Who here still buys their games? I have enver considered pirating games and always buy them from Steam, but I laugh at people that pay for music or movies, even Netflix and Spotify. And vidya has the worst DRM. Anyone else do this? If so, why not?
Who here still buys their games? I have enver considered pirating games and always buy them from Steam...
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I buy what I want and pirate what I want. It's all done on various whims and not because I can/can't afford the games or because I want to make a statement and/or support a developer. I'm fickle as fuck.
lol I am usually able to afford the games I play, cos I don't get interested in new games often, and I like retro stuff which is usually cheap on steam. But for some reason, the idea of priating a dev's work is awful to me.
But I pirate The Walking Dead each week, lmao fuck their set costs and make up costs and studio time and editing and shit.
>buying games on Steam
>laughing at other services
Oh, Yea Forums.
I don't even laugh at other wservices for games, just people that hand over money for movies or tv or music in any form. I know I am a hypocrite though.
Why do you think that about movies and music anyway? (I'm with you with TV tho)
I have no idea. Maybe it is the diffuse way you own movies. I used to buy movies off iTunes alongside my music, but you can only watch them through an apple device and needed shit like an Apple TV to access your won content. And fuck waiting for a DVD from Amazon. And netflix spotify just seems like its morally acceptable to skip as I don't think the content creators make too much money per view anyway. But steam was never diffuse and was always the top platform for digital only PC games. I dunno, I just settled on two different standards for my games and other media, it was weird.
I live in a shithole, so I usually pirate, although sometimes I might buy.
Fucking 60-70 euros for a game, that's basically 1/10 of a montly wage for a young person here.
where do you live user? I like in the UK so they are 50 GBP at launch for AAA and that's probably just a bad after expenses (living here is not cheap)
Most of the games I buy are old games that are under $10. I'm willing to buying games at launch for stuff like Dark Souls 3. And I'm interested in getting a PS4 in order to play Death Stranding.
Land of many denbts.
Everyone I know also pirates.
I get that user, I would pay for PS4 games as I don't know if its even possible to pirate them.
I buy good games (Yakuza) and pirate overpriced (DOA), shit(No Man's Sky), or h games(Honey Select).
I was planning on pirating games when I first built my pc. But steam just has so many sales and is very conveniest, so I just buy everything. I guess I'm too lazy to pirate.
lol, Greece?
Yes user, what about it?
desu I wouldn't even no where to start. Is it just an exe and game files?
every time I try to pirate it does not go well and i end up having to buy it anyways. most games are so cheap I don't mind. Only games I was really debating trying to get were the fallout 4 dlcs and thats because they're way over-priced.
nothing, just trying to guess based on your cryptic reply.
how does it go tits up user?
I got burned too hard from being a buyfag with my 3DS and then my Switch. I'll never fall for that shit again.
If more people would strive to create content, instead of wagecucking their lives away, pirating would be less common.
Before you initiate reee'ing at me, mind, this is in no way a comment on the (a)morality of pirating itself.
tbqh, you camt really pirate for nintendo though, so what you gonna do? I understand for PC though.
You just install the game and drag and drop all the files from the "Crack" folder in to the main game folder. I'd rather just buy the games. I don't why, though.
i feel bad for you euros, lower taxes = more games
and before you mention healthcare we're all on our parents until 26
Installing a game takes less intelligence than solving a captcha, so how the fuck did you post here? j/k I know you're a pass buying fag.
Sure you can. And it's your only option if you want to play games.
Healthcare won't help a bullet to the brain in 3rd grade, fatty
either my computer gets really slow after download, I can't get the game to run, or i get a virus
I actually never even gave it a try, I just assumed with all the DRM you need some tech wizardry to install. I might give a try for someting I already own.
why is it your only option?
fair enough user, I will give it a go.
>be american
>have to qualify how they really do have healthcare, kind of
I only buy multiplayer games out of necessity. and cs:go is ftp anyway. the next game I'm going to buy is the Division 2. even though I have no friends I enjoyed the original. I'm pretty sure I will need to download a 350 Terabyte Origin or Ubisoft installer package that will blow up my computer and brick all my electronics.
Either that or I'll torrent the 3 gb retorrent on TPB in 10 seconds the day it's released and just play it but Then I'm not supporting the developers. And i'll feel bad for not giving money to code monekys, marketiing teams and all the hard working journalist professionals at world class businesses like IGN and Kotaku
As soon as I make my colossal backlog smaller I'll start buying new games. Not the AAA cancer, of course, things like Underrail and similar.
lol how you doownloading it? Usually torrenting from Pirate Bay is fine for movies and shit. You aren't downloading direct form a dodgy sauce user?
aw little europoor doesn't know how to identify and make friends with the school shooter. its an important thing to achmed, also applies to office settings.
