WITHOUT using "glory kills" or "zoomers" in your response, explain to me why nu-DOOM is a bad game.
Convince me
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Zoomers ruined it with glory kills.
Didn't like the arena design for almost all the fights. Eternal looks like it's doing away with that shit entirely though so that's a great thing.
garbage map design filled with locked wave-based arenas
Unsatisfying weapons
Health/ammo pickup on kills
Shitty bulky " we want the halo audiance" armor
Little enemy variety
It's not bad, but it does have flaws. the levels were too small, especially towards the end. also the art style was too "warcraft" for me, I wish it was darker instead of having soft bright lights, glossy surfaces, and curvy, blobby, objects everywhere. demon ruins in dark souls is exactly what I wish the hell levels looked like.
that said it's more fun than og doom vanilla levels
The romantic subplot and building sexual tension between Doom guy and the final cyber demon felt forced and unoriginal. And the post credit SFM was just phoned in.
>Series about hell
>Reboot has the blandest Hell portrayal and makes it canon that some of the "demons" are made up by humans and are just viruses
But no, Doom movie bad because it doesn't look Doom enough
I hope Eternal has some sort of horde mode
Only has two big flaws imo:
1. Not enough demon variety for the length of the game. You've pretty much seen all the basic enemy types by about the half way point and the only thing you get in the later levels are more powerful reskins. I don't think this would have been a problem if they had doled out the enemies a little slower but the way they did it needed another ~5 demons.
2. Not enough demons on screen in general. I think the engine had a limitation of 12 and you could feel it in the later levels. You're killing one just to get another to spawn.
I'm surprised they haven't even considered this.
There's a reason why most of those randomizer Complex Doom mods are even popular, some people just want different shit to shoot at with different weapons.
Stop shilling this fucking game every day Bethesda.
Dick Kickem was better desu
it's painkiller with a le ebin brutal dewm skin
I hate arenas, it's not a bad game though but it doesn't live up to it's reputation
One thing is removing hitscan
Another is removing
>Revenant's homing rocket
>Mancubi being able to shoot fireballs twice
>Archvile as a whole
Because at this point, half the roster is just trying to replace the Arachnotron and chaingunner
With one of these returning, they better spice up how monsters play, even if it means bringing back hitscan
The fact that we're depending on a going on 30 year old franchise to get an even remotely playable fps is a pretty bad thing
I have the same issues with Diablo 3 but replace Halo with WOW.
boring as fuck modern tripple ayyyy lmao, shitty mechanics and systems
I thought it was ok, sometimes I think about replying it but download size stops me
Well Diablo 3 IS terrible
>explain to me why nu-DOOM is a bad game.
Enemies always spawn in the same order during the Arena fights.
>makes it canon that some of the "demons" are made up by humans and are just viruses
There is nothing of the sort in doom 2016
too many menus, cutscenes, loading screens, padding with challenges and trials, imps are too hard, you walk too slow
Other than zoomers, glory kills
60gb game
FPS is the shittiest, most casual genre out there
they are literal glorified whack a mole games
FPShit is the biggest cancer that polluted gaming in the last 2 generations
Discord trannies
There are people who think this is a bad game?
I don't like the exploring to get gun upgrades. By all means, let completionists waste their time mapping hell but reward them with flags, achievements or GBP. Just give me guns and let me shoot demons. The game got so much more fun for me when I realised I had the upgrades I needed and could just press on instead of automapping.
>The revenants are just dudes in some specific armor that got hit by "lazarus" wave
>Spectres are an accidental creation involving a Cacodemon eye
>Hell razers are a parasite that sticks to a host and turn them into a lazer imp
>Cybermancubus exists because the new Mancubus isn't really a cyborg and more of a chittin armored monsters, which also throwers away the flesh and metal imagery from the OG Doom
onions opinion
FPS aren't VNs or jrpgs though
it ain't but because it's new contrarians will say it's SOULESS despite the fact that it's the most soul we've seen in this industry in years
LOL so tru
Because the developers wanted a linear story-focused game where you also couldn't just sprint past enemies, the level design is a series of Quake 3 maps tied together with string, each encounter playing out identically to the others. The handful of branching paths aren't worth exploring because you get all the health and ammo you need from GKs, leaving collectables and shitty weapon upgrades as the all the game has to offer.
