his gun and the bombs are only made to heal, incomparable to demoman.

Why does being called racist bother you so much? Man up bitchboy

Attached: A69D2BD4-48DD-4626-8978-E054794EF6F4.jpg (500x375, 45K)

>hehehe if I deconstruct and mock his appearance people won't think I'm racist


How about you try giving me my money

pharah is black (brown?) too but nobody complains about her design. Bapiste just looks like shit.

You just criticized him by just callimg him a nignog, how about ypu actually use criticism like here

Pharah is Egyptian and native and if she was black and worked the same anons would cry nigger just the same.

Whatever bro, if baptiste was a kawaii waifu slut not one of you would complain.
On second thought, you'd complain about her being black and how straight white men are underrepresented.
Suck my asshole.

>Pharah is Egyptian and native
seek medical aid.

Egyptian here
Egyptians can be black, brown, or white (in the way spaniards, Greeks, Italians, etc can be white)

>haven't played in almost a year
>bridgitte STILL completely dominates the game

holy shit

Hey user, did you just leave stupid town or what?

because at least you can fap to sexy bad character design. just plain bad character design serves no purpose

Well duh but she's not black, her mother is clearly Arabic and her father is a Native

>is racist
>complains about being called racist
nice "high i.q"

>rightfully calling out an uninspired and garish character design as a lame Fisher Price bootleg is somehow racist

Attached: rhpic.jpg (680x510, 262K)

This is a black thing isn't it?

Attached: 0.png (800x1160, 441K)

With one hand I save life, with the other I take it. Actually it's the same hand, but that don't sound as good.

Attached: DBConceptArt-Sawbones.png (1920x1080, 2.29M)

>Not lifeline instead of Not Demoman
Seriously, fuck Zoomers.

>plain bad character design
Citation needed

name a distinctive part of Bapiste's design thats not generic and boring.

Oh ok, sorry
I just know that many people think black people do not exist in Egypt, or only as immigrants, and wanted to say something


Attached: 5235.gif (322x324, 91K)

>try pointing out flaws without mentioning the number one flaw
Sure thing champ.


His gun

Practically every Paladins and TF2 player, since they throw a shitfit whenever OW is mentioned.

Baptiste being Haitian is pretty unique.
As for his physical design, there's nothing glaringly off. The laziest thing about him that I know of is they reused Brig's idle animation for him.
And I'm not sure why he has a visor like Soldier 76.
His gameplay (aka kit) is really great though, which is what really matters in a VIDEOGAME.

95% of OW posts on Yea Forums are Paladins and TF2 players

>Haitian is pretty unique.

"heyo this char is pretty unique because hes from X brown country instead of Y brown country even though those people look exactly alike isnt that special and wonderful?"

oof, yikes
back to /pol/, incel
Just kidding, I hate niggers.

So? all people of one color are the same.

i didnt know irshmen and aussies and italians are all the same

Attached: overwatch is dying.png (853x831, 643K)


They are. All white people look alike.


Sorry senpai you don't need to apologize


What's the point in all these characters when the minor and major leaguers always pick the same six characters?

nb4 competitive overwatch

It's a such a shame that they downplayed the edginess of some of the character designs so much. It made a better contrast from the more clean cut designs.

Attached: DNzhfAFUMAEH65R.jpg (1199x675, 237K)

esports for OW is a mistake

Visor gives him a hud for his ult and invincibility drone