I buy more games than anything. I don't care if the movie or music industry fail but I care if I don't get games I want.
>you camt really pirate for nintendo though
dude 3ds has been easy as fuck to hack for years, same with wii u, I got all my stuff on them for the last 4 years for free
I don't know about switch, but given nintendos track record it shouldn't be long until something actually stable gets done
i can't pirate all my pirate sites got shutdown by buyfags, im literally forced to buy games and i refund them becasue i hate them.
>60e is 1/10 of wage for youngster
thats not a shithole
shithole is when 60e is 1/5 of monthly wage for average adult
Such effort dodging the inevitable. You should hand out "you're the best" stickers to everyone you meet just in case.
>goto imagefap.com
>type vidya into search box
>close loli pop ups
>d/l Black Ops III by right clicking save file as "BLCKOPSIII.win.exe
this i miss freeshop so fucking much
lol, nice sarcasm user, I can sooth my conscience on those last points. The thing that gets me is that some kino games are genuinely made by starving devs. Movies are bankrolled by (((hollywood studios))) and music by (((record labels))) but I read that the STALKER team actually had to constantly save their work and back it up cos they have so many power outages in Ukraine. I would liek to give them my cash, but I think I will be okay not giving it to Activision.
>why is it your only option?
Well the 3DS had a region lock which fucked me out of games. And many of the dubs are atrocious. Pirates get undubs.
But most importantly, Pirates get romhacks. And let me tell you, with the proper difficulty hack in place you can turn piece of shit casual garbage like Pokémon into an actual RPG. Who the FUCK could ever go back to playing regular Pokémon?
The bad buy burns hurt so fucking bad, looking back at it, had I fallen for stuff like fallout 5 I would need medical attention.
I haven't used my 3ds in a while, can't you still manually inject ISO's from the sd card?
>he watched walking dead after season 2
i don’t pirate, i also dont antagonise those that do.
this. I am using Steam now just cos there is so much there I will feel like a failure for not playing.
why? I can find tehm on TPB easy.
wow, didn't know this, I thought the cartridges would be really hard to get games onto or however you do it.
I suspect your post needs an /s and I will get a virus here lol.
>He watched television after 1997
You know emulators and free anime existed, right?
I'm just too used to pirating everything. When I was a kid getting an original copy of a video game didn't even cross your mind, you'd save up money to have someone burn it on a CD for you had internet and even if you did, you were not gonna try and download a whole CD worth of content on your 36k modem.
I only buy a game if I like a game and want to support the devs.
I usually don't like the game or want to support the devs.
wow, the struggle sounds fucking real user, this is a tin of worms I van opened. I just wondered if it was ethical to not support the devs
I don't really have interest in new games. My steam library reached 250 about a year ago and I've lost almost all interest in buying new games since. Only thing I occasionally pay for is WoW simply because £10 is basically spare change and I still enjoy relaxing leveling random alts.
Otherwise I also pay for Spotify, a friend showed me what's basically pirated Spotify for free but again £10 isn't much and with my shit internet I didn't have the patience to go through with it.
I don't watch television much less Netflix and feel legitimately sad for anyone that pays for that garbage.
I pirate movies though, 99.9% of them aren't available on Netflix (which is why I don't use it) and the few that are up for sale on Amazon or some shit are usually fucking stupidly priced Blu-ray copies for £20 or more. I won't lose sleep over some fat cunt working for Warner Bros. missing out on his % cut of a movie released in the 70s.
i buy movies and cds of stuff i really like, pirate music, tv and shit films and buy games except for ones i can't so i'll emulate
Just read the comics, they're superior in every way.
The show stopped following the comics closely after season 1 and it stopped being good or acceptable past 2.
The only thing the show did right was not crippling Rick, and even now they've 'killed him off' as well as fucking up the best characters in the series.
Everyone is having sex with everyone and it's fucked over the loving plotline Rick had with Andrea even further.
>I am using Steam
Dropped. It refuses to work from under a Windows VM that talks to the outside world through Squid and I refuse to install that spyware on the host. I plan to move to a saner OS anyway.
you can, it's just freeshop was so convenient to be able to download them from the 3ds itself.
I buy all of my games, mostly at a discount, as I consider them to be a product like a book and toys and such and because theft is bad
>why? I can find tehm on TPB easy.
i used to do this but man shit like
made it so easy fuckin stupid doxxing faggotry between websites killed my comfy pirate site.
