Why didn't you play the N64 Evangelion game yet?
Why didn't you play the N64 Evangelion game yet?
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cuz I know jack shit of japanese
Because it’s shit and anime adaptions of games and movies usually are, haven’t played one good adaption for a video game ever
Ah nihon desu....
Post screenshots
Must suck to be you.
It's honestly not that good. I've tried it before out of hunger for Eva fightan content but it's just too slow and jank. Crazy good looking for an N64 game, however.
Relatdly, playing Merkava in UNIST really scratches the Eva itch
I don't like the controller.
I played
it's shit
Neon Genesis is dogshit.
Because the only Japanese i know is because of memes
It isn't proper fighting game.
Most fun in it - trying to recreate scenes from the anime. Because you absolutely can win by just punching and kicking. Or if you will follow anime story and how actions were in it, you can recreate everything and this is cool as hell.
It is fan-service game as most of the other anime games too.
This is why general public will never get why Jump Force not a competitive fighting game.
Evangelion is genuinely too deep for the average consumer of entertainment.
People are used to being able to sit down and passively watch a show, and understand it in one sitting. Evangelion is not that show. It's not a show you can understand in one sitting even if you're bright. It takes a lot of mental energy to derive all of the enjoyment you can from it. This makes lazy and dull people angry and bitter.
there there, brainlet
Babies first "2deep4u" piece of media, the NIER automata of animes.
>its got subtext so its automatically 10/10 greatest thing of all time no matter of that subtexts quality
Grow up
keep digging that hole, brainlette
it's ok normalfag-kun
there are lots of fun shows for you to watch, i'm sure you have a blast with boku no hero academia
The show is literally the authors sob story about how he can't laid. It isn't that good dude.
I get what kind of game it is, I just don't find that kind of game engaging compared to a more traditional fighter. imo games like HftF and Fighterz will always be more fun than more "faithful" ones because they give the player a responsive framework in which they can be creative with their favorite characters' kit rather than just cheaply recreating what's already been seen.
>if you dont like it you surely dont understand it brainlet
This statement shows your "superior anime intelligence"
Just watched a video of it on youtube. Those graphics look like an early ps2 game. Like holy shit. Did it require the expansion pak?
games for this feel?
You ready for the absolute flood of newfags watching eva on netflix soon?
Cant wait for the outrage about shinji jacking it to a comatose asuka where they clearly do not understand the reasoning for that scene.
You just do not get appeal of anime licensed games.
Besides most of the Evangelion games just visual novels.
Are you saying you understood everything about Evangelion? It was all child's play for you, right?
Custom Robo is better
>local NPC literally can't stop thinking with his dick
You all spotted this when you watched Eva, right? I mean there's nothing deep in this show so it should have been easy to see
whoops, wrong version
I am saying its dogshit and the subtext doesn't change that.
Its not that deep you dumb faggot its literally spells out everything for you.
Its fucking Mother! level of on the nose apparent.
Its only deep for 12 year olds who never seen anything like it before or anime fans (huge overlap there)
>Its not that deep you dumb faggot its literally spells out everything for you.
Could you name some shows that you consider deeper?
It's not even exclusive to shut-ins, it has to deal with adolescence more than anything.
Is it an adaptation or just the old series? Because there is no way they would put that in an adaptation
I don't know what you are referring to even now
Eva 4.0 fucking when
I mean the first 20 episodes are pretty cut and dry. The last few are only complicated because of how much plot is just crammed into them. They basically tried to shove the second and third act of a normal story into six episodes. End of Eva is the really weird one, and even then you can get what's going on so long as you're used to cryptic dialogue.
>I don't know what you are referring to even now
So this is the IQ level of a person who hates evangelion.
No I can't every show that I saw was very on the nose so the general audience can understand it.
Just like Neon Genesis.
Amazing. So, it was all simple and easy. Could you tell me what was the plan of SEELE? What was SEELE trying to do? I'm eagerly waiting your reply.
I found it a lot easier to follow than Ergo Proxy
2020 for sure
ITT a 15 year old incel samefag thinking he is a super genius for understanding fucking NGA.
Weebs everyone.
What the hell are you talking about
Honestly if you are trying to troll this is some terrible bait
Not that guy but SEELE was trying to use instrumentality to rule over humanity as gods
Brainlet mobius loop of retardation
"I didn't see any puzzles in this show > there must be no puzzles, since I didn't see any > this show is so simple to understand! Child's play!"
It's the Dunning-Kruger effect
>in a TV show
You nigga cant even use proper terms.
i love eva but it was just a depression metaphor with robots
come the fuck on people
They are literally puzzles. Many of them are still being solved today. Since Evangelion was simple to you, could you tell me what this means?
I think the main issue with people who watched Evangelion one time is that they have no idea how little they know about the story and the characters. They literally don't know about the information they're missing, so they assume it's not there.
>people are still having butthurt discussions about the meaning of all the judeo christian mumbowumbo
protip the entirety of religious imagery was put in because it looks cool.
Everything else is just set up for shinjis psychological problems such as hedgehog dilemma, fear of connection, rejection and intimacy
Also annos own depression starts bleeding through the script and thats why the original series is much better than the remakes because anno is a better writer when unhappy and stressed the fuck out.
You mean metaphors you illiterate child?
No, puzzles. Evangelion is absolutely chock full of information that you will never uncover unless you put a serious concerted effort into it. In practically every scene there is some line you didn't fully understand, or some event that rubbed you the wrong way, and if you study them more you unlock additional information about the story and characters.
Tigger third impact, did you even watch the show? That's established before Asuka is even shown.
Yea Forums, you DID solve the mystery of quantum Rei, didn't you? I mean, Evangelion was simple, as you said
You mean subtext.
>the average NGA is the greatest and deepest show fanboy doesn't understand simple terms
sounds about right
I have and it sucks.
