>explore thousand year old dungeon
>loot coins currently in circulation
Explore thousand year old dungeon
Other urls found in this thread:
>kill a rat
>it drops a sword
>torches are still lit
>monsters locked in there somehow still alive
>kill fire enemy
>drops ice gun
GOLD coins.
There aren't any jews in fantasy games to fuck the world up with fiat money.
>game has fire arrows
>explore thousand year-old dungeon
>carefully excavate and catalog its contents in accordance with archeological principles
>publish results in a scientific journal
>Kill enemy that's using an ice gun.
>Can't take the ice gun.
This massively fucks me off. Just give the player a spell to re-ignite all torches and the problem is solved.
Gold coins also fuck me off in medieval fantasy games. They should be silver.
>untouched cave full of treasure
>within 100m of town
Borderlands vibes
>It's on the same forest the townsfolk go to cut down trees
>Explore ancient ruins/dungeon
>find edible food
>Looting a dungeon with bandits.
>Find a door sealed for millennia by powerful magic.
>Find the hidden runestones to unseal the door and open it.
>The bandits are already in there, too.
>bandit camp is within shouting distance of guard barracks
>kill minigun enemy
>loot 10 bullets
>shoot skeleton with arrows
>it breaks into pieces
>enter dungeon crafted by otherworldly God to test the hero through trials of cunning, wit, and problem solving
>Trials have the difficulty of puzzles found in a children's game
>Hmm... must've been the wind.
>fire is strong vs ice
>ice is strong vs fire
>reload mag
>throw previous mag on the ground
>bullets magically appear in new mag
>knife kills in one hit
>need half a magazine to kill
there were like 5 rats in there, can you really blame them?
the door was a bandit ruse
the guards are taking bribes to ignore the bandits
Imagine the economic crash someone like the dragonborn would cause in skyrim, nobody does anything in the world at all and sudenly some dude starts getting all the treasure in the world and selling it making millions of coins, the empire is probably suffering a massive inflation from creating so many coins
>you're the chosen one
>destined to defeat the ancient evil
That's not bannerlord, though I wish it was.
>Open-air bandit camp within spitting distance of several abandoned homes
Enderal is shit for this
>ancient, untouched ruins
>go through the only possible entrance after some goofy puzzle to build suspense
>enemy goons already inside with bases and camps set up
>you are trying to prevent apocalypses
>apparently you just started it
yeah they exist and are an actual thing
>from falling
>"hero please get this rare herb and make this rare potion to save my sister!"
>"oh, empty potion jar? that will be 10 silvers, hero."
>looking for cash or heals on trash dumps/boxes
>Orange/legendary gun instead of finding 3 dollars
In addition to this.
>kill enemy skeleton
>it ragdolls away all in one piece
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
>military force invades
>stealth kill a bunch of guys
>they drop a whopping 5-10 rounds of ammo each
>but piss them off and they'll shoot at you all day
Man I must be getting really unlucky, the only guys I actually get shot at by are also the only ones carrying sizable amounts of ammo. Too bad they spend it all during the fight because by the time I take them down they too have only 5-10 rounds of ammo.
but muh autistic youtuber
>enemy skeleton
>bones are just glued to each other or something since there are no ligaments
>every single legend and rumor is true
they could be magic torches
family is important but 10 silver is 10 silver.
>sniper rifle does the same damage as a lower rarity rocket launcher
m-my fucking dick.
any game like this? i'd pay for it.
he used all the rest.
you can pay a university to let you do that.
i already paid a university to let me be an engineer, i'm not doing that shit all over again user.
>kill hundreds of foes
>"don't kill the final boss, you'll be like him!"
>hand rubbing intensifies
then i guess you can try one of those hidden object games about pyramids.
>Ruins have magic torches that last forever and never burn out.
>Either can't take them or they're only worth two coppers.
>be chastised as a murderer when literally every single person you've killed has tried to kill you first
they are magically bound in place. if you manage to move them it breaks the enchantment.
>medieval period
>ethnic minorities exist
>Exploring untouched ruins.
>Some guy keeps following you around making excuses for why nothing makes sense.
>a world where multiple SPECIES are capable of civilization simultaneously
>there is intraspecies racism
Just because we genocide Elves on sight doesn't mean niggers belong in civilized society
Those pure darkness in dungeon mods are great for this reason. Walking across some cat-walk (that you'd normally sprint across), with only a torch for light, and you start hearing that "whoosh" arrow noise.
>i'd rather my sister marry a different animal species, than marry a guy from across the river
>from across the river
Nice try SJW
>norf of danube people white and civilized
>souf of danube people brown and rapebabbies
Literally an argument seen on /pol/.
Gold has the same problem as fiat currency it's just slightly more difficult to inflate supply since you need control of some gold reserves. Both need to be done through the state though so you can't blame jews, just americans for being so stupid they let jews rule them.
I love you.
Prove that you can actually shoot fire arrows that can still kill.
I love you too.
Please write a game together.
You're a fucking moron if you think every nation valued gold at the same rate, or minted coinage in the same weights.
what if they hit you in the eye, and it gets infected?
>game lets you experiment
>game has various bullet types
>they all generally kill in the same amount except for sniper rifles
gold was rarely minted, people used silver
gold was too expensive for most transactions
if you want to go to the eatery 2000 years ago, how much gold do you think bread and soup would cost? and how do you flake that much from the bar in your pocket?
silver is better
You're a fucking moron if you think you don't just loot an amount of coins and get its gold value. You loot X equivalent of coins but the game just tells you you loot X coins for simplicity
>Kill monsters in thousands year old dungeon
>They drop runestone pieces, which can be exchanged for old currency
>Old currency has higher content of gold than current currency, has higher value and is subject less to an inflation over the game's life cycle.
>game uses bottle caps as currency
>when pre-war money exists, and is actually worth "money"
>when things like water filters or ammo are much more valuable, tangible, everyone needs them, fit in your pack, etc.
what game?
>edible bread in a tomb that's been sealed for hundreds of years
>don't cap your water bottles
>die from bacteria
Metro 2077.
>fantasy game
>the empire is evil and treats all its citizens like garbage
>because theyre evil, duh!
I just want this fucking game, but not like a specific game designed around this idea because that'd be shit.
>Enter ancient dungeon
>Coins are still relevant currency as paper money is still not invented, and the weight and purity of the coin is what matters.
>Coins, which range from coppers to gold pieces, seem to have the best value found from ancient dungeons. The reason being is that the most pure mine in the land was owned by an ancient government which produced the coins.
>Torches are lit on the walls due to enchantments or adventurers exploring before you.
>Enemies don't actually respawn. They just repopulate or, in the case of spiritual enemies, inhabit another corpse / item and stay there. This is why divinity is so rare in video games.
>Traps are reset because of the new enemies and / or bandits looking to jump an adventurer.
>Loot is reset because it is the hoardings of the new adventurers entering the cave, bandits, and just items the enemies find laying about.
>L.A. Noire but Indiana Jones-Uncharted reskin, minimal combat, maximum exploration-investigation
La-Mulana series, but it's not too heavy into the archaeology aspect.
It's silver in some games like Bard's Tale.
>what is China
>what are most failed states
>what is america
>rebels promise change
>they win
>citizens still live in shit
gods have strict child labour laws and can't allow children to work as heroes literally anyone else is fine though.
you would like a chore of exchanging valuables in nearest capital? Its just a video game, relax.
>village doesn't have the strength to kill a monster terrorizing it
>they hire a professional murderer who is stronger than the monster to kill it
>they then try to kill the professional murderer (who is experimentally demonstrated to be stronger than the monster they couldn't handle) to save on paying money
>the money in question is about the equivalent of several weeks of good eating
The Wither 3 economy was such garbage, looting and trading could've been dropped from the game as a whole. The only reason to have it is because its expected of the genre.
