Do you miss gaming in the 90s?
Do you miss gaming in the 90s?
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>Blue eyes
I mostly miss being young. I miss hanging out with my friends and playing video games with no serious responsibilities. I miss when I was still learning about the world and every day was a new experience. I miss having a dream to work towards before it was taken away from me and now I've been forced to settle into the tedium of adulthood.
Video games just remind me of better times.
I miss everything about the 90s. Post more comfy 2hus.
This. Also people used to be more relaxed.
>blue eyes
This is how you detect shit artist that only care about jacking off to european and think blondes must have blue eyes.
Being an adult with money, a nice job, a comfy home and a waifu >>> Being a kid with no money, beholden to the whims of your parents
Nostalgia is one thing, but legitimately preferring your childhood over adulthood is a sign of failure.