>playing video games on the subway
>not bing bing wahoo but the quiet type
>black guy next to me glances over
>"Are you an intellectual"
>"Not really"
>"That's why you play videa games"
>he smiles and leaves a few stations later
>come home and try thinking of comebacks in the shower
Playing video games on the subway
Other urls found in this thread:
Should've been reading a book. Don't play video games in public.
this is why i dont use public transport
>>"Are you an intellectual"
>>"Not really"
Should have said yes.
you can play videogames anywhere you want outside in asian countries but everyone in western countries gives you shit if you do it, its no different from reading a book or listening to music in public
should've said ''i'm gay''
I don't like it, but it works
You wanna know why
it is probably because you don't look nice. If you look like a chad, they'll probably actually like that and think it is quirky
If you are chad you can literally wear a 9gag shirt and people will still think it's cool or funny
dnt worry user we like u and think ur quite smart
At least you're not black
should've used the word of power
It's just insecurity, playing a videogame on your phone is really nothing special
At least the videogame is entertaining me and i'm looking at the phone because i want to and not because the phone notifications makes me feel like i have to
Just call him a nigger and tell him to move to the back of the bus where his kind belong
>idc about your opinion, nigger
here is your comeback bro
if you happen to use it, tell us from hospital how it went
but what if the dude was gay for real?
user would've got his dick succ'd by some sassy black dude
>I look cool playing games in public because I use a phone instead of a portable
This. Whenever someone tries to fuck with you just tell them you're gay. Might even result in a free blowjob.
He's not wrong, that's also why you couldn't think of comebacks
unironically this
Top kek
Did he tip a fedora or something afterwards
Based pimp
Black guy here. You should have called him a nigger
>playing mobile (“games”)
You deserved it
Should've said "ok" and continued playing.
Ignore trolls, even if they're black and next to you on the subway.
What agme was it OP? Maybe he actually wanted to talk about vidya but you're such an insecure sperg you didn't realize. Also who care what he thinks, if you didn't want to talk to him why get so butthurt once the interaction was over, it's not like he publicly humlitated you or beat you up.
This is why blacked is so popular.
>tfw can't become invisible when outside and only become visible when you need to (initiate) interaction like at the store
It was a checkmate. He'll reply "That's why you play videogames" in a sarcastic tone if OP said yes.
>try and make a comeback
>your voice breaks, you stutter and sound squeaky like a rubber duck
>nigger gets upset and fucks your shit up, stomping your head into a subway floor and breaking all your ribs
Could have just mocked him for being a pretentious fedora man.
Why won't tell us what game it was OP?
This. I remember playing on my 3DS before on my way to home after job years ago and remember people laughing at my back. Now I play with my phone and people give jackshit about you, not even when playing gacha shit.
>not beating the shit out of him
you deserved it
shouldve said “id ask you the same but i already know the answer”
why would a chad play video games
why are people seriously replying to a barely modified "ontopic" pasta?
Black men are superior
>literally a copypasta from Yea Forums but replace with video games
Get some better shitposting material OP
>Are you an intelectual?
>It's because you are black
>2 incher
Here's your (you)
Tried this, he said "Yes".
What to do, guys?
Read a book
Kuckle-dragging nigger
where the fuck do you live that people on public transport just start talking to you
Don't try to win an argument with a nig on a subway, of all places. He only has to shout "HE RACIS" and a whole troop will descend on you for a beatdown. The only possible worse place to start a fight with one would be in the middle of a ghetto surrounded by pitbulls.
Ask Yea Forums
>why do you care
why do you give a fuck about what some random nigger thinks?
>responding to people who talk to you in the public
your first mistake
Why are you giving a fuck?
because chad does anything he wants with success
damn, that's an old pasta
Why mention it was a black guy?
Oh yeah I still benefit from white supremacy and oppression. Feels good man.
Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES!"
Should have replied "What's an intellectual?"
>not responding with "i play videogames to avoid thinking of how bad society is crumbling around me"
>engaging someone who made it clear from the start is gonna be a dick
>not routinely telling people like that to not talk to you
city life is grand, eh?
>not responding "what's that smell?"
Go home Yea Forums
Nah I know why he did it so you small dick white supremacists can circle jerk each other
>not responding ooga booga
Holy shit, Yea Forums is trully full of newfags. That pasta is stale as fuck.
>surprised there are newfags on Yea Forums of all places
>not calling him a nigger
if he is an intellectual, he'll take it without chimping out
Only response you inferior crackers have is racism saying nigger that's it
>dude call him a nigger lmao
Literally the most unintellectual response ever
you call em' a negroid
Call him white trash to confuse him
Should have bashed his waifu
small dick nigger
>are you an intelectual?
>yes i am
>well why are you playing video games then
>well why are you asking strangers about what they do or not? are you mad at the police officer who gave up the chase looking for your father?
no such thing
OP already admitted he isn't an intellectual so I fail to see your point.
Gotta answer questions with questions. It's easy to find cracks to drive the wedge into if you dig deep enough into their line of thinking. Give them nothing. Also fuck other people's shallow perceptions of your personal choices.
>Two people missed the TGT reference
Fucking newfags
The fuck is TGT?
Is this a dog or a big bat?
Clearly you havent seen the weeaspooks who post their dicks in Yea Forums
I'm not going to spoonfeed you
Lurk for two years before posting
>being 2 years on Yea Forums
I'd rather not.
>literally a copypasta from [place that isn't Yea Forums] but replace with video games
This board for the past half a decade
Black people are privileged in which they can say whatever the fuck they want
That guy was an asshole probably dealing with his own insecurities.
>"Are you an intellectual"
>Well i'm not a nigger
See you in 2 years.
It’s not even originally from Yea Forums.
Best comeback but he'll break your phone afterwards because that's just what they do
ITT: Dumb shit th at never happened
I want to play! This one time, I helped an old lady that had been mugged get her purse back, and she let me have sex with her! After them gumjobs hmmm, I couldn't go back. If you ain't farting dust you don't get no pole.
Iucky for me i practice my 2nd amendment rights.
>”nice lips, you spear-chucking mongrel”
There you go, and you wouldn’t even have to say nigger.
Based, absolutely destroyed that nigger that doesn’t understand jazz.
Shut up Gilamesh. Saber will never love you.