They should've just had the unique key stuff, and not have Geralt collect thread, needles, iron and other garbage, and not have him buy anything other than property with his contract money. And gambling of course.
You ever play Metroid Prime? It's not quite archaeology but you can scan ruins to catalog and learn about them.
>haha see? Both sides are the same! Except for you, the player!
>This is why divinity is so rare in video games
Not really. The buyer only pay with money he has and he pays less then the actual market value of the thing, meaning he has profit.
>Game 1: We are the rebels, and must defeat the evil Empire. In the end, we do.
>Game 2: We are still the rebels, and despite winning, we are still a rebellion that must defeat the now defeated yet still powerful Empire.
The most simple and basic concept of what happens to the revolutionaries once the revolution ends should be tackled more often in vidya sequels.
>faction about tolerance and inclusion
>anyone who disagrees with their other idealogies is beheaded without a court
>game has a bug where if you sell an item and press cancel at the same time, you get the money but keep the item
>dupe your way to maximum money you can hold
>recklessly spending it will crash the economy and the entire kingdom the game takes place in gets thrown into poverty
>romantic option completely different race with different anatomy
>can still procreate with a human
Tolerance requires intolerance of intolerance, or something.
>They talk without voice chords, lungs and lips
took you almost 100 replies to get in here stormweenie, just roll over and die already
The dumbest part is
> gold things still exist
> people use bottlecaps anyway
It would make more sense to use engagement rings.
>kill trader/vendor
>can't look the stuff i could've bought from them
Where are you hiding that gun??
Its magic. The reason the human shape is used is because the spell is easier to maintain, the wizard could form the bones into a helicopter if he could afford the mental strain.
>discover an ancient civilization
>they speak the same language and dialect as the player
>literally an argument seen on /pol/
You see your white mage / priest go about, praying to the heavens for the living, but almost never for the dead. If it is in the game, it's a prayer to smite them or crumble their bones, and never to set their souls free.
I guess what I meant was, exorcism (removing the spirit from something) and to send it to heaven / hell / wherever souls gather is lacking in videogames. I consider this 'divinity'.
god this shit pisses me off so much. How hard is it to buff gun damage and just make NPCs consume ammo? Fucking nu-fallout
I get that reference, it's because the pug is a mixed breed and the others are pure breeds and everyone knows only mixed people go to /pol/ right?
>obvious trap trigger or ambush ahead
>there's no way to circumvent it
>you *have* to fuck yourself in order to progress
>villain gloats and calls you a fool for falling for such an obvious trap
It would make more sense to use water coupons or something like that. IOUs of some sort. Small value contracts.
Shit, I was wondering about that as well. They even have their own tower and a huge pillar of fire and smoke in the middle of their camp. What the fuck
>Every time you die you lose an amount of cash proportional to your current money
In spite of china's government being corrupt and what not many of its citizens still live normal lives and have access to government services and what. Evil fantasy empires however seem to go out of their way to make sure everyone is miserable inspite of being a world super power with no threats.
>find a single person who is single and alone and there are no other people and he is alone and nobody is here and there aren't any people around and we are all alone
>kill him
>-90001 karma reputation you are now evil and the guards will shoot you on sight
>have to walk into ambush
>shenanigans during cutscene means some of your characters are incapacitated or severely weakned
>you are trying to prevent apocalypses
>every NPC you meet knows this
>still tries to jew you out of your money for potions and equipment
>obvious trap trigger or ambush ahead
>there is a way around it
>way around has an even worse ambush or trap
>you fuck yourself even more
>villain laughs at you for not taking the obvious, open route.
>empire consists of many different cultures with their own unique history spanning thousands of years
>everyone speaks the same language
>despite having different writing systems, everyone writes in the same language
>even in private journals
>even in ancient dungeons
>and here are the state torture chambers, where we put people randomly selected via lottery to torture until they die. with rising labour costs we've had to allocate extra budget to keep these running, but we can't run an evil empire without them.
>Literally cleave a giant beast in half
>NPCs still think they're gonna win in the end
China managed to force a whole shitload of diverse cultures to use one writing system
>Usurped prince or princess fights to retake their birthright throne.
>They succeed.
>They immediately abdicate and form a republic.
>he said, trying to derail a thread that has had /pol/ack participation from the beginning just like every other thread on this board
>training costs money
>weapons cost money
>beer and medicine cost money
>even torches and a loaf of bread cost money
>but human lives are free
>the only single one thing that is free in the whole game is the lives and sanity of your employees
>the optimal way to play is to be the worst boss ever and use people as consumables, as to save on buying an extra shovel
>video game journalists didn't catch this very obvious theme of the game and wrote about mental illness instead
>"dragonslayer! hand me that purse, or i'll stab you with my fishing knife."
>Have Aztec/Maya/mesoamerican inspired group in game
>still have their structures in ruins with rough stone showing and not plastered and painted surfaces
>only have pyramids and statues, no actual cities
pisses me off, it's like people took a look at existing ruins and assumes that's how those places always looked, when aztec cities for example looked like pic related when they wreren't in ruins
Imagine if in a game set in ancient rome, there were no cities, streets, markets, etc, just the shit you can see in pompeii, etc as they exist today with people unga bunga-ing around them in their decrepit state
I think he meant pre-modern China. An awful lot of their leaders were insane genocidal sociopaths with no regard for human life.
republics are better though
>no regency council
>can pick a different ruler after a few years if the current one is shit
>better admin efficiency so you can move sliders quicker
It's either this or the opressive goverment that does this to keep everyone safe trope
>where do they live
>what do they eat
>whats their jobs
At least TES games have mostly been good for this, unlike many other RPGs.
>Villain committed atrocities
>Get recruited like nothing happened by the end of the game
>Game makes you feel bad if you just execute him
>No option to shame him for the rest of his days
>torches are still lit
>someone went in ahead of you
I rike it.
Who gives a fuck what """journalists""" think? But yeah the game becomes amazing when you realize heroes are free
>aw man both my A and B party have too much stress but I don't wanna pay for stress relief
>just get 4 more heroes and send them on an almost suicide run down a low level dungeon
Nah. It's the same game with a few different rules.
At least in Deus Ex HR's case the reason they did it was because players would never choose the stealth option. They'd always gain 20+ rounds of ammunition per person so they'd just run and gun everything.
I know it's a game but reading this activates my brain to think of every game that did this and i can not unsee it now
That's the state doing what it does best though, destroying lives and value. People are seen as either conscripts, taxpayers or enemies.
>game takes place in before 1980s
>they manage to cram some cell phone like device to update you with missions and story
>can pick a different ruler after a few years if the current one is shit
Thats not what a republic implies.
Republic = rule of law, as opposed to democracy (rule of the people) or monarchy (rule of a king).
You can have a republic without elections, like if "the law" is some self improving AI. The law, an inanimate object, rules you, and you can elect someone to represent it or whatever, but its not a requirement for the system.
>the TES games
>explore nordic ruin that was an "ancient city"
>random corridors that make no sense
>only rooms intact are burial halls
>walls are lined with places to put bodies
>traps everywhere
Am I suppose to believe people lived here? It's even worse with Dwemer dungeons
>everywhere there are traps
>everywhere else there are workshops or storage rooms
>rarely ever see rooms where people would sleep
You saying a mag can't contain bullets when being kept in a pocket?
It was an Europa Universalis 3 joke. I thought the part about sliders made it obvious but I assume you just ignored that cause you didn't know what it meant
Don't forget
>we're searching for the fugitive! (main character)
>sir we looked around they're not hear
>burn down the village, the crops and kill everyone!
>but sir! they're imperial citizens!
>i dont give a shit!