I wasn't the guy you were replying to and I don't have evangelion.
If it has to deal with eva 1.0 and onwards I haven't watched them yet, I intended to watch them together because I hate waiting for more content, hence the "eva 4.0 fucking when"
Is it just the "no one needs me" with the "I need you"?
I see. Did you give any thought to the fact that there is an S2 engined mass-production EVA for every member of SEELE?
Why do you have to be so mad tho
>Is it just the "no one needs me" with the "I need you"?
Yes, the title screen of EoE's final scene is Asuka talking to Shinji. This was only recently discovered, and it's supported by a deleted scene.
Because I hate retards acting smart and smug when they don't even know basic grammar.
I did not, actually. Why do you mention that, was there another layer to the story I missed?
I did, it tries to break your fingers and tends to crush the emulator during the final levels.
It's a common misconception, but SEELE really had no intention of tanging humanity.
In one of the unused drafts for EoE, we see Misato hunched over a Central Dogma computer. She says to herself: "So that's why they needed the 13 mass production eva units." In the final cut she just says "So that's the real truth behind Second Impact." (that it was not a meteor)
See wiki.evageeks.org
In NGE 2 (the video game, almost surely written by Anno and the source of wiki.evageeks.org
Could one (ONE) of these people speeging about how deep Evangelion is point to one (ONE) scene that is incredibly meaningful or important and actually explain the deep meaning behind it? Of course, please make sure it is something only watching multiple times would let you understand and explain it in layman’s terms. One (ONE) of you surely can do that without just saying “if you’re so smart then tell me what this ovscure glimpse of something means hahaha! dummy it will take years to solve this deep mystery”
Ahhhh, okay. Thanks for the insight my dude.
That said, I still overall disagree with the idea that some won't "get it" the first time. It's just a lot to take in for normal audiences, but the overall story should make sense.
Also, if you haven't read the manga yet I'd recommend it. Not that it would open the door to major discoveries or anything, I just enjoyed it as its own thing.
Evangelion shows a side of human behavior that no other show does.
The characters are not idealized perfect show pieces, they are profoundly damaged and it reflects in all of their actions. They are similar in various ways that bind them together. Their relationships say a lot about them.
I'll just use Misato as an example because she's often overlooked, but the other characters are actually significantly deeper than her.
Misato resents her father for "abandoning" her by saving her and choosing to himself die. She finds herself unconsciously pushing Kaji away because he reminds her of her father, even though they love each other. She never questions the unethical behavior of Gendo because he is a male authority figure, something she never had in her life. She has developed a system of masking her pain with cheap, simple pleasure, whether it's alcohol, fast cars, or sex. The only way she knows to help others is by smothering them in these same transient pleasures. Her reward for the children putting their lives on the line is to take them to a ramen place. When Shinji is suicidal she tries to console him by offering him sex. This is not your average character. There are very few characters this fleshed out within all of entertainment, let alone animation.
The reason people frequently say Evangelion isn't for normal people is because it fucking isn't. If you are a normal and healthy person these characters won't make sense to you. Their behavior will seem irrational. It won't make sense to you, a normal guy with two parents, that Asuka with her mommy problems gets upset because Shinji wouldn't make her bento or hold her or some other (pointless to you) maternal gesture. It won't make sense that Shinji is paralyzingly afraid of rejection after his father abandoned him, etc.
If you're a healthy person you won't understand why he won't get in the robot.
>Evangelion shows a side of human behavior that no other show does.
>The characters are not idealized perfect show pieces, they are profoundly damaged and it reflects in all of their actions. They are similar in various ways that bind them together. Their relationships say a lot about them.
Literally every single character study does this.
There are lots of shows that try, but they don't have an Anno.
No they have more competent creators who do it better.
My guess is your catalog is very very shallow and you idolize NGA because you don't know anything else.
Please list some shows you consider to have better characters than Evangelion.
Watch Taxi Driver that does way more way better in 2 hours than NGA does with a whole show.
because unfortunately like most anime/movie/tv series games it was awful; and yes there are a few good anime games eg dororo (blood will tell) for the ps3
Hey man even the iliterate need to be entertained.
Then why would they be ok with the whole tangification thing?
How do you even make an Evangelion game?
You might enjoy the movie “The Place Beyond the Pines”. It’s very much one where characters do dumb shit seemingly out of nowhere but it actually makes sense if you grew up in any kind of similar situation. It deals a lot with lineage and the past coming back to haunt you etc.
That said user, I don’t think having complex characters make Eva a good story. Nor does appealing to a “damaged” audience make it a good piece of media. There are plenty of better stories that involve satisfying mysteries that can be easily solved while remaining meaningful. Off the top of my head “The Prestige” another movie.
What I’m saying is that just bein difficult to understand does not make something deep or even good. And I’m still waiting for an example of actually good writing from Anno besides the well-done tension stemming from the basic (basic but again, good) premise boiling down to “kids in robots fighting fucked up dimensional beings they don’t understand in robots”
Were the "Raising Project" games worth it? Never looked into them.
>>If you're a healthy person you won't understand why he won't get in the robot.
He is a teenager and he is being put to fight with otherworldly monsters, being responsible for the fate of mankind and risking his life.
You don't need to have a fucked up childhood to understand why he is terrified of this, you just have to realize that even though it's a trope in many series, the concept itself is really, REALLY fucked up.
Characters in Evangelion make more sense than characters in Mazinger Z or other mecha animes, but the human condition and reasoning is more complex than than what is shown on those mecha animes.
I mean I really like gurren lagann but if you look at it it doesn't make any fucking sense in a serious way, it isn't meant to, but eva is.
>Evangelion: Accept reality, we know its a pain in the ass but you need to find ways to live with it and see the bright side of things, make friends, keep relationships but don't throw it all away if you feel you can't do it.
