Yeah, I thinking I am back
Yeah, I thinking I am back
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Based Abe
Hello the entire population of Japan.
>ywn be a nip and help repopulate your country
do japs really have a penis day festival
>Be Japanese
>Born there but raised in Europe
>Move back at 16
>Treated as an outlander
So this is how n'wahs feel.
So why are Japanese games becoming popular lately?
I think that all happend within 3 years of 2015 - 2018
The people who normally on play AAA games tried them out and liked them. PS4 being king this gen helped with that. What's stale to some of us is new to normies.
When you are receiving constant stream of western pile of shit like Anthem, even normies tried out japanese games
>I think, maybe, I want children too
They're not popular beside some AAA games like DMC. Westcuck only play their new generic fps or the last FIFA.
no capcom and nintendo are not all japan
What's wrong with her face?
Abe not only pays for all the fees, they also pay you per kid and your job gives you a bonus and dipper money
Does Abe fund halfus too?
wish i could be a nip to help populate their country.
Not only games but also any other geek genre.
American geek industries are seriously collapsing
Based Abe
why do japs have low fertility anyway, despite the memes they are still backward as fuck yellow monkeys who use fax machines and have a 1950s view of feminism. so why aren't they having 1950s fertility?
>tfw you're half-black half-irish but you wanna help repopulate Japan so bad
They probably wouldn't even let me in, unless I told I'm just tanned or something
you dont know shit about japanese feminism
go back to gamerghazi, white landwhale creepy racist
It's hard hard to raise a child and keep a family in Japan despite all the government help. So most young adults that are in the worker force opt for the hassle-free single lifestyle.
but I do, I know they are going to be South Korea tier in the next decade, but they are nowhere near that level yet, you teratoma'd out AGP fetishist.
That and all the amount of porn that's readily available at every corner store.
>parents send you to school to get good grades
>when you're home, parents make you do homework
>test results shown publicly, people who score low are literally subhuman and socially shunned
>be done with school, go to work
>job is cult of personality-tier, not necessarily work-intensive but you have to get invested with the company and that takes energy
>go home tired
>play your shitty gachaphone game because you're too tired for vidya
>wake up the next day
I think if you don't take chances during HS or UNI, the only way you really get by is through arranged meetings by a third party.
The absolute state of the west
Anime and work
No really, anime raised the bar for males and females so much with hyper idealised versions of males and females that both man and woman don't want to fuck each other anymore
And work makes they don't have time to fuck each other anymore
It's kinda normal for woman to still be a virgin well into their late 20s there
goofy nigga
>and have a 1950s view of feminism
How is that a bad thing? Are you a mentally ill liberal?
Never said it was bad but it is something to account for. [Spoiler]2D>3D[/spoiler]
As long you have a renewable visa with a good job Abe will pay for your kids and also pay for all your fees
Is this some sort of reproduction propaganda?
>you'll never get checks personally signed by Abe mailed to you every time you fuck your wife raw
no how you do when even their critically acclaimed feminist books arent translated into english. critique wise, the golden era of japnaese feminism was in 80s. it came with shitty post modernism critiques, and japanese feminists acknowledged its "stale" in 90s and moved on. femnism or feminism ish activity still exists there, as you can see trains for women the west hasnt even adopted yet, but the form is utterly different from the west. its more pragmatic and socially workable. not "cultural", much less SNS bullshit like outrage culture.
The west in general is all sorts of fucked. No one wants to have kids, because no one can afford to have kids. Shits getting more expensive while wages stagnate. Owning a house is pretty much a pipe dream for the majority of people, and hell even renting an apartment has become a death blow for financial solvency. Shits fucked. Everything gets more expensive by the year and its not going to get any better.
>le expensive meme
Minorities in Europe do just fine because they still have traditions and family values.
Honestly as a whole planet we need to LOWER fertility rates, Africa specifically, theyre going to double the worlds population by themselves at this point.
What's their avg life expectancy though?
because the governments throw money at them
I have tradition and family values. Where do I cash that in for house money?
all first world countries are fucked up the same way. the main difference between japan and america or the eu is definitely immigrants. however its not that japan is conservative, but the west is strangely very far left now. so to westerners japan looks conservative, relatively. japan is culturally fairly liberal. in fact the current state of japan is exactly the same as of the west until mid 00s. the west has been unhinged since 2007 or so, from my observation.
>half black ,half irish
do you like flat ass or big ass
It has been under a liberal regime since WW2 ended,creating the EU was to keep countries chained to the globalist elite.
Back to being nuked.
Jap games were always popular.
He's probably a zoomer that only experienced the terrible 7th gen and after and that falls for marketing and hype left and right,Japan has always been better than the west but retards are only realizing it now.
I have a better plan. We keep Nordic whites and Japanese people while everything else dies.
You do realize any rates under 2 already means population decline, right?
Burgers fault
And do you realize that's a good thing?
>all they had to was start making good games again
really makes you think doesn't it
It isn't in first world nations,overpopulation is a libcuck meme.
Combination of:
>The Western AAA industry absolutely shitting itself chasing fucking cancerous trends (e.g. service games)
>Japanese devs finally adapting fully to HD development due to more friendly engine usage and more experience.