It's a game after all, you're just a newbie
suicide runs where you send outgunned people without supplies and they all come back vegetables, only for you to throw them away as they are useless in their broken state, are what the game was balanced around
however human nature is to get attacked to heroes and take care of them, so few people realized that, and they instead got mad that their favorite LITERAL MURDERER HIGHWAYMAN WHAT THE FUCK got a new std and actually paid for its removal, the cucks
>1000 year old dungeon
>Loops perfectly around with a hidden door as the exit
Who built this? What was it's purpose? Who closed the door last time?
Yea Forums doesn't play video games dummy.
take arrow put near a flame and you get a fire arrow
Oh, I just assumed its a general game thing, not any one in particular.
I've played some EU too, but my mind was thinking about RPGs with the rest of the posts here.
I disagree, the original game allowed you to go loud and even encouraged it with tons of explosives but stealth was still the most obvious and reliable method. It gave you the option but more importantly gave you a melee weapon that wasn't tied to a recharging meter.
But that arrow wouldn't burn if you fire it, the flame would go out. On the other hand, if you have a rag with pitch on it to keep burning, it wouldn't be able to fly far enough, or strong enough, to do damage to people.
Its either "an arrow", as in a combat projectile, or its on fire. Not both.
Imagine the hearing for that.
>It says here you killed 162 citizens, including children, women, ill and old and destroyed a fief that produced food for the nearby town
>But the fugitive was last seen there!
>Why didn't you say so? Case dismissed with prejudice!
i love using other people as resource, any other games that allow this? you're talking about darkest dungeon right? i like kidnapping and selling/sacrificing people in ck2 and enslaving people in rimworld
Fire arrows were used to incinerate buildings, not people.
It's what they were experiencing with playtesters from what I remember. It's why everyone drops next to nothing in the final game.
I never thought about the game as a CEO simulator but you are 100% right
>that brutal capitalist efficiency with which you decide how much to spend on your suicide runs
>everyone can have one ration of food and a few torches I guess but fuck you if you think you're gonna get a shovel. use your body
i love doing this in total war attila
Ya know the purpose of fire arrows was to light buildings on fire, right? They weren't meant to stick into people or to be any more accurate than "If we fire a shitload of these one of 'em will probably land on a thatched room".
Need a dispenser here
>Last year we produced a surplus of grain, so this year we are converting some of the grain farms to sorrow farms. The peasants of this fief were chosen to be crucified, and a couple of dozen mages from the capital university (in accordance to our state funded internship program) will ensure that they stay alive as long as possible, so we can harvest the most sorrow possible. Rejoice, patriots! And try to be as sorrowful as possible, so we can fulfill the plan!
>obvious trap trigger or ambush ahead
>optional, can just walk past
>do it anyway because it gives you more exp
Fucking playtesters ruin everything again.
How does death even work in games with necromancers? Do people even care if they die if someone can just bring them back with a single use of mana and enough int?
Shogun 2 would beg to differ
Does it have to be real people so their torment is tangible? If not, Overlord is specifically about making your expendable minions do everything
in Witcher 3 they aren't
Things don't catch on fire as easy as you might thing. And not as much of the surface of a whole city is made of straw as you think.
Fire arrows, when they were used (if they were used) were probably just to create terror. Kind of like early """siege weapons""", which just threw small rocks randomly to prevent civilian life, on fear of a rock dropping on you, and thus cause misery and maybe rebellion inside the fortification.
Not him but I think maybe you should read up the comment chain a bit
Stealth rewards you with shit ton of exp and upgrade already. That game really punish you for wanting a gun blazing run.
Main character who joined the rebels
>the empire is expanding! These poor people have been conquered! Their livelihood and homes destroyed!
>actually we willingly joined the empire because of the economic opportunities and security it provides. Our king was even allowed to continuing ruling over us and we've become a vassal state
Main character
>b-but the evil!
>uh...I mean the empire burned down our homes, enslaved the children and are now genociding us
Rimworld and Darkest Dungeon are my two favorites for using humans as a resource. All those "you get to be the bad guy!!!!" RPGs fail in comparison to those two games, because they get you to feel the benefit of being evil, or choosing to ignore that benefit just for the sake of being good. RPGs need more of that.
yes, goldcoins can still be traded for wares and services
Weird. Going full run & gun might be fun but it's way more efficient to drop everyone with a single headshot (if you don't care about being nonlethal) while remaining in stealth
Necromancy is outlawed. Bodies are being buried far away from populated areas.
Yeah, the decision also influenced why stealth options give so much more EXP to the point that lethal is pointless.
Lindybeige is unironically the only Youtuber I watch these days.
Have you played ck2? You can do anything you want to people there, even torture or mutilate them. The game can look odd because its gs but it's a really good rpg especially with the new random world thing
Mainly the roofs. The thing about burning down roofs is depriving people from shelter. Also you can use fire arrows to set fire to things that you prepare, like combustible material to burn a palisade, from a safe distance.
Try Solus Project. It's sci-fi archeology survival. No enemies though.
>Kill an enemy
>Cant loot corpse
Meanwhile, in the real world....
>area is inhabited by multiple tribes
>empire allies one of them to conquer the others and rule all
>a few hundred years later, the members of that collaborator tribe are imperial apologists
>"the empire was actually really good!", says man who's ancestors weren't sent to harvest sulfur with their hands
>to prevent civilian life
I thought sieges were mostly against castles that specifically were mostly evacuated beforehand so food stores would last longer
Or are we talkign ancient sieges here where incredibly big armies would siege entire cities?
>enemy falls on the ground with armor and a weapon
>you can't pick them
You're actually the one severely underestimating how easily things catch on fire here. The amount of incendiary materiel needed to start something that can get out of hand is tiny.
If you are just shooting "at the city", you are very, very, very unlikely to hit a roof.
If you hit a roof, you are very, very, very unlikely to cause a fire.
If you cause a fire, the people inside are very, very, very likely to put it down before it spreads.
And arrows cost money. And they require time to create. And the materials to create them aren't normally found in front of a city, so you have to supply them from elsewhere. You are shooting ammo blindly hoping you get lucky, except an arrow used to cost more than a bullet costs today.
No it's more like
>"The empire was bad!" Says descendant from a tribe that was worse than the empire
>Bullets magically appear in new mag
Are you retarded user?
See, the thing is you're just saying things and most of them are wrong.
Just watch the video and tell me what he missed
Quite sincerely, I can't find a flaw in his logic
No, it's more like:
>"I wish my people enslaved your people again, because I am kind and compassionate and you lived better when enslaved and... no, of course I wouldn't want your people to enslave mine, thats barbaric and cruel!" says teenage internet contrarian in his effort to be as much reverse-SJW as is possible
>kill any enemy with gear / weapons
>can't take any of it
True but alot of times I feel writers don't realise that empires aren't people, they're nations with its own unique laws and culture(s). They're often depicted as the worst thing ever when in reality people have benefited and suffered under imperial rule, the latter just seems to be easier to write and justify the MCs actions.
Pretty sure he is complaining about games where reloading doesn't discard the bullets from the current magazine
>find upgrade for machine gun
>load save game you haven't played in a decade
>all the vendor prices have inflated ridiculously and you can't even afford consumables now
I've lived a decade in a rural village, including yearly collection of all our garbage and waste in a big pile to set fire to it, and including setting fire to fields in general to get rid of weeds before using it. Its actually not easy to set things on fire, my friendly apartment dwelling urbanite.
See, the thing is you are just saying I'm wrong, which is wrong ;)
Would dipping the tip into an incendiary gel like napalm or the stuff used for Greek fire work?
That makes sense.