>Fans of Evangelion: I need to be depressed 24/7 and continue to look for that escapism, life sucks, wish i can have a waifu like Rei.
this is why the rebuilds are the way they are, is for those so called fans not getting the original and got what they interpret as
They probably weren't okay with it. They either had no idea they had lost, and thought all was going according to their plan, or they weren't sore losers.
There is still no 100% explanation for exactly why they lost and who is responsible for that. It may have been Kaworu. They willingly sent Kaworu, who was basically *their* Rei, (a brainwashed god they could use to control the "Adam" body [it was actually Lilith, unbeknownst to them thanks to Gendo's long-con] to do their bidding) to Central Dogma. There he changed sides and killed himself because he cared about Shinji and had started to think humans shouldn't die. (side note: kaworu was a big satan allegory, being the most beautiful angel who switched sides.)
They were all manipulating and lying to each other, the instrumentality bettors. Gendo told SEELE he would help them initiate their plans, but he actually was going to seize control (using Rei) and meet Yui within the core of EVA-01. SEELE told Kaworu they would exterminate or transform the humans and allow the superior life form, the Angels, to reclaim their rightful place on Earth. So Kaworu did their bidding right up until the end where he met Shinji.
Gendo was at the end of this ruse chain, so he had an advantage. He especially had the advantage after SEELE's god switched to his side and anheroed, averting a SEELE victory. The only thing he didn't count on is that Rei ALSO switched sides and gave control of instrumentality to Shinji. And by the way, there are so many things about instrumentality that most people don't understand. For example, prior to "global instrumentality" there was a "private instrumentality" between Shinji and the people who were dead at that moment (Misato, Asuka, Kaji, Ritsuko.) The phenomenon we call "instrumentality", maybe more aptly called "global instrumentality", was all Shinji's doing, and he did it literally just as revenge for Asuka rejecting him in pre-instrumentality.
The moral of Evangelion isn't "Just become a normalfag, lol!" you absolute retard.
Look at the end of EoE: Shinji leaves global instrumentality, a ball of every other soul on the planet, a place where he can never be lonely. He leaves this because he prefers his individuality.
The real moral of Evangelion is "Be socially moderate." Don't lose your identity in an attempt to fit in with others and join some collective, but you should still try to form relationships with people who are like you and with whom mutual understanding and acceptance is possible without any self modification.
>The phenomenon we call "instrumentality", maybe more aptly called "global instrumentality", was all Shinji's doing, and he did it literally just as revenge for Asuka rejecting him in pre-instrumentality.
Pic related, by the way
no, shinji wanted asuka so he tanged all humanity so he can have her all for himself, lmao
I guess that's one way to look at it, but she had the option of whether or not to return to Earth.
>Takekuma: Lacking an idea of [what it means] to be an adult, [we] have to become adults, but we don't know what kind of adult we should become. In this condition, having reached thirty-six years of age, it's disgraceful to say such a thing, but we have not actually discovered reality. Because of this, I felt that Eva, too, fell into a state of profound sadness. Eva is really the story of Shinji-kun becoming an adult.
>Anno: That's the same thing as I [myself] becoming an adult. I'm often asked if Shinji-kun [represents] an old version of myself, but that's not the case. Shinji-kun is my current self (laughing). I act like a fourteen-year-old boy; I'm still childish. No matter how you look at it, in psychological terms, I'm [still] in the Oral Stage. A melancholic oral-dependent type. Well, this is a truth I can't deny; I can't do anything about it. I wanted to move forward from there, but the result was that I ended up regressing back to myself. A dead end.
>Takekuma: Then in a certain sense the final episode of Eva is an unhappy ending.
>Anno: Right, in a certain sense. If you take moving beyond that as being happy, then it's an unhappy ending. If you think it's fine, then it's a happy ending.
Why didn't you play Girlfriend of Steel yet
>contrarian Yea Forums babby is angry
When you get older, you'll realize you don't have to be contrarian to stand out and make an identity for yourself.
ok user, you got me hooked on it. Seele were cucks who wanted to give earth to angels or they pretended to side with angels only to later backstab them and take power?
How did they have control over an angel like Kaworu?
I know Gendo played pretend to be with SEELE to carry his personal plan and meet his dead wife
perhaps asuka had other reasons to return to earth, was not expecting to see shinji
I did, but it was back on early 2000s emulation and the buttons for the lava fight wouldn't show up
I did. It's fucking shit.
Play this instead.
>Seele were cucks who wanted to give earth to angels or they pretended to side with angels only to later backstab them and take power?
It's possible that they really were going to honor their deal with the angels (in Rebuild 3.0 we see a world where almost all of mankind has been "remade in the image of the Fruit of Life" [aka angels/evas], but that's a whole 'nother can of worms...) OR they could have just been deceiving Kaworu to get him to steer instrumentality for them, just like Gendo was deceiving Rei to get her to do the same.
Very unlikely. Everyone in instrumentality is literally mind-melded and knows what everyone else is thinking, all their memories and intentions, etc. She surely knew he returned. Also, see - why would she say that if she didn't expect him there? And why did she return 5 feet away from him at Hakone? They didn't die anywhere near that close together.
>Shinji melded the world together except himself and the girl he liked so he could be with her alone in the ultimate-ultra-beta fantasy
That’s actually pretty fucking cool and interesting. You EVAfags should talk more about specific shit like this in clear ways instead of hiding behind “it’s so deep you just wouldn’t get it”
If you can’t explain it simply you don’t get it either, or it’s just obscure shit for the sake of seeming deep.
Anyway tell me more
>How did they have control over an angel like Kaworu?
"Second Impact" (the moment where antarctica went to fuck after Gehirn, the predecessor to NERV, awakened sleeping Adam) happened 14 years ago from NGE. Kaworu, Adam's new body, is 14 years old. So you can do the math and figure something happened there.
