Games about losing a child?
Games about losing a child?
Other urls found in this thread:
a smash thread died for this
and nothing of value was lost
Your mom
i do this too, going into random threads just to say this and worsen smash's reputation
keep fighting the good fight user
Your life, when your parents realized their child had become a wojack-posting nigger
Among the Sleep
>censoring the username
go back and keep weeping over your disgusting dead mutt
OP's skin is the color of shit.
I don't understand that, is it because they get the screencaps from elsewhere?
I'm a dog person and I love my dog but Jesus Christ this is the most pathetic s-o-i riddled thing I have ever read.
Thank fuck for that.
And that's a good thing!
You can get banned for doxing if you leave it there
OP gets banned for posting off topic shit anyway so your guess is probably more accurate
>Her poop in the yard
Reminds me of an thing at work, a female coworker and a newer guy were talking all day about their kids.
Turns out hours later she realized he was talking about his dogs and her about physical children
Why are animal people so pathetic?
Heavy Rain.
God I hope with every fiber of my being the first reply to that thread was that's ruff
What? Posting a goddamn screenname isn't doxing, what the fuck are you on about?
I mean, they're probably whitoids so who gives a shit if they aint having kids. Less crackers=better planet
That Dragon Cancer.
This is why you don't use animals as surrogates for children. They can never provide the same sense of familial love, belonging and joy as a child.
I'm not against per ownership, but it upsets me every time I see couples replace their children with animals and give them the same level of emotional attachment. That shit isn't healthy.
For some reason, dogs having baby teeth never occurred to me, I guess I thought the teeth just got bigger with them somehow.
It's happened before
>Comment removed by moderator
What happened
Doxing looks a bit different:
Mary Allison
alias: redditbbcsucker, cumlovingredhead, eyephuckillegalz, resistthepussy
Address: 6969 Immigrant Ln San Diego CA
Family: Dan Allison (alias: cuckslaveprepper), Joanie Allison (alias: thotintraining)
Mark Allison (alias unknown, location unknown, runaway)
Animals also have rebellious teen phase like humans.
Why do /pol/cels get so triggered over stuff like this?
is it true this nigga spend his baby's last months making the game instead of spending time with him?
A Sekiro thread died for this.
Godspeed, Mark.
Losing a pet that you cared for and had for 14 years sucks dicks tho.
>inb4 too cool for pets bearded badass incel replies
I buried a dog I've had since childhood, he was 16.
I would never call it a child despite being family, and more important than most humans to me.
>(alias unknown, location unknown, runaway)
> a vidya thread died for a non vidya thread
If a Garfield Kart thread died for a "this is the cure for cancer" thread, it would still be a bad thing on this board. This is the vidya board, and you are to discuss vidya here.
"Games about [something non-vidya-related?" is not a vidya thread. It is a request thread that usually gets no on-topic answers.
Anybody enjoy their wife with a black bull?
shut the fuck up you retarded faggot
Most modern people are obsessed with surrogate activities without realizing how pointless and silly they really are.
Based Mark
based mark
>Address: 6969 Immigrant Ln San Diego CA
hey, that's just up the road from me.
AC Origins is pretty good
that's because having kids is expensive and bad for her figure, duh.
Who's mark
am I missing something or why is grieving over a dead puppy bad?
reminder that Ted was a fag and a brainlet who couldn't comprehend technology and would rather autistically shriek than actually improve and anyone that tries to follow his example is a cuck that is doomed to slowly destroy their lives
Why do I waste time photoshoping images if I only get like 20 replies, when I could just make a reddit screencap and hit bump limit?
He had a hard life.
deep down, aren't we all mark?
because he worded it like his human baby died
>tfw been 9 months since my dog passed but I still turn my head where I hear something similar to her collar's jingle
Sometimes it be like that
because they're still stuck in their edgy teen phase and still think being a sociopath is cool
pic related
have sex incel
Seeing Youtube videos about Yea Forums memes has always been the cringiest fucking shit for me. Especially the doomer videos I’ve come across; the comments are always filled with those aforementioned whiny disaffected 20-something males going like “OMG THIS IS LITERALLY LIKE SO ME” and blaming society, their parents, and the Jews for all their problems as if they’d all be successful giga-chads with qt tradwives and no insecurities if only they were transported to 1950s America or Nazi Germany.
>muh r/video_games is spr srs business ya know
You have to go back
The faster the whites die the faster they'll be turned into gods to be worshiped
The last white on the planet will live like a king
back to your discord tranny
more white children
If you do things soley for (You) I doubt you're making anything good
Grieving is fine, but getting over emotionally attached to an animal is unhealthy.
If you live a normal human lifespan you'll go through 6-7 dogs if they also live a normal lifespan.
Love them sure, train them and bond with them, but memento mori.
When one starts getting old get the next one so he/she can help train and guide the pup, especially if you are actually using them for something like guarding or hunting.
Except people do compliment it, but it's not like it was worth the time making it of the thread archives in half an hour
>getting mad
>proving user right
PLEASE have sex
I value my pets as family, but they're not exactly like children. Still, it really hurts whenever you lose one. Especially when you have to explain to a kid that their best friend is now gone.