>Puzzle is literally just shoving stone blocks into holes with their shape
>Party remarks they never had to use their brain like this before and congratulate the hero in solving it
A lot of the time empires aren't nations, they are mercantile operations, and not even necessarily driven by the elected, appointed, god chosen or army backed government.
Name a few nations that benefited from their empire. I can't think of many. Arguably the Latins benefited from the Roman empire, up until a point. Maybe, perhaps, kinda, the Athenians did? Did the average Venetian benefit from that empire? Most definitely the average Brit, Frenchman, Russian, etc didn't from theirs.
Do you have a single digit IQ?
I notice most modern people can not imagine a time where people were left to their own initiative until new orders were sent.
I get that they are just trying to make it so their players never feel lost, but every game now has some means of instant feedback that every character feels like a modern micro-managed employee instead of anything resembling their time.
Greek fire gets put out by airflow just like any normal fire. It was popualr for its ability to burn while floating on water
>reach the end of a dungeon
>enter combat with the villain and utterly push his shit in
>cutscene happens and suddenly he destroys you
>we're not strong enough yet we have to run!
The amount of liquid that would stay on a fine metal point while shooting it very fast through the air is negligible, and it would burn out in seconds. You need a wet rag to get enough fuel to stick so that it would burn for a minute or so, do get anything done, but the rag would make the arrow useless as a projectile, as it wouldn't go far or have any force, and would be harder to aim.
No, it's more like:
>"Before your people were sold as slaves they were already slaves. When we stopped buying we bankrupted the slave owners, who, for some bizarre reason, you consider as part of your people. Also my people were slaves for a time, but we don't hold the descendants of the slave owners responsible for what their forefathers did."
Oh shit user, I didn't realize you were actually right!
I guess I gotta go back in time and tell ol' pliny that contemporary armies actually didn't use fire arrows. That old roman guy will be so dissapointed!
>party also tends to include a scholar/intellectual that's amazed by your intelligence
Dwemer coins in Morrowind dungeons aren't in circulation.
>are what the game was balanced around
I don't think DD was balanced around recycling heroes based on the fact that you need to invest into individuals to even progress towards the end goal. Sure, you can spend all that time grinding out level one suicide runs for paltry rewards to max out the town upgrades early, but wouldn't a game that has
>extremely limited party size with wide hero variety
>extremely limited available skills with many skills to choose from
>extremely limited inventory size that needs to be balanced between in-map resources like rations against loot
be more about using your limited expedition rewards wisely between which upgrades you need more? It seems to me that suicide runs are just a poor man's crutch - abusing the lack of a frustrating ultimate failure state, rather than what the game is balanced around
While you are at it, tell him to fix his maps and stop treating religious myths as factual.
>reach the end of the game
>Because you were good enough to prevent storyline deaths all canon breaks and Vegeta goes super saiyan to fight you
Why don't more games do this shit?
>muh pliny
please someone acknowledge how fitting this reaction image is
Now I want a game where necromancers can tool around in magic skelecopters.
Sounds pretty based.
>blatantly untrustworthy NPC insists that they lead the way for you
>follow murdering backstabbing cunt? Yes/No (but actually Yes)
It's that wierd DBZ where the attacks are cards.
>go into old temple/dungeon where people presumably lived and worked ages ago judging from living spaces and personal effects
>their doors were locked with childishly simple puzzles like matching three symbols printed above the door
>realistically they would keep no-one out and only make your daily routine more of a fucking hassle
Super Saiya Densetsu is still the best DBZ game
>Kill enemy using ice gun
>Drops a fire gun
Slavery in economically nonviable compared to having an impoverished workforce that is obligated to care for themselves.
Slavery is simply inefficient when you compare it to other groups historically.
Start a game and try to always bring generous equipment to be prepared for anything, and always learn all combat and camping skills so you can adapt, and always have max upgraded armor and weapons, and always treat stress and afflictions, and always lock good traits and cure bad traits, etc.
Basically try to invest in an elite force of high investment professionals, no throwaway runs, everything counts, no man left being.
You can't. You run out of money before you even start. Its impossible to do. The game's math doesn't allow it.
At some point you have to send rookies without torches, and when two have died and one has gone crazy, abandon the run so they can return with gold, so you can pay for the actual real team to do the actual real expedition.
Remember those DBZ games where you had to tag out to the character that won the fight in canon?
But if you rekt the villain with the wrong character you get less cash
White people were biologically non-viable in Africa, Brazil and Central America, which is why blacks were purchased to work there instead. Whites just died too quickly, before they paid for the investment to bring them there.
Slavery was worth it, because whites were allergic to jungles, before some developments in medicine.
>shoot someone on one hand/foot with a sniper rifle
>they immediately drop dead
i dont get it
It sounds more likely that whites couldn't be assed to do the work. Why would you emigrate to a colony if you have to do backbreaking labor for almost no reward all day? Just use niggers for it instead
Nah, they just couldn't work with the natives and there weren't a lot of people willing to leave Europe to live in something that was basically a glorified mining operation that was months away from civilization.
Because there were prostitutes and gambling in Europe, but in the Americas if you went there they gave you free land, and you could be a good christians away from all this city debauchery.
Or in the more frequent case, because they were arrested for crimes and sent to the Americas as not to pay for their jail time.
>What's the deal with ancient ruins?
>They're always full of treasure, I just can't believe that in 400 hundred years nobody said: "Let's just gather a party of 10 men and clean it out"
>Oh and traps are always in good shape and never fail to work. What, do they have maintenace check every couple of months? Yeah this fire spewing trap is running out of oil, we'll get new shipment of it in a week.
>And how come monsters never get tired of roaming the same place for hundreds of years? They are supposed to guard the place from any intruder, but here's some guy just waltzing into the ruins, ending their lives, looting the place with no effort. What a waste! Why not go outside, unwind, pillage a nearby village for gods sake! People wouldn't even mind, walking around in circles and repeating the same two lines for years will make you crave for any kind of variety.
>and you could be a good christians away from all this city debauchery
That is like 13 colonies shit, late in the colonization game m8
This is like something you'd find on /x/
>Fire arrows is a lie and they want to hide the truth from you, wake up sheeple
>kill enemy cyclops
>drops 2 eyes
Where's the proof for them
I've experimented with it. Have you?
Summer is coming soon, a bow and some arrows is a small investment, try to shoot fire arrows hundreds of meters away (as to be able to shoot into a city).
>instead of magic torches the play has magic night goggles inside his eyes
Maybe they just shouldn't have dungeons in games.
Based Seinfeld poster
and yet, fire arrows exist and were used.
And, again, you are a fucking moron if you think people would just accept a random, unknown currency. They have no idea how pure the gold is. Christ, you must be a fucking commie, because you don't understand how currency actually fucking works.
No shit sherlock. We are not talking about silver though, we are talking about gold, which did see mintings, no matter how rare and uncommon.
>learn all skills
>cure all bad diseases
>cure all stress
>always have max upgraded armor
>always lock good traits
You're not getting it dude, you don't HAVE to mixmax every single aspect of the game. The whole point of all these choices but so few resources to make them is to force you to make a CHOICE.
>I might need this holy water now, but I just found a big stack of busts which I might need later on
>My Vestal keeps getting close to death, should I upgrade her armor or should I use the money on someone elses weapons to reduce the risk to her?
>Man 15 classes but only 4 slots, who should I bring and where?
You might think it's impossible to win with every single minmaxed advantage, but it's clearly not since most players didn't get through it by cheesing the game. Might as well just mod yourself in infinite inventory slots and play on radiant if you're after a base-building simulator
have actually fucked around with fire arrows and a longbow, only way to actually get a fire arrow to work at least a bit is to make it too heavy to be effective at anything and even then it'll go out in flight 9 times out of 10.
The idea for fire arrows comes from greek fire which had a completely different application and films that want to add spectacle.