When you actually get older you realize that "muh i am lonely why i cant get laid" stories aren't deep and meaningful by default
what is intrumentality not sure if there is a general definition or rather what is the evangelion definition of intrumentality?
So your proof is unused drafts and a video game containing blatant retcons and post-hoc explanations? What was all the shit about "death and rebirth" and the like about then?
The Place Beyond the Pines is a great movie
You're coming across as very patronizing and it's really annoying.
>This was only recently discovered, and it's supported by a deleted scene.
No, that makes absolutely no sense with the Freudian themes.
And that's Anno rejecting the TV ending while in the process of making EoE.
It is very hard to explain things like this. You have to explain all the vocabulary, all the "95% sure" theories that co-depend on each other (and collectively make each other 100% sure,) etc.
>Anyway tell me more
You know how the show makes you believe that Unit 01 has the soul of Shinji's mother, and Rei has the soul of Lilith?
They probably each have fragments of both souls.
It's why EVA 01's hair is blue like Rei's, why Gendo is so ultra-protective of Rei, why Rei I is jealous of Naoko fucking Gendo, why Naoko sees Yui within Rei I, etc.
He has this batshit theory where Shinji and Asuka had a conversation before the beach scene, based on an alternate ending for EoE that never made it past script stage. Do not engage with him, his theories are nonsense and he refuses to explain them.
Here, I'll drop my copypasta on the deleted scene
"I need you." was said by Asuka to Shinji, be it in instrumentality or afterwards. It was also a response to something he said earlier.
To figure this out, you have to look at the original placement of the "I need you." title screen.
It was originally placed in a deleted scene. Here is the full English translation of it: evaotaku.com
In this scene, the camera follows various characters' existence in a world where Shinji doesn't exist.
The first thing that plays is the title screen "I need you." (It was eventually moved in front of the final scene of EoE - pic related.)
The second thing is the camera following Asuka's bleak existence in this world. She narrates her misery to Rei throughout the scene.
You might be thinking that it's interesting that "I need you." was placed in front of both of these scenes. First a scene about Asuka's misery in a world where Shinji doesn't exist, and then moved in front of the scene where the two of them have just exited instrumentality.
Here are Shinji's words when he was explaining to Rei his wishes for instrumentality:
>No one needs me, so it would be better if they didn't exist.
You're reading way too much into the English title of 26', as usual.
Commonly referred to as the tangification, it's the process by which every human (humans only I think? I'm actually not sure) melds into a single entity made from LCL (that orange liquid)
The idea is that this eliminates all boundaries between people, you can no longer be afraid from anyone else because it's all one.
wow, so asuka was a big fucking tsundere for shinji.
>based on an alternate ending for EoE that never made it past script stage.
Wrong. That scene was filmed and even released. It also wasn't an "ending". You don't know what you're talking about.
But I did, at least a bit of it. I didn't know japanese so I tried at least.
Of course. But Evangelion is a show where the indulgent elements aren't shown off to you, they're deliberately concealed.
You base a lot of this """theory""" on the EoE draft script, don't try to lie.
so the moment the tangification happened is when seele saw this as a failure then?
I'm not sure if I like that take.
I don't think Asuka or Shinji made each other's life much better, or that they were a particularly good fit for each other. The idea that Asuka's life, entirely shaped by Eva, would be miserable specifically without it or Shinji feels like a cop-out.
Poor girl shouldn't have tried to us Christian subtext on a Japanese kid.
but Eva isn't difficult to understand at all
it's not even that deep and most of the "symbolism" was there just because it looked interesting, Anno even said he doesn't get why people have a hard time understanding the story
only brainlets and anime fans that only ever watched Dragon Ball at that point think that
>Babies first "2deep4u" piece of media
stop parroting others with this garbage opinion, dumbass
I'm not sure, I thought that the tangification was seele's plan all along, but this guy says otherwise
>It's a common misconception, but SEELE really had no intention of tanging humanity.
And honestly last time I saw this was like 7 years ago so I can't really argue
Evangelion is crap and their mech designs are retarded
I remember playing one that was like Smash. Was that the PS2 game?
if you think about it tangification is a scary concept but maybe is because we are just scared of things we don't know or can't understand
It is difficult to understand if you see it as yet another mecha anime and you expect it to be that and make it make sense like that.
It just isn't
I’m one of those that don’t think Evangelion is that good but not understanding the deliberately strange mech design triggers me
That user is wrong, and unused script changes don't prove anything. Tangification was literally their goal. The separations of people, their individuality, was what SEELE wanted to destroy. There is no pain, there are no differences, when everyone is a single consciousness. They were the ultimate end of Shinji's further and further rejection of others as the series went on, until he comes to the realization that this wasn't good.
The really juicy Evangelion theories are in Rebuild, and especially Rebuild-NGE timeline theories.
The way it looks right now, there is a high possibility that everyone who remained inside instrumentality was carried into the next timeline, the Rebuild timeline, when the Black Moon (containing all of their souls - we see God-Rei putting them in there) transited an Eye of Guf. (We also see the Black Moon attempting to go through an Eye of Guf in Rebuild during both near-impacts.)
This is why all of the characters who were renamed in Rebuild are characters who were not inside the Black Moon at the end of EoE.
Asuka Soryu (NGE - on the red shore with shinji) > Asuka Shikinami
Gendo Rokubungi (NGE - 'eaten' by Yui/01, denied entry to instrumentality) > Gendo Ikari
Yui Ikari (NGE - floating into space in 01's core) > Yui Ayanami
That's what the PS2 game says, but a lot of that is retcons and obvious post-hoc explanations.
You played Battle Orchestra.
>This is why all of the characters who were renamed in Rebuild are characters who were not inside the Black Moon at the end of EoE.
>No good Eva battle game
>Not even a decent Gundam battle game
Also, 4.44 FUCKING WHEN?
