How do we fix the horror genre, bros?
How do we fix the horror genre, bros?
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the fuck is that
RE7 was great and a step in the right direction. Penumbra was kino for horror before Amnesia became a meme. Here's what we need:
>Few resources
>Immersive interface
>Smaller locations well crafted
>Little to no music
>Less of the ringu/creepy little girl shit
>One or two really formidle enimies
>More implication horror, like diary entries in a gory scene that talk about teh person saying they are gonna make a break for it
Michael Jackson
Alright, who dug up MJ's grave this time?
By playing it straight for once instead of going all meta on the player like they allways fucking do
Take a look at the Faith series (Chapter I, II and the demo for II) and look how interesting horror can be when they are just played like a horror story
never played Faith so I can't really get what you mean here user. Care to offer an example of the meta you mean?
El ayuwoki
Faith is a game that has an artystle resembling old Atari/NES games with some rotorscoping for animations, it's just a story of a Priest who goes back into a house to help a girl who got possesed by a demon and was failed to be exsorcised properly. The story slowly builds up from notes you find by purifying things with your cross, but at the end of the day is still a story that is being told to you and the atmosphere and animations do a good job of making you feel unsettled
There is a wave of modern horror games who are just either jumpscare simulators or have this feel of acknowledging the player or the fact that they are in a videogame. Waves and waves of indie horror games (The ones that started with the fucking Slender game) for example, since horror is like one of the easiest types of games to produce.
Basically just take notes from silent hill 2
He's innocent kids ganbanged him
You need first a scary story.
Then you need scary visuals and design.
Then you need scary sound design.
Finally you need good enjoyable gameplay.
Really all there is to it.
that's interesting. The jumpscares (cheap ones at least, I liked Dead Space) I can get behind hating, but I don't feel many horror games referencing being a game, or getting too clever with the meta elements. I don't play that many and never copypasta like Slender so I might be wrong.
We all take notes from the best in other industries, so why not?
Now THAT would make for a good horror game. Some fucked up evil kid accuses you of rape and you have to somehow prove your innocence or flee the town while everyone tries to kill you for being a pedo.
Have you seen my little one? My little one is here.
Ya duermanse, a esta hora sale el ayuwoki
great movie
El Hee Hee
My friends all hate outlast but I enjoyed it. Ended was weak but the rest kept me engaged the whole way through. Also whistleblower was pure kino. What do you think Yea Forums?
El ayuwoki
how many times are you going to make this topic?
Pinche ayuwoki
>Good mystery elements like a point and click adventure
>Complete with Fallout 1 style timer
>Your family suffer consequences for your fuck ups like LISA but more fitting for the small town vibe
Kino, would pirate
ayuwoki annie?
Michael didn't do anything wrong. These latest accusations are a shameful attempt to clean out his legacy of everything it's worth. It's easy to pick on someone who is dead and can't defend himself.
fuck you nigger, Micheal Jackson was a nigger AND a pedophile, heehee!
Meanwhile in japan
isn't the most useful tool for horror games a feeling of helplessness instead of just spooky jump scares and overwhelming forces?
wouldn't horror fit the perfect bill for story driven or well written games that most people tossed aside for gameplay and multiplayer?
Absolutely based jew
No those hide and wait "horror" games get boring as fuck after a while, its the tension that makes these horror games scary.
el eni ayuwoki
P-patricia Hernandez?
More combat less stealth
More cosmic horrors from beyond the starts that force you to save vs will or go insane on sight
fuck off
Why do you hate fun?
Why must you be so bitter?
I bet you also hate the Dagon kino.
>not giving the main character a machine gun, epic kung fu skills, explosives, cybernetic armor
>70% of a successful horror is the audio fx (not even the music) create audio suspense
>no fucking music. no ''scary music'', no techno, hip hop - just basic strings like Insidious for scare moments
>Less zombies. Enough zombies. They arnt scary anymore (Resident Evil pulled it off but they just arnt scary generally speaking)
>Less gore factor (gore isnt scary)
>Few resources. Difficult to stay alive and CONSEQUENCES for dying (no save points every min. Make the player repeat going through creepy and uncomfortable areas a second/third time if they die and put in ALTERNATE FUCKING SCARE SCENARIOS
>ITS 2019, up the game re exploration/area. Dont make it overly linear. Give us some variety re sandbox
>Use bygone eras and settings (Gothic villages in ancient Transylvania ect) dont make one in a modern city/future scene or with dinasors/robots unless your certain you can pull it off (like Residant Evil with Zombies - which arnt scary under most circumstances) - Dynocrisis did ok, the original
More waifus.