Now i've gotta go to suspect websites to get pirated shit i fucing hate this timeline.
i know, but I liked the prison and when they were on the railroad tracks, so now I am just too invested. I cant say 9 years was a waste user, i just can't.
yeah I always tried to get shit for free too but for some reason, games never made it in my mind that way. maybe cos music was easier and I could never get a game to run.
I only buy if I cant be bothered to pirate. steam's autopatching alone is worth the money sometimes compared to manually downloading pirate shit every patch and even then the releases are lackluster.
Why would you
>buy games
>buy movies
you have no idea wether it's good or enjoyable for you until your money is not refundable
why wouldnt you
>buy music
>buy paintings
>buy books
you can see the pig you're buying and if you dislike it you can trade it away or refund it
this, exactly my feeling on it all. If I didn't have a steam backlog, I'd probably pirate shit. And fuck DVDs or Blu Rays. I see trhem in the supermarket and I wonder how the industry is gonna survive the next 10 years.
Cant do this anopn, I have a weird thing about open ended stories and I can't read years worth of comics knowing I might have another 10 years to go or more. It's why I never read Berserk, if it goes on another hiatus, I might not finish for 20 years.
wow really? I assumed cos literally every movie is on TPB that games would be just as easy.
If it's a single player game, for example nu-tomb raider series then I'll pirate it. If it's an online game then I don't really have a choice but to buy it to play. I make the occasional exception when bundles are on sale, I did buy all the old tomb raiders in bundle, as it was just a lot more convenient.
Generally though single player = always pirate it.
yeah I went down the same path. I pirated music because it was just free and easy. plus because of youtube you can literally just copy the URL and done. then I started pirating movies because hey, it's only a few gigs and I can just put them on a harddrive, saved me having to collect all those discs right? then games went digital, even on fucking console. then they started adding all this cancer DRM so I thought fuck it. why not take the PC pill and literally just torrent everything.
it's not that I don't want to pay for everything and want it all for free, it's that I took the pirate pill way before streaming and online services even existed. so I already went down that rabbit hole, knowing I could get everything for free and also best quality through torrents. ultimately it was a failure of online services but the problem is I know how much greener (and free) it is on the other side (so to speak).
I understand why people pay for everything digitally and good for you but once you're a pirate, it's really hard to go back without feeling like a cuck paying for everything you can get for free, especially if you're generally not that interested in pop culture and media. I barley watch films and hate most of modern gaming so fuck 'em.
>but you need to support the devs!!!
like I said I enjoy like 2% of all new media produced now so I don't care about a company's bottom line
>it's illegal or immoral!
I don't care.
that's like downloading virus.exe and wondering why your computer runs like shit. don't be a sub 100 IQ retard
games are more insidious, you can get viruses, bad cracks, or people trying to use your machine to mine bitcoins.
because you are a faggot and only what you do is right and only your opinion matters.
thats the "why" inbred.
>you have no idea wether it's good or enjoyable for you until your money is not refundable
You can watch parts of gameplay on youtube and read autistic screeching about the game here.
yeah, fuck that
I make ~300$ a year, only buy from GoG or some really good indie shit on steam (f.e.: Rimworld, Factorio)
>trusting jewtube
>listening to Yea Forums
this is terrible advice user
what proxy do you guys use for the pirate bay?
Blu-Ray DRM is the equivalent of buying a game for the PS4 and not being able to play it because of something that Sony forgot to add. Shits bullshit.
To answer your question, I pirate every movie and all my music because I haven't found a store that gives me what I want, and I don't want to go to a store and buy a CD. It's just more convenient for more obscure stuff.
Games on the other hand I don't mind buying every once in a while. I still pirate the majority of my stuff because I like to know that I can run the game even if the login servers are gone / out. I support the used market in my area very heavily and will often spend my Saturdays prowling around a pawn shop or two plus some surrounding thrift stores looking for cheap games. I think buying new most of the time is silly, but I do miss that new game shrinkwrap tearing ritual.
With movies you get trailers and for albums they may release a song or two for free. Why is it with games that a demo of the actual gameplay that allows me to properly judge it for myself so rare? I like Nintendo as a lot of their games have demos, stuff like Octopath Traveler and DQ Builders.
oh shit, I meant ~3000$ a year
I pirate games that are overpriced with too much DLC, usually strategy games and Ubisoft games. I buy most other games.
adverts are super-flawed and ripe for misinformation, not to mention that would require you to make up your mind before you even get to experience the product
that what you get for animeposting
Nordvpn is the safest. Based in panama with no data retention laws and outside the prying eyes zone, on a side note it's also where rich fuckers hide all their money from taxation as there's no obligation for banks to divulge info.
