This game predicted everything.
This game predicted everything
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Oh yeah yeah
Kill yourself redditor
go suck trump's orange dick you fucking nazi
oh yeah yeah
do you have a single fag to back that ass up
>tfw the future that awaits us is just as shitty but without the synth music and trenchcoats
Honestly waiting for the E.U unity to happen
Post underrated themes
already in the process of happening
all the refugees are to breed europe into one race, one culture
just like count kalergi wanted
zoomer here
do you have a single fact to back that up?
>recognizing the dangers of ruthless megacorporations working with oppressive governments is being a nazi
Real life illuminati crying tears of joy
If that's what they wanted, they would bring here armies of girls and women too
But they aren't, they're only bringing military aged man away from the lands of Greater Israel
globalist jew
>Duclaire Chateau
>Enemy within
relatively speaking compared to the most well known tracks
bionic robot machines are coming, thanx to crispr. Soon, my vision will be augmented too
no thats exactly why they're bringing men, to breed with euro girls
bringing families doesnt create a mixed race it just creates ghettos
And it still sucked ass
and you'll have a rogue demonic ai in your brain keeping you awake all night
AI merge should have been the canon. It's a perfect machine with empathy of a human. Perfect rational tyrant.
>Soon, my vision will be augmented too
Wow, I didn't know zygotes could post on this site as well.
3 job offers:
MJ12 Grunt
UNATCO Soldier
NSF Terrorist
Which do you take and why
UNATCO Soldier. They probably get paid well and everything's above board.
MJ12 grunts probably get paid the most and have the best job stability and survival chance.
We also get to play with dinos
>make a game to parody those crazy conspiracy theorists on the radio
>it turns out they were absolutely right about literally everything
>>literally everything
Greys are now a proven, verifiable fact?
You haven't heard?
this game made me interested in anarchism and not the bs capitalist anarchism. It was the "terrorist" leader on liberty island that got me.
Where can I see one and the research papers proving it is not a hoax?
>and not the bs capitalist anarchism
So not literally the only kind of anarchism? Unless you're talking about proper full on hunter-gatherer anarcho primitivism, there is no other kind.
Can't show you I'll get v&
The government doesn't let scientists write papers about it dumbo
Tell me about the flat Earth cover up, /x/enonauts.
Imagine that, thinking that a plot which was literally made by tossing all conspiracy theories imaginable in a blender is "realistic" is perfectly normal today.
individualist anarchism or go home. No other answers are acceptable.
>there are people who downloaded kentie launcher+dx10 render and don't set lighting to legacy
Jesus Christ how can you play the game with everything so dark. Vanilla was already dark, but the mod fucks it up HARD.
Your chompointment to satisFEMA shgood be satisfinalized withindulge the cheweek. I've caramalrady feastcussed the caramelatter with the snackator
That's the worst fucking part, man.
Has anyone told you that you are a no fun faggot?
there will be good music in the future, and that's all that will be good about the future.
>he uses the DX10 renderer
>the shitty one that gets bottlenecked and dips below 60 fps on modern overclocked i7
>not using the DX9 renderer
And just before you bitch about it, the gamma in-game is different from how it looks in screenshots on your desktop. The game and D3D9 renderer apply their own gamma curve and brighten the image to look more like the original version of the game did. Godlike performance, all the custom S3TC texture details and reflections etc support. Get it.
anarcho capitalism is individualist anarchism, that's the entire point.
We already have programmable molecules, dna is built by molecular machines. idk, maybe i'm jumping ahead, but seems we're getting pretty close.
I take it he was snackgreeable?
post the video
It's not a coverup it's a blowout, the difference is that if it were a coverup you'd throw something over it to hide it but they're not "hiding" the Earth per se rather they're distorting it by blowing it out like a balloon when really it's more like a deflated balloon (same texture too) but I'm starting to think you might be being facetious.
