Some paki from india tried to log into your account

>some paki from india tried to log into your account
>only account to get this
>everyone I know has had an email similar

Why is nobody talking about this?

Attached: epic games.jpg (1400x788, 64K)

Nobody talks about epic store because it has like 20 games altogether ant they're mostly indies from steam.

It clearly has a massive security flaw somewhere

I had an old account I made for UT, been blasted with those emails for ages. I'll never buy shit on that store for that very reason.

>check g-mail
>see this as well
Wait, what the fuck is actually happening?
>inb4 phone posting

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Its not even today.

This has been a thing for months

It's been happening to me regularly since fortnite got big. I only ever had an epic account to grab a free Shadow Complex years ago. Tons of asians are picking random accounts and trying to bruteforce passwords, hoping to find fortnite goodies.

This is the first time I’ve seen it pop up in my mail.
Wow that’s fucked, good thing I don’t even have anything on my account

And like Bethesda's launcher, anyone retarded enough to use it deserves the breach. I'll be laughing at anyone who actually buys Doom Eternal on PC for the same reason.

Stop asking questions you anti-competition losers.


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thanks for reminding me that I won't get to play DOOM eternal
or I'll just wait them out until they release the GOTY edition on Steam

That's the joke

I had Epic for learning UE4 and got several of those a month, at first changed my password each time regardless but stopped bothering eventually and so did the emails. Not sure why spammers bothered and damn sure they didn't get to login but still fishy and I've never had it with Steam or GOG.

Pakis are joked desu

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Both of your friends is not an epidemic.

>didn't startup epic launcher in ages
>70 people want to be your feiend


Quit hating, brah.

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we don't have Epic accounts, zoomer.

Shut up, cuck.

Attached: epic wojak.png (683x751, 136K)

The ToS for installing the EGS is all but asking you to consent to the installation of tencent spyware. A failed login attempt is just icing on the cake and nothing out of the ordinary for users of this platform.

>trusting chinks not to spy on the user from the hardware they crank out
>trusting chinks not to spy on the user from the software they cranked out

I shiggity diggity double doo dog dare that you do not buy chinese products or install chinese products.

You say somethin' lil guy?

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I don't even have epic installed anymore but yeah
I get these emails every couple days or so

Attached: Fuck off epic.png (1776x785, 514K)

It's ok user.
Just give them your phone number and they'll stop spamming you.

Because no one on Yea Forums actually uses the Epic Store except to play Fortnite and they don't give a fuck if that account gets hacked because it's just goddamn fortnite and they haven't played it in lord knows how long.

>makes up fake stories to make epic store sound bad

why are steam fags so pathetic?

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>use chinese spyware
>is surprised when they are being hit with security issues
Wow user, it's not like people on Yea Forums weren't warning everyone every fucking day about it for months.

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I get them frequently too retard. Don’t assume shit you know nothing about.

>he doesn't have a unique domain name and e-mail address for every major service
lmfao @ ur life poorfag

Gotta thank that Paki for reminding me to delete Epic Launcher. Had it for years (for the new UT, which I dropped after a few days) and never used it again.

incel steam drone spotted.

Pakistan and India are two different countries dumbass.

>Apple TV app
You're a plebian of the worst kind.

I love how the chink shills panic once you criticize their shitware
Tiananmen Square massacre

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Already did that years ago when I signed up for baidu yun guanjia.

>only games I have on there are the free ones
>never have, and never will play Shitnight
And nothing of value will be lost. My password is already just a jumble of shit, so even if they somehow get that, nothing else will be in danger. I predicted something like this would eventually happen, so I would never spend money on their store.

I made an account last year to try out Fortnite and within a month I had emails saying someone tried to log in, and have gotten similar emails since then. I don't know what the fuck is going on with Epic but I'm never buying shit from their store.

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>using the same e-mail address everywhere
stop doing that

My wife made a new email to try out Fortnite early last year, and when we checked that email for the first time just a little bit ago there was a wall of these emails waiting. There's clearly something else going on here, I'm not giving them my payment details fucking ever

Winnie The Pooh