He made Thriller and Smooth Criminal, raping a couple of kids was worth it :^)
>spic memes
Almost as bad as wojak and pepe.
Safecuck literally only got his "revelation" after he got booted from Circue De Soleii MJ Tribute tour
>american memes
great movie, like a modern witch hunt
>EL AYUWOKI xD even in the DMC dance video
Pure cancer
Play SOMA.
not innocent but not guilty, this is a lot of difference.
Bloodborne has both of these things and is not scary. Discarded.
Do you guys think VR is the future of horror?
I think horror in VR is so much more immersive than screen-gaming.
>a has been nigger looks more white like i do.
How did he do it?
Reminded me of that story about that crazy butcher.
>the facts you won't find in the documentary
>the first bullet literally is addressed in the documentary
How embarrassing.
Can someone post that "what if Silent Hill 3 was made by Ubisoft"-webm?
Any horror games like this?
>was found innocent
That's not how law works retard. Not guilty doesn't mean innocent, it just means they didn't find enough to judge him guilty, which can mean anything from "this guy probably didn't do it" to "this guy was good as fuck at doing crimes". This is why these nutjob jackson shilling images fail, if you're gonna pretend to be the voice of reason then don't spread bullshit too.
He did it btw.
>Let's make a magic hat that gives Dante the power of Micheal Jackson!
ya duermanse
Mama se Mama sa mama koosa
It's Ayuwoki user.
>spic memes
i was so glad when people asked me about it and i didn't even know what they were talking about
Horror games have always been about the atmosphere and the setting/exploration, not the fucking scare factor.
How much of a pussy do you have to be to get scared by horror games past your early teens or so?
A steady diet of horror movies since childhood should have taken care of that ages ago.
based retard
"You're not supposed to be SCARED of HORROR"
you're thinking of thriller games, not horror games
wasn't there a fanmade el ayuwoki game?
MJ was innocent and framed by the kikes in hollywood. He just wanted to recapture his youth and be a child at heart
Both Horror movies and Horror games are scary.
Do you know why you don't find any horror movies or horror games scary anymore? It's not because people are bad at making horror movies or horror games, it's that you've watched and played so much horror games that you're desensitized to it. You know what's gonna happen, that old thrill you used to have as a kid/teen is gone because you had too much.
Any new kid or teen are gonna find those horror movies and horror just as scary as you would have 10 years ago. You just got too old for this shit grandpa.
>wacko jacko defenders think facebook memes are facts
He was found not guilty on FOURTEEN separate charges, in addition to the 70 sheriffs raiding Neverland not finding a single piece of evidence of any wrong doing. According to the maid MJ left soiled underwear all over the place regularly, surely it would have been a simple matter to find some lying around? Surely a guy like that who was so blatant with his child molestations would not be so supernaturally skilled as to make ALL the alleged evidence go away to absolve him of 14 separate charges?
"Not guilty" and "innocent" are 2 completely different things in a court of law.
cursed thread WATCH OUT!!
Based, but image has several inaccuracies.
Based and redpilled.
Cringe, but redpilled.
Cringe and bluepilled.
Court of law operates under a "innocent until proven guilty" mindset
The king of pop
You have absolutely no proof he did jack shit tho, there's a reason people are innocent until proven guilty. It's to prevent wrongful accusations like these
INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty
>lied under oath because Michael threatened to have her throat cut
You are a fucking retard, holy shit. I'm talking about the verdicts. "Not guilty" and "innocent" have 2 seperate legal definitions.
More focus on sound design and atmosphere rather than throwing cheap jump scares at you.
Like OJ, right? Surely you don't think he murdered anyone.p
You are unable to read huh incel?
I don't give a shit about OJ. It's better for bad men to go free than for good men to go to jail.
That's cool and all but we're talking about what we personally think happened, not whether or not they should dig up his corpse and put it in a prison.
