What would a Yea Forums fighting game look like? How would the different characters play? What would the tier list look like?
What would a Yea Forums fighting game look like? How would the different characters play...
12 wojaks and 15 Pepes all with the same fighting style and moves. All the buttons does the same move.
like that newgrounds smash clone
Top tier would be epic fail guy, the lol face guy, the fuuuuuuuuu face guy a nahrwhal with bacon, and the rustled jimmies gorilla.
virgin and chad would have a special versus theme
Bateman - Combo Heavy character, ending combos at double digits increases their damage. Banned from tournaments for being too fun
>Raptor Jesus
>Cock Mongler
>Happy Negro
>Pool's Closed
There's your roster
W.T. Snacks is a secret character
Fuck bros...
Yeah maybe back in 07 but if we are doing current Yea Forums it’s
No one wants current Yea Forums and this is all just fantasy anyway, so might as well use the Yea Forums that wasn't flooded with facebook frogs and redditjaks
These plus:
>chris chan
any really notable specific board memes to add?
>hating on Wojack and Pepe
Reddit get out
bugs....(too hard on the carrots)
Popularly known as Big Chungus
>hating normie shit is bad
Fuck off.
ugh dude... you don't realize how cringe you are at this moment
Yeah you tell them
WTsnacks, Cracky-chan, and Longcat are B-tier but everyone will say they're OP.
wtf reddit is.... BASED?!!
What does it matter? Being a video game, no one on Yea Forums would ever play it.
Yea Forums guy
vivian james
Yes 100% based you should go back there.
Fantano and Sneed
You mean Newgrounds Smash 2? Boy oh boy is that a blast from the past
>apu apustaja
>easter toad
>bugs...easy on the carrots/chungus
>Yea Forums guy
>sneed & chuck
>patrick bateman/dubs guy
>green anonymous guy as unlockable character
>in front of the plane from TDKR
>sneed's feed and seed (formerly chuck's)
>habbo hotel pool
>cant think of anything else
Give me some stage ideas