There wasn't any need to enslave whites for the new world at least, they were already willing to move to the new world en masse and work themselves to death.
The only time slavery is really used effectively is for labor shortages, when having to move in unmotivated workers that will have shit output is preferable to no output at all.
>An ancient evil awakens
but lets ignore that the people who say fire arrows existed as the same as the people who say cyclops, sirens and divine interventions happened
>son comes in
´>I could be in my basement, spying forbidden military areas on Google earth right now
literally me
>Fun thread about silly videogame stuff turns into /pol/ shit
Guess we're done having fun here
>Explore a thousand year old dungeon
>Loot coins currently in circulation
>Nothing odd about this because the empire that existed back then still exists today
>bring me 5 wolf hearts
>kill wolf
>no heart
No, the game is very clearly designed around giving you permanent hamlet upgrades on top of your heroes becoming stronger. Hiring new heroes specifically costs nothing so you can always do a suicide run with fresh blood. If the devs wanted you to get attached to anything but your A and B team, they'd make hiring heroes not literally free
Man, if you are presented with a resource management game where there is only one single endless and free resource - people - and you don't utilize this, you are being bad at the game.
Fire arrows are pretty useful when even if most go out you are firing a large volley into a fortified location full of dried flammable material.
Oh, and you just launched balls of pitch and other fuels into the settlement from your catapult right beforehand, that's a very useful step.
name one empire where the coins remained the same for a long time
>A recent benevolence goes to sleep
Or you could be less sensitive to normal emergent discussion.
Fuukin borderlands man
Explain this then
The arrow stays lit through the entire flight
>"bring me 5 wolf hearts with undamaged valves"
>oh i guess my last sword hit damaged the heart, no use taking this
This one could easily be handwaved by you having stabbed/shot the wolf through the heart, destroying the organ beyond usefulness.
Spot the AnCap.
Speaking of Darkest Dungeon meta: How much do armor and skill upgrades matter? And is there any reason not to do suicide runs until my hamlet is fully upgrades and just giving my main heroes the best equipment?
Whatever you say Autist.
What? No he doesn't.
You have to drink a potion to see in the dark
And limited darkvision is to be expected from a witcher
How many oil refineries did Pliny have access to?
OH you're female, carry on being neurotic.
You can literally see the naphtha soaked cloth wrapped around the arrow, making it inefficient for war, because of the weight, lack of balance, prohibitive cost, etc.
>Discussion is about vidya where everything goes
>"Name one real empire where that happened!" t. user
Most countries have these places called "banks" where they take any form of legal tender.
Define "long time".
>what the FUCK why are people having DISCUSSIONS on my INTERNET FORUM
Fuck off and try actually speaking to someone for once.
Is there no game that allows you to recreate the scrable for Africa?
>they don't exist, dumbass
>but those aren't efficient!
Victoria 2
What the hell does reserve currency even mean in a time when it was just precious metals all the way.
Fuck liggers
Hey, why did you not wanna answer my post?
They don't exist because they are inefficient to the point of uselessness.
To make a projectile capable of delivering fire, you are making it incapable of war use.
If the stamp of king Karlaus on a coin means its usually 100% gold, but the stamp of king Judenstein means the coin is usually thinner and 80% gold, I think you would be wise to prefer one type of "gold coin" over the other.
Why are people arguing about the viability of flaming arrows when we know they existed and were used at very certain times for very certain circumstances?
Heroes being free is a result of their 'no permanent failure' design, in order to prevent you from spending your last dime on rations only to lose the last of your adventurers and being unable to hire any more.
>If the devs wanted you to get attached to anything but your A and B team, they'd make hiring heroes not literally free
But the thing is to even make progress through the game, you need to make investments of both time and money - both in gearing them up and also buying them the resources they need to grow. Hamlet upgrades might be permanent but if they were designed to be completed before you even TRIED to progress the game then they would have just been given to you for free, without dropping a dozen plus hours mindlessly grinding easy mode on throwaways. Hell, they even tried to avoid no-stakes grinding by barring high level characters from entering low level missions.
Post the proof for those times and circumstances
>travels from one continent to the other.
>everyone still speaks the same language.
>worst, everyone have the same accent.
No he doesn't, you have to brew the potion Cat to see in the dark
whats really incredible is they've been using the same currency over thousands of years even with massive wars and regime changes.
It's grating to see them being used in situations where they make zero sense.
It'd be more accurate and better to just never include them.
That's right though, Austria is basically Subsaharan Africa tier
>modern incendiary using modern bows
Uhh okay dude now post one using medieval pitch instead of petrolium
To the anons discussing fire arrows. Were they used? Yes. Were they practical and used in mass? No. Fire arrows are what I call meme weapons, much like the flail, scythes, boiling tubs of oil or a huge wall destroying trebuchets they were rarely used and used in isolated instances. Just because some medieval painting depicts some random people using it doesn't mean it was a widespread or common use item.
Venetian ducats.
>How much do armor and skill upgrades matter?
They're pretty much the most important thing to spend your money on, other than removing 100 stress afflictions
>And is there any reason not to do suicide runs until my hamlet is fully upgrades and just giving my main heroes the best equipment?
No reason other than it's boring as shit to do and takes away a lot of the danger and fun from the rest of the game
No one's saying you have to upgrade your entire hamlet just by grinding suicide runs. The point is merely this:
If you play the game while being attached to all your heroes (i.e. never throwing one away unless it's a class you can't use in any composition/already have plenty heroes of that class), and pay for stress relief, it's gonna take you a LOT longer to win the game and it's gonna be more perilous along the way cause it basically forces you to do dungeons with parties that already have some stress or bad afflictions (cause you can't just hire new heroes and throw them away, you wanna use your "real" party)
Was anyone arguing that they were widespread?
Nobody is suggesting you do 500 suicide runs upgrading everything, and only then start to play the game "for real". People are saying that you do suicide runs to fund your actual runs.
And talking about deliberate mechanics, not only are soldiers deliberately free, but also you can cancel a mission with only 1 soldier remaining, and bring what you looted thus far home. So you can fail, and gain resources for failing. And the only downside is your expendable free guys get stress, but you just recycle them anyways. This allows you do send an unequipped party, not care about stress, gather a full inventory of resources, and either complete the run and throw them away, or retreat when they start getting butchered, throw them away, and still gain enough to equip your real team.
Screencap this and sent it to r/braincels!
> kills Giant Rat
> does not strip it of it's valuable meat
> drinks purple "stuff" tor restore health
> game is made in California
>there are torches inside a dungeon
Basically you can pick how much grind you want but I'd argue the game is designed for SOME grind.
It's not like XCOM 1 where there is a time in the campaign where you can just grind out everything but you only know that if you know the trigger for the ayys invading your base ahead of time
Hey overalls
You suck
The longest run I ever did was a no death run, took fucking forever to build everything up and even have all the people ready to tackle bosses at once.
They probably patched mega buffing and one shotting the final boss though, have not played in awhile.
Was anyone arguing that there were literally no instances of them ever?
Why wouldn't there be?
Now, lit torches on the other hand
Exactly. Too bad everyone misunderstood hitler.
>Flails were meme weapons
Really? They seem like they would have been pretty effective.
>make videos saying whatever you believe as divine fact
>make a reply video to almost everyone of your own videos where you talk about all the historical precedents people brought up but still double down on whatever you said originally by moving the goalposts slightly, or even just outright dismissing facts
torches are a hollywood meme
Do you know that one dialogue option in SW: KotR where Kreia asks you something, and there is a dialogue option that gives you a big permanent stat upgrade? But you can also chose to say "nah, i don't need power, i've got what it takes". There is zero mechanical benefit to it. You are literally denying stats, and only lose for it mechanically. But Kreia is happy if you do that, saying thats what a confident person would do.
