>Try to extract my data because of GDPR
>"No! Suka blyat! Give your phone number or we no give you shit!
>these inbred niggers actually think it's legal to do this
Why are Russian video game companies so utterly retarded and backwards?
Try to extract my data because of GDPR
What makes you think exporting data means they will lose that data? How do you think computers work?
It's actually located in Belarus.
It's more or less a front. All devs, managers and the like are ruskies.
Saying that Belarussia isn't Russian is the same as saying New York and New Jersey is different.
more like saying Canada and America are different
Only if you're comparing White Anglo Canadians with White Anglo Americans.
Bottomline is that Belarussia and Russia is the same shithole. There are some slight differences with pronunciations but that's it.
And Wargaming is a company dominated by actual Russians from Russia, so getting mad at people because they're saying that Wargaming is a Russian company is quite literally retarded.
based retard amerimutt at it again
Belarus. As in "rusins" not "russians". Before commies soft-genocided them and assimilated what remained they actually were eastern slavs, unlike the population of Western Mongolia aka Moskovia.
Explain how a company dominated by Russian workers from Russia isn't Russian.
Do it, you inbred slav.
>same culture as russia
>same language as russian
>"they're not russian lol"
>>Before commies soft-genocided them and assimilated what remained
how about not having their headquaters in russia you uneducated pig, but I was refering mostly to your explanation of differences between those countries that basically show lack of any knowledge about the matter
You can get burner numbers quite easily.
You autistic delusional little shit, you actually have brainwashed yourself into believing that USSR "ruskified" Belarussia HAHAHAHAHA
you inbred slavs never ceases to amaze me
Their HQ is in Cyprus now. According to your logic, that makes Wargaming a Turkish/Greek company.
Answer the question instead of backpedaling.
>I was refering mostly to your explanation of differences between those countries that basically show lack of any knowledge about the matter
The only one who lacks any knowledge about the matter is you. Which is evident by the fact that you refuse to answer the question.
>still playing this shit
They're doing you a favor
i answered both your questions you retard
its literally how it works, their nationality does not matter, they respond to cyprus law now
you have autism because you can't see why people call Wargaming a Russian company
you naive dumb fuck
Back in the Empire times they did not care to actually completely wipe out the locals as an ethnicity and erase every trace of their culture. Same with Rzeczpospolita. In both cases they were the conquered but their culture and language persevered. Eastern slavs had various states around that parts way before the badlands and marshes to the northwest became Moskovia several hundred years ago.
I have no vested interest, you are just painfully ignorant here.
Oh look, more gibberish and slav gymnastics. Shut the fuck up you fucking retard. So how much is WG paying you?
Lol, is my first post ITT, retard.