>But the principal difference between anarcho-capitalism and individualist anarchism is that anarcho-capitalists typically come from a philosophical background that values capitalism primarily as a value in and of itself, while individualist anarchists have a more egalitarian view of individualism, with no such allegiance to capitalism, and much less faith that the free markets will serve the social good on its own without some kind of limitation or constraints. One of the key differences is that individualist anarchists have traditionally opposed the unlimited ownership of land, especially absentee ownership, for the purpose of passively collecting rent. - some fag
I'm not frogpilled user
>NSF Terrorist is kino
>Go live in shack in Idaho
>Has big collections of CB radios and retro tech
>Has seen They Live 30 times
>Believes literally every conspiracy theory
>InfoWars is homepage
>Still uses CRT monitor to avoid mindless consumerism
>Knows every employment and corporate tax statistic for a century
>Has autistically memorised and mentally timestamped everything from morning of 9/11
>Only wear fatigues or hunting gear or camo
>Loves the 2nd Amendment so isn't some El Che tshirt fag kinda revolutionary
>Comes out of hiding to join his conspiratard buddies in NYC
>Said buddy has beautiful shiny bald head
>Goes after symbolic monument to freedom
>Actually BTFOs FEMA
>Suck a kino grunt the Head of FEMA interrogates him
>Tells him to stick it up his ass
Fuck her dental package and job stability, my NSF boys are the OG miltia.
if it predicted everything, wheres the kick ass robots everywhere and a redpilled super soldier to come along and potentially rescue us?
how do you know there aren't? you know they have that shit in a lab somewhere.
>But the principal difference between anarcho-capitalism and individualist anarchism is that anarcho-capitalists typically
This is no longer an assessment of the position and so is no longer worth reading further.
>and much less faith that the free markets will serve the social good
And now this is no longer anarchism.
For one the concept of a free market is just anarchism in itself and for two there cannot be a concept of "social good" in an anarchist "system", that's self-defeating.
>I'm not frogpilled user
Neither, all anarchists of any variety should be shot on grounds of abject retardation.
>We also get to play with dinos
sounds like fun
Maybe he actually meant Newark City?
But user, what's the point of having a savior if we're not even willing to save ourselves to begin with?
Then they would just bring here the women
A local man marrying a foreign girl is more likely than a local woman starting a family with some uneducated African that couldn't possibly take care for her and her sons
That's cute
The tommy gun, a big fan!
how is it possible to underrate them when every last one is a masterpiece
Is Deus Ex Mankind Divided worth it lads? I played the very first DE as a teen and I enjoyed it. Mankind Divided is on sale on the ps store and i'm interested, it's about 15 dollars in my region. I heard the game used to have shitty microtransactions and the story is shit, so are the transactions gone and is the game enjoyable as a whole?
Only if you played HR first.
The future was already there, it just wasn't evenly distributed.
It's a smart game, for smart gamers like me.
Majestic 12. In a body bag.
>Make game where all conspiracy theories are true
>Turns out practically all conspiracy theories are true
That's why it seems like it predicted everything and this game seems more relevant than when it came out.
It's not like the game itself predicted anything. The devs copy-pasted ideas that were already out there into the game. It's not like they themselves came up with these ideas. The game isn't deep just because it's the medium through which you learned of these things.
>that couldn't possibly take care for her and her sons
That's why we have welfare, to make people dependent on the state
The art of this game is that it is completely over the top with its themes and during the time when it came out it was even much more ridiculous. You start it out thinking it is just a wacky scenario made up to give you a playground and nothing more, back then you read the summary of the first mission and went "Yeah right, terrorists actually bombed the Statue of Liberty, lmao." But then you go along and start to notice that while the setting is far-fetched and you can not stop smirking over all this stupid shit, there is still some deep rooted fear in your heart, because what you see resonates with the world you know right now.
I am deeply saddened by the fact that I am too young to have witnessed this game before 9/11, where I could actually remember this game as the world started rapidly transforming into what is presented in the game, at such a pace that it is genuinely frightening.
You are right, maybe the devs had no prophetic vision of the future and were genuinely having a giggle with this one. But even if that is true, they still created a deeply disturbing piece of entertainment, intended or not.