Here’s your proof
>Basically just take notes from silent hill 2
As long as those notes have nothing to do with weapons, combat, difficulty balance or item distribution in the levels. The only thing I'm scared of when carrying ten of each healing item, three guns and 5000 rounds of ammo for all of them is breaking my back lifting all that shit.
I didn't follow the OJ, he's not an important celebrity outside of the US
>Not guilty doesn't mean innocent
innocent until proven guilty.
I didn't follow the OJ trials, he's not an important celebrity to people outside of the US
>here's your """survival horror""" bro
don't you just love lullabies, glitchy screen effects, moving dolls and Russia/Ukraine for those silly memes?
Frankly, you should feel honored if you got diddled by MJ. What a fucking privilege. You would also have a great story to tell at get togethers.
OJ was framed by a cop named Marj Fuhrman. There was very little actual evidence
by making it 2D
Every first world justice system uses that saying but what they actually mean is "not guilty until proven guilty". That's why a judge or a jury never deems anyone "innocent." They only deem them "guilty" or "not guilty".
He made thriller though, and anyone can describe a dick; he was set up.
replace monsters with cute femboy traps who chase you around trying to shoot their cum on your face~
jajajajaaja c mamooo
>Great movie comes out that touches a hot subject
>Every media outlet ignores it
MJ didn’t diddle those kids though.
>Michael Jackson
>>not giving the main character a machine gun, epic kung fu skills, explosives, cybernetic armor
It worked for FEAR
Something's wrong with SOMA's difficulty. It seems like the game feels sorry for you, that when a monster kills you the game just takes the monster away and spawns you with half health exactly where you were. How are you supposed to feel scared by monsters that can't really kill you and you lose no progress? It's Bioshock all over again, fitting as it also takes place underwater.
sauce the webm, please
Hee hee
>10 year investgationg by the feds(who have a 98% conviction rate btw)
>found completely innocent
>retard still think he did it because some cuck says so
kek post it please
because you're la criatura
This here. Name me a single credible piece of evidence against jackson. I dare anyone.
>He didn't touch me so he couldn't have touched anyone else
>I didn't see him do it so it couldn't have happened
>Police didn't find evidence from decades prior so it never existed
>They just wanted money so decided to waste more knowing they wouldn't win
dick by daylight
Is there anything more NPC than falling for propaganda?
fucking based
He did nothing wrong
It didn’t happen user, get over it
>Robson was the first person to defend MJ in court
>always said the accusations are bullshit
>MJ dies
>still only has positive things to say about him
>until he plans to be part of the Jackson estate memorial circue du solais in Las Vegas
>because the estate does not accept his offer to participate
>now he suddenly claims that bad memories re-surfaced and that he wants the Jackson estate to pay for it
>fails to get any money and instead now owes the Jackson estate over 100.000 dollars
>hack director comes along and smells a chance to jump on the #metoo train
>opens a donation fund all while claiming that he does not get paid for any of this
You are a fucking retard if you believe any of their bullshit
> Freely admits there is no evidence
> Still accuses people
This is the mind of a leftists on display
Even If MJ didn't act on his pedophilia he still groomed children and indulged in child pornography.
Sup bromigo
Those wear art books. Your average european family has much more erotica on display in their homes because we arent cut dick repressive puritans unlike americans
>A steady diet of horror movies since childhood should have taken care of that ages ago
What if I prefer not to subsist entirely on shit?
you know when games have jump scares? well you ever read a post that has a jump sca--
Existential and body horror is where it's at.
When something not from this earth comes and rips the fabric of reality for reasons beyond the comprehension of humanity which in hindsight is only caught in the crossfire of alien intelligences.
jesus christ, user
Just do everything Silent Hill: Shattered Memories did but make it so that there was the threat of attack outside of the nightmare segments. Possibly even toss in a couple of jump scares (as you open a door a monster hand grabs yours, you break away and it starts chasing you). The tricky part would be balancing it so that the chases are infrequent enough that you wouldn't just view them as tedious and find repetitive solutions on how to solve them that you mechanically reproduce every time; but also making them happen often enough that there was always a slight tension/dread that another one MIGHT (but probably won't be) coming. Then keep the nightmare segments as well for a much more frantic chase type experience.
this tbqh
>isn't the most useful tool for horror games a feeling of helplessness instead of just spooky jump scares and overwhelming forces?
