I push my fingers into my
I push my fingers into my
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I've had dull abdominal pain for 6 days and now I have to shit into a cup to get tested for a bunch of scary stuff like Crohn's Disease, Colon Cancer and Ulcerative Colitis. I'm fucking 20, nobody in my family has any history of this stuff. I'm not gonna make it to classic am I, bros?
it's your sedentary lifestyle, worst case scenario you need minor surgery, stop reading webmd
But that's what my GP told me. My diet is generally good because I like fruits and potatoes but I'm underweight for my height.
it's probably just crohn's or IBS
both are extremely treatable
epic account
I'm not scared of IBS but I am scared of anything that ups the odds of getting cancer. I fear death way too much for someone my age.
I've had crohns since I was like 15, you just have to take meds every day and go to a checkup every now and then, maybe they'll do an endoscopy to make sure you don't have any tumors but apart from that it's manageable
colitis is the same shit
there might be some foods you're sensitive to, but you need to find that out yourself
Fruits are all sugar bro eat more fucking protein
That's somewhat reassuring, but I'm not sure why this just suddenly came on one night after dinner. I scared myself to the point of panic by reading webmd / mayoclinic because I had a bit of blood on the paper the first night then mucus in my shit a couple times after that
that's how it went for me. you did good checking it out asap. they actually don't know much about how you get it, it's just assumed that it has something to do with stress which is really likely in my case since I was stressing the fuck out of school and other shit at that time. you just need to take it easy, take whatever you're prescribed, and watch your diet for spicy stuff and fizzy drinks
also don't smoke, I've found that makes it terrible
Pray it's not totalbiscuitosis
I don't smoke anything, but I do stress the fuck out easily, and I enjoy spicy foods. Thanks for easing my mind user.
i have cronh, ama
How did it start, before you got diagnosed?
It started with very intense pains in my belly (right behind my navel) when i was 17 to 18, i found it during a colonoscopy and a surgery for apendicitis, started taking Azathioprine and Humira. Azathioprine is amazing and works wonders, currently i'm going back to it since taking only humira wasn't enough to keep it under control. Doctors may prescribe pain meds and/or prednisone and in some locations like the US, you can get prescriped opiods and marijuana i think. I don't have interest in these substances though. The condition i have is called ileitis and affects that part of the instestine in pic related.
Are you under cancer surveillance? Mine isn't intense, just a dull always there feeling that amps up to stomach ache discomfort at times.
ever had pain in your joints? recently I've had to start taking immune suppressants because I'd get these pains all over my body
No, but it's normally advised that people with crohn's do colonoscopies checking for tumours, let me just remind you that the reason cancer can happen with cronh is because your body destroys yours cells and then reposes them in the intestine so that could potentially lead to cancer cells appearing, it's not like everyone will have it or something like that.
Just go to a doctor, it's too early to say anything, if you feel something in your stomach have an endoscopy before a colon one since the colonoscopy only reaches the ileum
Not that bad of a run honestly
I have gone to the doctor, I went today after the 5 days of abdominal pain mark. Gotta put my shit in a cup so they can test it.
fuck i had some elbow joint pain last week when benching
do i have colon cancer too guys?
Pain in the joints? Not really but i contact many people with cronh and some of them have reported this in our support groups, i have a friend with rheumatoid arthritis (disease that affects your joints just like cronh does to the bowels), he is 22 years old and developed it last year. Rheumatoid arhritis is also an autoimmune disease but i don't think it's related to crohn that much
The shit part is pretty good actually, it will test if your shit has any kind of sign of damage in your bowels, it's this test you're doing right?
>Gotta put my shit in a cup so they can test it.
Was thinking about this recently, but how do people do that? I can't imagine shitting and holding your cup beneath it because then you'd risk shitting on your hand. But if you just "scoop" the shit out of your toilet you might get some shit on your hands too?
Yep, exactly that. It says calprotectin on the paperwork. A bit gross that I have to put my shit in the fridge though.
I had to put an old ice cream container in the toilet and shit into that, the lid of the sample container has a scoop build into it, you have to break a bit of your shit off. It's pretty disgusting, I almost threw up doing it earlier.
idk, my gastroenterologist didn't seem too surprised and just gave me a prescription during my last checkup
they give you a tiny plastic spoon
>He needs guides with arrows and circles to play
Goddamn it feels good, you know... just having fun on my own terms without anybody telling me how i should've minmaxed my shit.
>NuWoW map has been around longer than vanilla map
Some people didn't know what The Barrens experience was and it shows
that is one big feline
I have chronic Ulcerose Colitis.
I was supposed to get my intestines removed and walk around with a an asshole on my stomach and a shitbag attached.
Parents chose to forego the surgery and took me to some shroom peddling woo woo man.
I haven't shat blod in 15 years, make of that what you will.
It's a really good test, you can keep the disease underwatch just by doing this, it's just really really gross. Still have to do some colonoscopy to see if everything is healthy though, if detected early bowel cancer isn't really as dangerous as something in the stomach for example since you can literally cut it off
I put a large plastic trash bag on my toilet and take a shit in it, use the plastic spoon to grab the shit and then throw the bag out.