Rebuild has flown so far off the rails I don't even know if I'm hyped for it anymore
SEELE were a bunch of power hungry retards who had no ambition more grand than to expand their powers as wide as possible. They don't give a fuck about humanity except in the sense that it gives them something to rule over.
There is literally no indication that their plan was to tang everyone, people just assumed that. They called their plan "the human instrumentality project" because it was a public thing with a public council on the UN, and there was never any explanation for exactly what that (public, almost assuredly fraudulent) plan entailed other than "elevating humanity"
Shinji is a special case. He is the protagonist, and there is something strange and timeline-related about him.
His SDAT seems connected to the timelines in some way.
Also, at the beginning of Rebuild (and NGE, too...) we see "Quantum Rei" () appear to him. The very first scene of Rebuild. It's possible that Quantum Rei personally transported him from the shore of Hakone into the Rebuild timeline. That would make Asuka the only person who was left behind.
Except for all their talk about "death and rebirth" and the like. Also it's called the "human COMPLEMENTATION project" in Japanese, which is rather more specific.
>That would make Asuka the only person who was left behind.
Pic semi-related, by the way - the "SoryuDAT" theory (that Asuka, Soryu edition, is trapped in the previous timeline which is located within Shinjis SDAT player, and she communicates to him through Rebuild's ED songs)
Nothing in the show indicated that they were lying about their desire to flatten all of humanity into a single consciousness - be it for quasi-religious zealotry and fervor, or a desire to make sure humanity survived in some form as the other angels attempted to remake the world in their image, or because they truly fell for the Dead Sea Scrolls and the promise of a homogeneous being free of pain and hatred and difference, take your pick. But power isn't one of those things - what's there to be the power over if everyone is a mindless single being, including SEELE itself
>inb4 unused, non-canon voicelines as "evidence"
>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't think this was the best episode
You know, I wonder what would happen if Shinji has more bible knowledge so he knew the “Walls of Jericho” metaphor, but just keep him a bit too dense.
>”Wait, wall of Jericho? But those fell down!”
>”But Joshua didn’t just tear them down or anything, he marched around playing music until they crumbled.”
>”Aha! I know exactly what Asuka wants me to do!”
>cut to Shinji marching around his room loudly playing a trumpet to get Asuka to open her door
Jet Alone is the best standalone episode in the show
Fun fact: in the bible, the wall of jericho crumbled after seven days, and there is a theory that 7 days after Asuka utters the "This is the impenetrable wall of Jericho!" line, they have sex.
The only episode I consider worse is the one where the nano-Angel infects NERV/the MAGI and the power goes out.
The most forgettable eva episode, IMO.
Them having had sex issuch a dumb theory, the jacking off scene to me clearly means shinji wanted intimiacy but was deathly afraid to connect to another person.
6 is the best, this is objective fact. 9's fight scene is disjointed and confusing due to more editing, and the lack of sound effects really hurts it.
It could also mean Shinji had found one single thing that made him feel good (sex with Asuka) and he couldn't cope with that going away too.
Is this a meme
you need at least nice b8 m8 iq to fully understand it.
It might be or might not be, we'll have to wait for 3.0+1.0 to see.
>>cut to Shinji marching around his room loudly playing a trumpet to get Asuka to open her door
No. Nothing makes sense about Eva's mysteries because it relies on the wotashits to fill in the enormous gaps in the narrative and plot with inane theories, and they actively encourage this.
The few times the Eva staff came down and elaborated on things, the fanbase just casually put the reveals aside as if they'd never heard them. For instance, information on the First Ancestral Race which of course was never touched in the Rebuilds because Anno would rather concoct a repeating-events plot that fits better into Super Robot Wars so he can make more money.
Oh, and the source for the ancestral race detail is also the best Eva game: Evangelion 2 for PS2.
So is Shinji the villain the whole time then or what? I’m confused as to what makes him important and why NERV would gamble on him alone
There is obviously no way you could have known about the FAR by name, but there were indications even in the show that there was some funky shit going on with the FAR artifacts (the Scrolls, the lances, the Moons)
Shinji and Rei are the only pilots who can pilot EVA-00 and the vastly more important EVA-01.
Shinji actually isn't important, only his ability to pilot. That's why NERV tries to faze him out for the dummy plug once he starts to not be okay with Gendo's orders (Kill your friend, Shinji!)
This. Him jerking it was the climax (no pun intended) of his back and forth rejection/attraction with Asuka. He gets the physical thing he wants - release, being able to touch her body - with the absolute lack of emotional connection - she's literally turned off in a coma - and this also brings him to what is, before he gets into NERV HQ one last time, probably his most self-hating mood
What? The fight scene is 62 seconds of straight synchronisation to music, that's the whole point of it, the music is the sound.
>Duh Ramiel get shot with big gun, me likey gun
If it wasn't for Rebuild polishing up the Ramiel fight, it would still be considered mediocre.
Although, in a more general sense, there are important things about Shinji. Both of the gods, Rei and Kaworu, change allegiances and side with Shinji after getting to know him. His gentle disposition and lack of politics actually makes him end up the winner of the NGE power scramble. And there is some deeper significance to Shinji. His SDAT has some kind of significance to the NGE timelines, what with it flashing episode numbers in the way it does.
Shinji is involved because his mom planned it, the moment she proposed the contact experiment she sealed his fate. Eva 1 is the one that is made out of Lilith and centerpiece of Third Impact.
Also, I don't see how he counts as a villain? He's just a poor kid trapped between Lovecraftian and Illuminati bullshit, all the Children are.
>Shinji actually isn't important, only his ability to pilot. That's why NERV tries to faze him out for the dummy plug once he starts to not be okay with Gendo's orders (Kill your friend, Shinji!)