There's a nuance to it. Give the player too much power/capability, and nothing is scary, but if you don't allow them to fight back period, they'll get sick of how they can only run and hide, and thus nothing is scary.
RE2make did a good job of balancing this, even if it did tend to make enemies a little too resilient for the sake of making things more difficult. Still, I'd rather deal with:
>Shoot enemy in head, he slightly flinches but otherwise doesn't react
>Shoot enemy in head again, barely reacts
>Shoot enemy in head yet again, it staggers a little but doesn't fall back
>Shoot enemy in head once again, it staggers back a bit more but still doesn't fall back
>Shoot enemy in head, it falls back onto the ground but pretty much immediately gets right back up
>Fucking turn 360 degrees and walk away, hoping it doesn't kill me from behind
Are there any games that get the balance between fear and arousal just right?
There has never been a good horror game, change my mind
I quadruple-tap thanks to RE2 now.
Tired of those fucking ankle biters.
He's innocent, you got jack shit to prove otherwise. There is literally no reason to think he did anything.
Silent Hill 2
Amnesia TDD
Dead Space
Resident Evil: Remake 1 and 2
I watched the doco and it really irritated me how one sided it was. I don't believe Jackson is innocent, but Robson comes off as a slimy fuck.
Protecting a pedo for years then coming out looking for money almost a decade after he died just seems highly suspicious to me. Fair enough if you were grappling with the abuse back then and are only now processing it and clearing the air years later, but his role in the doco feels like a ploy to build sympathy if his case is picked up again.
The other dude seemed more legit.
>not finding any evidence of wrong-doing
Why do the zombies have such impossibly thick skulls, yet their arms and legs fall off like they're held on by wet paper?
More like, it happened and he was saving it as a trump card. He didn't say anything before because he had weird attachments to Michael still.
Aiming is so much easier now that they had to make things hard somehow.
Because they take the same amount of damage regardless of where you shoot them at, it's just that different parts of the body have different dismemberment effects. Head dismemberment = instadeath, so obviously they had to increase the threshold.
On the same topic what happens if you blow their arms off? I only ever go for legs and arms once they're down.
>The other dude seemed more legit.
He was just jealous he was replaced with another boy and lost contact with Michael.
Reminder that it is perfectly okay and legal in the US to defame the dead.
You can claim your dead uncle was a sick fucking pedo who ate baby heads for breakfast and nobody can do anything about it.
They could have just made them shuffle faster or increased the number you encounter them. I hated it when i shot them enough times to have their heads caved in and they are still coming. They could have added some critical areas in the head for you to hit.
Hee hee!
>Not loving Michael Jackson
I know he wasn't actually a pedo but you're delusional
This is a very low quality post.
The fact the kid drew his exact pubic marks
The fact the kid and michaels fingerprints were on the same pornography page
The fact Michael had NAMBLA literature and random pictures of boys with bikini bottoms being pulled down in his house (i defy anyone to defend pic related. If podesta had these books on his shelf people would go bezerk)
The fact that he admitted to sleeping with hundreds of kids
>RE7 was great and a step in the right direction.
>Few resources
It was still way more than you needed
>Immersive interface
It was okay
>Smaller locations well crafted
Compared to previous games not really
>Little to no music
that's a bad thing for a game like resident evil
>Less of the ringu/creepy little girl shit
>One or two really formidle enimies
>More implication horror, like diary entries in a gory scene that talk about teh person saying they are gonna make a break for it
Fuck, this made me kek
Ok and?
They can't bust doors open if they don't have arms
>The fact the kid drew his exact pubic marks
No, it was a general guess. And also he claimed he was circumcised when he wasn't.
I wonder what the real reason behind this is, it's not what they are saying.
Who owns the Michael Jackson music catalogue, is it a conservative or something?
outlast but ucan fight back
Honestly I don't understand why the Jackson case has to be so black and white. There's evidence to support that some of the stories have been fabricated or atleast parts of them were. But there's also evidence to suggest Jackson had atleast the INTENT to engage in pedophillia and given how he many children he slept with, it's pretty naive to suggest he never acted on his obvious desires towards children.
Sony bought it for 750 million
However someone with a lot of power has a serious hate boner for Sony, whoever it is so it's possible it's a hit piece to hurt them again.