I had a shitty job long before I got into chinese cartoons but thanks anyway
>watching youtube
so you can watch game journos suck at the game like nuDoom and Cuphead?
>listening to Yea Forums
so you can know that every game is shit and be a cynical shitposter that doesn't play games
>fallout 5
Do you mean 76?
do I really have to pay for this shit? is there no free vpn?
>>trusting jewtube
I can trust my eyes, though. There are enough autists who bought the game and would bend over backwards for a bit of E-fame in any way, shape or form. So why not watch a recording of them playing the game and draw my own conclusions?
>>listening to Yea Forums
Not necessarily. It can be an aggregator of sorts.
What Pokemon hacks are you referring to? I'm curious
>Why is it with games that a demo of the actual gameplay that allows me to properly judge it for myself so rare?
Because it'll be much easier to tell if it's shit and UbiValvEAetc. want more money for moneyhats.
Every free vpn will sell your info, real ip details and all to anyone that asks, including law enforcement.
every board supports piracy except for buttmad devs on Yea Forums
If the game is fun, reasonably-priced, and the devs actually care for their customers, I'll buy it.
are you from Italy?
yout logic works for the others too though user. You can pirate ebooks and you don't know if you are gonna like them either? Same for music. And who the fuck buys paintings?
this. with the bugs and fixes out there, I don't know where I would start. How hard is it to downlaod something like Unofficial Skyrim Patch to a pirated version, for example?
>then games went digital, even on fucking console. then they started adding all this cancer DRM so I thought fuck it. why not take the PC pill and literally just torrent everything.
Exactly what happened to me, but when I looked into getting back into vidya after a few years off, it was no longer about going to PC World (like best buy in Britain) and buying a cardboard pox with the disk in. I had to google where to get vidya from and just seemed to be attracted by the Steam honeypot.
damn, this is waht I was worried aobut. I suppose with GOg there are many safe copies just uploaded without a crack these days though?
>Blu-Ray DRM is the equivalent of buying a game for the PS4 and not being able to play it because of something that Sony forgot to add. Shits bullshit.
I buy all my PS4 games on disc though cos fuck the PSN store.
check /sig/ on /pol/ and on 8 chan
So, does the pirate bay have the files for the original xcom?
Wanted to play some openxcom modded shit but fuck actually paying, too much effort
big pirate here
honestly, vidya is the most risky type of media to torrent because you're running 3rd party exe's and dll's. Every other type of media is in some sort of standardized format that cant deliver a viral payload to your pc's boypussy (except pdfs)
It's not likely you'll have a problem if you stick with some of the more reputable warez distributers, but still riskier than other types of media.
I pirate nearly everything.
>100 dollars for a fucking game
Get that shit out of here. I pay for games out of simple good will. Give them an inch and they take a mile.
I buy if it's multiplayer or I really want to support the company (last game I bought was Samus Returns). Otherwise I put the money to better use, like investing, home improvement, and PC hardware.
>Every other type of media is in some sort of standardized format that cant deliver a viral payload to your pc's boypussy (except pdfs)
>Every other type of media
yes, you can also pick up a copy from archive sites since most 90s games are abandonware.
I moved to linux and there are not many pirating options. It's worth it to me to pay now, in order to not boot back into windows.
the only load I DON'T want in my boipucci.
I wanted to do this too but Wine looks intimidating as fuck to run as I am no compu0r hax0r
I had to do a little googling, but if that's too much, and I get it if it is, I usually do all GOG/Steam titles anyway.
Like? I no good at internet
to awaken your aryan spitit so that u can finally make it in your shithole brah why else
Wait, so that site isn't only for saving webpages?
>is there no free vpn?
SoftEther. It's open-source.
all my PC vidya are from steam anyway (cos who buys on a disk anymore?) so I could use their new Proton thing that is a custom version of Wine.
ARchive.org saves all sorts. Out of print books in pdf format, old recordings and lost tv show episodes. It is an attempt to archive the internet. Software is likely on there too.
I'm a flippin' hairy slavnigger
I doubt there's even a fraction of an aryan spirit hidden deep inside me
What do i do now? I tried clicking download and i don't know what to do with what it gave me
Ancient pooinloos spread their genes far enough that you probably have.
there is a download option panel to the right under the file, don't click the green button. go tto the side bar and download the zip or wahtever is best for you
But i did, and what do i do with what i downloaded? There's an exe but is for something called "ufo2000" and not xcom
>TFW you even pirate free games