Red Dead Redemption 2's Open World Is Amazing Because It's Designed Backwards

Is he right?

Attached: RDR2 backwards design TrueAchievements.png (820x250, 22K)

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>doesnt provide link
>has vague title
>could mean fucking anything
>is he right?
user, the only thing thats right is the fact that you are a dense imbecile

Maybe if I knew what "backwards" meant

I refunded RDR2 after half a week so I disagree.

>Because I like keeping my finger on the pulse of the games industry, I play as many big releases at launch as I can, and when credits roll, I'm happy to move onto the next game no matter how much I enjoyed the previous one. I loved Red Dead Redemption 2 when I beat it in early November. I truly feel it's the most impressive open world game I've ever played, but when credits rolled on Arthur's 90+ hour adventure, I was on to the next game, trying to stay in the know of what's new. Recently, a relative drought in the games calendar (and a binge of Deadwood on HBO) has led me to revisit Rockstar's magnum opus to see more of what I may have missed before. Despite doing every story and stranger mission that appeared on my map, taking close to triple-digit hours to see it all, I'm finding that I had only really scratched the surface last fall. Red Dead Redemption 2's open world is designed backwards compared to the rest of the industry, and that's what makes it amazing.

>There's no shortage of massive, open world action-adventure games these days. A few years back, I wrote about feeling some open world fatigue, and I pointed to cluttered maps like those in Ubisoft's games among others as chief causes for my weariness. Staring at a map with hundreds of missions, side missions, collectibles, and other points of interest feels daunting. It makes me ask "why bother?" because it feels like there's too much to see, more than I have time for. Red Dead Redemption 2 flips this tired design on its head, and discovering just how much is hidden beneath the surface has reinvigorated my love for the game and the genre alike.

Attached: PS4_RED_DEAD_REDEMPTION_2_SZ1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.13M)

>open world
>designed backwards
I'm pretty sure he's just retarded.


>When you look at RDR2's map post-game, all that is certain to remain are shop icons and fast travel locations. You'd be forgiven to think, like I did, that's all there is left to do. Ride a horse, buy some clothes, switch to the online mode for the rest of the action. Happily, I was so wrong. I've put in another 15 or so hours with the game over the past week, and it's remarkable how many interesting things I've discovered. I've encountered a ghost haunting the swamps of Lemoyne, alien spacecrafts flying overhead, more than one science experiment gone wrong, mammoth bones, and — my favorite — a cabin that seems to belong to The Strange Man from the first game, an apparently omniscient character whom many players believe is Death incarnate or something like it.

>There's a slant toward the supernatural in a lot of Red Dead's secrets, but that's not all there is. Scripted encounters like that which I had last night with incestuous thieves at the Aberdeen Pig Farm are available all over the game world, but unlike in Assassin's Creed or Batman Arkham or every other sandbox, Red Dead hardly ever informs you these things are there. The in-game 100% completion tracker clues you into some stuff, but even there it will keep some things off of the page until you've initiated the questline. Even on the map, the western world can seem quite sparse before you happen upon these points of interest, but once discovered, they're given icons and often jotted down in Arthur's journal, like favorite memories. Rather than slowly collect small check marks next to hundreds of icons there since the first minute, you fill out the map with sights you've seen, people you've met, stories you've discovered.

Attached: 2004838.jpg (1920x1080, 379K)

i like TA but they need to stop letting autistic soiboys write articles

Shit thread.

no, because RD2 open world is not amazing.

i don't know

>Plenty of developers hide Easter eggs in their worlds, but Rockstar takes it to never before seen levels by hiding everything but major missions off the map. This approach takes the Ubisoftian checklist and morphs it into an exciting scavenger hunt where every discovery feels earned and every moment is a memory. Rather than looking at the map and wondering how to most efficiently collect an area's six collectibles, two side quests, and one Easter egg as though I'm trying not to go down any grocery store aisle more than once, I'm instead invited to ride around and happen upon unique moments and intriguing plotlines all on my own. The game regularly throws irresistible moral decision-making events at you too, and sometimes these come back to you later in a way that makes it feel like you're more than just a collectible-vacuuming avatar in a virtual world.

>It takes a high level of confidence to carve out so much content for your audience and then hardly ever tip them off to its existence. It's a trail only Rockstar could've blazed because they have that sort of confidence as well as unwavering trust from their fans to deliver experiences which have no equal. I saw the end of Red Dead Redemption 2 four months ago, but this week, I'm finding that was only the beginning.

>the map is empty and that’s a good thing

it's "designed backwards" because instead of displaying collectables and quests on the map from the very start and then clearing them off once they are finished, RDR2 starts with a blank map and then adds the marks after you've done the quest or found the thing.

>That's not designing an open world "backwards"

>I finished the game but spent another 15 hours playing afterwards and i found a couple little hidden things
>that means finishing the game was only scratching the surface! :^)
Yup, he's retarded.

open world games need collectibles because theres nothing else to do. pathetic

>things that every open world game does
>thinks its new

Am I a brainlet or is that just the standard open world. Every game from Morrowind to BoTW has been like that.

"Staring at a map with hundreds of missions, side missions, collectibles, and other points of interest feels daunting. It makes me ask "why bother?" because it feels like there's too much to see, more than I have time for. Red Dead Redemption 2 flips this tired design on its head, and discovering just how much is hidden beneath the surface has reinvigorated my love for the game and the genre alike."

So the author thinks there is too much content in games, and feels it's not worth it unless he can complete it all? I get it if you're a completionist but what he seems to be enjoying with RDR2 is that he'd rather be kept ignorant to how much content there is, and then instead happen upon it by chance. This is retarded.

Games do that shit, and they don't display where you have to go to collect shit or start events, so you have to look it up online and keep a fucking tab open *while* you're playing just so you can do that shit.

I think he might just be sick of the Unisoft style maps that vomit shit all over the screen. And none of it is engaging.

RDR2 is more about exploring and stumbling upon unique things, even if there are less of them than the 1000 copy and paste things that something like AC Odyssey has.

can you repeat the question?

when he says
>Because I like keeping my finger on the pulse of the games industry, I play as many big releases at launch as I can
what he means is "I am a casual with absolute plebian tastes and think ubisoft open world games are the gold standard of the industry"

You motherfuckers seriously need to stop looking for dumb shit on other websites and dragging it back here. Nobody here wants or needs to see their dumb shit when we've got plenty of our own

So, exactly like every other open-world game in existence then?