Why are people on the left pretending they give a shit about kids all of a sudden?
ayuwoki - are you okay annie
For the uninitiated:
Are spics literally retarded?. How is that this generic creepypasta shit became so popular?
>Are spics literally retarded?
Yes. Im Latino and this shit is fucking retarded, i really don't understand what's the hype behind this it isn't even scary it looks fucking ridiculous.
MJ was emotionally stunted, he had no childhood since he was forced to train how to dance and sing since the age of 5
Silent Hill 2 Nurses?
>tfw no big titty ghost gf
The Thing wouldn't make a good vidya.
It needs the instakill infectiousness and paranoia to be scary and neither of those work in vidya.
>tfw the real reason he was accused of being a pedophile was because he named the Jew a dozen times
Meanwhile pic related was allowed to fuck kids as long as he continued to kiss the ring of Hollywood jewery.
si ves este post estas siendo protegido por el EO
Delete your save file when you die
Immortality is antithetical to horror
Some developers still know what makes Horror great like the Darkwood Devs.
Oh vey, that anti-semite is raping kids goy!
Don't ask who's giving him a steady supply of kids! Just listen to the televised media like a good goyim!
What the fuck.
Yeah, I always film myself too whenever I try to swing my golf clubs in my small, cramped house.I just HATE it when ghosts try to bother me
>every ghost sighting is never a ghost pushing someone over or that sorts
>just dumb shit like pushing carts around or making stuff drop on the ground
Ghosts are fucking lame
Why was Jimmy Savile protected by the current CEO of the New York Times while he had sex with dead kids but Michael Jackson got his name paraded publicly over a bunch of anonymous reports and hearsay?
Make an Ayuwoki survival horror game
>Honestly I don't understand why the Jackson case has to be so black and white
Oh dios mio! es el AYUWOKI!
Are you doing that hand thing?
That poor guy is just trying to do his job, ghosts are dicks
He looked his best here. By late 90s his face was mangled.
alien abduction
I've wanted a porn game about banging sexy ghosts and cryptids for the longest time.
I too like to conflate suspenseful anxiety with fear.
Pretty ironic coming from a tribe that ritualistically mutilated baby penises and hires a "mohel" to suck the babies weiner blood.
Google "mezuzah b'peh"
Abrahamic religions are fucking subhuman
Pedo vampires, pedo churches, pedo goatfuckers (they should check out Undertale)
>I've wanted a porn game about banging sexy ghosts and cryptids for the longest time.
I'm gonna make a visual novel
He said game user
user if he's not guilty then there's literally only one other thing he could be in an "innocent until proven guilty" system
I don't judge. Are you actually going to make that, or are you just saying that.
Globohomo uses pedophilia as a forbidden fruit to control the elites.
In MJs case, he was buying children but letting them run free on his ranch instead of raping and killing them like he was supposed to.
MJ was not single-handedly running a child trafficking ring. He was a low level John at most.
I think Corey Feldman was what makes me believe that MJ didn't do it the most, despite his recent statements, Corey Feldman was seemingly raped by every guy in Hollywood, if he says Michael didn't do it, then he probably didn't do it
>your average American doesn't understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty or why it's essential to a civilized society
It can't end soon enough
How is he so white when he’s a nigger
two letters
Not sure if joking
he had child pornography?
I don't remember hearing this
I've never drawn monster girls in my life, but I wouldn't mind learning. Cryptids and paranormal seems like an untapped field as far as dating simulators go.
Son, you've got a way to fall.
You have no idea how deep this rabbit hole goes
I'm a drawfriend and I'd contribute to a project like that in a heartbeat if it looked promising.
What a hypocrite.
He was acquitted in court though.
>2. The Meme Appears to Children at 3 a.m. & Says ‘Hee Hee’
just a bunch of kids that decided to make a new meme of the month
You think american kids are annoying?
Mexican kids are worse
>he doesn't know (((they))) destroyed him the moment he stopped being an obedient cash cow
give it good gameplay instead of using horror as an excuse for making a clunky pile of garbage with no interesting mechanics
Facts don't lie.
People do.
Alright guys, alright, picture this:
>You start with a super weapon
>In a world infected with zombies
>You spend some minutes tearing through them like they were paper
>Suddenly you lose the weapon
>Now you are defenseless against the horde