Gendo thinks Shinji isn't important, but awakaened/S2 engine 01/Yui would not have allowed the dummy plug to make the choices at the end. I think it's obvious that, up until his literal rejection in Rei's chest with Adam, that Gendo significantly underestimated Yui's control/will/soul/whatever of 01, and how there was no way that some data was going to make the choices at the end of the world.
Neither of them actually rejected the other, they were just paralyzed with fear that prevented them from making a move. And they constantly perceived rejection from the other when it wasn't really the case. ("You wouldn't even hold me!" etc.)
>spoiling the series with the game's cover
All the First race stuff is even more fucked by Rebuild.
Okay, pretty much the TV show with better graphics
Uhh, this is a bit different. Wait, what's the with the Unit 01 chang-
>giant space coffin
>Unit 01 is a battery for Space Battleship Yamato
>Nnth reincarnation of Rei
>Things that are angels but not really
>Oh yeah, we're up to Eva-13
Fucking wot m8?
Rebuild 3.33 is the only good film in the Rebuild series. It's entirely fucking off the rails, throws a whole bunch of concepts in, and is wonderfully animated. There are strange choices in direction and lighting and scene composition, and it, in essence, is the most NGE thing released since EoE,
My question about the Jericho thing is did Asuka actually know that it fell? Obviously she did want Shinji to grow a pair and cum in anyway. But did she actually think that some random Japanese kid was going to understand a random Biblical allusion? Or was that just Anno winking at the audience?
>But did she actually think that some random Japanese kid was going to understand a random Biblical allusion? Or was that just Anno winking at the audience?
You cant tell anything from it.
>Rebuild 3.33 is the only good film in the Rebuild series.
Which is like winning the special olympics.
Rebuild is shit.
>My question about the Jericho thing is did Asuka actually know that it fell?
Why would she know about the wall without knowing what happened to it?
>But did she actually think that some random Japanese kid was going to understand a random Biblical allusion? Or was that just Anno winking at the audience?
She graduated from a (western) university and seems pretty well read--at one point you can seemingly hear her reciting poetry in the ending sequence of EP16.
I think it just didn't occur to her that Shinji wouldn't have read about western creation myth.
how many times has the anime made impact? 2 times?
That image is from the anime's opening. If you're even remotely interested in eva then you would have seen that image already.
She's a big fan of pre-Hayes Code Hollywood cinema
*removes 95% of character depth, backstory, dark scenes, etc. to make room for action scenes and Mari, a character that still has no reason to exist*
did you rike it
holy shit
I own it, its just a QTE fest, fun for the time though.
3, kind of.
>First impact: when the moons first landed
>Second: when Adam reawakens
>Third: EoE, eventually turned off/stopped
I've read the EVA wiki to "understand" the plot and you can easily tell it's just a bunch of nerds overthinking it. Even the director said that most of the imagery was made on the spot because he thought it looked cool, that's it.
EVA is just a self-inserting power-trip fantasy for some lonely depressed nerd that liked a tsundere in real life but she wouldn't give him the time of the day, so this is kind of correct.
>Even the director said that most of the imagery was made on the spot because he thought it looked cool, that's it.
The IMAGERY is just for aesthetics, that doesn't mean the plot and characters are meaningless you absolute retard.
Holy shit, this is the definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
hello normalfag-kun
please refer to kudasai
>core is shown on EVA-01's chest
>the twelve wings
>the red moon with the spray of blood
But 99% of the discussion is about overthining the visuals and the characters themselfs are bland and boring.
Again if this is your first piece of media that deals with these themes it might be "deep" but it really isnt nerd.
>referring to the Dunning-Kruger effect in anything other than a paper
We get it, you take psych at community college, take it easy
You don't deserve a reply.
What makes you think I watch cartoons you normie shit?
You dont have an argument.
Also its not "reply" its a "you" faggot.
You still gave me a reply.
What Tails Gets Trolled masterpiece is this from?
The real moral of evangelion is that Anno went laughing all the way to the bank while you nerds were left scratching your heads from some smoke and mirrors.
So.. you're saying you didn't get it
If you watched the show you would know that Gendo betrayed SEELE and his process to follow the dead sea scrolls all the way wasnt what they had planned. They get mad at him for this and he goes off on his own. No one else even really understands what this level of instrumentality even is, Gendo did it on his own. All you autists keep talking about 200iq and you cant even follow the basic plot thread of gendo deviating from the original plan to betray SEELE and complete his own personal goals? Its not even subtext, this is an explicit plot thread in the show
Evangelion: the show I watched once and didn't understand, therefore there is nothing to understand
The creator of the show literally said its about that.
You think you know the show more than the fucking CREATOR?
I won't hold my breath.
Evangelion fans are the most autistic of any anime.
Evangelion: the show post-ironic anime "fans" watch and claim to "understand"
Eva is about the struggle between the acceptace and rejection of individuality. If you couldn't even get the subtext right, I don't want to imagine what you made out of the overall lore.
Astro boy: the omega factor on gba.
Legitimately great game.
You understood when you watched it, right?
Death of the author, anons. Anno may have said he put all of the imagery and whatnot in for aesthetic purposes, but the fact is that it lends itself well to theory-crafting, different interpretations, and lore exploration. It doesn't matter if he did it for the looks if its useful in other ways.
How does that have anything to do with what you said? You made something up and said "The creator of the show said this!" and then linked something completely different (and by the way, it was me who posted that image to begin with)
I play Super Robot Wars if I want some EVA fun.
I would if they'd stuck to it. Rebuild was fine popcorn entertainment until 3.33 came around and suddenly decided these movies were going to be profound and reflective.
The imagery is just scenery. The plot and characters aren't.
Why is this so hard to understand? I have this discussion in every single Eva thread.
>b-but dude even hideaki anno said eva has no m-meaning and it's just a cool show amirite? I swear i saw that interview once instead of a meme taking his words out of context. H-he also said he hates eva and that he's a pedophile lol
So you dont even understand what you fucking linked.