The good-evil axis in games should be like that. Being good shouldn't be rewarding, and being evil should be very rewarding. That way the player has to be good for its own sake, no for a reward. Being good for a reward is nothing.
And in the Darkest Dungeon dispute you are having, this is the case. Being evil with pawns is rewarding, but you can choose to be good, and treat and take care of your guys, with no reward, for its own sake. Thats why there is an achievement to take the two pawns from the tutorial to the end of the game, despite the fact that they are almost certainly going to get bad traits and stressed at some point, and you'd be better served replacing them than treating them.
You would fucking love the Ogre Battle series. March of the Black Queen has a wizard proclaiming you divine emperor, and you going full Che Guevara with plucky rebels, and as you get to the corrupt imperial heart you have to start negotiating with dirtbag generals and towns start hating you for changing the status quo because they were the ones profiting off everybody in the firstplace. You can become a benevolent genocidal God by murdering the pantheon, or just trade away your humanity until you aren't much better than the tyrants you replace.
Then you get to play the other side 20 years later and see what a failed revolution looks like when Paladins are lynching thieving merchants, fucking farmers are making diplomatic decisions, and the corrupt generals have pretty much exiled most of the inner circle. I love a knight named Ashe's story, his best friend convinces him to come out of retirement and the dude is a monster in hand to hand combat. By game 2 the city he controls is worm eaten, he has barely guards because its pointless trying to guard him, his friends have fucked off back to their mountains because they are warrior mercs not administrators and hes alone trying to singlehandely run a city and tries his only gambit (dueling you).
The whole series is like that for everything N64 and older. Best part is your troops can get alignment changes if they murder units wholesale, forcing you do ridiculous rules of engagement which puts more of them at risk of death and lowers morale. And this is all while your generals are calling you on on recruiting noble idiots, foolhardy pragmatists and profiteers.
back when these games were attempting to make sense bottle caps had value being used as scrap metal and there was a constant supply of them from people exploring the wastes.
Not really. Its difficult and very tiring to use having to swing that meta ball around, you can damage yourself if your not careful, you can damage allies around you if your not careful and you can lose the weapon easily if the the chain gets snagged on something. The mace was just the superior option.
I imagine this was before there was a literal huge metal warship just outside of town, and abandoned cars along the highway?
>30.000 years pass
>MC is the chosen hero fated to save the world and kill the demon lord
>gets easily by a bunch of bandits
Why dont we send bandits to kill the demon lord
I can't help but feel that you misunderstood horribly how we actually play DD.
No one is saying you have to throw Dismas or Reynaud away. In fact I like making them part of my A or B team. These are the people you NEVER throw away. In fact, building up your A/B team and keeping them stress free is the entire point of these suicide runs with disposable heroes. Basically you have 8 guys who you actually want to use to progress the game and when they're busy curing an affliction or reducing stress, you use your throwaways to get some gold and upgrade items in a low level dungeon
You never EVER throw away the guys who you decided to be your main teams once they reach level 2
This would be awesome with some good platforming/quick thinking puzzles and realistic combat. You have your pistol and whip, only 36 bullets total and it takes a while to reload but almost always one shot kills as long as you hit them in the head/chest/gut. no health regeneration, everything does limb specific damage, and you have to watch out for snakes/other poisoness creatures.
>Shoot someone in the head with a crossbow
>They get up and start seaching for you.
Dungeons would be lit by candles/oil lamps, if you use torches to light an interior you'll pass out from smoke inhalation or at the very least start coughing your lungs up.
I find it funny because there is no shortage of historical records for fire arrows (especially in china). Apparently hollywood is so dedicated to making you believe in them that they planted historical evidence before the dark ages to trick you.
Probably more but just what I saw scrolling up quick.
Dumb example. That is Star Wars. They are working within the lore of that universe.
Forgot to say: It's silly that you implied we'd throw away a hero just because they got an affliction. Healing that affliction amy cost gold but it's still far easier than training up another guy from level 0
wow guy thanks for explaining to me what suicide runs are, we've only been talking about them this entire time
>The point is merely this
No dude, my original post was about the line
>suicide runs ... are what the game was balanced around
is blatantly wrong because, not only are suicide runs boring as shit (which isn't a good way to design a game), they circumvent the very important aspect of -choice-. I'm not saying it isn't a valid tactic - because it definitely does make the game easier, I am saying that suicide runs only exist because by abusing the 'no failure' mechanic to circumvent limitations and are definitely not the way the game was designed to be played. If it was, those limitations wouldn't exist in the first place and you could skip the boring grind in the first place. You can see this philosophy being applied when you try to bring high level heroes to low level missions; no-stakes grinding is not how the game is designed to be played.
>it's gonna be more perilous along the way
Yeah heaven forbid a game where stress is a main mechanic is someone perilous
Even his fans seems to use the comments to just joke about whatever he said.
I don't think anyone believes he is anything but entertainment and a good bait starter since he does it with a straight face.
>1 user with a cheap ass bow
>the greatest military minds in the world with hundreds of years of experience trying to figure out the most efficient way to utterly destroy their foes who also chronicled evidence that it works in many different languages from around the world
>30.000 years
>Technology got worse
>Same languages
>Same currency
>Same organizations
And if you have a candidate A team member, but they come back with some bad negative perk (like -5 accuracy or -2 speed or whatever), and with a disease thats crippling, do you recycle them, or do you spend 10000 gold and two weeks to correct them?
Some people will correct such broken pawns, because "thats the guy who killed the Necromancer just before we wipe" or just because its Dismas or Reynaud. That goes against the evil CEO philosophy earlier discussed.
Bandits chose demon lord as their new leader.
technology can stagnate, if their current tech is good enough + we don't know much about their science fundings but I imagine it's probably on the level of Venezuela or Ethiopia
None of those posts say they were never used, you projecting hemorrhoid.
>characters always pull out lamps or candleholders in TT games
>everyone asks why we don't just all light up a group of torches
Gurren Lagann at least showed how most of the dai gurren were absolutely dogshit at running a country and were better off going to die in space
No it's perfectly in keeping with that philosophy. I mean, that's actual irl corporation shit right there: It pays to spend money to keep your employees happy, because having to train up a new one when someone quits is WAY more expensive
>30,000 years pass
>Everything is FUCKED
Me and you would be better generals than Alexander or Caesar, because we know about diseases, germs, etc. Don't give me that "you are just a normal guy in the 21st century, you can't know" shit. Try it. Conduct the experiment. Disprove the myth. Do it yourself and believe your own eyes.
>None of those posts say they were never used, you projecting hemorrhoid.
Meanwhile first linked post highlighted starts with.
>They don't exist
I have no idea. There are apparently some retards in here who are flat earth levels of stupid because they seem to think that all the fucking written records an archeological evidence is a lie or something.
It's honestly kinda funny.
>purchase a gun for 5000 bottlecaps
>casuakky take out my pouch containing 15k bottlecaps
>start counting the bottlecaps
>give him the 5k
>he starts counting
>line behind me starts getting bigger and bigger as he keeps miscounting and having to start over
>says there are 379 caps
>I dont believe him
>we count together
>there really were 379 caps missing
>take out my pouch and give him the remaining 379 caps (first I count than he does)
>mfw it took me four hours to purchase a gun
Just realized "expensive" was a bad word choice. Gold is a means to an end in this game, what I'm saying is it takes more time to train up a new hero than it takes to farm the gold
>Steathily kill enemy, wearing full body armour and carrying an lmg
>They only have three bullets in their magazine and a tin can in their inventory.
Why would you use fire arrows over poison or something?