Maybe you can try going to a doctor specialized in that area, i'm not sure how the tests for this are made but i think they do something like magnetic resonance to check your bones
>tfw all the things i'm looking forward to in classic wow aren't due to nostalgia, but actual gameplay reasons
can't wait for no flying mounts and hostile infernals/doomguards again as a warlock
What shrooms did he make you take?
Listen people live with Crohn's and if its colon cancer as long as it hasn't spread h
They will just remove your colon and you will have to shit in a bag while on chemo for three year (not as bad as it sounds)
You are young so the chemo shouldnt be too bad. You will beat it user my 15 year old brother beat luekemia so I'm sure you will be fine
Shiitake extracts coupled with a macrobiotic diet.
I eat normally now.
what is this image supposed to convey?
He said if the shit test results don't come back positive for ulcerative colitis or Crohn's I'll have a colonoscopy. Hopefully they knock me out before that, getting a finger up my ass earlier was quite uncomfortable.
Can't wait for Yea Forums to be a board when classic flops harder than the "we're going home" posters mothers in their graves.
yeah you'll get KO'd
Why would you wish for others to suffer?
huh. well, better luck next time i guess
I won't care then, i'll be busy playing classic and there will be absolutely jack shit you can do about that
Do you remember what tests you had leading up to official diagnosis? The doctor I saw isn't my usual one, he was quite grim about everything which scared me.
Some studies point that crohn's and some other diseases can be related to your intestine flora being to low count on bacteria/fungi so probably this helped you. Eating probiotics like yakult and Enterogermina can help some people
I am getting a weird feeling about classic lads, Im sorry but Activision is not giving me a reason they aren't going to fuck this up.
Classic seems to be such a small side-project of Blizzard that it doesn't even seems to be on Activision's radar.
stool test and colonoscopy.
I didn't really need them since I shat a pint of blood errytime
Can people please stop acting like Blizzard aren't capable of making these garbage decisions themselves
They're not some mythical 10/10 dev oppressed by some other dev/publisher, it's their own choice
Because those who are filled with false hopes and dreams that are based solely on their nostalgic feelings and literally nothing else deserve nothing but suffering. Even death is too easy of an exit for them.
Lads, I sometimes have a sharp shooting pain in my side (right where my stomach is) specifically on one side. Usually flares up when I eat like shit (wings, pizza, fried stuff) and throbs when I'm stressed
Unrelated but I had a viral infection in my chest wall which caused me to retch and puke so hard, I literally tore up my chest wall and sometimes when I sneeze, it hurts like getting stabbed and irritates my stomach thing, am I dying?
Activision is Blizzard, they haven't been a separate entity for 10 years now, you should have already known this by looking at their merger and financial calls. They are 1 company, get over it.
oh, your one of "those"
Ah, I was shitting a bit of blood but eating a lot of fiber seems to have corrected that, now it's occasional mucus.
maybe your appendix burst, but you would feel that
yeah you have either colitis or crohn's.
Sorry dude.
If you're the user doing the tests for crohn i just have one last advice, don't take anti inflammatory meds with corticosteroids, i did it because my doctor didn't know that these two meds can cause bleeding in patients that have crohn, just don't take these two together at all it fucked me up, i had to get a tube shoved up my ass full of liquid to clean my bowels twice and i shat myself twice while doing this, blood and feces all over my hospital bed.
Tl;dr Don't take anti inflammatory meds with corticosteroids
>get over it
Get over what ? I understand they're the same corporate entity, the dev teams are (likely) mostly separate and the Blizz dev teams are 100% capable of being garbage on their own
When did you realize that you can't go home again?
I'm not that worried about it if I do have it after reading all these anons that have it. As long as it isn't cancer, fuck that.
Crohn's and colitis doesn't necessarly result in bleeding though, you need to check if you are shitting live blood (means either you're having an internal hemorrhage on the end of your bowels or you're shitting logs too big for your anus) or if your shit is pitch black, which means you're shitting coagulated blood (this means your bleeding is on the upper part of your bowels close to your stomach) which is way more worrisome. Either way go see a doctor of course
Mine was bright and only came after straining, but they ruled out hemorrhoids.
when my parents died
what does it mean if my shit is purple
literally purple
Stomach? Could be gastrits since you said it happens when you're stressed. Our digestive system is extremely tied to the nervous one which explains lots of these diseases happening to stressed/anxious people.
thanks doc
You should definitely see a doctor.
>enter barrens on 1.12 private server
>general: dude is the stolen silver drop rate broken I've killed raptors for an hour now
we're coming home bros
Thanos shit
Whatever fits your narrative
I have the same thing. Sometimes maybe like once per month this sharp pain hits and I can't move my body without pain for like 5 secs or so. It's been like that for 4-5 years now. Doctor said I need to move more.
I often tend to retch frequently, especially when brushing my teeth. Most of the time, nothing comes out but it still hurts but 1 out of 5 times, a pink stream will plop out of my mouth but not much, like some twine
Fuck is wrong with you faggots go to the doctors holy shit
I did today, doc.