>in this thread since hours.
fucking virgin lmao I bet you made all those post defending this garbo
was Ritsuko sexually abused by Seele?
And here we have Exhibit 1, the most powerful creature in the Evangelion universe. It's having a nice nap so try to keep it down.
It's a self-insert story about a guy that couldn't bang the local hot tsundere so he made a series about it. It has value in that we can tell how frustrated he was with her but that's about it. All the autists making things up that aren't even remotely mentioned is just funny.
Yes, but from the show the difference seems to be "good flavour of Instrumentality" vs "bad flavour of Instrumentality".
>It's a self-insert story
This is the only correct part of your post
>Most powerful creature in the Evangelion universe
But that's not best mom Yui
>pic related lays down next to you and starts whimpering about mama
what do, Yea Forums
and no, you cannot get ye flask
>making things up that aren't even remotely mentioned is just funny
Sound like you didn't watch it at all or it's been a long time. The exposition isn't even that criptic to begin with, it is actually the most straightforward aspect of the show. The whole backstory to Lilith and Adam, on the other hand, was poorly explained I must admit.
Only people who like NGE are incels.
Threadly theoryminder that Mari is probably a clone of that woman on the right of that picture, who was a researcher alongside Yui who developed the technology behind the Rei clones.
>You think you know the show more than the fucking CREATOR?
This very post I am writing is actually an erotic novel
What, are you going to disagree? You know more about this post than the fucking CREATOR?
This westaboo faggot is shitting up a Nier thread as well as this one. His autistic crusade against all things japanese knows no bounds
Didn't even open your image, but you have to be blind to not see that Shinji is literally Anno projecting.
>>"Shinji renounced the world where all hearts had melted into one and accepted each other unconditionally. His desire... to live with 'others' -- other hearts that would sometimes reject him, even deny him. That is why the first thing he did after coming to his senses was to place his hands around Asuka's neck. To feel the existence of an 'other'. To confirm the existence of rejection and denial."
Mari was probably the pilot of Eva 04 in the NGE timeline.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel (fully translated and available on nyaa.si, by the way!)
nice total strawman, faggot.
>Babies first "2deep4u" piece of media
This can be said about anything that is not a book.
You mean the one that exploded in the S2 engine test?
That would make sense actually
Also, threadly theoryminder #2 that N2 bombs are probably failed prototypes of S2 engines that exploded on activation (just like the failed Eva-04 test,) so they repurposed them as bombs.
This is probably why N2 bombs are called "N2 mines" even when delivered by missil. They would have been made by Gehirn, the German predecessor to NERV. In the German language, military munitions that have a high explosive yield are called "minengeschoss" (mine-shells.)
There are two kinds of Evangelion fan
So, exactly how many times did the universe reset in Evangelion? Will we get an explanation on how that works in the next rebuild? God fucking damnit, there's only one more movie to go and no screen time to explain even half this mess. Why the fuck did they waste so much time in 3.0 instead of actually developing stuff?
>So, exactly how many times did the universe reset in Evangelion?
Unknown. image implies a lot.
I personally think there was at least one timeline before NGE, because we see Quantum Rei appear at the beginning of NGE, which probably means she transported him there from a previous timeline.
And NGE had "first impact", which, I've come to believe, is the Black Moon arriving on Earth from a previous timeline carrying the souls of those who stayed within instrumentality.
Cause it's exclusive in Japan.
And that's how you interpret it. Art is a medium that if done right, leads to a slew of different meanings from other people. Neon Genesis did that, so the entire idea of saying that "the imagery is just scenery", is such a surface level way to interpret that. Even if that's what the creator's intent was.
>implying i didn't
The aesthetic stuff has no meaning. There is no reason the explosions are shaped like crosses, it's just for aesthetic effect. Something for the artists to have fun with.
This doesn't mean there is nothing deep in Eva. The story and characters are fathom-deep. We will never know everything about them, it's that deep.
Not sure whether you are trying to be a "cool" contrarian teenager with that sentence, or you are just lacking the inner monologue.
get ye flask
I read somewhere the coffins that appear on the moon in the Rebuild series might be a good lead. Kaworu is also next to them, so maybe his awakening has something to do with the creation of each timeline?
>This is probably why N2 bombs are called "N2 mines" even when delivered by missil.
You were proved wrong on this before, but I see you stick to it with your usual retardation.
How is that wrong?
you seem tired, i was watching your debate seeing if you had a point but i reckon its just late where you are
I comphresively proved that they are NOT always called N2 mines in the show a while ago on Yea Forums, if you want to dig it up it probably wouldn't be that hard.
>we will never know everything about them it’s that deep
You’ll never know anything else about any character in any media other than what’s shown or told you fucking imbecile. Just because a character has fucking daddy issues or depression doesn’t make them deep, interesting, or unique. You’re a fucking autist and Evangelion is probably the only thing you’ve ever (EVER) watched in your life with any depth - not because there isn’t much more out there but because you’re a fucking manchild who couldn’t get past a single cartoon he watched as a kid
I think I remember you saying that but not "comprehensively proving" it, and I never could find any instances of them not calling them n2 mines myself, so I assumed you were wrong
But exploding S2 engines create dirac seas, or at least that happened during the 04 accident. Also, wasn't 04 the very first unit to use an S2 engine?
>this is the thinking minds of Yea Forums
Can it be more obvious that the rebuilds are either parallel timelines or reseted timelines? It literally can't be more obvious. There was nothing in the original series indicating this anyway.
>But exploding S2 engines create dirac seas
Do they? It must really suck for there to be a big dirac sea in the middle of germany
>Also, wasn't 04 the very first unit to use an S2 engine?
Probably, but the fact that they were going to install it means they surely had a long development process on making it to begin with.
I need as many of these as possible.
I found a bunch of instances, and now I see that you've been completely ignoring them.
