So... When's the single player DLC going to be released?
So... When's the single player DLC going to be released?
so, when is the option to either download single player or multiplayer separately instead of a 80gb+ clusterfuck?
They made another game since release and never really seemed like they were going to make a single player expansion.
So why now?
Probably a couple years but the title has already been leaked: grand theft auto 6
Well they mentioned it many years ago, so that must mean they've been working on it this whole time. It's going to be the biggest singleplayer expansion of ALL TIME at this rate, I can't wait!
Never. GTA Online made/makes a shitload of money and the team moved onto RDR2
Never. and these hack frauds will never make LA Noire 2 because they're creatively bankrupt.
>Complaining about 80GB
>and the team moved onto RDR2
Two different studios, you dumb-dumb
Okay fine, they're busy making GTA Online content because that's what makes them the most money
What exactly do you do in GTA Online anyway? Just fuck around the open world with other players?
Never, that got shitcanned ages ago. Why would they improve the singleplayer experience when they've already taken everyone's money (TWICE from the people who owned the original releases)? Dumbasses are still buying shill cards so they can play with the half-assed multiplayer content, so they don't give a flying fuck about the singleplayer aspect anymore.
Activities such as:
>Bitching about Kikestar
>Screwing around with friends
>Asking modders for money
>Car shows
>Being "trolled" by modders
Also getting suckered into PvP. Too bad they cucked the shit out of GTAO. The lack of wildlife makes the world even more bland and boring. Thank God there's FiveM.
Buy overpriced cars with your hax money and store them in garage to collect dust, occasionally blow up someone for no reason
>made a horse track
>never use them
If people had a consistent source of money through gambling, they wouldn't have to use shark cards, user.
Just buy a hard drive for like $40
I don't like getting blue-balled I just want more activities in singleplayer
Would it really be too much work to at least bring back police and ambulance misssions?
If it's two different studios then what were the other studio doing for the last six years
I was led to expect that heists would be repeatable in singleplayer, and was sorely disappointed to find that there's really fuck-all to do after the story finishes
There were these really expensive properties too that left me wondering how else I was supposed to earn the cash to buy them in any practical amount of time
>everyone online cheated up billions
>game still dead
>Just fuck around the open world with other players?
That's part of it. The goal is to make money inside the game. Then you use the money to make your character stronger with better weapons, vehicles and buildings you can buy.
The game is the act of doing the missions to earn the money , then in free roam PVP where you use all the cool vehicles like the Back To The Future Delorean and Flying motorcycles and Batmobile.
You can even gain the ability to target people remotely in PVP with drones , cars, attack teams that are A.I. , and a targeted missile from outer space.
>Invite Only
Drive around during cooldown, repeat. You know those machines you can buy that just play relaxing sounds? That’s how I use this game now. The “hackers” are just too much. It’s a shame because I played GTA IV deathmatches every day, those were some raw urban firefights. Public lobbies are for people with modded money.
Horse files exist. Maybe they’ll add them when they release the game again next gen.
You have to use the stock market. Not the one that they told us would be manipulable online but they never got up and running, the other one.
It's not all fighting though , I've seen people just hanging out racing their cars , or just trying to show off their cars and things they've bought , but I get shot at online even in passive mode lol
Horse files exist only for that one movie, they're never going to implement it
never ever
also this, I sure love having to reinstall all my mods that fix singleplayer and actually make it enjoyable because rockfuck keeps pushing automatic updates every other month
I'll never not be mad, It's all gone to shit.
They WERE going to. But then GTAO took off and they said forget it and focused on that.
Imagine paying for shark cards when you can generate money for free with mods
>dlc is better than the main game
>gta v will never have single player dlc
It really is.
>get nagged by npcs to buy the latest shark card bait property (night clubs I think?)
>get destroyed by adhd zoomers with flying bikes that can shoot rockets
>get destroyed by cheaters that have "explode everyone" option in their cheat
>get objects attached to your character by cheaters
>disconnect and uninstall
>start playing on PC for the first time, already finished the single player on console twice so just went straight for online
Can someone give me a rundown on what is actually worth buying? I kinda wanna play just to chill in my player house and drive, so would appreciate low effort decent income to buy the more unique vehicles if any of them give that.
I have about $900,000 and just bought the cheapest living space that's available I think, for now.
Get mods for SP. (
FiveM or RAGE Multiplayer for online.
When you stop buying shark cards sweetie :)
-Take Two CEO
rdr2 just came out. No gta till 2024 at least.
Huh? What it is this single player DLC you are talking about, user. You know that we never said that and you take that lie back or else!
I feel crazy because GTA IV online matches were amazing but now GTA V open world bullshit is somehow wildly more popular. If there ever was a free roam match going on in IV it was because a group picked a building to defend and told everyone who joined the lobby to attack or else they were a little bitch.
The bunker fully upgraded , the nightclub fully upgraded plus the mc businesses , coke , weed , meth all that stuff , and you're looking at millions for all of that , but you will , over time , get millions back , the nightclub can earn 1 million a day , but the downside is you have to leave your game running literally turned on , for the literal real world day.
The bunker will give you 210 thousand after 2 and a half hours and you just keep doing that.
That's all passive stuff.
Otherwise the best grind is to become a CEO and have a vehicle warehouse , and steal cars and sell them , combined with other missions like the Terrorbyte or VIP missions.
Or cheat and glitch , but you can get caught , and they will take your money back , but they might also let you keep everything you've already bought with the glitched money and give you a warning.
I've read they only ban people who use third party apps to literally change the code of the game.
But they don't ban people who exploit a glitch in the game.
Or buy shark cards and just buy you're way up.
But CEO and vehicle warehouse is probably the fastest , bunker and nightclub if you can leave your game running all day.
a week after the next Midnight Club, Agent, Manhunt 3 and Bully 2
I don't think I can afford one nightclub yet, they're all more than $1,000,000 but I should be able to get to that much if I save, I forget how much the bunkers earn. But both give passive money for play time? Which one is higher?
Is there a difference if I buy a particular nightclub/bunker or do they not matter?
I'm gonna avoid actively grinding for cash, just want to play for chill so I'll pass on the CEO stuff. Cheating/glitching and shark cards I won't do either.
Thanks for the advice user, much appreciated.
There was recently a glitch that let you idle and earn $1000 every 2 seconds. I got nearly 200 million in a few days and GTA Online became fun for the first time, since I was allowed to use all of the creative vehicles with my friends and just have good times instead of grinding to get the fun things. I regret buying the businesses since I now pay thousands and thousands of dollars in fucking taxes and fees and shit every few minutes.
>Is there a difference if I buy a particular nightclub/bunker
Inside they are all the same , you are paying for location , the cheapest bunker and nightclub will give you the hardest location to collect your money , you still have to play the game to get the passive money , they don't just give it to you. And you're going to have to get friends online or learn how to do a public solo lobby.
If you try to go into a populated public lobby to do the missions you will get blown up by other people. So you'll have to cheat a little to get a public solo lobby or you'll have to make friends if you don't want to cheat so they can help defend you.
The nightclub requires extra businesses to really work , so you're not just buying the nightclub. The bunker just requires the upgrades.
>no the 110 Gb size is your fault for not owning a better hard drive
Kill yourselves.
>playing AAA