It was still 2016's GOTY
Nu-doom is more focused on player empowerment then actually good player encounters. The limit to 15 enemies only means the player is never overwhelmed. Things like upgrades and runes only empower the player further to the point where if they have any skill they will be killing enemies before they spawn. Unlike other mob based arena type shooters like serious sam/painkilller there isn't enough enemy ai vairety to make up for the players power. Case and point is the revenant, which in the original doom had homing rockets to make the player find cover. In nu doom this isn't the case and enemies like knights and barons are instantly nullified by jumping to higher levels. The game is just too easy and stuff like double jumping and glory kills lack the nuances to make them more than just gimmicks or major crutches for the player.
VNs are not games just because the are on computers. They are literal novels with pictures, like how it's name implies
jrpgs at least have hundreds of abilities and dozens of enemies and usually give you control over the game's difficulty
this already makes their genre better than FPShit where the whole fucking gameplay is just "click on this target fast", the only variety is maybe 8 weapons with only 1 moves, and maybe 8 enemies with like 2 moves, and where the only challenge comes from "how fast you have to click on the target"
only onions and 12 years olds get excited for FPShit though
>shit opinion accompanied with shitty memepicture from facebook
>also a weeb
kill yourself onionsboy
>muh weeb boogeyman
stop being in denial. Other western genres like rts or crpg shits on FPShit trash even more.
your genre is a shitty cookie clicker game, only popular because they are aimed at the casual mass market
ok zoomer
>enter room
>room locks
>kill all enemies to open door
that's the whole game
it's funny coming from a fucking weeb
I bet you are that kind of subhuman who has 750 hours in darks souls 3
FPShit is literally the most zoomer-core genre out there tho
and don't come with this "but doom is old" meme, fps genre was nowhere near this fucking ridiculously oversaturated or popular back then.
I genuinely liked doom,quake1, Dukenukem3d and UT because they were new and fresh at the time, but it should have ended there. This genre really doesn't have any fucking complexity behind it to worth making hundreds of the exact same shit out of this simple idea of "clicking on targets and nothing more". It's as if people would still keep remaking fucking pong just with a different coat of paint.
movement is extremely slow
>not zoomer
sure buddy
because VN's are better
did you know it's possible to have experiences outside of your own, and that some people are born later, or want to try more of the same genre? you arent the center of the universe
>16 year olds buying mw3
I bet they're older than you now
huge doom 1 and 2 fan. Doom 2016 is not a bad game. But it isn't a true doom game. I think the thing that bothers me most about doom 2016 is that it has monsters spawn in arenas as opposed to corridors filled with them. I know there were some corridors filled with "zombies" but they were just ways for you to top off your inventory between arenas. I hope the new one gives us a more "doom-like" experience.
It really is the most true and succinct answer idk what else OP needs to hear
I actually rather agree with you when it comes to modern fps and specially with these shitty military simulators, but fps is millennial territory, with the best titles made around +/- 2000
Post this on /vr/ and get the real answer.
Do people really use glory kills to say doom is bad? The glory kills are really cool and rewarding! They don’t really downgrade tge experience, either, since you have to earn them in-combat, rather than be able to just have a kill-all move.
The game needed:
•More Demon/Monster Types
•A lot more Monsters on screen than just 6 or 7(20 would've been a good number)
•Stronger later level demons
•Faster movement
I wanted to run through the game ripping through everything but I still wanted to feel the impact I was having on the game too.
No mods
Token upgrades for the armour were lame and along with the Runes permanent upgrades don't really fit the combat as it makes the game easier over time
Weapon upgrades should have been pickups in the secrets like Doom 64, choosing from an interface isn't necessary
No secret levels
Very few traps or puzzles, the platforming was handled well though
The movement feels stiff and just a bit too slow, there's very little acceleration or feeling of momentum.
The over reliance on locked arenas made the game repetitive as the levels got more linear, I liked the more open ended progression of Foundry that wasn't too bad
Giving all of the monsters free movement made encounters behave very similarly
The armour being a second health bar is very different from previous implementations and there's only 1 armour type as a result
Health and ammo being mostly dropped by monsters is lame and lazy, especially considering how much it scales to the player's needs
Having no barefisted melee or normal chainsaw was disappointing
Mods would have fixed most of these problems