When Unit 04 blew up, it created a dirac sea that engulfed the whole second branch in Nevada alongside everyone working in there. The area literally ceased to exist.
well while i have you all in one thread can we all agree that Bloodborne is the EVA of video games?
to a normalfag its just cool dudes fighting monsters and aliens, but on second glance its a metaphorical stroy for ascending from human existence into godhood. and tackles the concepts of mankind sacrificing everything to achieve that goal.
theres also a argument for neir automata
Xenogears did all of that first, and ALSO had Eva-like mechas
Pathologic is quite Eva-like.
Many Russian games fit the bill actually, even Metro.
I guess this is why Russians like Eva so much
God i wish that were me
Why are mecha threads on Yea Forums the absolute fucking worst?
fucking eva threads
No, they literally stand for non-nuclear (2 n's). They're there to show the humanity is throwing its strongest things at these before they have to give it up and let the mechs do the work.
But what does S2 stand for?
I tried to find it in akiba but had no luck.I found every other evangelion game ever tho. Like the dreamcast rei trainer game with the mouse and mousepad, the smash bros rip off, and even the fucking virtual pet game for the wonderswan. It was probably there somewhere but N64 games don't have labels on the side ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I hate that people say this ironically even thought its unironically true. Eva is unparalleled kino and it takes a second watch to understand it. Kinda like the sopranos and hey both shows have pleb filter endings.
I think I'm on my tenth watching and I still don't know everything about it
>Second watch
I'd even argue for a third. I let a long time go between my first watch about a decade ago, and the second one more recently, and there was just so much more to find and understand and appreciate and connect, etc. that I'm sure my eventual third watch is going to be even more prolific.
Also, though I was a reifag on my first watch, I'm an absolute Misatofag now. She's essentially the deuteragonist, and I entirely missed just how important she was on my first watch.
>sopranos not understandable completely at first watching
Super Solenoid.
I mean theres things you catch the second time around that make the story far more meaningful the second time around.
Thats true for most things but you are right.
I just fucking love sopranos so I acted mean :(
Which SRW game, that includes the NGE cast, is the best?
>I'm an absolute Misatofag now.
but aren't misatofags basically asukafags who are afraid of being in love with a teen?
>Nier Automata
Xenogears was too much of a ripoff in my opinion. It's evangelion: the game but at the same time shh it's not evangelion we dont have the license guys
One watch at 2x is more than enough
As if. Asuka is my least favorite character in the cast. I like her as a character, and I understand her motivations, but she's a complete cunt and literally never gets better.
Misato is very flawed, but she tires. And she feels far more real than Asuka.
I like eva for the animation, cool robots and cute girls.
>Asuka is my least favorite character in the cast.
That means she's the character who's most like you, anonymous.
You'll come around.
>And she feels far more real than Asuka.
Misato doesn't feel real at all. A character who loses her parents and goes catatonic at age 5, refusing to speak for years, doesn't grow up to be a normal, functioning member of society and the operations head of a huge organization.
>But 99% of the discussion is about overthining the visuals
where? show me where any discussion of Eva is about the visuals and not the characters or the emotional problems most of them carry
I know one set of visuals that gets a LOT of discussion.
>Have always believed I should act "older"/"more mature" than those around me
>Superiority complex hiding an inferiority complex
>Parental abandonment issues
Well shit
But Misato isn't a functioning member of society. She's very clearly teetering the entire time, able to keep herself in balance only through her vices. She doesn't ever turn inward, not without being forced to and breaking down from having to do so. She intentionally blinds herself to her issues and, when they do come up, she can't deal with them. She goes through the motions of being a "normal person", but she lives an empty, shallow life.
Her going from catatonic to social at all is just suspension of disbelief. It's entirely possible she, in that time, decides either intentionally or unintentionally to work as her father had and take the necessary steps to do so.
sorry you had to find out this way that you're rule 63 asuka, user
Eva is literally just Ultraman for sad teenagers.
If only a had a rule63 Shinji to act all tsundere towards.
Ultraman is just Ultraman for sad teenagers.
What is Yea Forums's opinion on anima
Ultraman Leo, sure a little bit.
I dunno man that shit has aged with me pretty well. I get something new out of it everytime I see it. I think Eva is only as good as the depth of your life experience.
Fucking yes what a perfect body
I want to DESTROY HER, but also take care of her forever. Kiss me asuka!
>I get something new out of it everytime I see it. I think Eva is only as good as the depth of your life experience.
I definitely agree. I think FLCL is the same, too. There's a lot to take out of that show that only comes, and only appears, when you've reached certain milestones in life, or you've experienced only so many things.
Is everybody blueballing him? Hasn't he suffered enough`?
I don't know jack shit about this weeb stuff but peinliches doesn't mean painful it means (something) emberrassing.
Isn't painful a common mistranslation though? And given this was made in 1993, and they also misspelled wahnsinnig, and "painful" fits way more than "embarrassing" in the context they used it, I'm not sure
Common mistranslation? How? From moon to german to english? As I said I have no clue about moonspeak but I know that the japs are way better with german than english. They throw german words around all the time
I dunno, Google says it and some web pages say it as well
I could be wrong, I don't know German
FranXX is better
>wanting to fuck/wife a 14 year old with histrionic personality disorder
Wanting to fuck any non-adult character from Eva is degenerate, but Asukafags are a special kind of degenerate
Every Eva game sucks beside some music one and are music games even games
the VNs are good
Any thing that can be played via a translated PDF isn't a game ..
(All Sony "muh story" games) are also not games just YouTube movies
Painful can be a possible translation, although it would be really outdated. The word "pein" is an old german word for "pain"(obviously). It's kind of possible to translate "peinlich" into "painful", but it's still quite the stretch.
Whenever I'm reminded of Anima, I feel like I understand why Anno gave up.
Let's not kid ourselves, Anno has jerked off at least once to catgirl mari.