To be fair their use was fairly wide spread in early naval warfare before people got really good at fireproofing ships, as well as later on once the chinese invented gunpowder and they became much more reliable to use.
But when a guy you are training gets cancer, perhaps its not worth continuing to invest in them.
It isn't rare for a perspective A-team pawn to come back with literal cancer, to the point where you need multiple weeks and multiple thousands of gold to correct them. At that point, you might as well replace them.
The original xcom
His only purpose to to get a rise out of history buffs by stating just below pop-culture history ideas that are just as wrong.
But they did it and it worked you fucking mongoloid.
>same fucking job
That one is actually my post, and it is talking about arrows as weapons of war. Read the rest of the reply chain.
And if only one mentions it (allegedly), why do you quote multiple, implying they all do?
I wouldn't even go as far as poison. Could just used arrows covered in sewage and shit.
feel free to post proof of any instance of any of these great military minds using or arguing for the use of flaming arrows
That falls under poison
I'll check it out thanks
No reason to in a 1v1 fight, but in real warfare they were used either to try and burn down tents/thatched roofs and things, or to try and set boats on fire way back in ancient greek times.
Right, and Alexander killed a lion in the desert with his bare hands, while Caesar walked the battlefield with no armor and a purple cape to encourage his troops. Also both spoke with their respective Gods to talk about strategy.
I mean, its in the same sources you are quoting.
Flawed analogy because in DD there would be a permanent cure for cancer that you could just pay for
I'd say it's faster to just grind the money (especially since money becomes more plentiful as you fully upgrade your heroes and do higher runs to progress) than training up a new one but it's been too long to have any specific numbers, sorry
I think ancient middle eastern assassins were somewhat infamous for pulling the old "arrow in the chamber pot" trick.
>cast bleed, sleep and disease on a skeleton
>None of those posts say they were never used
>They don't exist because
>but lets ignore that the people who say fire arrows existed as the same as the people who say cyclops, sirens and divine interventions happened
>Its either "an arrow", as in a combat projectile, or its on fire. Not both.
>realise bottlecaps are retarded
>Move to proper currency system using printed money
>Stop using it and go back to lugging around 200 pounds of rusty bottle caps to buy shit
The people in fallout are retarded, they deserve worse than they got, over 200 years after the war and they still live in corregated rubble shacks.
Runescape Lore
Except, like, times 100 and from many different cultures and shit. Like, find me a source
Tell me user, what other dumb ass shit do you believe? Can jet fuel melt steel beams?
lindycancer autism
Final Fantasy XII at its finest
Dungen Siege II was a solid, fun game
>comatose skeleton starts bleeding out diseased bone marrow
>Bone is immune to disease
Stop trying to appear tougher than you are, skeleton scum
If you take a combat ready arrow, and make it able to transfer fire, it stops being combat ready. Its still an arrow, and on fire, but it won't go as far, or as accurate, and its much more expensive. Its no longer a functional combat weapon, despite existing.
You are arguing language instead of arguing fire arrows at this point. I'll stop responding, because I wanted to talk about history, not about winning an internet argument on an anime forum.
>Except, like, times 100 and from many different cultures and shit.
You mean like giants, or people living under the sea, or people living in the clouds?
A popular myth isn't truth. Facts aren't a democratic consensus, counting how many people buy your lie to make it true.
Okay, thanks for the victory fag.
Glad we established fire arrows existed and were used.
>ctrl f proof
>no responses to any of the posts asking for proof
Looks painful, what did they do drink to much milk?
No, I mean recorded by other people to you screeching retard. Read up on the siege of oran, check the wubei zhi out from a library, or actually do anything sort of research aside from reading a fucking gizmodo article and you might actually learn something for once.
>needing proofs
They threw bad dice, cancer is mostly about getting unlucky.
On a long enough time scale every DNA construct gets cancer, regardless of quality of diet and life. The only way to avoid cancer is to die before you get it, which is for the most part how we used to do things.
Actually the NCR had gold backed greenbacks at one point but the BOS fucked their gold reserves with radiation, the Legion however uses a mix of gold and silver coinage. Caps are only used due to a plot by the trade caravans to weaken the power of the central government
>run into enemy bandit
>he's using a war scythe
>there are people out there who knows war sycthes exist
I never watched that schola guy. What's his best film critique? I enjoy lindy's videos about movies the most
lmao cheeky
If it was pointy, chances are someone put it on a stick and tried to kill someone with it.
It didn't even always have to be pointy. War oars are some of my favorite meme weapons.
cool bardiches
I assume any of these would be a better starting point than a youtube entertainer who is not a historian.
>historical "proof"
>not realizing most historical documents are dubious due to the authors' bias or are forgeries
Siege of Oran was just a port blockade, and the Wubei Zhi "fire arrows" are fired out of a catapult construction, not bows, and they aren't actual arrows either.
You can assume whatever you want, but all of these are just citing the same few artistic depictions from early writers, which is on par with saying demons exist because they are in the bible.
>but all of these are just citing the same few artistic depictions from early writers
Soooo you don't actually know what you're talking about and skimmed wikipedia, got it.
Wubei Zhi includes schematics for solid fuel fire arrows intended to be fired from bows, and the during the siege of oran they used flaming arrows as a weapon of terror against the inhabitants of the port.
Historical proof is the biggest meme
>look at these scrolls written and drawn by some monks that had zero idea about combat, this is how people fought back in the day!
>hurr durr demons don't exist
*tips fedora*
read these to see
>kill a rat
>it doesn't drop a rat tail
bonus points if its something easily demonstrable to be false, but people still insist on it
>DNA doesn't replicate anymore
>because he's dead
>cancer eksDee
So you didn't read them?
i take it you havent read them, if you think so
I am really enjoying the guy roleplaying Lindy breaking down over history
I literally just said something was written in a book.
Obviously you could just read the goddamned book. Or even wikipedia. But because I think you're too mentally handicapped to do either of those I'll even post an image for you. This took 3 seconds of searching to find btw.
>implying I'll throw away a level 5 guy just because he's afflicted
>throwing away that much money
>implying I'll throw away lower level dudes with good quirks
>implying I won't throw away shitters who hit 100 stress in their very first dungeon
I mean ok, I'll try to savw you in the dungeon and do you right, but if you are level 1, have shit quirks and and i haven't spent thousands of gold on you you can sort out your problems by yourself
sleep i can understand, since it's more a mental thing (assuming the skeltals are not mindless slaves)
I am amazed people are so disconnected from the natural world they think just because something is no longer emitting flames it won't start fires.
sunken cost fallacy
>we just attach a grenade to the arrow
>this totally doesn't change the way the arrow flies, how far, or how accurate it is
>trust me, i've tried it
t. ancient chiense wisdom
by the way snort powdered jade to live forever
>Shoot enemy weapon
>They don't drop it
Considering this book dictated how the Chinese fought wars for hundreds of years, if it was written in here then they used them.
It's not concept art you silly fuck, they actually used those
That should be your first clue the person arguing one side is not well informed.
they actually didn't because that would actually not work actually
go and try it
What a badass
y dum lol
Putting a guy in the bar for two weeks costs me less than 5000 gold
Kitting a guy in level 5 armor and weapons and skills costs a lot more than 5k gold
CTRL+F "explosive arrow"
>Waiting weeks for your enemy to die is better than being able to light wooden structures on fire
Life isn't a video game son
lindy is a meme. he is the hickok45 of history channels
In Skyrim the coins are minted with the visage of the current emperor. It makes zero sense that a 1000 year old tomb has modern currency. It all comes down to Bethesda laziness. Put in some ancient Nord coins that can be traded for regular gold. There, problem solved.
You are correct. I said that because you said "and i haven't spent thousands of gold on". I failed to realize that you'd also have to spend that gold to get the new guy's equipment upgraded. My bad
>late 20th century explosive tipped darts
>ancient fire arrows
y dum lol
D-do you have dire straights?
>it's not similar because uhhhh *farts*
The sad thing is they were even too lazy to put in a throwaway line that you are actually finding ancient currency and exchanging it for modern ones but they are just handwaving it for simplicity.
Literally a few minutes of work.
I gotta go get lunch now user, but let me just thank you for providing me with so much entertainment. I haven't run into someone as retarded as you in ages.
I'll be sure to screencap your dipshttery when I get back though, so everyone can know that dumbfucks like you really do exist.
pathetic m8
>The people in fallout are retarded
You mean Bethesda? The NCR and the Legion both address this by creating their own systems of currency. Bethtards just shit all over anything that remotely makes sense
You guys are sucking the cock of the same stupid retard that said cavalry was useless in the middle ages
would have been a cool sidequest to find coins from various eras of Tamriel with each emperor, and try to turn in a complete set to a collector for special rewards, like a coin display case for your house.
What's the difference other than explosive payload? They work the exact same way.
>Game has several bathrooms, but you aren't allowed to enter any of them.
>Finally find a bathroom you can enter
>It's a dungeon
Lindy is a comedian, no one actually takes him seriously.
Hell you could even remove all gold from tombs and just say the ancient Nords traded with Soul Gems or something since you find plenty of those in Nord ruins. It really just takes a few lines of code and some throwaway dialogue.
I know there's mods and shit to address these issues, but replaying through Skyrim recently, the amount of minor annoyances I had to mod out, shows just how lazy that game is.
Why don't modern miitaries just strap some kind of grenade that explodes on contact to an arrow? You could shoot that farther than you could throw a grenade and it'd be way cheaper than a rocket
Thank God, he made a video on the decades old mith of soldiers not actually shoting people to kill which is made up bullshit from vietnam reports, the war full of propaganda
Because the only modern military still using RPGs are religious nutjobs in the Middle East who get that shit wholesale from ex-Soviet nations.
There's a mod for this that adds Ancient Nord Coins (Alessias) and Dwemer Coins (Kagneracs) to replace the coins in tombs and dwemer/falmer ruins.
It also adds a copper/silver/gold hierarchy to the loot and costs and gives you your total cash value as coppers.
Metal Gear Survive did this. It was only useful with cheat engine because of the loot system forcing you to only bring 25 arrows when you need about 120. Also you wouldn't be able to find the correct stuff to make the arrows on the map.
How else are they gonna explode something that's 200 feet away?
He said that the idea of shock cavalry would have been a ridiculous proposition at first because, without the generations of breeding for war, horses were very small and skittish, and it's a wonder that despite that the the idea still propagated and persisted until they became a reality
It's not unheard of for guerrilla forces to do such shenanigans.
Modern militaries mostly have more expensive toys than they could ever use and prefer very expensive overwhelming firepower over cost effectiveness.
Hell even land based rockets are mostly a thing of the past, have the airforce come in and level everything out of throwing range, after they already went through and bombed the place before any troops even put boots into the area.
Prewar money is completely worthless because you have enough currency for millions of people lying around the country in convenient little stacks, but the actual trading population of postwar America is in the tens of thousands. And it's paper money too, so someone could easily print off reams of bills with no counterfeiting authorities in existence.
Meanwhile, caps are from an in universe perspective scattered around the world individually, so there are less of them than there are dollar bills, and being crimped rounded painted metal, they aren't as easy to mass fabricate as Old World money is. New Vegas talks about how Crimson Caravans fouled the bottlecap factories, which would be much easier than destroying all printing presses in the area.
I do agree Fallout games should feature more direct bartering and less currency interaction though.
>Magically induced cancer follows the same rules as regular cancer
The difference between a micro-explosive and a rag wet with petrol? Aerodynamics, weight, stuff like that. You know, arrow things.
Oh, I thought he was talking about some user who said that about cavalry
Didn't realize he was just a retard misinterpreting the Lindy cavalry video
So literally pop history? That's like saying "lol can you imagine the first dude that sucked a cow tit to get milk lmao who came up with that" but you get paid to say this.
The Metro games having military grade ammo as both a powerful weapon (shooting it does more damage) and a trading currency (its small and universally valuable), have a much better system.
except a few retards from Yea Forums
rambo did that
>cut rathalos tail
>no rathalos tail
The thread started with Lindybeige you absolute wojakshitter moron. I see you're too new to understand how these threads work.
In Chocobo's Dungeon 2 they aren't but you can lit them with fire or thunder magic books, and they reveal traps.
Pretty cool too because no one in the game mentions it so you have to discover it.
Suicide vests with teleportation technology
e celeb bait op did this, it's what you get for posting discount bill nye
Wow it's almost like fire arrows were used for sieges, not for infantry. Are you dumb? They were lit on fire to burn down wooden forts.
he only says they werent used in open combat to kill, he even shows actual fire arrowheads that he owns
Hundreds of historical texts detailing their use during sieges
I can't believe what I'm fucking reading. Are you retarded? That is exactly what they did in war, they would wrap the arrow in an oil soaked cloth and light the cloth on fire, then fire the arrow.
Why is this so hard to understand for you.
>Game has highly detailed real time reflective mirrors
He is an entertainer first and foremost.
He will often start with some clickbait title and picture and make some bold claim at the start.
Even if he goes on to explain things further people drop off quickly and mostly just come for the entertaining start and for him to make jokes about hating the French.
>They were lit on fire to burn down wooden forts
user you as much as a brainlet as the user you are replying to.
>They speak "common"
There are ways to increase the risk of cancer though
Every multicelluar lifeform is usually making a lot of cancerous cells every day.
It's also a matter of their body not properly destroying them when they come up along with how often they come up.
>Ancient dungeon
>Seal off for 1000 years
>Tfw all the monsters are inbred
I still don't get how there monsters in a long sealed dungeon. How do they eat? How do they keep a healthy population?
I wish games took some more time with this stuff, games where a dungeon has an entire ecosystem that seems alien to the outside world are great.
>This massively fucks me off. Just give the player a spell to re-ignite all torches and the problem is solved.
Literally how Dark Souls 2 was supposed to be. Fuck me in the ass, it hurts to remember.
Look up mensa musa and learn something
>kotor 2
>kill some weird frog thing in the jungle
>it drops money/equipment
>there's a legitimate in-universe reason for it
Even Mario Odyssey has the player finding currency that can only be used in that particular Kingdom and no other.
I doubt that cities of that time looked anywhere near that pristine. We are talking about people with lower-IQs than that of current day Hispanics(Hispanics today have higher IQ due to the white ad-mixture from the spanish).
In other words it doesn't fit that description at all
>the french
Have you fired an arrow in your life? Adding wet rags to the top is not how you get good distance or good aim.
>game lets you shoot fire arrows at berserkers
>fireproofing ships
How did they achieve this in antiquity?
>world has a variety of magical creatures and species that you can’t see in real life
>most magical species you can play as are elves and dwarves
Probably put some coating on the wood
Or possibly they didn't do it.
>kill a fucking knight while you are wearing rags
>can't loot his armour
why games do this
Cus chances are his armor can't fit you well.
in skyrim you can walk to an elven patrol, kill him, and loot his complete armor set, no?
>Early writers mixed fact and myth, ergo I just a priori dismiss anything they said and treat testimonies that are unlikely but feasible on the same level as mythical fiction
Only if Todd remembered to set the armor as playable
Just turn off your brain bro.
Source on that? I didn't know it was a myth.
According to this they used vinegar mostly:
>kill dozens of goons in gameplay without breaking a sweat
>nearly killed in cutscene by three dudes who also jack all your shit
Those are all assumptions on part of the author though.